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Show i if, Y 2, 1971 Lo~rd uf Directorb ,lad T. Pt<rkinson, i'resl.dent ~l!p,JLCT; President's Report ~)in...:c the G(;;t1ez',:d l<",(;ting in the Fall will rcquire ;j d(:tclilcG President's Report, this rep0rt WILL be brief. During this ~Jst sLi season, I have tr~vcled uxtensivcly OD \ssociution bU!',inessl Burley to the U.: .f .~ .• --T .D. ['.'"'.:1. "[ccting, Aspell to the R.:1.r..I.'\. Fall Semin<l.r, Pomerelle, Brian !lc.-td, and '"'lyl ine ski .'ircas with the Dcr:,;JlIsti'1tiun Team, Heaver ~:ount,"in \.dth ;)h11 Jones on (-l Clinic, and to Vail for N.,\.S.I.C. 11 ,mO the r.S.l.A. General Meeting. I was involved in seven certification eX.nBS and conGucted .1 Clinic «t i'ad City [or the Leaver Nountain . k.i ',:chuvl. 'inee the elN. . tic.ms LAst ;.'...t11, the lin.. l 1.:.1 Of".' detailed LuoSel waS prepared, three Hewslettl:l.. s helve Leen .r>utlished, five irel.: Clinics were held fur eight ::-hi :"C1l0015, a free J.r.1 .'\' party W<lb held at Solituoc, and the new nOI.till.:ttion and election procedure was irfiplt~mel1ted. The (crtificatl.on f'olicy was changed, ~,nc1:,s d result, 119 cundidates were cxafuined--~n incre~s~ of 45 over the pr~Yl.ous y~dr. Im\waJ:'ds Policy Wdb ddopted, elfl(; tbr'ougli this, ollr fivision's nomination was selected fki Instructur of the '!e~\r ~1t ?;.~,.:. I.C. 11 ty tl,e Garcb. Ski and Tennis Corporation. Finally, the Spring Clinic tN,'~; held "t .;lta to c,:tp off, in my jUdgement, '" VLr:y productive se.lscn. :~y sincere th:lIlLs to the IIlCI;ltcrs ut tite r.n.D., Cfficers, <:',IHl i(,;;rr:-:ittee :'ita.lrmen who cuntlibuted their time £lad o?i fort to make this se;;,son , ... h,lt it was. ~C5~e~t[ully submitted, Cl~rk T. PdrkinsoD President CTP:ld May 5, 1971 Mr. E4 Pond 466 East 5th South S.lt Lake City, Utah 84111 neal' Ed. Attached are ., report. which should probably b. included 1n the I.O.D. minute.. A •• oon a. you have completed. rough draft of the B.O.D. Ilinute., perhap., you can h.ve Fred F1nUnson r.view thea and aet the- typed. I would appreciate it if you would kind of •••• h1a into the remainina busine.s that must be taken car. of, specifically, the .inut.s, and follow-up on the insurance at the Bennion Agency. I feel that it is tmperative that ve send a thank you letter to the follow1n&. Alta Lifts, Alta Ski School, Alta Peruvian Lod,., and as 1 understand it, Jim Shan. donated SOllIe b.er. Also, we would want to find out from Keith Lanae who don.t.d the bulk of the beer. Also, either you 01' Fred should follow-up with Hary Ellen on ch.cks to the Demonstration T ... and a check each to Max and Keith for .electina tbe T.... I would also appreciate Fred'. and your help in lUkin, certain that Hal'J Ellen wraps up the Clinic paper work. If you have any questions r.aardin& this year-end work, plea.. l.t me know. Hope you have an enjoyable swraer. CTPald Attachments eel Fr04 Pinlinson Mary Ellen P.rkinson Sincerely, Clark T. P.rkinson Pr •• ident Hr. Wes Deist, President u.s.s .A.--l.D. 154 East 24th Street Idaho Falls, Idaho 83401 Dcar ~.Jes: 1'1ay 5, 1971 Re: I.S.l.A. Hembership--I.D. Our B.O.D. Sunday considered our membership in your division, and a motion was passed that our membership should be considered "unaffiliated" •. It was felt by the B.O.D. that since the memberships were free and since there was the problem with the press and the criticism surrounding the free memberships, we just did not want to be involved in any delegate or proxy votes at this time. As 1 indicated at the Clinic, 1 will not be able to attend your convention, since I will be out of the country. My best wishes for a successful convention. eTP :ld eel I.S.I.A. B.O.D. Sincerely, Clark T. Parkinson President CERTIFIED SKI TEACHER I. S. I. A. INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION May 5, 1971 Mr. Ed Pond 466 East 5th South Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Dear Ed: Attached are my reports which should probably be included in the B.O.D. minutes. As soon as you have completed a rough draft''Of the B.O.D. minutes, perhaps, you can have Fred Fin1inson review them and get them typed. 1 would appreciate it if you would kind of ease him into the remaining business that must be taken care of, specifically, the minuteS', and follow-up on the insurance at thfBennion ,/ (Agency.'., I feel that it is imperative that we send a thank you letter to the following: AltaL-±fts, Alta Ski,Schoo1, Alta PeruvianLotige-, and as 1 understand it, J~-SbaRe-donated some beer. Also, we would want to find out from Kaith.,Lan.g.e...who donated the bulk of the beer. Also, either you ~r Fred should follow-up with Mary Elle~ ~. chec~_~,"1~ ":.: to the Demonstratl.on Team and a check each to Max and Kel.tlifor"· .. · ) - selecting the Team. I would also appreciate Fred's and your help in making certain that Mary Ellen wraps up the Clinic paper work. If you have any questions regarding this year-end work, please let me know. Hope you have an enjoyable summer. CTP:1d Attachments cc: Fred Fin1inson Mary Ellen Parkinson Sincerely, Clark T. Parkinson President , . .-.'~ } { May 5, 1971 Mr. Ed Pond .'. 466 East 5th' South Salt Lake 'City, Utah 84111 Dear Ed, Attached are" my reports which should probably be included ~,.in the B.O.D. minutes. As soon al you have completed a rough draft of the B.O.D. minu'tes, perhaps, you can have Fred Flnlinson review them and get thelIa", typed. I would appreciate it 1£ you would kind of ease him into the" remaining business that must be taken care of, specifically, the minutes, and follow-up on the insurance at the · Bennion Agency. i"-~feel that it is imperative that we send a thank you letter to the following, Alta Lifts,' Alta Ski School, Alta Peruvian Lodge, and as I understand it, Jim Shane donated some beer. Alio, we would want to f~nd . out from Keith Lange who donated the bulk of-the beer. Also, eit~e~'-:-you or Fred shoul.d follow-up with Mary Ell~~ on checks to the Demonstration Team and a check each to Max and Keith for selecting ~ the Team. I would also appreciate Fred's and ·.your help in making .'certain that Mary Ellen wraps up the Clinic paper work. . . . If you have any questions regarding this year-end work, :pleale let me know. :Hope you have an enjoyable summer. CTP,ld Attachments ' .. - cc, Fred Flnlinson Mary ~ Ellen Parkin.on Sincerely, LiaJ Clark T. Parkinson President INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION TO Hrs. Hal'y Ellen P.:irkinson DATE 65 West fourth South L Salt Lake City, Utah 84101 DATE May 7, 1971 BY Dear Hary Ellen: Pleatie find encl osed Jim Olson IS name tag, which he forgot to return. Please give him credit for the Clinic. Gl~;-l)t T. P<qklnson, President {/ f .J~I / ..h SIGNED DETACH AND FILE FOR FOLLOW-UP Alta Peruvian Lodge Attention Merlin Berg Alta, via Sandy, Utah Dear Merlin: May 10, 1971 RE: Spring Clinic On behalf of the Association, let me take this opportunity to thank you personally and the facilities of the lodge for your hospitality and cooperation with the Association in staging the Spring Clinic. As per your request, let me indicate that 286 members attended the clinic along with 60 spouses. If the Association can be helpful to you and your operation, please feel free to call on us. Very sincerely, EDWIN J. POND VICE PRESIDENT l.S.I.A. EJP/bp May 10, 1971 Alta Ski School Attention A1f Engen & Max Lundberg Alta, via Sandy, Utah RE: Spring Clinic Dear A1f & Max: On behalf of the Association, let me take this opportunity to thank the Ski School for their cooperation in staging the Spring Clinic at Alta. The cooperaof the Ski School and its members was necessary in order for us to have a successful clinic and we are appreciative of your efforts. Very sincerely, EDWIN J. POND VICE PRESIDENT I.S.I.A. EJP/bp Alta Ski Lifts Attention Chic Morton Alta, yia Sandy, Utah May 10, 1971 RE: I.S.I.A. Spring Clinic Dear Chic: On behalf of the Intermountain Ski Instructors Association, let me express our thanks to you for the hospitality extended the Association over the week-end of Spring Clinic. The courtesy passes and cooperation extended by the lifts are greatly appreciated by the Association. If the Association can be of any help to the Alta Ski Lifts, don't hesitate to calIon us. EJP/bp Very sincerely, EDWIN J. POND VICE-PRESIDENT I.S.I.A. :V Alta Ski;~ifts Attention,~:hic j,orton Alta, via Sandy, tah --: ". lVla y 10, 19 71 ,(1:;: I.'s. I. 1\. ~3pring Clir1ic Dear Chic: 0n l:J<'lld If ,_,( \:::il(:; Intermountain Ski Ins tructors AssociaticJ1, 1 t m~ express our thanks to Y0U for the hospi ta.lit.J (',',1~,~ nJ::hf" :\5 ::;ocia tion over the week-clld of 'spriiL; ,_:iiilj_(:~ ,'j)t courtc'>l Pd~).3eS and c)or)C:,rat5.'~;:rl extendE"U I.:} ':,;1..': J_iCt d,C,' (~t>':ltl\' lpr;recL'!td by th(' .i'~~. scci ~-< ci,"ll. L ['1 ~ 1. ... ~:;~, c j_ r1 ::".1 '-. j. ~ .-; anD e (;. l' c1 n y h c·l f" Ski L,.L1." ~ ',", Ct l 11 t L 'n,,",; ~~ :,-t t:t .. ~ ,_',) Cdll (~'n lIS. r::;J~/bp v cc: r J ~. i r; C 'ee' !.:' c: .L :/ , LD:v lIS J. PLN;) vl.,~ i:;-i! 'u~:'; J j) r:oN [' 1 ' ! i i :, - .~, Hay 10, 1971 A1 ta ~)k i :...:cl10C) 1 i\,ttention '.1£ ;~n0cr: i!c. ;'1ax Lundber9 ;\lta, vi<3..)anclj, LaJl opport l'~'.i. : '[ t'ion :i:; L ;,l',:.i II! ()f '~-h,":' fer u: L:;JP/bp ( 1 ~~: ~pring Clinic :-~·~\·'t-L(::ti\.)r1, lc-t rne ta}(E~ t.':1i:·~ .!.l~·· kj )cl~:'.-)(}l tor tt:l~·i.r c·\.~·;.·'r\-·,"r·J>- ;:1 "j.ir1-1c (~,t -\It,:"=t. 