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Show [ ~ 1 Unmark'd by you, light Graces fwin1 the green, And ho\rering Cupids aim their ihafts, unfeen. " But THou ! whofe 1nind the well-atteinper' d ray Of Tafie and Virtue lights with purer day; 1 o Whofe finer fenfe each foft vibration owns With fweet refponfive fympathy of tones ; So the fair flo\ver expands it's lucid form To meet the fun, and .lhuts it to the florm ;For thee my borders nurfe the fragrant wreath, My fountains 1nurmur, and my zephyrs breathe ; Slow :flides the painted fnail, the gilded By Smooths his fine do~n, to charm thy curious eye ; On twinkling fins 1ny pearly nations play, Or win with fmuous train their tracklefs way ; My plumy pairs in gay embroidery drefs' d Form with ingenious bill the penfile nefl:, 20 So thefitirfl~wer 1 1 r • · 13· t 1ecms to have been the · · 1 d (i of Epicurus to render the m· d . r 1 r . orJgJna e tgn of the philofcJphy . In exqu1ute y 1enf1b! t bl r . !nfenfible to difagreeablc o nes. e o agrcea e H:nf:ltrons, and eqn::dly [ 3 ] To Love's fweet notes attune the lifiening dell, And Echo founds her foft fymphonious fhell. " And, if with Thee fame haplefs Maid :lhould fl:ray, Difafierous Love companion of her way, Oh, lead her timid fieps to yonder glade, Whofe arching cliffs depending alders fhade ; There, as meek Evening wakes her temperate breeze, And moon-beams glimmer through the tre1nbling trees, The rills, that gurgle round, iliall footh her ear, 3 I The weeping rocks ihall number tear for tear; There as fad Philomel, alike forlorn, Sings to the Night from her accufl:omed thorn ; While at f wcet intervals each falling note 3 5 Sighs in the gale, and whifpers rounds the grot; Difajh:rous Lovr. I. 26. The fcenery is taken from a botanic garden about a mile from Lichfield, where a cold bath was erected by Sir John Floyer. There is a grotto furrounded by proj ecting rocks, from the edges of which trickles a perpetual fhower of water; and it is here reprefentcd as adapted to love-fccnes, as being thence a proper refidence for the modern godclefs of Botany, and the eaftcr to introduce the next poem on the Loves of the P lants according to the fyllem of Linneus. Bz |