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Show 6123 565 Hoyt- D 4123 A This table shows, the table on page 87 shows, that a flow of 2000 second- feet is the nearest figure to the 1920 figures. It shows that during September, on the average fall of the river, there are seven days when the flow is less than 2000 second- feet, and 23 days when the flow is above 2000 second- feet during September. The table also indicates that during the year there are 77 days when the flow is below 2000 second- feet. In other words, based on the past records, there are 77 days in the year when you would expect a flow less than the day upon which I made my trip, and seven of them have more on the average during September. Q Now, refer to Exhibit 82- A over there ( indicating)? A This ( indicating) is Exhibit 82- A. Q Just a minute. On this question of site for gaging stations, what character of sites, so far as the river is con-cerned, do you look for in order to establish those gaging stations, and why? A Gaging stations are selected and operated by the Geological Survey at sections where the bed is as stable as possible, and in sections where the river is straight, where |