'r~t·· (,>"-"<,Ir)(~ra- 11 ·;')!L~)".:'J: .,', ;,G. nec r . :>.1 L' t'der' {', Jut r:linic and ',1<' dr. :',.\:rl.~ciative L .. l )'/) 11'~ l.J. L-' LJI\IU \/E:':':' j ~:~;~)i UEN'I' 1. S. I.A. Attenti(;n . ",'r} in \lta, vi.'':( Jear ()ppori: i'i):: If i' () f t rl' " t ' the: your tn...::; r: ~ ..L: i, op(:r,~t) i\ t • , l::JP /bp ! ;., '~:·r0 , '1,' :lh ". " i.lt:"on, let m(~ ::'ab:: ;"r' '('[v11y and th(" il-j 'rl(4 C.Ch ':'r~'~~' ;,' - ;: 1 .1 r~' ' 1 i r.~: . J.l1 l~{)~''; i 1,·j ,_,. "_ i,'5 ," /:[ '-h f t, wjed Hr. ,.:Tir:, ;>hcil Goldminc·c:' ;.Ji)uqh'i:c.: [,-Ita, Vid :)::1['c1y. t lh A' soCi,'."! io!', t· ,1."! the.;, ,.,' .ie" t.t" .J" l J. . L. if ~., : i \vhich plea.;. : ( (~; .' hay 10, 1971 on behali y (ur. coop(~ra·t ler: t~r-c: c-l.i.clic. thf:.: v::. t h iJer.y 'J.riccrcly, LD"IL:i. ,C'!J:'; Vi,:,: ~ i-". (;,:~:) ,or :'Jt;I'~'~r 1. S • I. A. I'ir. Kei th Lange 4784 i\.11na .i'>',,! Ci.rcle sait Lake ~ity, Utdh Dear Lei L; regardi :;(~ lX, Alta ,-;;.1. ... !' and \vC;) C, J. ik ual:::"f;' :.:cnd addr(;: for clinic. SJP : ~ ; 1 , , \, ., : .\. •• 1,. ie, '.; 1;\.,' " J'lay 10, 1971 ~e: Spring Clinic 1 Cd: - .1 ;, ,-L!..;":a _Lifts, "i .i rn ) f1 a 11:: ~ c inJj'rid- 11-.",;1, d d1so ,'L ch. their thOilks the? Mr". Kei th Lange 4784 Anna Bow Circle Salt Lake City, Utah Dear Keith: May 10, 1971 Re: Spring Clinic I have at this time written letters of thank you regarding the above captioned clinic to the Alta Lifts, Alta Ski School, Alta Peruvian Lodge and to Jim Shane, and would like your suggestions as to any other individuals who may have donated beer and to whom we should also send a thank you note. Please also prov.ide me with their address. Again,let me extend to you the Associations thanks for the fine work you've put in for the staging of the clinic. Very sincerely, EDWIN J. POND VICE PRESIDENT I.S.I.A. EJP Hr. Jim Shane Goldminers Daughter Alta, via Sandy, Utah Dear Jim: May 10, 1971 RE: Spring Clinic .Let me take this opportunity on behalf of the Association to thank you for your cooperation with the Association in staging the clinic. We specifically want to thank you for the beer which was donated through your auspices. If we can be of any help to you in your operation, please feel free to call on us. Very sincerely, EDWIN J. POND VICE PRESIDENT I.S~I.A. EJP · -' .. :'.: .. ;. ' .~' ..... ~ ~ OVlART8 .v YR51?lL " ·Ylla.J IUB 3VITU:)3 X::J ror.. 3 1'1 11 2. r rr~8 HATU .YTI:::> 3/lA-I T.JA2 Mr. Fred Finlinson Attorney at Law 822 Kearns Building rr.. (!:-:· O ~ e 100 300.:.> A3fiA Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Dear Fred: Nay 24, 1971 Please find enclosed correspondence from R.M.S.I.A. which needs to be taken care of. Particularly the matter with Tom Jacobsen should be handled soon since this is not the first request. Thanks Fred. If you have any questions, please call me. EJP/bp Very sincerely, EDWIN J. POND A'rTORNEY AT LAW ~- 7" .- . -: - - - - . --. --. - --------- - .- - - -- .• .. - - - - -.. - . . ---- _ . __ .. ________ _ _ _ CERTIFIED SKi TEJ'.CHER 1. s. 1. A. rwllW!!!l INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION June 9, 1971 TO: I.S.I.A. Board of Directors FROM: Clark T. Parkinson, President SUBJECT: News Nedia In my estimation, the number one problem facing us is the complete lack of exposure of our activities to the general public, particularly the Wasatch front area. As a prime example of this, the attached editorial by Grant Messerly of The Salt Lake Tribune appeared June 8, 1971. Almost half of Grant's editorial was on the Intermountain Division of the National Ski Patrol's recent meeting in Park City. Grant lists awards given at the convention, etc., and yet, following our Spring Clinic at Alta, no mention by either of the Salt Lake papers or T.V., despite the fact that Grant Messerly was sent a Newsletter prior to the Clinic, which had a cover story on our Clinic, was personally invited in writing by Ed Pond to attend, and was sent a news release by DuMac one week before the Clinic. Are not the activities of 640 ski instructors in the Intermountain Area ~? I would be happy to receive suggestions from you on how to approach the problem. CTP :ld Attachment Sincerely, ./kdu Clark T. Parkinson President THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE June 8, 1971 Grant Messerly Ski Patro~men IIonored In addition to the ski racing activity, nearly 700 Intermountain Division ski patrol members recently wound up their annual convention at Park City Ski Resort.. , OWing the convention 14 IntermounWn Divi· sionpatrolmen were appointed as National ,Ski Patrolmen. This appointment is not something: patrolman can work or plan for; but rather it 'is' & recognition "by other National Ski Patrolmen of lh(l candidate's demonstrated leadership, character aqd extraordinary service beyond required duties. ; No, Ski Season's Not. Quite' Over For Hard-Working Ski Racers Those recieving the honor include Ben Luth, Paul Draper, Merrill Rowley, all of Bri~hton: Dou.!fWith the air. temperatures soaring daily upward, , las Christensen, Bruce Meilke. Alta: Clifford A. Rich, and the calendar indicating summer is near, you I Park City; Curtis L. Willis, Blizzard Mountain would think the ski season was past. 'Right? I (Arco, Idaho): Ralph W. Johnst()n. Davin YOUl1~, Well, I SUppOSE: for most skiers it is. But for cer- Snow Basin; James E. Brown, Beaver Mountain; tain groups, like ski racers, it isn't. . William F. Voorhees, Solitude; Jack C. Olsen, Sky- Every year a number of ski areas in the U.S. I,line; Patricia B. Hubner,ldaho Falls', and R.eily Stbd .. host summer racing camps, which _ help keep the I ard, who is with the division administration. , skiers in condition, plus giving them valuable train- , Voorhees also received a Gold and Green l!~rit ing aid and form pointers. Star, which is awarded for difficult and hazardo~ This year there will be a summer camp in Utah, rescue work, for his work in recovering bodies fro~ at Alta Ski Resort, and it's drawing a lotof attention an avalanche. " from ski racers around the nation. '1 Severalnatrolmen received Yf'llow 1vferit Star~1. The two-week camp is sponsored by Challenge for outstanding service, and three long-sufferins .14 Inc., started last Saturday (June 5) at the Little Cot- I patrol wives received Angel Pins. The pins ~re tonwood Canyon resort. ' awarded to wives who have experienced utpleai" Skiers - 8 years and up - from 25 states and santries becaw:;e of their husb!'nd~' duHes. , . Canadian provinces signed up 'to attend. The camp The Angel Pins went to LoAnn Davis, wife of has been designated as the official Intermountain Di- Brighton Patrol Leader Fred Davis; Jean Osbotite, vision of the U.S. Ski Assn. training camp. wife of Park City Patrol Leader. Dick Osborne, an:4i In addition, there are members of the Canadian Barbara Williams, wife of Jim WillIams, asBistaJlt ~ I national teams, and the Norwerrian national team. rector of the Intermountain Division. , Top Coaches A top notch list of coaches has been assembled : for the camp, including Dick Dorworth, the 1970 U.S. : National Tea.tn men's coach, and Jean Saubert, an . Olympic medal winner. In addition, Jim Gaddis, I Butch Hoffman and Junior Bounous, two local coach- : es, are helping out. . ~. r Camp director Brad Smith ::noted that the Calm>" i is not strictly for experts. In addition to advanced I classes, there are sessions in special learn to race I classes for beginners. i Two Salt Lake City skiers attending the camp ~ will also be looking forward to making the~r marks I on the national and international ski scene next win- ' Craig- Gorder. a member of the U.S. Talent iter with the U.R team. I . squad la~t winter. has moved un to the U.S. training" i (or B) tf'am, while Tom McGhie. who had good showingA l::!At Sf'aAOn, was l"IalT'f'd to the talent 8f!uad. norMr won his !'loot h" fh';flhinO' as one of the +()11 ?n rl'l'f'r" -..,. rlA (I,,+,,~,..,; .. ,..~ h" ti'T<:' ""oi.,+q -- ~1l . the countrv last year. M"nhie was in the top 45 to gain thf' t" lr>nt Anuad nOC'itinn. ::!::::::!:::::,- -- .1 June 9, 1971 Te: T.f.I.A. Hoard of Directors r~ml: Clark T. Parkinson, I'residcnt In my estimation, the number one problem facing us is the completf.: lack of exposure of our activities to the general public, particularly the lJasatch front area. As a prime example of this, the attached editoriil1 by Grant rtesserly of The Salt Lake Tribune appeared June U, 1971. Almost half of Glant's editorial was on the Intermountain Division of the National Ski Patrol's recent meeting in Park City. Grant lists awards given at the convention, etc., and yet, following our Spring Clinic at ,\ltu, no mention by either of the Salt Lake papers or T.V., despite the (net that Clant Besserl)' was sent a Newsletter prior to the Clinic, which 1 •. :H.l a cover story on our Clinic, was personally invited in writ.ing· h} Cu Pond to attend, and was scnt a new~ release by DuHsc one weck bet"oct: the Clinic. ,\re not the activities of ()40 ski iustructors in the Intermountain A.rea· ~? ! would be hclppy to receive suggestions from you oh how to approach the ,>1."oblcm. (;1'1' s ld Attachment ~incerC!ly, f.lark T. Parkinson President I.S.I.A. OFFICERS MEETING University Club June 15, 1971 AGENDA I. Review May 2, 1971, B.O.D. Minutes A. Items to do this summer 1. Study Group 4. 2. Insurance 5. 