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Show .. \ INDEX. A ./Jfrique, mount of, 26; its effects npon the climat~ of the basin of the Rh o m~. idem . .!J.ll'Ut'ion. of the Rhone, 25. --, Lands for·med of, upon l::u·ge rivPrs, tiJE> first part of a new country that is settled. ~S --,of the Mississippi, 51, 89. --, Oluo, 189. --,Atlantic r.oast, 189. .!Jlabamn r iv(>r,32-juuction with Tomhigbee, 37, 130. Jllaba?lta tonitory, cul'!'ent along the shor·e of, 16-provisional line between , and the state of Mississippi , 20-act of Congr·e s creatin~, 12 - d(>scrihrd. 13n-conntie., of. 131- pal't of in the Oltio valley, 187. ~mite rivrr, de"r.r·iued , 116 .!Jnalot:.'l· bet wern vPgetab les and · the pheuornena of the seasons, 12---ttltent' on to recommended to the statistieal student. 75. .!JppLe, does not flourish in the st<'ltr of Louisiana, 11-- -wbf're cultiva ted in France, 28---its hcality ditfMent from that of the vine. 28-- in the ba sin of the Loire, 30---in the state of M. . . . ] 00 I S~ ISS 1pp1 , - . .fire;il. tls eff't'Cts npon lhP. vine. 30. .!Jrkansaw river, its gl'eat length, 49--sourees, 50---course, idP.m · -dPs!:.·iption of, 138·--country bPtween and the month of Ohio, l4l. --. Post, or towu of, 140. .!Jrpent of Pa1·is , compared with the American acre, 6, note, idem.·--also a measure of length, idr.rn .!Jrundo gigantea, in Opelousas, 77--- 79. --- aquatica, 77. .fl.Lcl/l~falaya river, its length and df'plh, 15; phr.nomf'na of, idem ; with the Terhc, 7:2---smvcys on, 84. .!lllnnh"c oeeau, 24---why le.c;s frost upon the 11lw re~ of, thn11 upon those of the gulf of Mt>xico, 31 Jlt•oyeltcs parish, 70. B Bnlize, 16 and 17. Basin, what, 24; of the Rhone, 25--winc of. 26---fratur·es, 27 -, of 1 he S1•ioc, its position, 27; conta·astcd witb that of tbe Rhone, id Pm·-·its subdivi ions, 28. -, Garonne 31). - Mohile, its re · mblance to that of the Rhone. 30---its rosition, idem ---warm P. r· than the country near Natclwz, idem -·h ill of, 32---congerrial to the pt·oductiun of vines, 3a ---small gmin, id r m-·-trees, idem. -Ohio and Illinois, 189. -St. Lawrence 267. lJasis, mer·idian, wl,at, 7. Bastrop. Baron of, his gra nt, 5---situa· tion , 9l--· papel's relating to, 94.-·lands of dc~cr ·ib ed, 99. Ba.'lfons, B11 <:1:f. 10. ---, Bourbcr, 57. ---Cane, 56. --- Can·on , 57. --- Fusillier, 10. ---Gt·nrtd Louis,57---sources,iuem . --- L<wasine, 60. --- Nezpique, 56. --- i--ctite Prair·ie, 71. --- Plaqut> mine, 10 . --- Plaquemine Brule, 56. ---Qne le Tortue, 66. --- Roug•·. 70 . t. .Johu , 11. Bays. Caurpeachy, 16. -- Cbnudf'leur, 17 . - Atehafal · 'a, 55. - Biloxi, 1 ;3. -- CotP Bl••ne.w, 55. - Rscambia, J J~ - Pa sc~'~gou la, 123. - St Loui <;, 20- -123. a coutinual.ion of Red a·ivf't·, 52 ---feature of the sboa·Ps, and r·aft in, 52 join the "' Iff of Mexico, idem. ---au rwirnportant l'iver as respects the cullure of its banks. 53-· -features of he ween Opc>l~rl SHs and Bayou Plaquemine, 54---junction 11 rn:j&!ois. soil of, how formed, 26. Be/levu pt·airie, extent, 66---soi'l timber, idem. 40 |