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Show /i~p/,11'1 n r/ ~;1/'r/ //,;,;;'//(// r!/1 . .Lonf:m . .Pu/Jli.l'lud D u.r, .rt,7.9' '!" .l.Jolm.rotL • • f.l.Paul:r OutrdJ ford . r 207 J XIV. 1. "SYI.PHs I if with morn defiruetive Eurus fprings, O, clafp the Harebel with your velvet wings ; Screen with thick leaves the J afmine as it blows, And !hake the white rime from the fhuddering Rofe ;· Whilfi Amaryllis turns with graceful eafe Her blu1hing beauties, and eludes the breeze.SYLPHs ! if at noon the Fritillary droops, With drops neB:areous hang her nodding cups; Thin clouds of goifamer in air difplay, 545 And hide the vale's chafl:e Lily from the ray; 550 Whil.fl: ~rythrina o'er her tender flower Bends all her leaves, and braves the fultry hour;Shield, when cold Hefper iheds his dewy light, Mitnofa' s [oft fenfations from the night ; Fold her thin foliage, clofe her timid flowers, 55 5 And with ambro:Gal Dumbers guard her bowers ; With amhrojial Jlumhen I. 556 . Many vegetables dnring the night ~o not fec:m to rc fpirc but to lleep li ke the dormant anim als and in feB:s in 'winter. Th1s appears from the mi~ofa and many other plants doling the upper fides of their leaves together in |