3. Transfer of Foreign Instructors 6. II. Set up study group for reorganization of corporate officers A. Chairman B. Vice Chairman C. Members D. First Meeting E. Report Deadline III. Budget A. Budget Committee B. Heeting IV. Executive Secretary A. Late Dues B. Payment to Mary Ellen and Pam 2 C. Interview and hire Executive Secretary by August 15. D. Send B.O.D. Minutes to B.O.D. V. Executive Conunittee Heeting (Sunaner) Party--with wives? A. Review budget, reorganization study, set Fall Seminar tentative program VI. Other Business * CERTIFIED SKI TEACHER 1. S. I. A. INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION Dave Larson, Fred F inlins on , Clark Parkinson, Lou Lorenz, Andy Shear~r, Members of Officer's StudyGroup Committee. Dear Study Group Member: June 16, 1971 The officer's of the association met June 15, to review and plan the work of the association. President Parkinson asked me to serve as chairman of this Study Group Committee above refered to and of course, did so in respoTlS'e to the directive of the Board of Directors. It was the feeling of all of the 'officers present that you should be a member of this committee, as you have much to contribute. Unless I hear to the contrary I will assume you are willing to help in this matter. I have at this time written a letter to all of the other divisions inquiring as to what they do and their individual divisions with respect to officers and their duties. I am hoping we will have some responce from them by the Lst of July, since on July 1st I would like to schedule a meeting for us. I will schedule said meeting at 5:00 p.m. at my office, ~66 East 5th South, Salt Lake City, Utah, and ask that you contact me immediately if said date has a conflict for you. At this first meeting I anticipate a discussion wherein we can hammer out some of the basic ideas we think should later be presented to the executive committee and ultimately to the board of directors for approval. Please come prepared t:~ith your thoughts somewhat organized along the lines of what changes if any, should be made in the officers of our association. Thankyou. Group Chairman Dave La:c."'Gon, Fred FinlinsUlt, Clark P~H'kinson) Lou Lor.enz, A'tl{l~/ (5l1C'e'tf.'·r+~r, r.'!c nit (} i.': i f,"' ,.' Dear ;,tl: £'cc tin.5: commi :: '-, ,( I wiU then' meetin: ' fr 66 l:a3:~ '. \ Flc:a:Je ('! of what',:;, 1 ' ;'.' Tlli1i1kvou. ", the '; i , . l ',.;'\.: ,1 , June 16, 1971 , I ·'1 " : , " E{hdll J. hmd ',' t -"'l'OtTJ ,P :l]lPl'Ovat. ;J j{-_' J.irH~S ~ ( ) .", J)..l L ]. on . Officer t ~1:)tudy Group Chairman " ... " ._. ~''''. ··_·_····_·_·_ .. ·--1 { 'h.i' ,>;':] TFM HFP, I , \ -\',; INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION w ....· , .• ", .•••_ ._ _• _ ___________________ June 16, 1971 TO: Division Presidents FROM: Edwin J. Pond, Vice President, ISLA RE: Divisional Officers Dear President: I have recently been appointed chairman of a study group 1n our association to make findings and determination concerning officers in the various associations. The purpose of this letter is to ask if you will provide me with information as to the officers in your association. Would you please provide me with a copy of that portion of your articles, by-laws, or any other printed material you may have which spells out the duties and responsibilities as well as the names of the various officers in your association. Further, if you do not feel the above mentioned printed matter clearly describes how the officers in your association opperate, I would appreciate a cover letter that summarizes that action. I am aware that you are very busy, but would appreciate your immediate responce to this letter. If we here in ISLA can be of any help to you please feel free to contact us. ~lYK( EdWi~ond Vice~s~dent of ISLA CERTIFIED SKI TEACHER 1. S. I. A. INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION June 16, 1971 TO: Division Presidents FROM: Edwin J. Pond, Vice President, ISIA RE: Divisional Officers Dear President: I have recently been appointed chairman of a study group in our association to make findings and determination concerning officers in the various associations. The purpose of this letter is to ask if you will provide me with information as to the officers in your association. Would you please provide me with a copy of that portion of your articles, by-laws, or any other printed material you may have which spells out the duties and responsibilities as well as the names of the various officers in your association. Further, if you do not feel the above mentioned printed matter clearly describes how the officers in your association opperate, I would appreciate a cover letter that summarizes that action. I am aware that you are very busy, but would appreciate your immediate responce to this letter. If we here in ISIA can be of any help to you please feel free to contact us. Sincerely, Edwin J. Pond Vice President of ISIA \ , INTA~~UN~AI~ S~I INSTRUCTORS ASS~CI.ATI.0!"1 Dave Larson, Fred F inlinson , Clark Parkinson, Lou Lorenz, Andy Shear~r, Members of Officer's StudyGroup Committee. Dear Study Group Ivlember: June 16, 1971 The officer's of the association met June 15, to review and plan the work of the association. President Parkinson asked me to serve as chairman of this Study Group Committee above refered to and of course, did so in responce to the directive of the Board of Directors. It was the feeling of all of the·officers present that you should be a member of this committee, as you have much to contribute. Unless I hear to the contrary I will assume you are willing to help in this matter. I have at this time written a letter to all of the other divisions inquiring as to what they do and their individual divisions with respect to officers and their duties. I am hoping we will have some responce from them by the Lst of July, since on July 1st I would like to schedule a meeting for us. I will schedule said meeting at 5:00 p.m. at my office, 466 East 5th South, Salt Lake City, Utah, and ask that you contact me immediately if said date has a conflict for you. At this first meeting I anticipate a discussion wherein we can harrnner out some of the basic ideas we think should later be presented to the executive committee and ultimately to the board of directors for approval. Please come prepared with your thoughts somewhat organized along the lines of what changes if any, should be made in the officers of our association. Thankyou. Sincerely, Edwin J. Pond Officer's Study Group Chairman --- ---------- ----- ------ ----------------- E. Earl Greenwood7Jr. of Greenwood and Meservy_ EDWIN J. POND ATTORNEY AT· LAW FORUM PLAZA, SUITE 101 466 EAST 5TH SOUTH SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84111 322-5555 June 16, 1971 Suite 202 Banker 5 Life Building 444po. State Street Salt Lake City, Utah Dear Mr. Greenwood: RE: Georgia Pacific Corp. -vs- Cebeton Industries, Inc. With regard to the above captioned matter, please be advised that the~hare~olders ~eting of Cebeton Industries is set for July 1, 1971 wherein Jhareholders have been asked to appr&ove a sta~tory merger between Cebeton Industries and Glo~Oil Industries, Inc., the latter ~ corporation to be the survivor. As you are aware) in the event ~areholders approve and the merger is consumated all of& the liabilities of Cebeton will be picked up. However,the only way the matter will be consumated is if all obligations and creditors of Cebeton are first taken care of. Hence, the ihareholders on the first of July will also approve a means proposed aSt this time to take care of said obligations. If you will contactme shortly after the first of the month I &O&&&&&&p& would expect at that time to be better informed as to the actual details of clearing up your obligationsi. Sincerely, BDWIN J. POND ATTORNEY AT LAW INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION June 16, 1971 TO: Division Presidents FROM: Edwin J. Pond, Vice President, ISIA RE: Divisional Officers Dear President: I have recently been appointed chairman of a study group ~n our association to make findings and determination concerning officers in the various associations. The purpose of this letter is to ask if you will provide me with information as to the officers in your association. Would you please provide me with a copy of that portion of your articles, by-laws, or any other printed material you may have which spells out the duties and responsibilities as well as the names of the various officers in your association. Further, if you do not feel the above mentioned printed matter clearly describes how the officers in your association opperate, I would appreciate a cover letter that summarizes that action. I am aware that you are very busy, but would appreciate your immediate responce to this letter. If we here in ISIA can be of any help to you please feel free to contact us. Sincerely, Edwin J •. Pond Vice President of ISIA ---------~~.----~- -------- ~.--.-.---.-~-- CERTIFIED SKI TEACHER l s. 1. A. INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION June 17, 1971 TO: I.S.I.A. B.O.D. FRON: Clark T. Parkinson, President SUBJECT: Report--Summer Activities On July 15th, the I.S.I.A. Officers met for the purpose of getting organized for the summer. A Study Group was formed to report to the B.O.D. on proposed reorganization of the Corporate Officers. Ed Pond was appointed as Chairman with the Officers and Lou Lorenz and Andy Shearer as members. The first meeting of the Study Group will be around July 1st, and a report to the B.O.D. will be made prior to the next B.O.D. meeting. An Executive Committee meeting has tentatively been set for August 15th for the purpose of reviewing a preliminary budget and considering the first draft of the Study Group's recommendations. The Budget Committee will meet approximately July 15th to review Dave Larsen's preliminary draft. As the Budget and Study Group Committees progress, I will keep you further informed. Sincerely, ~ Clark T. Parkinson President CTP: ld JUlie 17. l'i7 t .t(. TICllO.l.