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Show 228 little nondescript to take up its abode on its banks. It occurs on many of the streams of the Sierras, numbers occupying the same reach of stream when food is abundant Na 474 475 Sox. d d Locality. do Date. Sept 15 Sept 15 Collector. H. W. Hen& baw. Do. SAXICOLIM:.- STONE- CHATS. 8. Sialia mexicana, Sw.- Western Bluebird. This species replaces in California the common Red- breasted Bluebird of the East, and is very common. No. 866 973 303 304 308 553 600 659 755 Sex. 1 $ jun. d Jan. rfad. 9Jnn. o* 3<" M rfad. rfad. cTad. Juu. Locality. Date. Aug Aug. Aug. I Aug. 1 AvL& Oct Oct Nov. July * a 7 7 * H 83 5 - Collector. Tejon Mountains, Cal do Fort Tejon, Cal do do Near Mount Whitney, Cal.. do do do H. W. Hen& liAW. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 9. Sialia arctioa, Sw.- Rocky Mountain Bluebird. Apparently " much rarer than the preceding species; indeed, I am not positive that I detected its presence at all, though a flock of Bluebirds seen in the high Sierras late in October were supposed to be of this species. This seems the more probable, as Dr. Cooper speaks of finding it numerous about Lake Tahoe and the summits of the Sierras in September. SYLVJID^ E.- SYLVIAS. 10. Begulus calendula, ( L.)- Ruby- crowned Kinglet. This species is very abundant during the migrations, and may perhaps be yet found breeding in the high mountains of Southern California, as it probably does in the more northern half of the State. No. 506 519 Sex. cf tfjan. Locality. Near Mount Whitney, Cal.* do Date. Sept. 26 Oct 3 Collector. H. " W. IXeuahaw. Do. 11. PolioptUa ccsrulea, ( L.)- Blue- gray Gnatcatcher. The neighborhood of Fort Tejon was the only locality where this Gnatcatcher was seen. It was here particularly numerous, the bushes along the sides of the canons being for some reason or other especially favored by their numbers. Neither here nor elsewhere was the closely- allied species P. melanura detected. No, 857 334 325 383 336 387 Sex. 9 jnn. dTjun. tfjan. d jnn. 9 jun. $ jnn. Locality. Fort Tejon, Cal do do ....^. do do , do Date. July 87 Aug. 8 Aug. 8 Aug. 8 Aug, 8 Aug. 8 Collector. H. " W\ Hep* h& w. Da Da Do. Da Do. CHAMJSODAE.- GROUND WKENS. 12. Chamoea fasciala, Gamb.- The Ground Wren, Ckamceafasciata, Bd., B. N. A., 1858,370- Xantus, Proc. Phila. Acad. Nat. Sci., 1859,191.- Coop., B., Cal., 1, 3870, 39.~ Conea, Key N. A. B., 1872, 79.- B., B , & R., N. A. B., i, 1874, 84.- Neleon, Proc. Beet Soc. Nat. Hist, vol. xvii, 1875,356 ( California). The Ground Wren appears to inhabit Southern California at large, and was detected by us at several widely- separated points both in the Coast range and the Sierras. Its |