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Show [ 54· ] Soon {hall dark tnifts with [elf-attraCtion !hroud The blazing day, and fail in wilds of cloud; Each filvery Flower the ftreams aerial quaff, Bow her fweet head, and infant Harvefi laugh. " Thus when ELIJA mark'd from Carmel's brow In bright expanfe the briny flood below ; R all' d his red eyes mnid the fcorching air, 555 560 S1note his firm breaft, and breathed his ardent prayer ; High in the midfi a maffy altar flood, And £laughter' d offerings prefs' d the piles of wood ; While IsRAEL's chiefs· the facred hill furround, 565 And familh'd armies· crowd the dufiy ground; fcended through the funnel was elechifed minus. Hence it appears that though cloud~ by their change of form may fometimes become elechifed minus, yet they have in general an accumulation of electricity. This accumulation of electric matter alfo evidently contriblltes to fupport the atmofpheric vapour when it is condenfed into the form of clouds, becaufe it is fcen to dcfcend rapidly after the fiafhes of lightning have diminifhed its quantity; whence there is reafon to conclude that very numerous metallic rods with fine points ereCted high in the air might induce it at any time to part with fome of its water. If we may trufl: the theory of Mr. Lavoifier concerning the compofition and decompofition of water, there would feem another fource of thunder- fhowers; and that is, that the two gaffes termed oxygene gas or vital air, and hydrogcne gas or inflammable air, may exifl: in the fummer atmofphere in a fiate of mixture but not of combination, and that the cleB:ric fpark or fiafh of lightning may combine them and produce water i nltantaneoufl y. [ 55 ] While proud Idolatry was leagued with dearth, And wither' d Famine fwept the defert earth.- " OH! MIGHTY LoRD! thy woe-worn fervant hear, ' " Who calls thy name in agony of prayer; 5 70 " Thy fanes dilhonour'd, and thy prophets flain, '' Lo ! I alone furvive of all thy tra;n· !- " Oh fend from heaven thy facred fire,-and pour " 0' er the parch' d land the falutary ihower,- " So !hall thy Prieft thy erring flock recal,- 575 " And fpeak in thunder, '' THou ART LoRD oF ALL." He cried, and kneeling on the mountain-fands, Stretch' d high in air his fupplicating hands. Defcending flames the· dufky ihrine illume, Fire the wet wood, the facred bull confume ; Wing' d from the fea the gathering mifis arife, And :Boating waters darken all the fkies ; The King with iliifted reins his chariot bends, And wide o'er earth the airy flood defcends ; With mingling cries difpeding hafts applaud, And lhouting nations own THE LIVING Gov.'' sSo |