('; :' t,,,,iUtU4d, Cxecutive f cc..(clo.r), '.<.J ,\.. l~vl Yor\.. .tICc-ot ;,t1,HVLl, Cvlotildv 80,J(:' I O'OJlL n 'lH1i~ : Re t Trdus(~r ot foreiGn lllhLruClncs into l .. *~ . l . I\. • T.Sf't P411, \lI.H~ {; ...... ') .. app roved a motion to' "l~cep t f~['ei~u in f..tluc t or int.J vut' Divi8 J.on \lithout ccqulrillg a ('el"t1tl.Cat10n ixa.'11. ~IC {;ilVP het. Of' <I welt ... d, wh"reb:r. our r r"d~nt! .. ls end G.ntUicatlon ("trl tttees "",- ,d)' Q l"'''l.gn ~nsl.uctor'. celtillcation stllLub .. n" H>Lo,"",cna to ..,U.1. L . f~ . O . ue,"eptuHc \.ll. LSI*' t"eaUf.ter. We do } ! ~'Vt;:. ri p:u .,i\:. lt:m, l.owe. '\q ~,", .n 'ot ... l.. ... J.ilU the lIutL<;ntJ.city ur the .. " .... lcot1a!s 1,,,.n& SUbLlitled t o Ub , ., .Al· tJ.~u1.'jxl y ly lli.~ Auatciftu l.il6tl'uc;Lot b t,~U'I ~ 'Un Vdl h.~ .)·. '1 5 1 LC\.oWll, ,,"U lhe yaeL, P . S .I. A. . (' Ct1Ct:"1~ 8 1in!lC alle to' vcrity torciuu 1...n~tl;, .. h ... tv'fI,l C. .. Llt.illC.,utlt.1Tt 6t.tU8 through their connec(;len{~ lu f.uro .... t.... -,,~,. r . f . ! .,\ . cu ... lIll1y have a <Jumncl o[ c""",unlcaU on~ tv eh" ',u~tria" 'kl Fcdel,'l un? 11 •. u. could we pruvide you with a list of ""pl.cunt5 t'('qU""tinE; ttanGfct inc" Ot,1t •. i'vision tOt "4ltlf1<.atlon tif certiflcation 1.itdt.U6? f inti!: ,-e mu~t ft LVC cd on (our (1.[. Live (.Ui:'l(.:tlt uj.Jp l.1c a tichs-, we r:lU& l have a l.·Cli.l:'ant;, ~ {rom i;C"u ;;1" 80011 a6 {J 0ss iblc , l ,ec:.al.J'v ,LJ .. ,i'f..'U Cllnnot provide Ull with this servLcC! , we will be required to sc"k other #!; Vl;; aUe~. CC 1 JiJ.ftlft)" .10110l:).ton ~'red 1'1nI1'150" l"d Fond C laJ;\t 1 . ~$r"-ln £OG P,.s1dcnt June 17, 1971 "r . lennis Stanford, :':xecutive £cc.cetary I' . <' .J. \ . lblll Yo rl, Street nen~c r, Colorado B0206 Ve<.J [ ennis: He: Transfer of For:CJ.bn Instru c l or:~ in to I .. ~ .. I • ~ .. l,lst Fall , OUr n.O.D . approved a mo tion to accept fo r eign instructors Jut u our Division without requiring a Certification rxam . 'e havE' ee t up a method, whereby, our Credentials and Certitication ConnutL ee s v e ri ty R Loreign instructor ' s certification status and recommend tu Ol11..' ji . ..... . O. acceptance of the t.ransfer. we do hil\/e a problem, lJov.Te.vc::t., i n det " nu.n.ng the authenticity of the credentlals Leing sllbmittcu ll· us , ~a rticu l arly Ly the Austrian lnstructor5 [rom Slln Valley. \s 1 1 '~d ll , in the past, 1' . S . 1. .. . ) ific"rs were able to verily t o r e 1!:>" l "s t~ucturs ' certiiication status through their connections in ~ Ur l)~/~ . QuCb r . S .T . \ . currently hdve a channel of: communications to the 'us tl L,n ::ki '· cder.>t1on? It so, could WIC provide you with a lisL of ap p li cun t ~ r equesting transfer into our Division for ~eLificatlOn of certi£icalLun s t atus? [,ince we must proceed on f our or five current applicatiun !" , wc:: must have a response from you as soon as p0ssiblc, because i...L you Ccl rlno t prov1de us with t his service , we will be roquired to seek othcr avt!nuc ~ . CTP ,ld cc : J illl1u)' J ohns ton Fred Finlinson Ed Pond Sincerely, HaJ Clark T . Parkinson Presiden t June 17, 1971 TO: I.S~I.A. B.O.D. FROH: Clark T. 'Parkinson, President SUBJECT: Report--Summer Activities Cn July 15th, the !.~ .loA. Officers met for the purpose of getting organized for the summer. A Study Group was fonned to report to the B.O.D. on proposed reorganization of the Corporate Officer!>. Ed Pond was appointed as Chairman with the Officers and Lou Loren7- and Andy Shearer as members. The first meeting of the Study Group will be around July 1st, and a report to the B.O.D. will be made prior to the next B.O.D. meeting. ·\n Executive Committee meeting has tentatively been set for 'August 15th for the purpose of reviewing a preliminary budget and considering the first draft of the Study Group's recommendations. The Budget COQffiittee will meet approximately July 15th to review Dave Larsen's preliminary draft. As the Budget and Study Croup Conunittees progress. I will keep you further informed. eTP: Id - -.--...... -:-"-.~-- Sincerely, Clark T. Parkinson President INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCiATHJN Mr. Lou Lorenz, L. Lorenz Grinding 29 East Fourth South Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 i J JATfC June 17, 1971 engrave and ship, I think we should order the 3Y z o ~ u o Ul Ul ~ CERTIFIED SKI TEACHER 1. S. I. A. INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION June 18, 1971 Mr. Ed Pond 466 East 5th South Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Dear Ed: Re: Study Group I found in my files current copies of the Rocky Mountain and Central Bylaws. Enclosed are copies of the sections relating to officers and committees. Perhaps, it would be a good idea to distribute these to the committee members and urge that they digest these prior to our meeting. I would appreciate receiving copies of the other divisions' Bylaws, at least the sections on organization, as you receive them. Appreciate very much your taking on this responsibility, and I think we have a real opportunity to get our organization on the track. CTP:1d Enclosures Sincerely, Clark T. Parkinson President Section 8. Voting by Mail. The Board may be polled by the Secretary at the request of any Board member. A ballot shall be prepared stating the nature of business which shall be limited to matters permitting a "yes" or "no" vote and mailed to each member subject to return within ten (10) days from the date of such ballot mailing, excluding the day of mailing. The results of the poll shall be tabulated listing each member's vote by name, and the Board member shall be informed of the results. If no protest is made by a Board member within ten (10) days of mailing of the result, the action shall be final. If a protest is made, the entire Board shall be advised immediately as to the nature of such protest, and the matter shall be held in abeyance for a period of ten (10) days pending a vote for reconsideration. Should the Board vote not to reconsider the matter, the original action shall become final. Section 9. Vacancies. Any vacancies occurring in the Board of Directors and any Directorships to be filled by reason of an increase in the number of Directors shall be filled by an affirmative vote of the majority of the Directors, unless the matter is referred to the membership for a special meeting by an affirmative vote of the majority of the remaining Directors, to fill such vacancy until the next general election. Section 10. Protest and Suspension of Board Action. Any specific action or ruling of the Board may be suspended temporarily by a petition bearing the signature of thirty (30) percent of the total eligible voting members. Upon presentation of any such petition, the Secretary shall prepare a ballot to be sent to all voting members with instructions to return the same within ten (10) days after the date of mailing of the ballots. The Secretary shall tabulate the ballot results and a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the total vote of the eligible voting members shall render the suspension of the Board action permanent. Less than two-thirds (2/3) majority vote shall result in revoking the temporary suspension. ARTICLE VIII - OFFICERS • Offices. The officers of this corporation shall consist of the President, Executive Vice President, Administrative Vice President and Secretary, Financial Vice President and Treasurer, Technical Vice President, Certification Vice President, and Public Relations Vice President. (a) Term of Office: All officers shall be elected for terms of one (1) year and continue until their successors are elected. -8- -------"'------ (b) Removal of Officers: All officers of this corporation shall be subject to removal with cause at any time by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Board of Directors. Section 2. Duties of Officers. Duties of the officers shall be prescribed by the Board and shall include, but not be limited to, the following: (a) President: He shall preside at all Board meetings and meetingspaor-Ene general membership; coordinate all activities of the CSIA and represent the CSIA in its relationship with the USSA-Central Division, United States Forest Service, Area Operators Association, and other governmental bodies, corporations and associations concerning the skiing in the area; he shall ~xecute such documents as are required to be executed by the corporation and perform such other duties as may be authorized or directed by the Board. of man the (b) Executive Vice President; He shall assume the duties the Yfes~aent in the absence of the President; serve as chairof the Election Committee and perform such other duties as President or the Board may prescribe. (c) Administrative Vice President and Secretary: He shall supervise the work of the Executive Secretary and report periodically to the Board of Directors. (d) Fjpapcial Vice Presjdent and Treasurer: He shall supervise the collection and disbursement of corporate