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Show ( I6l J Contending fwanns on bending branches cling-, And nations hover on aurelian wing ; So round the GoDDEss, ere fhe fpeaks, on high Itnpatient SYLPHs in gawdy circlets fly; Quivering in air their painted plumes expand, And coloured fhadows dance upon the land. s I. " SYLPHS! youR light troops the tropic Winds confine, And guide their fireaming arrows to the Line ; While in warm floods ecliptic Breezes rife, And fink with wings bentunb' d in colder :lk.ies. You bid Monfoons on Indian feas refide, And veer, as moves the fun, their airy tide ; ' :Vhile fouthcrn Gales o'er wefiern. oceans roll, And Eurus fieals his ice-winds from the Pole. YouR playful trains, on fultry iflands born, Turn on fantaftic toe at eve and morn; With foft fufurrant voice alternate fweep Earth's green pavilions and encircling deep. c.Iht tropic winds. I. 9· Sec additional notes, No. XXXIII. 10 20 [ 163 ] OR in itinerant cohorts, borne fublime On tides of ether, float fron1 clime to clime ; 0 'er waving Autumn bend your airy ring, Or waft the fragrant bofom of the Spring. · II. "When Morn, efcorted by the dancing Hours, 0' er the bright plains her dewy lufire fhowers ; 2 6 Till from her fable chariot Eve ferene Drops the dark curtain o'er the brilliant fcene; You form with chemic hands the airy furge, Mix with broad vans, with iliadowy tridents urge. 30 SYLPH~! from each fun-bright leaf, that twinkling fhakes O'er Earth's green lap, or fhoots amid her lakes, Your playful bands with fimpering lips invite, And wed the enamour'd OxYGENE to LIGHT.-- '.Tht mrzmour'd Oxygme. 1. 34· The common air of the atmofphere appears by the analyfts of Dr. Pri.eflley and other philofophers to confifi of about three parts of an elafiic fluid unfit for refpiration or combuHion, called azote by the French fchool, and about one fourth of pure vital air fit for the fupport of animal life and of combufiion, called oxygene. The principal fource of the azote is probably fro~ the decomp.ofi~ion E>f all vegetable and animal matters by putrefaCtion and combufbon; the prmc1pal Y2 |