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Show [ 111 ] ADVERTISEMENT. , THE general defig~1 of the following theets is to ' inlift Imagination under the banner of Science ; and to lead her votaries from the loofer analogies, which drefs out the itnagery of poetry, to the fl:riB:er ones, which forn1 the ratiocination of philofophy. While their particular defign is to induce the ingenious to cultivate the knowledge of Botany, by introducing them to the veftibule of that delightful fcience, and recommending to their attention the itnmortal works of the celebrated Swedi!h Naturalift, LINNEUS. In the firfi Poem, or Economy of Vegetation, the phyfiology of Plants is delivered ; and the operation of the Elements, as far as they may be fuppofed to affeB: the growth of Vegetables. In the fecond Poen1, or Loves of the Plants, the Sexual Syfl:em of Linneus is explained, with the retnarkable properties of many particular plants. |