funds with Board approval and shall keep and deposit the same for and on behalf of the corporation in the bank or banks to be designated by the Board; or in the absence of such designation, he may select the bank or banks in which to deposit such funds; implement the annual budget approved by the Board; purchase necessary insurance and indemnity bond; make purchases and investments as authorized by the Board; approve budgets; arrange for audits as they are required;and supervise all financial transactions. He shall perform such other duties as may be authorized or directed by the President or the Board. (e) Technical Vice President: He, with the assistance and approval of the 'techIncai Comm~ttee, shall prepare and revise as necessary the CSIA instructional manuals subject to further approval of bhe Board. He shall see that such manual is made available to the membership; cooperate with the Certification Vice President in establishing technical ski teaching standards, and such standards shall be approved by the Board; shall supervise sanctioned member clinics; supervise the use of picture films and other training aids belonging to the CSIA; and plan and direct annual clinics. He shall perform such other duties as may be authorized or directed by the President or the Board. -9- I: .. (f) Certification Vice President: He shall, with the assistance ofrhe Certification committee, plan and supervise preexamination clinics and all examinations; establish and maintain approved training programs for precourse instructors and examiners; shall see that the list of all qualified examiners and precourse instructors is compiled and submitted to the Technical Committee for their review. Any Certified Instructor is eligible to apply for consideration as a precourse instructor and/or examiner. Such application shall be made to the Certification Vice President and Certification Committee and who will also forward the same to the Technical Committee for their review. He shall perform such other duties as may be authorized or directed by the'President or the Board. The Certification Vice President will be elected from a different region at least every two (2) years. (g) fublic Relations vice President: He shall arrange for advertising, news releases, and other matters for which public attention is desired. He shall perform such other duties as may be authorized and directed by the President or the Board. ARTICLE IX - EXECUTJVE SE~~ETARY The Executive Secretary shall be responsible to the Board of Directors and directly responsible to the Administrative Vice President and Secretary. He shall supervise the work of all office personnel; send out notices; subscribe to the minutes of all meetings of the members and of the Board; mail· c:rs' direcred, copies of such minutes, letters and information to the members; publish annually a list of members in each category; compile annually and publish a list of recognized ski schools and direc tors of such schools; maintain a current file-6r'1'~"'r"'r--s'!""t-'X·id Card records; issue instructor's pins and certification cards; keep current certification, financial, and historical records; and be responsible for the records and other properties under his management and control. He shall attest to all instruments executed by the corporation as may be required and shall perform such other duties as may be authorized and directed by the President or the Board. Official records of the corporation shall be made available to any member in good standing upon application to the President. A member's own records shall be made available to that member upon application to the Executive S~cretary ._,. __ ... ARTICLE X - STANDING COMMITTEES Section 1. Technical Committee. The Technical Committee shall consist of the Technical Vice President as chairman, and such other members he may select. The duties of the Technical Committee shall include (1) coordination of activities of the Technical and Certification Committees in order to provide consistency between education and examinations; (2) assist the Technical Vice President in the preparation of member clinic programs submitted by him; (3) maintain liaison with other instructor organizations for the purpose of exchanging technical information; (4) receive and evaluate technical information from the membership and publish said information considered to have merit. -10- Section 2. Certification Committee. The Certification Committee shall consist of the Certification Vice President as chairman, and such other members he may select. The duties of the Certification Committee shall include (1) coordination of activities of the Technical and Certification Committees in order to provide consistency between education and examinations; (2) assist the Certification Vice President in preparation and revision of precourse and examination methods; (3) assist the Certification Vice President in the establishment of qualifications for precourse instructors and examiners and to approve the list thereof submitted by the Certification Vice President; (4) maintain liaison with other instructor organizations,for the purpose of exchange of certification information. Section 3. Election Committee. The Executive Vice President shall be the chairman of the Election Committee. The President shall appoint such other Directors, officers or members co this Committee as he shall deem necessary and desirable after consultation with the Executive Vice President with respect thereto. The Election Committee shall prepare and mail all election material required by these Bylaws and by law, tabulate and record election results, and publish the results of said elections as required by these Bylaws and by law. Section 4. Budget Committee. The" Budget Committee shall consist of the Financial Vice President and the Administrative Vice President as Co-Chairmen, and such other persons as may be appointed by the Board. The Budget Committee shall prepare the annual budget for presentation at the regular Fall meeting of the Board of Directors; recommend to the Board at its Spring meeting the amount of annual dues to be paid by the various members; and perform such other duties as may be designated by the President. Section 5. Executive Advisory Committee. All former Presidents of CSIA and those appointed by the present President shall form an Executive Advisory Committee to which the Board of Directors may from time to time assign various duties. The chairman shall be appointed by the President. Section 6. Other Committees. The Board or the President, from time to time, may appoint such committees and committee chairmen as are deemed necessary and desirable to perform such corporate duties as may be and shall be delegated by them. t l - -11- - - --~. ~ - --~ -----~-~ rr I I DBOIRAREDc roROSF I I r PRES IDEI\"T I I EXECUfIVE I , SECRETARY . !,J • I I r VICEE XPERCEUSTIIDVEEN T I Ex-officio member. I I CERl' IFICAT ION COMMUNICATIONS TECHNICAL V~~~ __ P!"~~~~~~t Vice President Vice President Chief Examiner I , I 1 r I r I Chairman Assistant Chairman Assistant Chairman Chairman Certification Chief Films-Visual ~ommunications Manual Advanced Skiing Review Comm. Examiner Aids Comm. Vice-President Committee Committee ~ Examiners' I- Newsletter Training r J Chairman Chail'!llan Chairman iRacing/Coachinl Methods Bio-mechanics 4reC-Elixnaicms -FaSelml inar Committee Committee Committee Chairman Chairman Chainnan Chairman Chairman Chairman Chairman Handicapped/Ampu1 ee Spring ~ki School Budget Long Range iApprentioe PSIA, Inter- Committee Clinios DCiroemcmtoitrtse e Committee Planning Divisional, Committee Committee Inter-Industry Liaison Committe' - -_.. _- -~.---- 8. Protests. The membership may protest any action by the Board by submitting a petition bearing the signatures of at least ten percent (10%) of all of the voting membership of the association to the Board within thirt.y (30) dEl.ys c..fter such action is published. Such right to protest shall not affect in any manner the finality of any action by the Board. Upon presentation of such a pro~est, the Executive Vice-President shall prepare a secret ballot to be sent to nll votL~g members of the R~IA with instructions to return the same within a period of ten days from the date on which such ballot was mailed. A majority vote of the ballots returned shall be necessary to reverse the action or ruling. meeting 9. Order of Business. The order of business at any regular or special of the Board of Directors shall be as follows: a) Roll Call b) c) d) e) Proof of noLice of meeting Reading and (i·l.t:'~osal of any unapproved minutes, preceding meuG~ng. Reports of officers and committees New business_ ___- -illllGii=t;.~JTLF ·· ~...;;.. IV • OFFICERS and minutes of 1. Officers. The officers of the association shall be as follows: a) President b) Executive Vice-President c) Communications Vice-President d) Certification Vice-President e) Technical Vice-President f) Executive Secretary The President and Executive Vice-President shall be elected annually by and from the membership of the Bonrd of Directors. The Communications Vice President, Certification Vice President, and the Technical Vice President shall be appointed annually by the Board, either from its membership or from the association membership at large. An Executive Secretary may be appointed by the Board subject to such qualifications and compensation as the Board may determine. 