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Show [ EXTRACT FROM THE ANNUAL REPORT OF THE C I THE SECRETARY OF WAR. OFFICE OF THE CHIEF Washington, D • * • « « GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS OF THE TERRITORY HUNDREDTH MERIDIAN. Officer in charge, First Lient. George M. Wheel; having nnder his orders First Lieuts. Eric BerglaiH and Second Lieut. Thomas W. Symons, Corps of 1! Sogers Birnie, jr., Thirteenth Infantry; First I i son, Sixth Cavalry; and Secoud Lient. M. M. Ma< The following gentlemen have been engaged in i tigations during the year: Dr. F. Kampf, astrono i observer and computer; A. E. Conkling, geolo ornithologist; Dr. J. T. Bothrock, botanist; and ethnologist. Owing to the lateness of the appropriation act was only enabled to take the field in August, and Lyon, Colo., and Carson City, Nev., during the la! The expedition of 1877, in three sections, took tl Colo., Ogden, Utah, and Carson City, Nev., duri i The number of small parties organized prosecute of California, Oregon, Nevada, Utah, Idaho, Mon rado, and New Mexico, and with the prospect of \ i to be closed by the inclemency of the incoming ; tildes visited. The areas surveyed by the expedition of 187( i vada, Colorado, and New Mexico, and come wit sheets 47, 48, 56, 61, 62, 70, 77, and 78. ( See pre The basins of drainage entered comprise porti terior basin," the Arkansas, Bio Orande, Gunnie streams along the western slopes of the Sierra N: The astronomical stations at which latitnde- det were those necessary to the checking of the me; through the mountain defiles. Two bases were measured; 194 triangulation 5,115 minor stations were occupied; 4,379 mile! 168 monuments were built; 4,553 sets of altiti made; 15 mining camps were visited. Of the quarto volumes authorized by Congress one numbered IV has appeared during the year, through the press. The tables of declinations of 2,018 latitude- ski T. H. Safford, are in the hands of the printer. With slight exceptions the MSS. for Vols. I series are ready to be placed in the hands of the trations have all been prepared, and are now printed. |