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Show [ 210 ] Branch after branch extend their filver fiems, Bud into gold, and bloffom into gems. '' So fits enthron' din vegetable pride Imperial KE w by Tha1nes' s glittering fide ; Obedient faih from realms unfurrow'd bring For her the unnam' d progeny of fpring ; . Attendant Nymphs her dulcet mandates hear, And nurfe in fofl:ering arms the tender year, Plant the young bulb, inhume the living feed, Prop the weak fl:em, the erring tendril lead ; Or fan in glafs-built fanes the {hanger flowers s8o With milder gales, and fieep with warmer iliowers. Delighted Thames through tropic umbrage glides, And flowers antarctic,_ bending o'er his tides ; 5 90 Drinks the new tints, the fweets unknown inhales, And calls the fons of fcience to his vales. In one brjgh~ point adrniring Nature eyes The fruits and foliage of difcordant fkie s, [ 2Il ] Twines the gay floret with the fragrant bough ' 595 And bends the wreath round GEORGE' s roya1 b row. -Sometiines retiring, from the public weal One tranquil hour the Roy .1\L PARTNERs fteal . ' Through glades exotic pafs with fiep fublime, Or mark the growths of Britain's happier clime ; 6oo With beauty blolfom'd, and with virtue blaz'd ' Mark the fair Scions, that themfelves have rais' d . ) Sweet blooms the Rofe, the towering Oak expands, The Grace and Guard of Britain's golden lands. XV.'' SYLPHs! who, round earth on purple pinions borne, Attend the radiant chariot of the morn; 6o6 Lead the gay hours along the ethereal hight, And on each dun meridian fhower the light; SYLPHs ! who from realms of equatorial day To climes, that fhudder in the polar ray, 6ro From zone to zone purfue on lhifting wing, The bright perennial journey of ~he fpring ; Ee2 |