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Publication Type Technical report
School or College College of Engineering
Department Computing, School of
Creator Catmull, Edwin E.
Title Subdivision algorithm for computer display of curved surfaces
Date 1974
Description Abstract: This report presents a method for producing computer shaded pictures of curved surfaces. Three-dimensional curved patches are used, as contrasted with conventional methods using polygons. The method subdivides a patch into successively smaller subpatches until a subpatch is as small as a raster-element, at which time it can be displayed. In general this method could be very time consuming because of the great number of subdivisions that must take place; however, there is at least one very useful class of patches--the bicubic patch--that can be subdivided very quickly. Pictures produced with the method accurately portray the shading and silhouette of curved surfaces. In addition, photographs can be 'mapped' onto patches thus providing a means for putting texture on computer-generated pictures.
Type Text
Publisher University of Utah
Subject Curved surfaces; Computer shaded pictures; Curved patches
Subject LCSH Curves--Computer simulation; Surfaces--Computer simulation; Computer-aided design; Computer graphics--Research; Three-dimensional imaging--Research
Language eng
Series University of Utah Computer Science Technical Report
Relation is Part of ARPANET
Format Medium application/pdf
Format Extent 81,015,338 bytes)
File Name Catmull-A_Subdivision_Algorithm.pdf
Conversion Specifications Original scanned with Kirtas 2400 and saved as 400 ppi uncompressed TIFF. PDF generated by LIMB™ for CONTENTdm display
ARK ark:/87278/s6q840c7
Setname ir_computersa
ID 106931
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Title Page 28
Setname ir_computersa
ID 106867
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