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Show 521 It was at first supposed that a certain design had heen interment, or rather of the posture in wLich the bodies w tion of the notes already given will show that such was no the entire skeletons discovered at La Patera were in the Dos Pueblos were in all attitudes, consequently we infer mode of procedure. From the fact that so many loose an close to the surface of the earth, it is probable that the sa and over again for burials, the remains of the previous out to make room for new- comers. Perhaps the utensils di serve for more than one burial. A question in connectioc yet to be satisfactorily answered, is, How were these people children, and even grown persons through the narrow ope a mntilated condition. It is true that some savage tribes dead until the flesh is removed, but we know of no instan habit of cutting up their dead for burial purposes. It ma the cutting method, or that finding bones iu digging anew ollas simply as a ready means of their disposal. In addition to the burial localities already mentioned, w< the northward and southward of Santa Barbara, and qui already been explored, although doubtless others still remi archaeologic cnpidity. Mr. Paul Schumacher has examine of San Luis Obispo and on the Santa Maria River, and Mr, Santa Barbara and in the vicinity of Carpenteria, lying son We have carefully consulted all available works which w the history of these aborigines, but, with the exception o have found little pertaining to the subject. It may, perhap full title of the rare and most entertaining manuscript fro qnoted, which was reproduced in typography by the late work entitled | Coleccion | de varios documentos | para la tierras adyaoentes: Cabrillo's own title, or rather Ferrers, is as follows: " ReU oion que hiao Joan Rodriguez Cabrillo con dos navios al disci del sur al norte, desde 27 de Juuio de 1542 que salio del pu de Abril del siguiente alio que ee restitnyo a* el, haviendo 11 gradoe, con la description de la oosta, puertos, ensenados tanoias, en la estenscion de toda aquella costa." The de stated, occurred on the Isla de la Posesion, in the middle caused by injuries received from a spar which fell from al the shoulder. Before his death, he named as his suocessoi mayor de los diehos navios," and to this successor we are ii the people under discussion. Iu conclusion, it may with propriety be stated that we ha show the results of the exploratory work performed in the by the party sent out under the auspices of the expedition i attempt has been designed toward solving questions appert; nlarly in view of the fact that the entire subject will be f Professor F. VV. Putnam, of the Peabody Museum of Arenas the entire collection has been submitted for examination haps better fitted for this most entertaining task than any c lo his bands we willingly leave the subject, eonfitient th gathered by ns as a basis, he will elucidate many hitherto nected with the customs of this extinct race, and bring tc hidden history. APPENDIX H 14. NOTES UPON ETHNOLOGY OF SOUTHERN CALIFONIA AND A O. LOEW. UNITED STATEI GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS WEST OF Washington, DEAR SIR ; I have the honor to submit herewith a report up< their customs and relations, as well as old hieroglyphic* Mono County, California. As ethnology is a matter of stec hope this contribution will not be without its value. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, Lieut. GEO. M. WHEELER, Corps of Engineers, in Charge. |