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Show 96 EMIGRANT'S GUIDE. be occupied by the families which may first present themselves tor that pllrpose. Registered, The BARON DE CARONDELET, (L.S.) ANDRES LOPES ARMESTO. The Baron de Carondelet, chevalier of the religion of St. J obn, marshal de camp of the royal armies, governor general, vice patron of the provinces of Louisiana, West Florida, and inspector ef tbe troops, &c. Whereas, the baron Bastrop, in pursuance of his petition, datee the 20th of June of the year last past, and the decree of the 21st of the same month, has commenced the establishment of the Ouachitta : that for the fulfilment of the stipulation on the part of the government ; for avoiding p·rogressively all obstacles, difficulties, and delays ; and that the said baron might proceed with every facility in fixing the families, which, to the number of five hundred, he was held to place or cause to be placed there ; we have proceeded to designate the twelve leagues intended for the said settlement, in the terms, with the limits, metes, and bounds, and in the place marked, fixed, and defined by tbe figured plan and description, affixed to the head of this instrument, verified by the surveyor general, Don Charles Laveau 'Trudeau. It having now appeared to us to be also most expedient, for avoiding all contest and dispute, and approving them, as we do approve them, by virtue of the authority which the king has granted to us, we do destine and appropriate, in his royal name, the aforesaid twelve leagues, in order that the sai.d baron Bastrop may establish them in the manner and under the conditions expressed in the said petition and decree. We give the present, ·signed with our hand, sealed with the seal of our arms, and countersigned by the underwritten hmwrary commissary of war, and secretary of his majesty for this commandancy-general. New Orleans, June 20th, 1796. The BARON DE CARONDELET, (L.S.) ANDRE LOPES ARMESTO. To the Governor General- Baron de Bastrop has the honour to make known to you, that it l)eing his intention to estaqlish in the Ouacbitta, it is expedient that you should grant to him a corresponding permission to erect there one or more mills, as the population may require ; as also to »hut up th~ Bay?u d.e Siard, where he proposes to establish the said mills, wtth a d1ke m the place most convenient for his works ; and as it appears necessary to prevent disputes in the progres.s of the affair, he ?egs also the grant along the Bayou Barthelemi, from its source to 1t~ mouth, of six toises on each bank, to construct upon them the mtlls and works which he may find necessary;· and prohibiting every per~on _from making upon said Bayou any bridge, in onJer that its navtgatlon may be interrupted, as · it ought, at all times, to remain free and unobstructed. This request, Sir, will not appear exhor~itant, whe_n you are pleased to observe that yo~r petitioner, who Will expend m. these works twenty th0usand dollars, or more, will be exposed, Without these grants, to lose all t.he fruits of his labour~, by &MIGRANT'S GUIDE. 9.7 the caprice or jeaJousy of any individual, who being eBtablished on thi Bayeu, may cut (_)ff the water or obstruct the navjgation ; not t? mention the loss which the province will sustain of the immense ad· vantages to result from the usefuJ project proposed for th.e <'ncourag ment t)f the agriculture and populatiqn of thos.e parts. NewOrleana, June 12, 1797. • DE BASTROP. New Orleans, June 12, 1797. Considering the aJvantages to the population on the Ouacbitta and the province in general, to result from the encouragement of the cultivation of wheat, and the construction of flour mills, which the peti- - tioner proposes to make at his own expt!nse, I grant him, in the nam~ of his majesty, and by virtue of the authorities which he has conferred upon me, liberty to shut up the Bayou de Siard, on which he is about to establish his milJs, with a dike at the place most proper for the ~arrring on his works. I aJso grant him the exclusive en oymcnt of SIX tm5es of ground on each side of the Bayou Barth.elcmi, from its source to its mouth, to enable him to construct the works and dams necessary for his mills, it being understood, that by this grant, it is not intended. to pr_ohibit the free navigation of the said Bayou to the rest of the mhabttants, who shaH b~ free to use the same, without, howeve_r, b~ing pe~·mitted to throw across it any bridge, or to obstruct the nav1~a!10n, wh1ch shall at all times remain free and open. Under the conditions h~re expressed, such mills as he may think proper to erect, may be drs posed of by the petitioner, toaether with the lands ~djoinin.g, as estat.cs beJonging entirely to him in bvirtue of this decree, .m reJatwn to wh1ch the surveys are to be continued, ami the com'~ mandant, Don .John J:i'eliol, will verify and remit them to me, so that ~he person mterested may obtain a corresponding title in form. It _bemg a formal and express condition of this grant, that at least one mill shall be constructed within two years otherwise it is to remain null. ' · · · The BARON DE CARONDELET, (L.S.) Registered, ANDRE LOPES ARMESTO. [Here follow ~ petition an.d ~ecree, the same as the preceding, except that th: pet•_twn ~sks for s1x toises of gr~und on each siJe of the .Bayou de S1al'd from 1ts source to its mouth, which are granted by the decree.] th The Baro~ de Bastrop ~ontracts wit.h ~i~ majesty, to furnish, for . e term of SIX months, ratwns to the jam1hes which he has latterly mtrocluced at the post of Ouacbitta, which are to be composed of twenty · four ounces of fresh bread, or an equivalent in flour· tw elve ounces of f re.s h b ee f , or SI·X o t· ba eon, two ounces of fine men' estra, or three of ordmary ; a_nd oue tho_usandth part of a celemin, (about a peck) of salt, for whach_ there 1s to. be paid to bim, by the royal chests, at tbe rate of a naJ and a haJt for each ration. For which purpose there shall be made out monthly a particular account the truth and regularity of which shall be atte.sted at post, by the ~ommandant of that post. Under which conditions, l obliae mvse1f with mv 13 b ~ ' f |