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Show [ 212 ] Bring 1ny rich Baltns from Mecca's hallow'd glades, ·sweet flowers, that glitter in A·rabia' s ihades ; Fruits, whofe fair fonns in bright fucccffion glow 6 I 5 Gildino- the banks of Arno, or of Po ; b Each leaf, whofe fragrant fieam with ruby lip Gay China's nymphs fro1n pid:ur' d vafes :fip; Each fpicy rind, which fu1try India boafis, Scenting the night--air round her breezy coafis .; 620 Roots, whofe bold fiems in bleak Siberia. blow, And gem with many a tint the ·eternal {now; Barks, w hofe broad u1nbrage high in ether waves O'er Ande' s fl:eeps, and hides his golden caves ; -And, where yon oak extends his dufky lhoots 62 5 Wide o'er the rill, that bubbles from his roots ; Beneath whofe anus, protected from the fl:orn1, A turf-built altar rears it's rufl:ic form; .SYLPHS! with religious hands frefh garlands twine, And deck with lavifh pomp f;IYGEIA's ilirine. 630 [ 213 ] " Call with loud voice the Sifl:erhood, that dwell On Boating cloud, wide wave, or bubbling well ; Stan1p with charm' d foot, convoke the alanned Gnomes From golden beds, and adatuantine domes ; Each from her fphere with beckoning anu invite, 6 3 5 Curl' d with red flmne, the Vefl:al Forms of light. Clofe all your fpotted wings, in lucid ranks Prefs with your bending knees the crowded banks, Crofs your meek anns, incline your wreathed brows, And win the Goddefs with unwearied vows. 640 " Oh, wave, HYGEIA! o'er BRITANNIA's throne Thy ferpent-wand, and mark it for thy own ; Lead ·round her breezy coafl:s thy guardian trains, Her nodding forefis, and her waving plains ; Shed o'er her peopled reahns thy beamy ftnile, And with thy airy temple crown her ifle !" The GonnEss ceafed,-and calli9-g from afar The wandering Zephyrs, joins then1 to her car |