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Show [ 144 J T·hrows the thin kerchief from her neck of fnow, 3 7 5 And half unveils the pearly orbs below ; '\Vith fparkling eye the blamelefs Plunderer owns Her foft embraces, and endearing tones, Seeks the falubrious fount with opening lips, Spreads his inquiring hands, and ftniles, and :G.ps. 3 8 o " CoNNUBIAL FAIR 1 whotn no fond tranfport warms To lull your infant in maternal arms; Who, blefs' d in vain with tumid bofoms, hear His tender wailings with unfeeling ear ; The foothing kifs and 1nilky rill deny, To the fweet pouting lip, and gliftening eye!Ah! what avails the cradle's datnafk roof. ' The eider bol11er, and e1nbroicler' d woof!Oft hears the gilded couch unpity' cl plains, And many a tear the taifel' d cufhion fl:ai ns! Ah! what ava.ih. I. 3.87. From au elegant little poem of Mr. Jerningham's intitled I I Latte, exhortwg lad1es to nurfe their own children. [ 145 ] No voice fo [ weet attunes his cares to refi, So [oft no pillow, as his Mother's bre~ft f- -Thus chann' d to f weet repofe, when twilight hours Shed their foft influence on celeftial bowers, The .Cherub, Innocence, with ftnile divine 395 Shuts his white wings, and fleeps on Beauty's £brine. XI. " Fr01n dome to dome when flames infuriate climb, Sweep the long ftreet, invefi the tower fublime ; Gild the tall vanes amid the ail:oniih' d night, And reddening heaven returns the fanguine light ; 400 While with vaft firides and brifiling hair aloof Pale Danger glides along the falling roof; And Giant Terror how ling in amaze Moves his dark litnbs acrofs the lurid blaze. NYMPHS! you £rft taught the gelid wave to rife, 405 · Hurl'd in refplendcnt arches to the fk.ies; Th d l' . of an air-cell to machi nes for 1-lurl'd in rt!.fpltndent arcl.•cs. I. 406. e a LllLOnM N {} of I ondon and rOlifin O' wata to ex.ti ngu!h fi re was {.l rlnL. J. l1tro du c·e d by r. cw um ' ' ~ u PART I. |