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Show [ rso ] " So ihould young SYMPATHY, in female forn1, Clirnb the tall rock, fped:atrefs of the ilorm ; Life's .G. nking wrecks with fccret :Gghs deplore, And bleed for others' woes, I-Ierfelf on ihore; To friendlefs Virtue, gafping on the fl:rand, 465 Bare her wann heart, her virgin arn1s expand, Charm with kind looks, with tender accents cheer, And pour the fweet confolatory tear; Grief's curelefs wounds with lenient balms aff wage, Or prop with £rmer .fl:aff the .fl:eps of Age; 4 7 o fe!!fitive tentorium or brain exifl:ing in each ind iv idu al bud or flower, 1fl. Dccaufe many flowers clofe from the defect ef fl:imu lus, not by the excd:, of it, as by darknefs, which is the abfencc of the fl:imulus of light; or by cold, which is the abfcnce of the !l:imulus of heat. Now the defect of heat, or the abfence of food, or of drink, affeCl:s our jenjations, which had been previouily accufl:omed to a greater quantity of them; but a mufcle cannot be faid to be ilimulated into aCl:ion by a defect of !l:imulus. 2nd. Becaufe the mufcles around the footfl:alks of the fubdivifions of the leaves of the fenfi tive plant are exerted when any injury is offered to the other extremity of the le:~f, and lome of the fbmcns of the flowers of the cb!s Syngcncfi.t conttact themfelve-s when others arc irrit:tted. Sec note on Chondrilt?., Vol. II. of th is wurk. From this circumfl:ancc the contraction of the mufcles of vegetables feems to depend on a difagreeable jmjation in lome diltant part, a:JJ not on the irritation of the mufclcs themfdv ·s. Thus when a p:micle of dufl: Himuhtes the b::!ll of the eye, the eye- lids are infl:antly clofed, and when l o much light pai ns the re tina, the mufclcs of the iris contract its aperture, and this not by any conncCl:ion or confent of the nerves of thole parts, but as an effort to prevent or to remove a difagrceablc fenfation, which evinces that vegetables are enJueJ with !entation, or th;tt each bud has a common fenfurium, and is fumifhed with a brain or a central place where its nerves arc conncCl:ed. r xsx J The lifted ann of mute Defpair arrefl:, And fnatch the dagger pointed at his breaft; Or lull to :flumber Envy's haggard mien, And rob her quiver' d iliafts with hand unfeen. -Sound, NYMPHS oF HELICON ! the trump of Fame, And teach Hibernian echoes JoNEs's name; 476 Bind round her poliili.ed brow the civic bay, And drag the fair Philanthropifl: to day.- So from fecluded fprings, and fecret caves, Her Liffy pours his brjght meandering waves, 480 Cools the parch'd vale, the fultry mead divides, And towns and tetnples .fl:ar his ili.adowy fides. XIII. "CALL YOUR light legions, tread the fwampy ~1eath, Pierce with iliarp fpades the tremulous peat beneath ; With colters bright the ruili.y f ward bifett, 48 5 And in new veins the gu:fhing rills direCt ;- Jon(S's name. 1. 47 6 · A youn~ 1a c IY who devotes a great part of an ample fortune to well-chofen aCts of feuet chanty. |