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Show Population Population by Age: Utah and United States Compiled by Gretchen Ratzlaff, Rebecca Jensen Maw, Dan Bergantz, and Clint Thompson 2001 Utah Median Age (years): 27.1 An important component in the analysis of population is the examination of age groups. Both the health and healthcare utilization of populations vary by age group. Generally, individuals on the ends of the age spectrum (the oldest and youngest persons) utilize more healthcare services than middle age individuals. Healthcare costs for elderly persons are higher due to factors such as longer lengths of hospitalizations and long-term use of pharmaceuticals. For the past twenty years, Utah's population has remained younger than the overall U.S. population (Table 1). As of 2000, the median age of Utalians was the youngest of any state and a full eight years younger than the median age of the U.S. population. However, examining the changes of cohorts over the past twenty years (Figure 1) shows that although the retirement age remains smaller than the nation, Utah's elderly population has increased by a greater percentage than the elderly population of the U.S. Since elderly populations are predicted to continue to grow, both Utah and the nation face the challenge of caring for aging populations. These unique characteristics of Utah's population have distinctive implications for Utah's current and future healthcare needs. Table 1. Population Total, Utah and U.S. Distribution by Age Group , 1980-2000. , Percent of Age (years) Year Utah U.S. <5 1980 1990 2000a 13.0% 10.0% 9.4% 7.2% 7.5% 6.8% 5-17 1980 1990 2000a 24.0% 26.5% 22.8% 22.7% 19.6% 18.9% 18-64 1980 1990 2000a 55.5% 54.8% 59.3% 60.8% 61.8% 61.9% >65 1980 1990 2000a 7.5% 8.7% 8.5% 11.3% 12.6% 12.4% Median Age (years) 1980 1990 2000 24.2 26.3 27.1 30.0 32.8 35.3 aRevised from preliminary data presented in 2001 Utah's Health: An Annual Review. Figure 1. Percent Increase in Population by Age Group, Utah and US, 1980-2000 (data not adjusted for underenumeration-1-2%. 100% -, CD 80% - ttf) C CD x: 60% - O CD 40% - o CD a. 20% - 0% - DUtah U.S. 75.2% 64.1% 46.3% 5-17 18-64 Age Group (years) >65 Sources: U.S. Census Bureau (2002). 2001 Statistical Abstract of the United States [Online] http://wvvy we ss^s „.»__________k Retrieved 5/25/03. Utah's Health: An Annual Review Volume DC |