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Show ( 136 ) " Her gorgeous palaces, and amaranth bowers., " For cliff-top'd mountains, and aerial towers?" He faid; and, leading fro1n her ivory feat The bluihing beauty to his lone _retreat, Curtain' d with night the couch imperial lhrouds, And refl:s the crimfon cu!hions upon clouds.-- Earth feels the grateful influence from above) Sighs the foft Air, and Ocean murmurs love ; Ethereal Warmth expands his brooding wing, And in fiill :fhowers defcends the genial Spring. VII. "NYMPHs oF AQUATIC TAsTE! whpfe placid fn1i fe Breathes fweet enchantment o'er BRITANNIA's ifle · ' Whofe fportive touch in ihowers refplendent flings Her lucid cataracts, and her bubbling fprings; Through peopled vales the liquid fil ver guides, 2 6 5 And fwells in bright expanfe her freighted tides. And in Jlill .fhowas. I. 26o. The allegorical interpretation of the ver antient ~7th~logy whtch fuppo~es J ~piter to reprefent the fuperior part of the at~ofphcro Yer~:l e~ho~;:r!, u:: :~;u~:1e:~0~1 ai~· :~~ that th~ con~~metion of thefe two prouuces 1 trbd s Georgtcs, 1s fo analogous to the prefent ( 137 ] You with nice ear, in tiptoe trains, pervade Dim walks of morn or evening's iilent ihade ; Join the lone Nightingale, her woods an1ong, And roll your rills fymphonious to her fong ; 2 70 Through fount-full dells, and wave-worn valleys move, And tune their echoing waterfalls to love; Or catch, attentive to the difl:ant roar ' The paufing murmurs of the daihing lhore; Or, as aloud ihe pours her liquid :ll:rain, 27 5 Purfue the NEREID on the twilight main. -Her playful Sea-horfe woos her foft commands, Turns his quick ears, his webbed claws expands,. important difcovery of the produCtion of water from pure air, or oxygene, and inflammable air, or hydrogene, (which from its greater levity probably refides over the former,) that one fhould be tempted to believe that the vt>;ry antient chemilts of Egypt had difcovered the compofltion of water, and thus reprefented it in their hieroglyphic figures before the invention of letters. In the paffage of Virgil Jupiter is called ether, and defcends in prolific lhowers O.rJ. the bofom of Juno, whence the fpring fucceeds and all nature rejoices. Tum P.ater omnipotens fcecundis imbribus lEther Conjugis in gremium lretre defcendit, et omnes Magnus alit, magno commixtus corpore, fxtus. Virg. Georg. Lib. II. 1. 325. Her playful Jea-horfi. 1. 277. D efcribed from an an tique gem. PART I. T |