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Show Mr. Dave Lar.en, Treasurer 3091 East 7180 South .Salt Lake City, Utah 84121 Dear Davel October 29, 1970 ReI Budget Plea •• try to clo.e out the books by November 15. As you recall, we will be required to mail to the Board our proposed budget at l.alt one week prior to the Board Meeting. The Board Meeting will be Dec.mber 4th or 5th, which would require UI to have in the Board'. hands the budget by November 25. Please give me a call when you brtng everything up to date, 10 you and I can sit down and work up the final budget fi8ures. Appreciate your help very much. CTPlld eel Ed Pond Mary Ellen Parkinson Sincerely, Clark T. Parkinson President CEI\JTRJ.\.L SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION ROUTE 1, BOX 65, SLINGER, WISCONSIN 53086, PHONE 414/644-5517 November 1, 1970 Reply To: 75 N. Snelling St. Paul, Minn. 55104 TO: DIVISION PRESIDENTS AND EXECUTIVE SECRETARIES FROM: OTTO HOLLAUS - PRESIDENT - CSIA Enclosed is a list of our new officers, Board of Directors, Executive Secretary E*x,,~c~tive Adyisory Cammi nee 1!SIA ISepr~_~~ntative, Commit~ee Cnairmen, complete with addresses and phone numbers. Mrs. Swenson of PSIA has sent me an up-to-date list of the Division Presidents and Secretaries of all 8 Divisions. I have asked her to mail this list to each of you also. Our Executive Secretary, Don Phelan, with place all Division Presidents and Executive Secretaries on our CSIA mailing list, so that you will receive all communications which are mailed to our membership. May I suggest that you also place all Division Presidents and Executive Secretaries, plus the PSIA office, on your mailing list, if you have not already done so. Further, I would appreciate it, if you would send to me and to our Executive Secretary a list similar to the one I am enclosing. I would like to be able to furnish our Certification Vice President and our Technical Vice President and other with the names, addresses and phone numbers of their counterparts in the other 7 Divisions. I trust you will favor me by complying with my request in the very near future. Warm personal regards and best wishes for a successful season. OH/kh cc: PSIA CSIA Office "..", 'A.1 \. <.. ..... //-/-;0 s~~~ UJ~"'" '-:} -?/f' OA.AAA.<J /.. . 0 -:S c'-- , i~AA S $ uS> ( Mr. Milt Beens South Lake Irving Bemidji, Minnisota 56601 Dear Milt: November 2, 1970 I received your letter dated October 26, 1970 regarding your transfer of membership from N.R.M.S.I.A. to Intermountain. After I was elected Secretary a month or 50 ago, t1ax indicated to me that there was some work needed to be done on this transfer, so I appreciate hearing from you. Milt, the way this should be handled is as follows: The transfer has to be made by Northern Rocky Mountain so you should get in touch with the Secretary of Northern Rocky Mountain and fill out a uniform transfer application. They will then transfer your membership. for you down here. It's very difficult for us to .initiate that since they are the ones which must make the transfer. However, if you should have problems in getting cooperation in this matter, I would be glad to follow through with you on the thing. If you follow what is outlined above, your whole file should be sent down to us here and wetll have evidence of your full certification. Good to hear from you, Milt. If we can be of any fUrther help, please feel free to contact us. EJP/bp ~. Very sincerely, EDWIN J. POND Attorney at Law & Secretary, I.S.I.A. Joy Lucas E~ecutive Secretary P. C. Box 6228 Seattle, Washington Dear Joy: November 6, 19.70 RE: Robert Whipkey Hr. Robert Whipkey is currently teaching in the Skyline Ski School here in our association. He has expressed a desire some time ago to transfer to our association from your a5sociation. Would you please forward to me his file, a uniform transfer appli~ation, and any other materials you normally send with a transfer? Apparently we have been dragging our feet in getting this matter taken care of, and hence your immediate attention would be appreciated. EJP/bp ct:: Glen Evans Very sincerely, Em·IIN J. POND Secretary, l.S.I.A. 466 East 5th South Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 merr-9 To: NARY EUEf..f From: cLARt Re: ROeE/Cf wHIP~Ey SK YLlNL S!d .s-C)-)OO G Date: Tff/s GUY HAS BEEN TRY/1'/6 TO TRANS/-c/2 Foe., d YPS fPLJI'vI P·N,~,IA, THEY INDICATe /-1/-5 TRANSFEI2 F~R.J./ H fD ~N SENT - E:.fTH~ w R/~ oRCALL JO Y LUCAS v lETS SEE JF wE C1j1.) 