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Show REPQRT OF THE COXMISSIONER OF lNDIAN AFFAIRS. 89 I in the manner he deems for the best interest of the India.m, employing Indinus at all times when in his opinion practicable and for the benefit of the Indians in iloiog such work; and the Seoretary of the Interior may sppoiut s, competent man to superintend these Indiana while lagging, snct Bx the rate of his .compensation. The Seoretery shall appoint an asvi~tsnts operiuteudeot, who shall be sprsoticnl logger aitd shall have full chpgo anql direction of such logging operations under the soperinteudent, and who shsll reoeive aooh componsntiou zs the Secretary of the - Interior shall determine: Provided, That nut exceeding twenty millions of feet of timber shell be logged and sold in any one year. Ssc. 2. That the sum of seventy-five thousa~~ddollarosr, so much thereof as may be neoessary, be, and the same is, hereby appropriat,e<l out of any money in the Treasurj not otherwiseappropriated, for the payment of the expense of onttiug, bank-ing, soding, running, advertising, an11 sale thereof; also pay of superintendent and assistant superitliendent ; which expeuses and ~ R Js-h all be reimlrursed to tho Treas-ury of the United States from the first prooeeds of the sale of timberas hereinbefore provided. Ae~d plovided, That after the first year's logging, and annually there- ' i after, thesecretary of the Tressitry is authorized to advauce alike amount provided ',I for it, this bill, on the order of the Secretnrg of the Interior, out of any money in the Treaszry belougiug to said Inllillus for the porpose of enabling them to carry 05 . . lagging as provided in t,his act. SEC. 3. Tbat from the net proceeds of sale8 of said Meoomonee logs shall be de- . ducted oue-fifth part, which shsll be depaaitsd in the Treasury of the United States . to the oredit of the Meuomonoe In<lians in Wisconsin, to be used under the direotion of the Secretary of the Interior for the benefit of said Indians, and the residue of ssid proceeds shall be funded in the Uuited States Treaanrg, interest on vhich shall be nllowa~sl aid tribe annually at the rate of five per c e u t ~ ~pmer annum, to be paid to the tribe per capits, or ospou~le<fol r their bonelit under tho direction of the See-retary of the Ir~cerior. SEC. 4. Timt tllia act shsll be and remain inoperative vlutii full and satisfactory evidence shall have been placed on r,he files of the office oE the Commissioner of Indian Affair, that the sales of timber and the rnsuoer of disposing of the proceeds of same herein authorized hare thesenotion of the tribe, evidenced by orders ofagree-ment taken in fill1 council; and it' the provisious of this sat shall not be accepted as aforesaid, no further cutting of tinlbor shall be permitted by said Indians npon said reservation until otherwise provldod. In pursuance of the require~nentsof section four Geu. E. Whittlesey and Mr. Joseph T. Jacobs, me~oberso f the Board of Indian Commis-sioners, consented to present the act to the Menomonees and ascertain their wislles. July 9, 1890, they reported Lhat in a'council of some three hundred there wrrebot one hundred and twenty four who were willing to sign a, paper agreeing to accept the provitrions of the act. As the privileges praoted by the act mould be of great benefit to the Meuomonees and its rejection mould dryrive them of the privilege of marketiug any tilnber whatever, the office, under date of September 24, 1590, directed their agent to call a, council and resubmit the act to them. This was t lo~~aen,d October 10,1890, he reported that after due notioe through t l ~ eIu dian polioe a houucil assembled and everyone present signed <o' rders of.a greement" to the effect that i t was a full . cou~~coYi l the tribe ; that the act ha, l been carefully explained ; that they fully unilewtood its provisious, a~l dt hat i t hati the sanction ot the tribe. |