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Show ( Vl ) Yet wilt thou, charmed amid his whifpering bowers, Oft with lone ftep by glittering Derwent ftray, Mark his green foliage, count his mufky flowers, That blu!h or tremble to the rifing ray; While FANCY, feated in her rock-roof'd dell, Liil:ening the fecrets of the vernal grove, Breathes fweetefr frrains to thy fymphonious fhell, And " gives new echoes to the throne of Love." Reptofl1 Nov. 28, 1788. • I I• [ vii ] TO Dr. DARWIN. WHILE Sargent winds with fond and curious eyes Thro' every mazy region of " the mine--" While, as entrancing forms around him rife, With magic light the mineral kingdoms fhine; Behold! amid the vegetable bloom, 0 DAR w r N, thy ambrofial rivers flow, And funs more pure the fragrant earth illume, As all the vivid plants with paffion glow. Yes !-and, wheree'er with life creation teems, I trace thy fpirit thro' the kindling whole; As with new radiance to the genial beams Of Science, ifles emerge, or oceans roll, And Nature, in primordial beauty, feems To breathe, infpir'd by Thee, the PHILOSOPHIC SOUL! Kmton, near Exeter, .dprilt8, 1792. R. POLWHELE. |