6fT H fW] TAtfN CAez-- <0 F ~ 4t45A Joy Lucas Executive Secretary P. O. Box 6228 Seattle, Washington Dear Joy: November 6, 19.70 RE: Robert Whipkey Mr. Robert Whipkey is currently teaching in the Skyline Ski School here in our association. He has expressed a desire some time ago to transfer to our association from your association. Would you please forward to me his file, a uniform transfer application, and any other. materials you normally send with a transfer? Apparently we have been dragging our feet in . getting this matter taken care of, and hence your immediate attention would be appreciated. EJP/bp cc: Glen Evans Very sincerely, ED1tlIN J. POND . Secretary, I.S.I.A. 466 East 5th South Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 November 6, 1970 Don E. Phelan Executive Secretary C.S.I.A. RE: Charles H. Zurbuchen Dear Mr. Phelan: I received your letter dated October 6,· 1970 indicating that Charles H. Zurbuchan is a fully certified ski instructor and in good standing in C.S.I.A. tie would like to request that you send us a uniform transfer application and Mr. Zurbuchen's file. In any event we will proceed to set up a membership file for him in this Association. Thank you. EJP/bp Vt?ry ~in(:erely, EDWIN J. POND SECRETARY I.S.I.A. Mr. Torn Darlington 1428 Tigertu11 Road Las Angeles, California 90049 Dear Mr. Darlington: November 6, 1970 The Forrest Service has forwarded your letter of September 30, 1970 to our association. You requested in your letters information concerning attaining the status of a ski instructor. Please find enclosed the certification policies for our association which will indicate to you the qualifications candidates must have to become certified. Once a candidate becomes certified, he becomes a member of the Intermountain Ski Instructors Association and his rate of compensation by the individual ski school normally increases. Most candidates for certification exams ~ however, have been experienced in instructing in various ski schools and they obtain this experience by application directly to the ski schoo0 for such position in the ski school. Normally, ski school directors ski with the individuals who make said application and make their own determination of acceptance. If I can be of further help to you in this matter, please feel free to contact me. EJP1bp VERY SINCERELY, EDWIN J. POND Secretary I.S.I.A. Mary Ellen Parkinson 3823 Villa Drive Salt Lake City, Utah Dear Mary Ellen: November 9, 1970 I received a letter from William F. Munes who is a member of our association who has written to, me asking why he hasn't received a renewal of his membership. Apparently he did not attent the spring clinic but in~ dicated that he did send in his dues. He lists his new ~.n address as 1030 M~ Avenue, Sheboygan, Wisconsin 53081. I assume ~ that is a new address for him and probably should be changed on the roster. In "the event there is some reason why he shouldn't be renewe~, ,please let me know. EJP/bp Very sincerely, EDWIN J. POND SECRETARY I.S.I.A. ,,,, , , , Don Cofer Box 333 Park City, utah Dear Don: November 9~ 1970 My wife indicated to me that you had called yesterday in regard to payment of dues. It's possible that we made a mistake in this matter and if that is the case we will of course want you to ignore the registered letter. My wife told me that you stated that you had a cancelled check evidencing your payment of said dues and with that in mind I'll re-check the records. If you do not hear fUrther from me in this matter, just assume that your dues are taken care of and you are properly credited on the books of the association. Veryssincerely, EDWIN J. POND SECRETARY