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Show W) yeam, while snoh person roams and hunts, and $.20 for each person who engage#' in fssming, to be used by the Secretary of the Interior in the porchase of necessary artioles for the IndiPns. The Indian appropriation act of March 3,1891, appropriates $150,000, or so mnoh thereof ee may be necessary, to porchase proper articles as the 22d of the above 30 installments st *20 D0C head. for nersons eoeaeed in aericalture. but there ia no u -. u existing appropriation for the $10 per head for the Indiaos who roam and hunt, as the habits of the Indians in those respects do not vsrrant the same. PERMANENT POND BOR SIOUX. Seotion 17 of seid sat of March 2,1889, p~ovides that there shall be set apart, oat of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, $3,000,000, whioh shall be depwited in the Treasury of the United States to the credit of the Sionx Nation aa a permanent fund, the interest of which at 5 per eentom per Bnnum shall he appropriated under the direotion of the Secreterv of the Interior' for the use of ~ ~ the Indians rscoiviug ratioueaod noontiria upon thr. rdservntionrornarad by such sn.r in proportion to rho numbma that shall so reaeive ratiuoe and annuities at the time the act tmkea affect, as follows: One.half of aaid intereat ahnll be so expended for the promotion of industrial and other suitable education among said Indians, and the other half thereof in such manner and for auolipurposes, includiop reasonable I cash paymenre per cspila, as i!) rho ,indgmeut of the ieorrrary of the Gtarior ahull from time to time most contribute to the ~dvaucemr)notf said 18wliane in ~:vilizatiou and self-eupport, and the SnrtteoRiuox, the Flnndreiear Sioor, and rha Poucn Iwlians shall be inalnded in the benetits of isid permanent fund as provided in sections 7 md 13 of aaid act of Maroh 2, 1889. Seation 3 of the ant approved January 19, 1891, provides that the prinoipal of the 1 permanent fund provided for in seotion 17 of said aot af March 2, 1889, sha.11 be divided in proportion to the number of Indians entitled to receive rations and an-nnitiesupon the separatereservations oreated by suoh act, or residing or belonging thereupon at the time the act took effeot, and that the Secretary of the Trensorg should carry the amount of principal of said permanent fnod belonging to the Indians of each of the diminished reservations to the credit of the Tndiane of eaeh of the seid diminished reservations, separate and distinct from each other, and that the principal as well as the interest of each of said funds should be expended for the purposes specified in seid article 17 of said act only for the use and benefit of said Indians so ent,itled to reoeive rations end annuities upon eaeh of the said sepa-rate diminished reservations, or so residing or belonging thereupon. Ssid appropriation will be duly applied for the purposes and in the manner above specifieb. The disposition of the question of boundary between the Rosebod and Pine Ridge Reservations hereinafter set out will prevent final action in tbie matter until S I I C ~ boundary question and the other mattera involved therewith are settled. PAYMENT PO% LOSSES INCURRED DUHING LATE SIOUX TROUBlg. The Indian appropriation sat of March 3, 1891, appropriates 8100,000, or so much I thereof as may be necessary, to be immediately available, for prompt payment to the friendly Sioux and legal residents on the Sioux reservation for property destroyed or sppropriatud by the roving bands of disaffected Indiana during the recent Sioux trouble. Inatructions have already been iasned for the invesciqatioo of said losses, with a view to early payment of the same. BOUNDARY BETWEEN ROSEBUD AND PINE RIDGR RESERVATIONS. Said ctot of Maroh 3, 1891, also contains an appropriation of 86,000, or so much thereof as may be neeessary-to enable the Secretary of the Interior, by negotiation, to adjost all differences he tween theIndians of the Pine Ridge and Roaebnd Reservations in Sooth Dakota, in |