2. Term. The term of office shall be for one year. However, the term of office of the Executive Secretary shall be two years. All officers may serve for more than one term except the President who ma not hold t for more than two consec 3. ~lalifications. All officers shall be active members in good standing in :IlM)IA. 4. Duties. The Board of Directors shall prescribe the duties of the officers which shall include, without being limited to, the following: a) President: The President shall preside at all meetings of the Board and of the general merrbership. He shall be the official representative of RMSIA in its relations with other organization, corporations, associations, governmental units, and the public in general. He shall further perform all duties incident to his office or which are authorized or required of him by the Board of Directors. - 5 - _-.k _____ .. b) Executive Vice-President: The Executive Vice-President shall assume the duties of the President in his absence. He shall supervise, coordin~te and provide ttchninistrative assistance in all elections held under the IlUSp1CflS of the RBSIA. He shall further perform all duties incident to his office or which are authorized or required of him by the Board of Directors or' the President. c) Co~~unications Vice-President: The Communications Vi~e-President shall be responsible for the publication and issuance of such mttnuals, newsletters, films, training aids, and other communications as may be required and beneficial to the association. He shall further be responsible for the advertising, news releases and public relations, as well as such other duties as may be authorized or directed by the Board of Directors or the President. d) Certificat5/,n Vice-President: The Certification Vice~President shall be responsible for the :i.mp~:: 'J~ntation and supervision of the certification policies as established and publishe:; f)Y the Board of Directors. In addition, he shall further perform such other dl,:~L8S as may be authorized or directed by the Board of Directors or the President. e) Technical Vice-President: The Technical Vice-President shall be responsible for the duties of his office as determined by the Board of Directors. f) Executive Secretary: The Executive Secretary shall take and record minutes of all meetings of the Board of Directors and of the me~bership at an annua.l or special meeting of the association. He shall further publish all such minutes, as well as any other material directed to be published by the Board or the President. He shall maintain the office of the association and the financial books and records thereof. He shall implement the mechanical procedure required for the mailing and receipt of ballots. He shall attend certif:tcation examinations and render such administrative help as may be needed. He shall act in a general administrative capacity in the association and perform such other and further rnlties as may be sssigned or directed by the Board or the President.. He shall further perform the normal duties of a corporate office of Secretary. \ t V. DISTRICTS 1. Area. For the purpose of electing directors and officers, the Board of Directors shall designttte districts within the geographical area under the jurisdiction of the RMSIA. 2. Representatives. Each district shall be entitled to three representatives on the Board of Directors elected one per year for a term of three years. 3. Administration. The administration of a district shall be the responsibili"Ly of the district representa.tives on the RM3IA Board of Directors. The senior district representative sha.ll serve as chairma.n of the district administrative body, or in his a.bsence the next senior representative shall fill this capacity. S11ch responsibility shall include coordination with, and the implementation of such policies as are established by the mfiSIA. 4. Financing. The districts will be financed by the RMSIA. The district administration sha.ll submit a budget request to tho IiMSIA as an item in the RMSIA budget. The districts will not assess dues, however, they can collect fees to cover the oxpensos associated with the operation of district clinic. - 6 - ---~----- INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION June 21, 1971 TO: MEMBERS OF OFFICERS STUDY GROUP FROM: EDWIN J. POND, CHAIRMAN Please find enclosed copies of bylaws of Rocky Mountain and Central Divisions. At such time as I receive other mater-ials I'll provide you with copies. If any of you have information that may be helpful to the committee prior to our first meeting, please make it available to me and I'll circulate it to members of our committee. I'm sure it will save us time at our first meeting on July 1, 1971 if you will be familiar with the enclosures and any.others sent prior to the meeting. Appreciate your willingness to help. Enclosures Sincerely, EDWIN J. POND Chairman CERTIFIED SKI TEACHER 1. S. I. A. INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION June 21, 1971 TO: MEMBERS OF OFFICERS STUDY GROUP FROM: EDWIN J. POND, CHAIRMAN Please find enclosed copies of bylaws of Rocky Mountain and Central Divisions. At such time as I receive other mater-ials I'll provide you with copies. If any of you have information that may be helpful to the committee prior to our first meeting, please make it available to me and I'll circulate it to members of our committee. I'm sure it will save us time at our first meeting on July 1, 1971 if you will be familiar with the enclosures and any others sent prior to the meeting. Appreciate your willingness to help. Enclosures Sincerely, ) EDWIN J. POND Chairman Hr • . BoL Kc::uda 11 HaClCi8(!l' . Sp~c1til Sal es THE LAKGf COMPANY p.e. Hox 30~ Hroomtldd, Colorado 80020 Dear Hr. Kendall: JUI\~ 22. 1971 Enclosed 15 our GlO&t CUI'l:cnt RostCl" of our l1!t!mbersh1p. On Julj' I, 1971, we will be rep~lnting and will fonl.'lrd a new one to jOu. I f you recall, we met .:at the Rocky Mountain F:til Seminolr 1n '\si>\!'n last Yf:.a.c. t.5.1 .A.. will be havillS a Fall Seminar 1n ,the l<ltt~H part ot September of this year, ilInd we intend on contacting some ruanutactucers to see if they would be intccested in disp 1<1), Ins their new product!!. (fur Seminar thi 5 yearw11l be he ld in IIut h)" Idaho, and we would like very much to hilve your Company reprel:t!lItt!d. (lur tentative plans are to have 'Il S(!~<H'3te area in the motel comf>iwx for a displa)' for ~ach oL OUt ~u~5t UlBt'lu[acturer6. Ii. y/Ju alt! inl~ ref,tedJ please let ~ know and we can fi rift up till! detail s Lite l on in the Sl.1llllller. CTI':ld EllClosul'e Lex l.unau Ed Fond fred f1nl:i.nson Dear Fred: ~ Sinceu:l)" Clurk T • .l'ackio6\oo President After the end of the fiscal year, June 30, 1971, we will want to get DuMac to pull the plates on those non-current members and print a Roster. l·:r. '!!·ob Kendall Uaui:iger J Special Sales THE LANGE COt-lP,\NY ? .;~. i:ox 30tl Broomtield, Colorado 80020 Dear Mr. Kendalla Jun~ 22, 1911 Enclosed is our most current Foster of our membership. On .July 1 J 1~71, we will be revrinting and will forward a llew one to you. 1£ you recall, we met at the Roc.l<y Hountain Fall Seminar in Asp~n last year. I.S.I.A. will be having a Fall Seminar in the latter part of September of this year, and we intend on contacting some manufacturers to see if they would be interested in displaying their new products. Our Seminar this year will be held in nurle)" Idalio, and 'We would like very much to have your Company represellted. Cur tentative plans are to have n separate area in the motel t:omplex for a display for each of our guest manufacturers. I f you c.u! in· tere~ted, please let Re know and we can firm up the details later on in the summt:r. CTP:ld Enclosure CCI Lex Kunau Ed Pond Fred F1nlinson Glsrk T. Parkinson PreSident · . ~MI-~~' f-IC @ t;[~ llJ ' t-;1~j ,,)Lu ,i· (£2.,'-. ,. Mr.. Bob .~eud1J 11 ,M~asc~1...,s pcc181 Sale!> 1=HT::-- IA~; l>. CO U' .\NY p.n. 80x 30u BrooRlti.:;ld, ColC)rauo 80020 Dear Ht. Kendall: June 22, 1971 Enclosed is our UlO&t cun:cnt R(lstel' o{ our mcml;.(;u;hip. On Jul)' 1, 1971, tle ·will be reprinting and will b:Hward a new one to j.i)u. II you' rClcall t we met at. tile :.!ock, l';cuntolin Fall ~emillat" lit Aspen . last )'tl:.:.H:. I.f>. 1. .\. will be hqV.1llg .l Fa ll Seminar in the ht-tee ?Bl"t ot $eptewLet: (,;f this yeal:, iJnd we intclIc 011 C0Ilt.lCtir',,i; Itome :nanufacturers to !lee 11 the) would i,e intc[est{;;d in dh,)by1nS thei" . rlew products. :"';11: Semiual' th.1s year will le held in, Dul' l£:)' , Idaho, and we would like very Illuch to h~lve your i .Of,1iJ .. ny l'f.'ilrcsented. CUJ.: ter.t8t1v~ plans are to have 11 SC i.HU.·.aL~ alea 1.11 tho m!) t~l complcx for 0 ciispla) (Vl' ~ ,,*ch of our bUl.!st'lnaf'luL,c.turE:L"::.. T1 yi.JU .cu:e interested, pleiise h :t · I~ "nu'" .:lnu we can UUf} up the C:et<lilr- late£' all in the !SUHlliler. elF: lJ cc a LeX t .unau V,d Pono Fred Finlinson Dear Fred: C Ln k r. ;' ad . .I,i.l;.\.'\'l President After the end of the fiscal year, June 30, 1971, we will want to get DuHac to pull the plates on those non-current members and print a Roster. THE LANGE CO., BOX 308, BROOMFIELD, COLORADO 80020, AREA (303) 469-2111 June 18, 1971 Mr. Clark Parkinson ISlA Executive Secretary 2245 Queida Street Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 Dear Mr. Parkinson: The Lange Co. would like to forward advertising material to members of your organization concerning products to be offered by The Lange Co. Professional Sales Program during the 1971/72 season. Use of your mailing list would help immensely in this project. If this is possible, please contact me at the letterhead address. As we are organizing and preparing our advertising material at the present time, confirmation of your mailing list aid in the endeavor will be greatly appreciated as soon as possible. Sin.cerely, ! ~ . . t }]i .