I.S.I.A. - Mr.. Charles H. Zurbuchen Pocatello Heights 5-G Pocatello, Idaho Novemh~C' 9, 1970 RE: Membership in I.S.I.A. Dear Mr. Zurbuchen: C.S.I.A. has contacted our. association indicating that you are: fully certified in ski instructing and in good standing in that association and desire to transfer to this associa'tion. I have written C.S.I.A. requesting your file , but at :this time would like to instate you as "a member in I.S.I.A~ ' ; I assume you will b~~e~ching in the Idah~ ' i~~~ this s~a~6n. Upon the receipt of $10.00 dues ,for this ~eason we \olilL' instate you in our association as a member. Please mail said ' dues to Mary Ellen Parkinson at 3823 Villa Drive, Salt Lake City, Utah 84109. There will be a further dues mailing at the end of this year to all of the membership which I assume will include ;you, and payment of h'hich vlill take care of your dues for next season. Let me, take this opportunity association and indicate that all to getting better acquainted h'ith . \"I' \J f~ 1-\\C .... "", .. t ") to welcome you into our of t(.S are looking' forward you. ~ .fc3~ . Hr. John Putnam Bex 59 Franconia, New Hampshire 03580 ;)I~ar l'1'. Pu tnam : November 10, 1970 1 am in receipt of a copy of a letter you have written P.S.I.A. indicating that Y0U arC' heading a committee to inve~ tigate the By-laws which have been ratified by ether divisions. r have been designated as the chairman of a study group here in the Inter-I1ountain Division to make a ~imilar study of said By-laws for thi~ divisiun. In the event you ~ome to some definitive conclu~10n, 1 w0uld appreciate it if you would cnmmuni~ate the same to me. ~ will of course, if you so desire, c~tend the ~ame ~ourte3y to you. Hence, if I can be of any help to you in ~his ~2tter, please feel free to contact me. BJP/bp ~c: ~lark Parkin~on 8U"NIN J. l\,.:.hJ SS~aETA~Y ~.J.~.~. Mr. Dick Run Executive Secretary P. 0. ' 1571 Big Bear ,Lake, California 92315 November 10, 1970 RE: Status of Jim Reynold Secrist Dear Dick: Mr. Jim Secrist has indicated his desire to be a member of I.S.I.A. on a fully certified basis. He informs us that he is fully certified in your association and we would appreciate it if you would send verification of such status. If it is possible, we would like a copy of your file on this instructor and we'll look forward to receiving the same from you. If I can be of any help to you in this matter, please feel free to contact me. EJP/bp Cc: Jim Secrist VERY SINCERELY, Em-lIN . J. POND SECRETARY I.S.I.A. '466 East 5th South Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 OF AMERICA Grand Targhee Ski School Gene Palmer, Director November 11, 1970 TO: PSI/\ Offi Let'S ililr! U-II'petors FRm·1: Hank Emet'Y RE: Office Status The office in Denv~r was opened on October 1. Pat Swenson is working on Tuesday, ~'Jednesda'y and Thursday (l-;' ec,ch \·/eel:. \;Je have a tel ephone answering service to t,~ke c;lll~, wilr'n f'dt is not in the office. Cnclosed is (\ fin,lnci;ll :,1::l(:Cllir:n:, Tor' the pedod of October 1, 1970 to November 10, lc)70. You \·.'~ll not'icc 1f1rlt (In (1f the knmm debts have been pai d. The fi nanci ill 1'00\('; ,J n: in: he hand~ of Lou; s Tannebaull1 in Salt Lake V,,110 is bY'inging them UP L: u:;te as of JU1.~, " 1970. Upon completion. he \'/i11 se'ld them to the off'jce. t'Je will then hire a CP,~ in Denver to audit the books. The property belongi)';,;] to PSI/\ ([l'l"ivcd in Denver on October 23, 1970. Si nce that til1e, we havC' bC'::f! !>usy S( i,ti :'9 through the fi 1 es and try; ng to establish general offi2e practices ard procedures. vJe received approxili'at('!y 1,100 soft-bound manuals from Salt Lake. Since the neVi n'lanual has been pl1'li~~hed Vle \,!;ll sell the old ones at a reduced price of $4.00. The fol1ovJinq l-ist of hr)usC'-kr'p:.jllQ dutiL-s must be done as soon as possible: 1) Fi;1ancial rccord:, Illl1S .... he established, 2) A mailins must be made to the membcl'slnp, 3) '.1'liling lists P::Jst be up-dated. 