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Show [ 48 ] Deep fhike their roots, their lengthening tops revive, . .And all 1ny world of foliage wave, alive. 48 6 '' Thus with Hermetic art the ADEPT combines The royal acid with cobaltic mines ; Marks with quick pen, in lines unfeen portrayed, The bluihing mead, green dell, and du:fky glade ; 490 Shades with pellucid clouds the tintlefs field, And all the future Group exifl:s con~eal' d; Till waked by fire the dawning tablet glows, Green fprings the herb, the purple floret blows, Hills, vales, and woods, in bright fucceffion rife, 495 And all the living landfcape charms his eyes. XI. " With ct:efl: of gold fhould fultry SrRrus glare, And with his kindling treifes fcorch the air ; 'rhus witb Hermetic are. I. 487. The fympathetic inks made by Zaffre diffolved in the marine and nitrous acids have this curim1s property, that being brou~ht to the fi~e one of them becomes green, and the other red; but what ii more wonderi~l, t~ey agam lofe thefe colour~ , (unlefs the heat has been too great,) 'on their being agam Withdrawn from the fire. Fire-fcrcens have been thus painted, which in the col~ have fhewn only the trunk and branches of a dead tree, aud fandy hills, which on their appro.ach to'I~~: fire have put forth green leaves and red flowers, and grafs upon the mountams. . procefs of making thefe inks is very eafy, take ZafF e, as fold by the druggi!ls, and digdt [ 49 J With points of Rame the .£hafts of Summer arm, And burn the beauties he dcfigns to wann ;- 500 -So erfl: when JovE his oath extorted mourn' d, And clad in glory to the Fair return' d; While Loves at forky bolts their torches light, And refl:ing lightnings gild the car of Night ; His blazing form the dazzled Maid admir'd, 505 Met with fond lips, and in his anns expir' d ;NYMPHs ! on light pinion le.ad your banner'd hofl:s High o'er the cliffs of ORKNEY's gulphy coafis ; Leave on your left the red volcanic light, Which I-IECLA lifts amid the duik.y night; sro Mark on the riaht the DoFRINE's fi1ow-capt brow, , b Where whirling MAELSTROME roars and foams below ; Watch with unmoving eye, where CEPHEus bends His triple crown, his fcepter' d hand extends; it in aqua regia, and the calx of Cobalt will be dilfolved; which folution .mufl: b~ diluted with a little common water to prevent it from making too fl:rong an nnprefhon on · the paper; the colour when the paper is heated becomes of~ fine. g.rcen- bl.ue. If Zaffre or Regulus of Cobalt be dilfolved in the fame manner m fpmt of Jll.tre, o: ~qua fortis, a reddifh colour is produced on expofing the paper to heat. Chemical Ditl:JOn: uy by Mr. Kcir, Art. Ink Sympathetic. PART. I. H |