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Show ... VJIJ INDEX • verity of. i~e_m .-J?rofits of, in tllfl state of Lou•stana. ,. cm.-oltaracte r· of the men who petofol'm its du1ies. 77. Peach, 01·ange and fi g, common fruit., neat· the mouth of the Mis issippi river, 11. Pearl river, 19, 20; impeded by raft~ , idem; counta·y uetween and Sabin•·· 151. }Jetilion, Requ;!e, whnt, 5. JJlaquemine, benrl of, 17; its impor· tancP. as a military position, iciem.; settlements hfl low, upon the di:;si -;sippi banks impracticable. idem. Plaquemine, Bayou, an outlet from the Mississippi, 52. Plums, produced plentifully in Loui iana, 11. Pomegranate , where first found plant ed in hedges, in Ft·anee, 26. Pontcharl·rain, lake of, 13; passage · from into lake Borgne, 19- 32, 38. Population, its advance in North Arne· t·ica 82. Potatoes. their· culture, 183. Prairies, of Aflacapa , 67 Arkan saw riv er, 168. 141. --- Bellevue dPscribed, 66. --- Calca iu , 60; pursuits of the in habit ants of, 61. --- Grand . 5 1; descr·ibed, 63. -- Gr·and Ohcvreuil, 51; describ 4"d, 69. -- KansRs, and Plate river, 141 . Post~, under the Ft·en r.h and Spanisl1 govemments, 4; sub-di\'isions ot Loui&iana still known by the name of posts, 4. Peninsula bPtween Red and Ouachit ta, character of 89, UO. Pennsylvania, wcstel'll part, p0sition 187; general t!Pscription of, 251 . P.ittsburg, city of. when formed, 157 . described, idem. ; manufactUI'es and merchandise, 253. R Raft in Atchafalaya, 6:1. Red river, cotton cultivated on itc banks, 11; inundations of, 13· -its lengt h, 49; sources anti course , 50; described, 86 89; salt spt'illgs uea1 . idem; wa!er·s brackish at Natchit , ches , idem; note . Rhone, basin of divided into two nn nor basins by the cmbruuchment~ ul the Alps 125 ; compat·Pd to till· basin of Mobile, 36, 127, note. rive•· its course, 25; (' hat·acte t of it confluent streams 26· co•• trasted with the Mobile, 33 a~d 157 note. flice . its rPlative valne, 9; one of the st dple commodities of the state of Lotti iaua, 10; exten t u its po·•sible cn lt·n·e neat· the Mi-, jq ippi, idt>m ; and LBO; compa ·ed witb otherst&pl c;, idem. H.igolel 's, pass of, 19, and 123. •1f.igolct de bon Dieu, 88. Uiver, Ain, 26. Alabama, 32, 35. Aleghany, 15, 253. Amazon. 29. Arnitr., 35, 115. Apalachicola, 532. Arkansaw, 14, 49, 50, 138. Ash tabula, 2:23. Au G I at. z. e, -()0·3 . Bat·thelerny, 91, 99. Bi <>' BP-a ve r, 223,253. - Big Black, 115. - Big Horn, 14. -- Black, 223 -- Black lakP, 84. - Bodcau, 4, 88. - Bonuf, 101. -- Bogote Chito, 117. - Brassos, a Oios,· 50, 84. - Buffnlo, 115. -- --another, a branch ofTen· nessee, 194. - Bur•·ampoote•·, 29. -- Cahaua, 3:~ , 133, 138. - Carwasiu, 50. 56, 84. - Carncbee, 3J. -- Cayahoga, 219, 223. -- Chagl' irte, 223. - Ch».ta.hooche, 32, 135, 138. - Cheat, 253 255. - Chir.agl). 