4) Supplies ~ust be ordered, 5) An inventory l;~t;:;t be taken for' the audit, 6) Ski schools IT.ust be solicited for membershit)s, 7) COtTc<;Gonden':e must be answered, 8) 01d manual s mus t be sOld, ; f pos:; i c -l e, 9) Fi 11 \)t'cers fo)~ passbooks, 10) ",err:bership cards must be filled in and se~t" 11) Orders for pins. patches, decals. etc. must be processed, 12) Keep up with the g0neral office procedures. At the time Pat S\'Jell':,o1 \Vas hi l"f'C to opf'n the off; ce for us, she agreed to work only 3 or lj. mcnths 0:1 a paft i:irne i)2S1S. i'!e have come to a point v/here we need to be breaking in (l pla'.~[:\':i?nt for P2t as \'Jell as additional help is needed in the office :It tlli') lime. This has led us to hire, on a trail basis, a young man by the llilll1e' of )jc'n1;i S ',;::fo rei. nenni s ; s a member' of the PS IA, having been certified III !!lI L~~)t. Ii.' is (l ?(, ycat~ old business major at the Ilniversity of Denv.'). lif' \,111 iJOlk for 11~) 6 IluUt'S d day, 5 duys a \1eek at a './ PSIA BOARD OF DIRECTnRS -~- November 11, 1970 starting salary of t<).?r:: an !)(,)11Y'. h; II,:, accounting experience for several large firtl1~. If th'l' (\rt',;rlClclll::nt I\'orl. l~~I:~> v!tc:ll as we think it \vi11 , Dennis \dll l>e i1h1(\ i~; run Ltlf:' GffiCI \':1 :;1 sniile part time office help at such ti:-nc Pat decide'; --;llr' 1.11I--;tl, ,1\1(\. I'"~ \'ill f.\v(l a much better feel at the; Board of Dir(~ClOr~ IlJ~eLi~1J 3d '-lie r:(',Jt(;:,lrl ILitl:c a decision at that time. !::nc. PROFES::; Im!/\L sn WSTRUCTORS OF In,riERlCi\. INC. Fl n;ii1Ci iJ 1 StCitel1lent --.--- - --- - _._-- - October 1,1"70 to ~;o\'cil:ber 10, 1970 Rocky Mountain Ski Instructors !"ssn * Pacific Northwest Ski Instructor'S Assn * Far West Ski Instructors Assn Northern Rocky Mountain SLl Inc;~JlJct;)r'C; Assn * Central Ski Instruct.ors !\,SI' Pi ns, patches and I!li\JIUJ 1 ,; Ski Schoo 1 Mel1l!Jf~rsh-j P'; Disbursements: (Past due accou:,ts) Telephone Quality Press Storage and shipping The Dramm Co (PSIA silirlds) Colle & McVoy Advert~sin0 Du ~'ac (mailing and pnntillr;) Universal Copiers (pilper) O. C. Tanner (pins) 81 ohm's JO\'Jel ry (cnqrllvi nq) \·Ji thho 1 di n9 T tlxes (Utal I I Carroll County Trust (loan) (Current) Office Rent (3 months) Office Equipment Rental Office Supplies fl09.GO 6,796.8;~ 561 .27 n3.31 7,~8.21 5r. n .0:: 4?4.0\J 1 n. nn 1;2. ~~:: ~,_n!)Lll_ GOO.JO l21.00 72.~3 Telephone (install. deposit, scrv) Salat'ies Copy Machine Service Contract BOD meeting expense Petty Cash (postage, supp 1 i c::.) 8S.0n 1 ') • ! J 7,170.00 4,880.00 2,050.00 580.00 3,710.00 83.70 ---5-0-.0-0 12,063.10 l8.523.70 TOTA.L CASH ON IlI\ND. ~1()\/C'n,hCl' 111, 1~7n S 4,852.20 *$1 ,000.00 loan vJas dpcluc (-eel frCl:iI dues CJc.'/,id.?nt --------- Mr. Ed Pond 3823 Villa Dr. Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 Dear Ed: November 11, 1970 808 Ariola Dr. Pensacola Beach, Fla. 32561 Your letter just caught up with me and there seems to be a misunderstanding concerning my annual dues. In late summer I wrote the association explaining that I was on active duty as a pilot in the United states Navy and would be for the next couple of years. And, as was explained by my ski school director, Curt Chase of the Aspen Ski Corp., while on active duty in the military, I was exempt from dues. Therefore, I did not remit the amount billed me. It should go without saying that I wish to remain in good standing with the association. It was not out of neglect that my bill was not paid but rather out of a lack of communication. Therefore, if the information given me was incorrect and in fact, I must nay dues each year while on active duty to remain in good standing, or if my situation was not realized when billed, please let me know by letter. Believe me Ed, td rather be in Aspen teaching skiing than in the Navy flying airplanes, but I do have an obligation to fulfill, so while dOing so, my skiing will be somewhat limited. I try to squeeze in four to six weeks a year in Aspen to keep up to date, enough for that but not enough to satisfy my internal need to dki. Flying is fun but snow is better! Please write and let me know the situation and remember