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Show 239 No. 347 394 338 338 339 340 341 344 486 437 430 433 434 435 Sex. Locality. ! Date. ( Mai Creek, Cal FortTejon, Cal do do do do do do Walker's Basin, Cal . FortTejon, Cal Walker's Basin, Cal. do Fort Tejon, Cal do Collector. Jnly 17 Aug. 3 Aug. 9 Aug. 9 Aug. 9 Aug. 9 Aug. 9 Aug. 9 Aug. 87 Aug. 88 Aug. 38 Aug. 88 Aug. 88 Aug. 38 H. W. Henahaw. Do. Da Do. Do. Do. Da Do. Da Da Do. Do. Do. Do. 54. ChryMmitrU lawrencii, ( Cassin).- Lawrence's Goldfinch. ( JardutUt fcnwencft, Cassin, Proo. A. N. So., v, Oct., 1859,105, pL v ( California).- Heermann, P. R. R. Rep., x, 1859. vi. 50, ( California). Ohrysomitris lawrencii, Bd., B. N. A., 1858,434- Xantna, Proa Phila. Acad. Nat. Sci., 1859,191.- ( Ft Tejon, Cal.).- Coop., B. Cal., i, 1870,131.- Couee, Key N. A. B.. 1873,133.- B., BM & R., N. A- B., 1874, 478. This Goldfinch appears to he more particularly a Californian species, and F do not find it reported from outside the State, except from Camp Whipple, Arizona. Its distribution here seems confined to a comparatively narrow area coastwise, from the sonthern border to the most northern portions of the State, where Heermann gives it as very abundant, throughout the mining- regions. It thus may, and probably does, extend somewhat into Oregon, though it has not been detected at Camp Harney by Lieutenant Bendrie. Near Santa Barbara, which was the only place where I met with the bird, it was a numerously represented species, though even there my observations respecting it were confined to a single locality, the neighborhood of some springs of fresh water to which the birds resorted in great numbers all through the day to slake their thirst. They certainly did not breed in the immediate locality, and I was at a loss to imagine the particular attraction the spot had for them. Xo. 53 * W 57 75 97 163 164 50 51 1ff* t 49 53 54 55 76 m 98 99 100 176 177 Sex. cfad. d- ad. tfad. rfad. d* ad. if ad. rfad. 9 ad. § ad. $ ad. tf Jnn. c^ jun. 9 Inn. f Jan. V . ran. < f inn. 9 Jan. V J an. d" jun. d" Jan. < f Jan. Locality. Santa Barbara, Cal . . . . . . do do do do do do do do .* do do do do do do do do do do do Date. Jane 35 Jane 35 Jane 35 Jane 86 Jane 37 July 1 July 1 Jane 35 Jane 35 July 1 Jane 35 Jane 85 Jane 35 Jane 35 Jane 36 Jane 35 Jane 87 Jane 87 Jane 87 July 8 July 3 Collector. H. W. Henahaw .. do do . . . . do . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . do . . . . do . . . . do .... do . . . . do . . . . do .... do . . . . do .... do . . . . do Wing. 8.53 8.60 8.70 8.79 3.63 8.70 8.73 3.56 8.50 3.54 3.64 Tail. 3.03 8.34 8.08 3.18 3,16 3.13 8.18 1.97 8.03 8.05 Bill. 0.33 0.33 0.35 0.33 0.33 0.38 0.35 0.33 0.34 a 33 Tarsus. 0.50 0.54 0.54 0.53 0.58 0.58 0.53 0.58 0.53 0.4T 55. Chrysomilrispinus, ( Wils.).- Pine Finch. In winter, the Pine Finch overspreads California, probably visiting all portions. It apparently does not, as in the same latitude in the interior, resort to the nigh mountains in summer, but all retire to the far north. In the interior, about Kernville and elsewhere, it was present the last of October in small flocks, finding in the weed-patches an abundance of food. No. 641 Sex. 9 Jan. Walker's Basin, Cal. Locality. Date. Nov. 5 Collector. H. W. Henahaw. |