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Show ( 40 ] Life's h~ly lamp with £res fucceffive feed, Fr01n the crown' d forehead to the profl:rate weed, From Earth's proud realms to all that fwim or fweep The yielding ether or tu1nultuous deep. 406 You fwell the bulb beneath the heaving lawn, Brood the live feed, unfold the burfl:ing fpawn ; N urfe with [oft lap, and warm with fragrant breath 'I' he embryon panting in the arms of Death ; 4 r o Youth's vivid eye with living light adorn, And fire the riG.ng bluili of Beauty's golden morn. " Thus when the Egg of Night, on Chaos hurl' d, Budl, and difclofed the cradle of the world ; 'Thus when the Egg of Night. 1. 413. There were two Cupids belonging to the :mtient mythology, one much elder than the other. The elder Cupid, or Eros, or divine Love, was the fi.rll: that came out of the great egg of night, which floated in Chaos, and was broken by the horns of the celefl:ial bull, that is, was hatched by the warmth of the fpring. He was winged and armed, and by his arrows and torch pierced and vivi fied all things, producing life and joy. Bacon, Vol. V. p. 197· ~1arto edit Lond. 1778. "At tJ1is " time, (fays Ariftophancs,) fable-winged night produced an egg, from whence fprung '' up like a bloffom Eros, the lovely, the defir::~bl e , with his glofTy golden wings." Avibus. Bryant's Mythology, Vol. II. p. 350. fecond edition. This interelling mc,>tpent of this fublime al~gory Mrs. Cofway has chofcn for her very beautiful painting. [ 41 J Firfi from the gaping lhell refulgent fprung IMMORTAL LovE, his bow celefl:ial ftrung ;....-... O'er the wide wafie his gaudy wings unfold, Beam his foft fmiles, and wave his curls of gold;- With fi.lver darts He pierced the kindling fratne, And lit with torch divine the ever-living Rame. '' 420 IX. THE GoDDEss paufed, admired with confcious pride The effulgent legions marfhal' d by her fide, Forms fphered in fire with trembling light array' d,. Ens without weight, and fubfl:ance without fhade; And, while tumultuous joy her bofom warms, 42 S Waves her white hand, and calls her hofis to arms. " Unite, ILLUSTRious NYMPHS! your radiant powers; C. all fr01n their long repofe the VERNAL HouRs.- She has reprefented Eros or divine Love with large wings having t~e fl:.rength of the eagle's wings, and the fplendor of the peacock's, with his h~ir ~oatm~ m the forn: of 6 nd with a halo of light vapour round his head; wluch !llummates the. pamti:; e,w~ile he is in the aa of fpringing forwards, and with his hands feparattng the elements. PART I. G |