where my heart is. TL/tnl you rs Truly, /- \,". /' -/ Tad Lathrop LTJG USN 1 Mr. Arnold Lewis Licensing Corporation of America 909 Third Avenue Ne~.; York, New York 10022 Dear Arnold: 315 East 72nd Street New York, New York 10021 November 13, 1970 Re: LCA license to Korvette g(_PS1A..r:!E~f'!. ~!l~l_)JJ~~_I1_~~1! Referring to our conversation, I believe that there are two essential basic pOints about the license to Korvette that must be observed both in letter and in spirit in any of Korvette's advertising. The first is that Korvette has only a non-exclusive license. It has not been granted an exclusive license nor is it paying for nn exclusive license. Therefore, any suggestion or implication in its advertising to the contrary would be misleading and would violate the rights of PSIA and LCA. The mere fact that there does not happen to be another licensee at a particular time and place does not transform Kcrvette into an exclusive licensee even temporarily, or give Korvette the right to exploit PSIA's name, emblem, and good will in a manner that is permitted only to an exclusive licensee. Korvette must of course be truthful, but it must do more than be truthful: it must comply with the license. In fact, the only rights it has are under the license, and the license is non-exclusive. The things we are dealing with here are valuable intangible rights, and the technical accuracy of a statement in an advertisement is. no defense in the case of breach of contract or misappropriacion of proper-ty. .u: thc:rt:! is any doubt about this then I believe we should consider a couple of hypothetical but realistic situations •. If United Airlines had ascertained that 20 NFL tC'.'1mll til (lId: fle\" Oil United, would anyone nrgllc that the truth of the statement would entitle United to use the names, symbols, and good will of these teams in advertising without permission? Or if Gillette had ascertained that Johnny Unitas in fact used their razor blades, would anyone suggest that Gillette could use his name and likeness in advertising without permission? .. • We are not· talkin~.bout academic distinctions. Korvette's statements or implications of exclusivity decrease the chances of making other licenses or at best may impair the actual monetary value of the other licenses. This effect would build up cumulatively every time Korvette runs such a misleading advertisement, and the repeated impact on the public would be to build up a stronger and stronger impression of exclusivity. The second main pOint is that only certain of the items sold by Korvette have been approved. Therefore, any implication or suggestion in their advertising that would cause a reader to conclude that unauthorized items are approved would be misleading, would go beyond the scope of the license, and would amount to an effort to get something without paying for it. This sort of implication or distortion could be created by placement in lay-out, size of type, and phraseology. Without attempting to exhaust every imaginable device, it is at least clear that where a headline appears about PSIA approval with a number of items shown below the headline, oLviously tltese can only Lt::: approved items. While. the above is my personal legal op~n~on, which I am very happy to offer, I am sending a copy of this letter to Willy so that he, as the President of PSIA, may have the opportunity of determining and communicating any appropriate official position, whether or not it coincides with my own opinion. RDW: es cc: Mr. Willy Schaeffler Mr. Bill Lash Sincerely yours, ~----:/ _ (f .. _ ~~/'/' .~ ~.. /1 C.1 // L /7.;1 }.J.; ;' () ___/ ~ ...... r~";.-___ , ...... 1.:.:...)0 .. I'/t.....-~ \,. Raymond D. Weisbond .. : jl(,'£'lfi .' L,;·'~!:t;';iSut L43 t·outh ; .<tin :,alt LI.;,itc It), tu.L ,.,,,,Iil ,,,'; 1.'·.t.A. f.er'<l.){H.t;.t;Atior., "".: Ttyouts en Frith:.}!, .~ .,;(.