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Show [ 4 ] The 1ifier-woe {hall calm her aching breafi, .And fofter £lumbers fieal her cares to refi.- " Winds of the North! refl:rain your icy gales, Nor chill the bofo1n of thefe happy vales! 40 Hence in dark heaps, ye gathering Clouds, revolve! Difperfe, ye Lightnings ! and, ye 11ifts, diifolve ! -Hither, emerging from yon orient £kies, BoTANIC GoDDESS I bend thy radiant eyes; 0' er thefe {oft fcenes aifume thy gentle reign, Po1nona, Ceres, Flora in thy train ; 0' er the fiill dawn thy placid fmile effufe, And with thy G.lver fandals print the dews ; In noon's bright blaze thy vennil vefi unfold, And wave thy e1nerald banner fiar' d with gold." Thus fpoke the GENius, as He fl:ept along, And bade thefe lawns to Peace and Truth belong; Down the fieep :flopes He led with modefl: £kill The willing pathway, and the truant rill, 45 so .. [ 5 ] Stretch'd o'er the 1nadhy vale yon willowy mound, 55 Where !hines the lake a1nid the tufted ground, Raifed the young \voodland, fmooth' d the wavy green, And gave to Beauty all the quiet fcene.- She comes!-the GoDDEss !-through the whifperingair, Bright as the morn, defcends her bluibing car ; 6o Each circling wheel a wreath of flowers intwines, And gem' d with flowers the :filken harnefs £hines ; The golden bits with flowery fiuds are deck' d, And knots of flowers the crimfon reins connea.- And now on earth the :filver axle rings, And the £hell finks upon its :flender fprings ; Light from her airy feat the Goddefs bounds, And fieps celefiial prefs the panfied grounds. Fair Spring advancing calls her feather' d quire, .And tu·nes to fofter notes her laughing lyre ; Bids her gay hours on purple pinions tnove, And arms her Zephyrs with the {hafts of Love, |