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Show with the spi r~at nd letter of the agreement, theunited States expects and will insist thst the Indians shall comnly strictly with the obligations which the rspeement im-vases upon them. I Alulosr will8uot exctptiou the full sntuont of rations narued in rhe agreement have beto isaued to the lndianr. 'The bkczptiona were cnlr~ed 1,). drlnjed or n,duend ap- I propriations by Congress. In l@d9 ~ o i g r e s are duced appro~riationaf or the aohniit-enee and civiliea,tion of the Sioux to the lowest point reached ainoe the agreement of 1877. vie, to $900,000, $100,000 less than the amount eetimated and auumuriated for 1 . ~ .- . the '2 preoeding years. This oaused a reduction of 2,600,000 pounds in the amount of beef purohased for the Sioux for the fiaeal year ending June 30,1890, and the appro-priation for the subsistence and civilization of the Sioux during the current fiscal year w;ls reduced to $950,000. By the act of January 19, 1891, Congress appropriated $100,000, to be immediately available, to purchase additional beef required for issne to the Sioux to supply said defiaiency of the appropriation for the fiscal year ending June SO, 1890. The matter will be attenden to a8 soonas praaticsbla, under suggestions hereinafter stated. By the Indian ~ppropriatioua ct of March 3, 1891, there is sppropriated for the fiscnl yearending June 30,1892, $1,100,000 for the snbaistence of the Sioun, snd for pnr-poaes of their aivilizntion as per said agreements ratified by act of Congress ap-proved February 28,1877. Thia appropriation will be promptly used in the new fiscal year for the purposes for which it was made. EDGOATION. I t is provided in the seventh article of the Sioux treat7 of Aoril29.1868, that the I . . Sinua a:bil<lrertb 'rweell 11," BgPnof (;and lli yrarr ~ b l l l a t t ~ 0 d ~ ~ 1 1an0d0 ith, e Ultited Stared ugmurl ti~ilrio r every 3(1 ehildmn l,etuece, anid :lgc. who rould bu induced or oaropelled to go to school, a. house should be provided a i d s teaoher furnished; snob proriaion to continue 20 years; and by the thirteenth article of the same t,reaty the , h i t a d Statesagreed to furnisl~a nnually to the Indians the teachers contemplated in the treaty. By article 5 of t.he agreement with the Sioux, ratified by Congress February 28, 1877, the United States agreed to furnish them schools as provided for by treaty of 1868. By seot,ion 17 of the aot of March 9, 1889, the eduoational provisions oantained in said article 7.1f the treaty of 1868, subject to such modifioetions as Congress ahdl deem most effective to seoure to the Sioux equivalent benefit. of such edncation, are ! continued in foros for 20 gearsfrom the time the act was to take effect. It is also pro- % vided In section 20 of said sot of Mwro'r 2, 1889, thst the Secretary of the Interior shall cause to be eraated not leas than30 schaoihouses, and mare if found necessary . on the different Sionx reservations. Provision was rrlade in the Indinn appropriation sot of August l Y , 1890, for the erection of 15 school buildings, being in part oompliaoce with the provisious of seo-tion 20 of the above-mentioned act of March 2, lr189, aod $15.000 was appropriated for that ppnrpase. The sumof $150,000 is appropriated by the firat section of the set of January 19, lE?Il, to be immedirstelg available, for the ereotioo of dey and industrial schools, providing Earuiture aod other necessary srticlea, and pay of teaohers in scaordsnoe with article 7 of the treaty of April '29, 1868, whkh artiole is continued for 20 years, as above itldioated; and in the same eection, $15,WO is sppropriat,ed for the erection of 15 sohool buiidihgs provided for in artiole 20 of the act of March 2, 1889: There ia a. clause in the first section of the Indian appropriation act of Mar& 3, 1891, spproprinting $10,400 for pay of 5 teachers and 1 phgsician, 1 carpenter, 1 miller, 1 engineer, 2 farmers, and 1 blsckemith, per thirteenth article of said treaty of April 29,1868. * (See also provisions ss to education under head of Per manent fund for Sioux," hereinafter set out.) During the recent disturb- |