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Show [ 74- ] As.woos Azotic Gas the virgin Air, And veils in crimfon clouds the yielding Fair, Indignant Fire the treacherous courdhi p flies, Waves his light wing, and mingles with the fkies. I 5o " So Beauty's GoDDEss, warm with new defire, Left, on her filver wheels, the Gon of Fire; Her faithlefs charms to fiercer MARS refign' d, Met with fond lips, with wanton arms intwin'd. -Indignant VuLCAN eyed the parting Fair, And watch' d with jealous fiep the guilty pair ; 0' er his broad neck a wiry net he flung, Quick as he .fl:rode, the tinklin~ melhes rung; Fine as the fpider' s flimfy thread He wove The immortal toil to lime illicit love ; Steel were the knots, and fteel the twifl:ed thong, Ring liqk' d in ring, indiff"olubly ftrong; On view lefs hooks along the fretted roof .He hung, unfeen, the inextricabl(( woof.- 155 160 [ 75 ] -Quick il:art the fj_Jrings, the webs pellucid fpread, t 6 5 And lock the embracing Lovers on their bed ; Fierce w-ith loud taunts vindiaive VuLcAN fprings, Tties all the bolts, and tightens all the firings, Shakes with inceffant ihouts the bright abodes, Claps his rude hands, and calls the fefiive Gods.- 170 -With fpreading pahns the alarmed Goddefs tries To veil her beauties fron1 celefiial eyes, Writhes her fair limbs, the flender ringlets ftrains, And bids her Loves untie the obdurate chains ; Soft fwells her panting bofom, as ihe turns, I 7 5 And her flufh' d cheek with brighter blulhes burns. Majefiic grief the Queen of Heaven avows, And chafl:e Minerva hides her helmed brows ; Attendant Nymphs with bafhful eyes afkance Steal of in tangled MARs a tranfient glance; Surrounding Gods the circling neCtar quaff, Gaze on the Fair, and envy as they laugh. L.2 So |