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Show 4 0 6 AGAIN ON THE COLORADO CHIQUITO. quioba." I suppose that all these nations will be no more than rancherias, and that all will form one stock ( cuerpo), in language and customs like the Yabipais themselves. They sought to detain me by force six days, saying to me that I was a- hungered, for that I had eaten not in Moqui, and that they had much meat and were well content with me. Notwithstanding all this I did not accept their favor. July 6. I went to the southwest four leagues, and re- encountered14 the Rio San Pedro Jaquesila. July 7. I traveled two leagues to the northwest and west, and halted near the cave where I was on my coming [ June 27]. Here there were Indians who had much beef and venison ( came de cibola y bura). July 8. I ascended the sierra and passed the lowlands ( bajio), whence the Indians showed me a road more direct, easier, and shorter, to return to the Jam-metes, Pahnutes Utahs, Pah- Touts, Pah- Utah, Pah- Utes, Pai-uches, Paiulee, Pasuchis, Pa- uches, Pa- utes, Pau- Utahs, Pay-nutes, Payoche, Payucha, Paiute Snakes, Payutas, Payutes, Pey- Ute, Piedes, Pie Edes, Pi- eeds, Pieutes, Piutahs, Pi- Utes, Pi- u- chas, Pi- Utah, Pyecds, Pyentes, Py- ute, Snake Diggers, Ute Diggers.- F. W. H. " The Japul, Gualta, and Baquioba, remain unidentified.- F. W. H. " Volbi a encontrar; not that he went back or returned to the river, but that he went on to strike it again at another point. This time he is on the Colorado Chiquito proper, at the same place where he crossed it before, June 28. See p. 354. |