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Show [ s6 J The GoDDEss ceafed,-the exulting tribes obey, Start fron1 the foil, and win their airy way ; The vaulted ikies with fl:rea1ns of tranuent rays Shine as they pafs, and earth and ocean blaze. 5 90 So from fierce wars when lawlefs Monarchs ceafe, Or Liberty returns with laurel' d Peace; Bright By the fparks, the colour' d lufires burn, Flafh follows flaili, and Rame-wing' d circles turn ; Blue ferpcnts f weep along the duiky air, 59 5 Imp' d by long trains of fcintillating hair ; Red rockets rife, loud cracks are heard on high, And iliowers of fl:ars rufh headlong from the :lky, Burfl:, as in filver lines they hifs along, And the quick B.aih unfolds the gazing throng. 6oo Argument of the Second Canto. ADDRESS to the Gnomes. I. The Earth thrown from a volcano of the Sun; it's atmofphere and ocean; it's journey through the zodiac; viciffitude of day-light, and of feafons, r 1. II. Primeval ifland3. Paradife, or the golden Age. Venus rifing from the fea, 33· III. The fidl great earthquakes; continents raifed from the fea; the Moon thrown from a volcano, has no atmofphere, and is frozen ; the earth's diurnal motion retarded; it's axis more inclined; whirls with the moon round a new centre, 67. IV. Formation of lime-ftone by aqueous folution; calcareous fpar; white marble; antient ftatue of Hercules relling from bis labours. Antinous. Apollo of Belvidere. Venus de Medici. L ady Elizabeth Fofter, and Lady Melbourn by Mrs. D <Hner, 93· V. r. Of morafies. Whence the produCl:ion of Salt by elutriation. Salt-mines at Cracow, r 1 5· 2. Production of nitre. Mars and Venus caught by Vulcan, 14-3· 3· Producrion of jron. l\llr. l\lichel's improvement of artificial magnets. Ufes of Steel in agriculture, navigation, war, J 8 3· VI. ProduCtion of acids, whence Flint, Sea fand, Selenite, Aibeftus, Fluor, Onyx, Agate, Mocbo, Opal, Sapphire, Ruby, Diamond. Jupiter a11d Europa, 2 r 5· VII. 1. New fubterraneous fires from fermentation. Producrion of Clays; manufaB:ure of Porcelain in China; in Italy; in England. Mr. Wedgwood's works at Etruria in StaiforJ(hire. Cameo of a Slave in Chains; of Hope. Figures on the Portland or B;"\rberini vafe explained, 27 r. 2. Coal; Pyrite; Naphtha; Jet; Amber. Dr. Franklin's difcovery of dif.1rming the Tempefi: of it's lightening. Liberty of America; of Ireland; of Fra11ce, 349· VIII. Anti nt PART I. I |