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Show [ 140 ] '' Sweet bud of Spring ! how frail thy tranfient _?loont, " Fine film," .!he cried, " of Nature's fairefi loo1n ! " Soon Beauty fades upon its dama:lk throne!"- 315 -Unconfcious of the worn1, that n1ined her own!- -Pale are thofe lips, where foft carelies hung, Wan the wann cheek, and mute the tender tongue; Cold refl:s that feeling heart on Derwent's £bore, And thofe love-lighted eye-balls roll-no 1nore! " HERE her fad Confort, fiealing through the gloom· Of murmuring cloyfiers, gazes on her tomb ; Hangs in mute angui:fh o'er the fcutcheon' d hearfe, Or graves with trembling fiyle the votive verfe. '' Sexton ! oh, lay beneath this facred :lhrin~, 3 2 5 " When Time's cold hand .!hall clofe my aching eyes, " Oh, gently lay this wearied earth of mine, "Where wrap'd in night my loved MrLCENA lies. ( 141 ] " So {hall with purer joy my fpirit move, ''· When the lafi trumpet thrills the caves of Death, 3 3 o ,., Catch the firfl: whifpers of my waking love, " And drink with holy kifs her kindling· breath. . '' The fpotlefs Fair, with blu:fh ethereal warm, '' Shall hail with fweeter f1nile returning day, ''Rife from her n1arble bed a brighter form, '' And win on buoyant fiep her airy way. 335 " Shall bend approved, where beckoning hofis invite, " On clouds of filver her adoring knee, " Approach with Seraphim the throne of light, :~-And BEAUTY plead with ang~l-tongue for Me!" 340 IX. " YouR virgin trains on BRINDLEY's cradle f1niled, And nurfed with fairy-love the unletter'd child~ Spread round his pillow all your fecret fpells, Pierced all your fpring~, and open' d all your wells.- On Brindley's cradle f mil'd. 1. 341. The life of Mr. Brindley, whole great abilities in the confl:rutlion of canal navi gation were calleci forth by the patronage of the Duke of Bridgwater, may be read in Dr. Kippis's Biographia Britannica, th~ excellence.of his genius is viflble in every part of this iDand. H e died at Turnh~rfl: 111 Stafford!lure in 1772, an.d ougl1t to have a monument in the cathedral church at L1chfield. · |