~! . . ~'!'l.l/ , . ';.' . . l:il~ ;;", !,(./' .. " ' ~~j>V"T'~.""" ~ BOB IttNDALL Manager, Special Sales BK:cI/E1 iNTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION ~:""""ji':'~''''!1l.'~~''~;Tl'f''':'!II.:., ~ :~.~~~~... ~ -~-I.)"<~~'-'~~.'fI'::"~-/\<.', ':~;q.. ~'!~'~:~.; """-'1';;-.' -'~.'"\ >~' .,• ' "~.~,,,. +. 44 kiP '" r'.~'~~~'~~~··- ''''~!~'W':~:'·'T~\:~~... i~_;'.'_'''i/J~''I<. ,..~:-" :1: 'i~~'" .~-'. "~I!\.".'.~: ''''''''~.'. ~}~r ':,~',tf;.";f''':-' I ,,",,', ,"'.", ,'""'". ~. ." {-.. (~.., I .j-" ~-.. 4''V,' _f .. ; i'"",,",~ " -,\ 'A" ':'_.~t ,,","- l ~~~ .• ',~ .. 1 :,• ,< 1: ' J,- " c: .lr>;.';' E\'. ., ,,! ~':,".~' ",''\," , "K"'''' ) ·J-,w.,,- "". ,.,1'.-. .'.~, , \ ~""';"". . ':~. "',' ' .". i ~.J~"N':';;,.j.i;'>i.;'j;';";-';"+':;""" .. J4,;~,,,,;,,:',i''r~~~ ,', " . ·\_·:~_.,;t<,L.,>.,,~;;~.il<:.'i~':'~~'><'~"~~iI.ioi""" 1tN·~'~';i:.i . 2. • ~'~.'/', '. ",' :," / /1/.-/ / :[; Mr. Lou Lorenz O\TL (:.')j'l .. J // 29 East Fourth South i {tI/GII /(.. f\_ \~;/(\J/ / __ Salt Lake City, Utp.h 84111 ~ ·u<c~f.'i1 ·J'A.' r::~ . "., t.~ .C::d o<.r(,. . /,~- 1..,. I (.l i.d :<,• ~.- ,<·l L{".".,,< ./"F ,./I I ~ V.. -.'/ _. . ,/',.:f' _ .. / ..,., ;. ~ . ( :-, ,~. r June 23, 1971 Dear LOU, I J4.i;£.7/':..I-:7;~:~f :~x'l-I'/I zi..' It seems that yOll and Clark do not l;('~I../.:;:.t4:/::z;;.//~j;/,,:,.',/, ;;r..'/'_'> /' dmxut communicate any better than a few '" .. _ /; other people I can think of. ii/i. ·'.-''..!i,i ;<'1"~7Z:',,{-./~,, '. . /'< ..... '.. <-·L~~·' / -'A '" ,,//1 ~ Your reply needs at lEffit 60 days I!--~" i. ,,' .,"-' for the knives and Clark will require about i4:...<.,.-t:f ~'/'_{;'_<""':<%":7 ~&.«4..t/-;::j:/.':L(.</i,e'(i";'/ tV!O \'leeks. ! ~ 4- ' . '. . You. r thot for engraving is OK i/f-~/42-I../£/'~. __ .:.,-I,,; j//y, / . .. :.:,t. '~.'''-r:( (ISIA 1 971 ~. ; . ,!., l:,ou, did you earlier give me a 1.·t:u7"';IT-)1..~7: .. ·'; }/c,:<. ~-:/ I~'·_, ''i~~j, ... ~.'''/ price of .,iIl.25 or did I missunderstand that'l ./ 7"- .. ,,. . Siminar dates now reserved at the I '[;}i·'l.-J·I-C·'.-·:).4.t/~;_( ~-C·{;'>._ {'/I _ ..... _( "~[" t'onderosa are September 18 and 19, 1971 ;£" // .... '~//" />-,> .~:; ,/,,1/ _ '. /I' A.<. ct..· < ,:( /. '..::' ,~. / t.. // (.,.~:.I..(:,.,( '.( (..::. Very truly yours, 1,0 f0 / ,.. /, ,~' I,· .• " ," / , ".. ,/ -.' 'I ! ;<;"'.(/-( . f./ /' '/., . L·_ I • • ~ .-; ',., .ct. ,." '-. ,,., .. , ' ...... < 1'..1.' ( ,/ I"/~ ';-':;" . . / / .// '.' / /1 . . -...I "-/. - / /' ycc ' . - , , 1_ (.----- r[" '. 1-' t- , BY SI'"3NED i ~J " 1 ,.' I , (- ~I [) f. I:;:' Lex H. Kunau lr.:,., t. v,." O'-"Y. 2. 'J~ 'd'_, '.'1f· ~ .. CUP'.:,,> 'Slr-H (;/\!-~!~LlN It-Jr/,LT. I. VI, ,'< I T r r~ I INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION , "M E S SAG E --l TO Mr. Lou Lorenz 29 East Fourth South 3a1t Lake City. Utah 84111 DATE June ;~3, 1971 Dear Lou, ! It seems that you and C1Drk do not juut COIr.m.Linicate any better than a few other people I can think of. Your reply needs a;" lEfSt 60 days for the knives and Clark will require about t'liVO weeks. Your thot for engraving is OK (ISlA 1971). LOU, did you earlier give me a price ofiPl.25 or did I missunderstand that'l, Siminar dates now reserved at the . l'onderosa are September 18 and 19, 1971 Very truly yours, '1 -~ ~ T,..v U ~ V"" nan DATE : l ,'.-:;:"-...; f i'-~ '-.' (';. L. C, "v ' REPLY ....-----.~ CERTIFIED SKI TEACHER V I. S. I. A. INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION June 28, 1971 IvI r. C I ark T. Par kin son, Pre sid e n t 2245 Oneida Street Salt lake City, Utah 84109 Dear Clark Thanks for the invitation to attend th~ executive committee meeting on jyly 15, which I wi I I be unable to attend because I will be out of town that week, so if there is additional information I can furnish you for this meeting, please let m~ know. The preliminary budget for the expenses you might expect to incur at the Ponderosa are as follows: Saturday luncheon - $2.50 Saturday banquet - $4.25 Tickets for two drinks at the cocktai I party - $1.60 Coffee and doughnuts throughout Saturday and Sunday meetings - $.75 Fee for golf for nine-hole round - $1.03 The Swiss knife gift proposed by lou lorenz - $1.60 Room expense for the Board of Directors - $7.50 for each niqht Additional food expenses for the Board of Directors - $7.50 Entertainment for the banquet Saturday - $25.00 The expense of the speakers for the pro(.lram - if you plan to pay this, or will their companies I"lr they them:,e!v's pay their own expense to come and speak to us? I h~ve checked with the Ponderos~ in connection with a dis co u n ton the room s, and the y h a v ~ bee n m 0 :; t 9 rae i ~),' s t 0 extend us the discount rate during this busy season. The prices wi I I start at $7.50 for a single and $IU.OO for a double. They have several types of rooms, and the prices go up iocording to the spaciousness of the rooms. My recommendat ions are as follows: Committee chairman - Ed Pond Registr~tion - Fred W. Finl inson Refreshments - Keith lange Resolutions - lou lorenz Promotion - leon Dean A5si~tant Chairman - Dave Parkinson ------- -, r" r"~,:"n 'r;"'n,r .c, I') "ST~"!> ''l'T , 1' \\'1. '1 "F.-:,: ll' I ! L :. I. A. I ; ~ 1 J,.,....~._, •• " •. .--_.'"~"~ ..... " •. , ___ •.. ,_, ,,-, _~~ __ ._ •• ,._, .. __ INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION Mr. Clark T. Parkinson JI:ly 28, 1971 Page 2 The budget projections are fJer person, which I thOU':lht would be more meaninaful than to give a total budqet based on your proj~ction of 200 members attending. In regards to suggestions for a proqram and format, you requested this from me on >iovember 25,1970, whicn I mail~d to you on l~ovelTlber 27, 1970. From a copy of your lett~r to Bob Ken,Ja II of the Lange C:)mpany, I see ~h:Jt you dre already extending invitations and woulj probably be better informed as to what the budge~ projectiJns and r7.quirements would be in this connecti~)n. lHK: I 9 Lex H. Kunau Box 548 Burley, Idaho 83318 INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION Mr. Lex Kunau Box 548 Burley, Idaho 83318 Dear Lex: -------,-------,._--- June 25, 1971 Hy mistake. The Swiss knife has a 60-day delivery. 1 stand corrected. Since we do have this time factor on the gifts and other arrangements that must be made, I will schedule an Executive Committee meeting on July 15th for the purpose of planning and approving the Fall Seminar, date, place, and budget including the knife gifts. Could you please by then provide me with a preliminary budget for the expenses we expect to incur at the Ponderosa, i.e. banquet, cocktail party, gifts, room expense for the B.O.D., and any other items of expense you expect us to incur. Since this will be the first Fall Seminar without an election during the General Meeting, we have a problem of attracting our membership to Burley. One way I feel that will attract our members to Burley is if the Ponderosa will give us a discount on the rooms to I.S.I.A. members. I recently attended the Intermountain Area Operators Association meeting in Sun Valley, and the room rates were slashed over 50% for those attending. One of the problems we have always faced regarding our membership attending the Fall Seminar has been the expense of spending two days at their own expense. Also, would you please provide me with your recommendations for the following: Committee Chairmen, registration, refreshments, resolutions, promotion, and an Assistant Chairman located in Salt Lake to coordinate the Fall Seminar arrangements with the Wasatch front members. Use in your budget projections 200 members attending. Also, please advise if you will be able to attend a meeting in Salt Lake with the Executive Comnlittee, and if not, what suggestions regarding program and general format you would like to see us incorporate should be included in your budget projections. Mr. Kunau 2 6-25-71 By setting up this July 15th Executive Committee meeting, we will have sufficient time to order any gifts, schedule speakers, outline the program and format, and contact ski manufacturers in plenty of time. I will await your budget projections and au indication whether you can attend our Executive Committee meeting. CTP: Id cc: Executive Committee Sincerely, Clark T. Parkinson President r, ~;~~:n nED SKI TE :'CHEIl LS!.A ! I ~ I t....".."..~, .. _"~_,. •. ~.,.-"_~ ___ "'.