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Show [ 124 J NoTE XXXIX ..... VEGETABLE GLANDULATION. VEGETABLE glands cannot be injeCted with coloured fluids; effcntia\ oil; wax; honey; necl:ary, its complicate apparatus; expofes the honey to the air like the lacrymal gland ; honey is nutritious; the male and female varts of flowers copulate and die like moths and butterflies, and are fed like them with honey; anthers fuppofed to become infeas; depredation of the honey and wax injurious to plants; honey-dew; honey oxygenated by expofure to air; neceffary for the produaion of fenfibility; the provifion for the embryon plant of honey, fugar, fi:arch, &c. fupplies food to numerous clalfes of animals; various vegetable fecretions as gum tragacanth, camphor,. elemi, anime, turpentine, balfam of Mecca, aloe, myrrh, c1afl:ic refin, manna, fugar, wax, tallow, and many other concrete juices; vegetable digefl:ion; chemical produc-tion of fugar would multiply mankind; economy of nature. THE ENU. |