215. --. Chickisaw 1av, 117. - Clmch, 193, Zo2, 253. - Colol'ado, of the Gulf of Califor· m• a, C)l\ -'07 . -- Colorado, of the Gulf of Mexico, 84. - - Mexico, 84. -- Conecub, 133. -- Conemaugh, 255. -- Cooper's, 31. -- Coo..:;a, 32. -- Courtableau , 52. -- Cnmberlanli, 190, 194, 252. - - Dacheet, 84, 88. -- Danube, 29. -- J)elaware, 189. - - Derbane, 84. -Dog, 117. -Doux, 26. -- Drome 26. - Dndc, 194. -- Oogd,)mini, 84. --D t•1 unee, 26. - Durgeon1 26. INDEX . ~ ~ iUvtr, Edisto, ai. --:- Elbe,.29. - Elk, 193, 257. - Embarras, 212. - Escambia, 133. - Euphrates, 29. - French Broad, 193. -Flint, 135. - Fout·che au Cado, SH. - Ganges, 29. lf...--- Gardou, 26. - Genesee, 29 269. -Grand, 219, 2~3. - G1·een, 204. -Green Briar, 257. - Guadaloupe, 84. - Henderson, 210. _____:.. Hietan, 88. . - Hockhocking, 219,221,223. - Holston, 193. - Homochitto, 115. - Hudson, 189. -Huron, 223. - 111inois, 14, 209~ 211. -!sere, 26. - Jcnisea, 29. -Juniata, 254. -Kansas, 14, 139. - Kaskaskia, 210. - Kenhawa, Grent, 15, 253, 256. .__ Kenhawa, Little, 253, 256. -Kentucky, 194, 204. --- Kiskiminitas, 254.· - Lafourche, 11. -Leaf, 117. - Licking, 204. -Little Water, or Little Wabash, 211 - Maffon, 50. - Marne,29. -Maumee, 215, 219, 223. -Mermentau, 50, 56, 84. - Merrimack, 138. -Miami, Great, 201, 219, 220. -Miami, Little, 219, 221. -Mississippi, 11, 13, 14, 17, 18, 29, 85. 137' 203, 204. -Missouri, 14. 137. -Missouri, Little, a branch of Ouachitta, 91. -Mobile, 29, 32. - Muskingum, 15, 222. -Nile,29. - Nolachucky, 193. - Nueces, 50, 84. -Oby, 29. -Oconee, 31. -Ohio, 14, 82, 137, ~04, 211, ~19, 253. - Oise, 29. - Oneida, 269. - Osage, 14, 138. - ( swego, 269. --Ouachitta, 11, 50, 85, tlO. - Ougnon, 26. · __;_ Pascagoula, 32, 35, 117. .....__ Penrle, 11, 35. --Plate, 14. -Plata, Rio de Ia, 29. -Po, 29. - Potomac, 252. -Red, 11, 13, 14, 49, 50, 85, 138. -Rhone, 25, 26. . - Rio Grande del Norte, 50, 83, &1. -Rolling, 204. .:...__Rocky, 223. -- Sabine, 11, 84. -Saline of Red River, 84, 88. -- Saline of Ouachitta, 84, 91. -Sandusky, 219, 223. -Sandy, Great, 201,204, 252; 256. - Soane,26. -Savanna, 31. -Sciota, 219; 221. - Seille, 26. ~ Spoon, 210. ----.:. St. Antonio, 50. - St. Francis, 137, 142. - St. Lawrence, 29. -St . .Joseph, 215. - Susquehanna, 169 . -Tagus, 29. --Tallapoosa, 33, 132, 188, ___._ Teche, 11, 50, 52. -Tennessee, 15, 32, 253. - Tensaw; 101. __._Trinity, 50, 84. -Tuscarawas, 222,223. -Tiger Valley, 253. - Vasseux, 211. -Vermilion, 11. -Wabash, 14, 211, 21%. - Wacahatcha, 56. -Weser, 29. -White, 14, 137, 142. -White Woman's, 222. --Yazoo, 32, 114. - Youghioghany, 191, 252, ~53. ROAD AMD RIVER IWUTES. New Orleam,to the bar at the mouth of the MissiS!-ippi New Orleans, to Mobile and Blakeley .No. I p. St. Stephens, to New-Ol'leans by MH.t!isonville ----Natchez ---- Milledgeville in Georgia, -----Nashville in Tennessee by Huntsville 1 J w I 2 I 18 31 37 ~1 I :n I 5 1 61' 3 7 , , • |