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Show 380 GARCfe' LETTER NOW FIRST PRINTED. happenings. 11 The letter having been delivered, and the Zufii Indians having started on the road, there Sumi, Suni, Sunne, Suny, Tennis, Truni, Tunis, Zani, Zouni, Zugnis, Zum, Zumis, Zun, Zufia, Zune, Zunia, Zuni- Cibola, Zunie, Zunni, Zunu, Zuny, Zura, Zuyi, etc.- F. W. H. "" Que estimaria remitiese aquella carta por su traslado al Sor Governador y al R. P. Custodio, a quienes me encomendaba con el mayor respeto, inqiriendo en esta carta alguna de las menudencias acontezidas." This letter of July 3, intrusted to the Zunians, was duly delivered by them to the padre of their pueblo, in the absence of Escalante, to whom it was addressed, and who does not appear to have received it before starting on his long tour; the original or a copy finally reached its ulterior destination in Mexico. It was probably the first word direct from Garce* s since his departure from San Gabriel. The document is extant: Bancroft refers to it, Hist. Ariz, and N. M., p. 263, and says that it was copied in N. Mex. Doc. MS., 828- 30 ( = Archive General de Mexico, MS., vol. xxv). Desiring to obtain a copy if possible, I requested Mr. F. W. Hodge to correspond with Dr. Nicolas Leon, who promptly replied by sending with his compliments a copy made by his own hand, and the following memorandum: " Existe esta carta MS. en el Vol. xxv folio 260 frente y vuelto de ' Documentos para la His-toria de Nucvo Mexico' con fojas 355 en nuestro archivo general de la Nacion. En este volumen es la unica carta del P. Garces que en el se encuentra. Scripsi & contuli, Mexico, Enero 10 de 1899. N. Leon." So here is the document, in the original Spanish: Copia de la Carta del R. P. Garces, escrita desde Oraibe en Moqui, al Ministro de Zufii. Viva Jesus. Muy Rmo y carisimo hermano: despues de haber caminado por el rio desde su desembogue hasta 38 grados de altura, y |