-___ u_~ ....... __ : INTERt,,\OUNT AIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION June 28, 1971 rv1 r. C I ark T. Par kin son, Pre sid e n t 2245 Oneida Street Salt lake City, Utah 84109 Dear Clark Thanks for th~ invitation to attend the executive committee meeting on Jyly 15, which I wi I I be unable to attend because I will be out of town that week, so if there is additional information I can furnish you for this meeting, please let me know. The preliminary budget for the exrellses you mi~;Jht expect to incur at the Ponderosa are as follows: Saturday luncheon - $2.50 Saturday banquet - $4.25 Tickets for two ;irinks at the cocUai I party - $1.60 Coffee and doughnuts throughout Saturday and Sunday meetings - $.75 Fee for aolf for nine-hole round - $1.03 Th~ Swis~ knife gift proposed by lou lorenz - $1.6U Room expense for the Bo~rd of Directors - $7.50 for each n i q h t Additional food expenses for the Board of Directors - $7.50 Entertainment for the banquet Saturday - $25.00 The expense of the speakers for the program - if you plan to pay this, or ',viII their companies n:", they them"elv2S pay their own expense to come and speak to us? I have checked with the Ponderosa in connection with a discount on the rooms, and they have been most ~racious to extend us the discount rate during this busy season. The prices wi I I start at $7.50 for a single and $10.00 for a double. They have several types of rooms, and the prices go up iccording to the spaciousness of the rooms. My recommendat ions ar~ as fol lows: Committee chairman - Ed Pond ~egistration - Fred W. Finlinson Refreshments - Keith lange Resolutions - lou lorenz Promotion - leon Dean Assi~tant Chairman - Dave P~rkinson 1--: ! ;E~.TIrIED SKI TEACHER ; 1. S. 1. A. i ..... ___ . __ .~ __ . __ ... _.J INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION Mr. Clark T. Parkinson July 28, 1971 Page 2 The bud get pro j e c t ion s are per p (~ r son, W ; 1 i c Ii I tho u . ~ h t would be more mea n i n . l f u I than Ll give a total b u (J Q e t based on your proj?ction of 200 members attzndilq. In regards to suggestions for a proqram and format, you r e que s ted t Ii i 5 fro r;l me on .10 vern b e r 25, I:') 7 :j, w h i C Ii 1 m a i I ~ d to you on November 27, 197U. From a copy of your lett?r to Bob Ken,"Jall of the Lange C"J<11pany, I see thdt you are already extending invitations and woul~ probl~ly be bet t e r in! 0 r rn e d as tow Ii a t the bud (] e'f pro j vet i ...J n '; and r '2 qui rem c n t s W 0 u I d b e i 11 t his con nee t i .. i n • Very truly yours Lex H. Ku nau lHK: I 9 Lex H. Kunau Box 548 Burley, Idaho 83318 CERTIF1l1D SKI TEACHER / .I.. S, . I. A. June 28, 1971 INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION /vl r. C I ark T. Par kin son, Pre sid en t 2245 Oneid~ Street Salt lake CIty, Utah 84109 Dear CI~rk Thanks for the invit~tion to attend the executive committee meeting on Jyly 15, whIch I wi I I be unable to attend because I will be out of town that week, so if there is additional information I can furnish you for this meetinq, please let me know. Tile pre lim i nary budget for the ex r e f1 s e s y) u might expect to Incur at the Ponderosa are as fol lows: Saturday luncheon - $2.50 Saturday banquet - $4.25 Tickets for two drinks at the cocktail party - $1.60 Coffee and doughnuts throughout Saturday and SunJay meetings - $.75 Fee for oolf for nine-hole round - $1.03 The Swls; knife gift proposed by lou lorenz - $1.6U Room expense for the Board of Directors - $7.50 for each nIght Addltion~1 food expenses for the Board of Directors - $7.50 Entertainment for the banquet Saturday - $25.00 The expense of the speakers for the program - if you' plan to pay this, or wi I I their co~panles nr they themselv2s pay their own expense to come and speak to us? I have checked with the Ponderosa in connection witil a dis c 0 u n ton the room s, ~ n d the y h a v e bee n m 0 s t 9 ( a c i () U s t 0 extend us the discount rate during this busy season. fhe prices wi I I start at $7.50 for a single and $IU.OO for a double. They h~ve several types of rooms, and the prices go up iccording to the spaciousness of the rooms. My recommendations are as fol lows: Committee chairman - Ed Pond Registration - Fred W. Finlinson Refreshments - Keith lange Resolutions - lou lorenz Promotion - leon Dean Assi~t8nt Chairman - Dave P3rkinson ------ .; I· I' ;! i ! . ,I . , I ..... ," f rT '?'j 'rr:tl 'O ~'pr 'j 'I'; (,·,F,' • ' .• #. J . . • , ... ~ ... \ ~ • \ I i I. S I.I',: I t:.,."":"T/"::=;"" INTERMOUNTAIN SICI DNSTnUCiOnS ASSOCIATION , _____ _ ••. _____ . ___ ._. _____ .1 " ", . :', --_. __ .. _ .. _---- : '. . . ; . ", Mr. Clark T. Parkinson . J I) 1 y 28, 197 I Page 2 . . .. . ~ . " The budget projections are per person, widell I thOlJ".lht wouln be rnor~~ meanilqful than t :.) give a tol' al bu,j!,)ct . based on your pro; !ct ion of 200 members attzndi :lq. ' . . . . ' ; " In rendrds to s 'u9De5tions for a prO 'lrarn and format, you .requestp.d this from me o.n i'iovember 25, 1970, which I r.1aiJ.zd to you on r-JovemQer 27, 197\). From a copy of your I~; tt('r to Bob Ken·Jall of}he . Lange C :;mpany, . I ,see th,lt .. you ,.3re a Ire ad y "e x t e nn i ng-i n'l ita t j o'n s ' and- ~wou I j .. -p r ob -'l ~' I ·y : :":b '~- 2:..:" ·:::· better informed a~ to what the budge~projections and r ? q" i r ~ m (: II t s VI 0 u I J be . i nth i s con n e c t i ..) n • . ,,' '/ery ~ruly yours ./) . \.,;'--- ",- ;-5·,;~ t,-·I· \ l~> ' -- ) lex 1·1'. K una u ldK: I 9 '- Richa.rd 1. Voorhees, M.D. 738 Broadway Seattle, Washington 98122 Dear Doctor Voorhees: - June 29, 1971 At the May 2 meeting of the Board of Directors I was asked to serve as the Secretary for the LS. LA. Ed subsequently has given his correspondence to me to carryon with. In your request of April 9, 1971, to Ed, you asked if your attendance at N.C.S.I.A. l\Uuld count for the attendance at the loS.LA. spring Cllllic. Our report is that attendance at N.C.S.I.A. will count as a clinic attendance for our Association. We encourage you to keep your membership active in LS. LA. We appreciate your interest. FWF/sp Sincerely, FREU W. FINLINSON Secretary, I.S.I.A. RICHARD L. VOORHEES. M. D .• INC .• P. S. PRACTICE LIMITED TO THE EAR 738 BROADWAY SEATTLE. WASHINGTON 98122 TELEPHONE EA 4-6264 April 9. 1971 Mr. Edwin J. Pond, Secretary Intermountain Ski Instructors Association 3823 Villa Drive Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 Dear Ed: AUDIOLOGY BARBARA A. BEACH. M. S. I note in the recent mai,ling that I am listed as one who must attend the Spring Clinic in order to maintain certification status. I believe it is common knowledge that I moved to the Northwest and have maintained my status in both the PNSIA and ISlA. I have not been able to attend ISlA meetings but have kept fully active in the PNSIA. With my attendance ~~~~this coming week it is doubtful that I will be able to attall ISlA Spring Clinic. Please advise me of my status in this eventuality. Best wishes to you. The association from afar looks great. RLV:mm ·f:.;:: Sincerely, l/l'1" ii£t;&~ Richard L. Voorhees, M.D. Ar~ . j ,Y Fl ') Ie - Walker Bank and Trust Company 175 South Main Street Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 July 29, 1971 Attention: Checking AcCOWlt Department Dear Sir: The Intermountain Ski Instructors Association, at their May 2, 1971, meeting of the Board of Directors, installed new officers and a Board of Directors. As a result of the new officers' election, it will necessitate the changing of the signatures of individuals authorized to deposit ani withdraw funds from tm checking accomt of the Association. Please forward the required fonus and signature cards to effect this transition. Are checking account number is 02 00816 7. The abovementioned fonns and signature cards should be sent to my office at 822 Kearns Building, Salt Lake City, Utah 84101. FWF/sp Sincerely, FRED W. FINLINSON, Secretary I. S. LA. .. SUN VALLEY ~KI ~,CllO(1L fore1gn Instructors 1. Pebd1 'lbLLt roLl 'ustrian Certified: December 15, 19t4 1dentification Card Number : 1172 2. Franz Kl1rnmer Austrian CertHied: DecemLet 19 , 19b9 3. He lmut Gerhard Fend Austrian Certified: \pril 24, 1963 Identiticati~n Card Number: 257 4. Johann Hans ThuUl Austrian Certi(ied, NovemLer 1960 Id"ntif icatioll Card Number: 1093 June 30, 1971 Clark Parkinson, President professional ski instructors of america, inc, 1801 york street denver, colorado 80206 alc303_ 322-0041 ~IIII' Intermountain Ski Instructors Association 2245 Oneida Street Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 Dear Mr. Parkinson: We do have a channel of communication with the Austrian Ski Federation and could possibly verify certification status for you. Send what names you have and we will process them accordingly. I would like to call your attention to the enclosed outstanding invoice. It is now over 120 days old and this is the third time we have written about it. I know it is not a great amount but it is unpaid and in order for us to continue to serve your division as we do all other divisions we must receive payment. Thank you for your co-operation. Sincerely yours, PROFESSIONAL SKI INSTRUCTORS OF AMERICA, INC. ('~\~ ~-",\ \\'\ , Q~,n '1 -~ ~\J Denni$ A. Sanford . oJ ~ u Executive Secretary July 6, 1971 professional ~1~¥!M~~~~"'!~~.~ ski instructors of america, inc. 1801 york street denver, colorado 80206 alc303_ 322-0041 ~IIII' Intermountain Ski Instructors Association Clark Parkinson, President 2245 Oneida Street Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 Dear Clark: The 1971-72 season is upon us and we are now in the process of compiling our new seasonTs membership list. We have an Intermountain list as of January 1, 1971. We have been receiving applications for PSIA membership from individuals who say they are fully certified. Most of these individuals say they have been certified after January 1, 1971. To keep our records up-to-date as to a memberTs status, could you please send us a supplement to the 1970-71 list if you have one available? Thank you for your co-operation. Sincerely yours, PROFESSIONAL SKI INSTRUCTORS OF AMERICA, INC. (Miss) Diane Mayer -------- ---- |