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Show Or bathe unwet their oily forms, and dweU . 'V.ith feet repul:Gve on the dimpling vvelL 5 So So when the North congeals his watery mafs, Piles high his fnows, and floors his feas with glafs ; While many a Month, unknown to warn1er rays, Marks its :flow chronicle by lunar days ; Stout youths and ruddy damfels, fportive train, 585 Leave the white foil, and ruih upon the main; From ifle to i:fle the moon-bright fquadrons fl:ray, And win in eafy curves their graceful way; On ftep alternate borne, with balance nice Hang o'er the gliding fieel, and hifs along the icer 5 90 Argument of the Fourth Canto. ADDRESS to the Sylphs. I. Trade-winds. Monfoons. N. E. and S. W. winds. Land and fea breezes. Irregular winds. 9· II. ProduCtion of vital air from oxygene and light. The marriage of Cupid and Pfyche. 2.5. III. 1. Syroc. Simoom. Tornado. 63. 2.. Fog. Contagion. Story of Thyrfis and Aegle. Love and Death. 79· IV. 1. Barometer. Air-pump. 12.7. 2.. Air-balloon of Mongolfier. Death of Rozier. Icarus. 143. V. Difcoveries of Dr. Priefiley. Evolutions and combinations of pure air. Rape of Proferpine. I 6 5. VI. Sea-balloons, or hou{es confirutted to move under the fea. Death of Mr. Day. Of Mr. Spalding. Of Captain Pierce and his Daughters. I 9 5. VII. Sylphs of mufic. Cecilia finging. Cupid with a lyre riding upon a lion. 2.33. VIII. Defiruction of Senacherib's army by a pefiilcntial wind. Shadow of Death. 263. IX. 1. Willi to poffefs the fecret of changing the courfe of the winds. 305. 2.. Moniter devouring air fubdued by Mr. Kirwan. 32.1 . X. I. Seeds fufpended in their pods. Stars difcovered by Mr. Herfchel. DefiruCtion and refufcitation of all things. 35 I. 2.. Seeds within feeds, and bulbs within bulbs. Picture on the retina of the eye. Concentric firata of the earth. The great feed. 381. 3· The root, pith, lobes, plume, calyx, carol, fap, blood, leaves rcfpire and abforb light. The crocodile in its egg. 409. XI. Opening of the flower. The petals, fiyle, anthers, prolific du~, honey-cup. Tranfmutation .of the filk-worm. 441. XII. r. Leaf-buds changed into flower-buds |