{:d,.;:1. iii.h, at. tilt: r'il~ City F •. ;E,ort, U,~: Jnt('.t';';;Qunt.';;I.l\ 1 Jnf;Lruct{)CIi ;\t;l'>O(': i,it lvn i ~ b.nl ;i.n~_ tL~ it' ; :~r;ionstration Ted;'; tt·yt'~j t 1>. Zh(;: purpOSE: of thE: l:emonli1tl:~tion It;:>;wl 16 to have .it 1;;:r{)up pi 1m ttU(;tvl'::; h,hu <in; $"p~"L1v.t l(:n';I'Jl,i,I <;;;.u ,;~;.,,,onstt;dt(, our sLl tEr;;l,l1i<,u(', I.e th' puttic ,,,riC oth(;;l: in.tlr\'H.:ton: in OUt l.;.vision. ! \.'0\.110 like to >I...:~;(m t1y invite Y<,lU t,) oLlier\lC tf:(: l;c;,,':onstt'utions .md pvrhaPS bf;~:OIl(;' ie ttt'i ,:t" Ilu •• lntcd wi th tht: ;,;c€:'t'I,t' (:c" oC our :lI.s~oc iat ion etm; wtl~,t the !nl{'! ,. "nIt ,. i.n ~1 Ynstructors ~5soclation ~oe&. You ',,()uh, tt:: ou&:: ,:;:uest lo, t.he; ent.ire day, ~n{t our :'ut'li.(.it} . ',;'. :;U.IJ( ('l"dn:.;:m, ; ,llve IM;}lin, \.Jl;}uiJ {.e,rvc <Hi )'Ol.lt i,lscort (!ur1n",~ tlit: eli t." fill you 1n on the J.~thoi.IS ollHi f1104:(;;\';I.U:~S o( :.el€ctiut:; Cl\Jr 1;.*.;, •• :. "'~. l~ndLc(8. \5blhL.nt S~1 Scbool1rector at Alta, w~s scleclc~ dL '~il. Color'~Lo Li1>t ::pr in.,:: to he .. me.~('r of ther ~:dtion<ll :·,l..1 leA:;; tli,l,t "'ill futlc.iiiat(' in th~ 9th Inl4'rskl in (;""cmany lo.t,(:1:" this ye,H.:al!' \dll b¢ Our ,)enonstroltion ToCa:;l l'.tnil6"r, an~ h(! ane 1'. alon~" \<11th ;'()};U ,:J.t',m. ",ho is a '~.je~ber of our Assoetaticn, and i.'ave Ch.rtvUn \,IQuh· 1 ik.f1' l" ~o to <anner somewhere in P.,d fity FridilY ev~ning ,.-ith you. 1 will COOl4Ct you per£on,,,ll) fioniC tin'€:" in tL~ ne):t h:'\' ',,;)'$ to s;c<' if jOU ~oulG Ichecule a Gay .t F8rk City vitb U6. ct: Oa"Wf:: Lap Un ;"x l .... m.dbtl't,; .F,(J!t;l;' Hal." zm ~~inc.erely, rlltrt< ,.. P,uil"lon ~;C'e8i":'.nt BSC BEMIDJI STATE COLLEGE ART DEPARTMENT 218-755-2950 BEMIDJI. MINNESOTA 5660t J;vj Il T,-:' /-j /,-5 L,-'£:lJ S <; I'. Lr) /~-/ /.(:) (/ if'" C~ 1//:':1' J 1/ / j/ //7; . .-1//1/ I I Dick Kun P.O. Box 1571 - Big Bear Lake, California 92315 EYJ~clltive Secretary 1 0 Edwin J. Pond Secretary I.S.I.A. 466 East 5th South November 17, 1970 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 TO WHeJof IT MAY CONCERN: This is to certify that JIM SECRIST is a member in good standing of the FAR WEST SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION and of the PROFESSlONAL SKI INSTRUCTORS OF AMERICA. Jim Secrist is a Full Certified Member and has paid all F.W.S.l.A. and P.S.LA. dues for the current 1970-71 seanon. DK/ra Sincerely, 0~: ~ ~ l~l'~ '- Dick Kun EXECUTIVE SECRETARY F.W.S.LA. 11-- ,J..] .'?~ H V v t ~ 'J K. Neil Taylor 31 Harbor. Drive Lake Hopatcong New Jersey 07849 Dear Neil: November 18, 1970 This is to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated September 12, 1970 requesting reinstatement ' in our association. Please be advised that I will submit your request to the Board of Directors at the coming board . meeting in December of this year with my recommendation that you be reinstated upon payment of back dues. . . It is my expectation that the board will approve this and upon said approval I will notify you of · the same and also of the amount of dues needed. Thank you for your letter and continued interest in our association. EJP/bp cc: Mary Ellen Parkinson v,ery sincerely, EDWIN J. POND SECRETARY I.S.I.A. SUITE 909 432 PARK AVENUE SOUTH NEW YORK. NEW YORK 10016 lIAr. Henry A. Kaiser, Publisher SKIING MAGAZINE One Park Avenue New York, New York 10016 To the Editors: November 18, 1970 liThe Sit-in at the School Bell II (December 1970) may make good reading for the PSIA members who didn't bother to go to the meetings, but how can you justify the space allotted to this essay when your editors have not written the three much-needed books: I. Skiing Made Easy, 2. Skiing Made Easier, 3. Skiing Made Easiest. According to your story, there is a family fight in PSIA, bui" are the skiers interested? John Jerome had the talent for the assignment and he cast the story well. Did the editors cut his copy stating that Judge Johnston is a very excellent skier, a scratch golfer and a super dancer? live seen him do all three. The personalities mentioned in yoU" essay have introduced more new people to the ski sport than comprise the circulation of your magazine, which is considerable. Don't forget the books I mentioned •••••• please address yourself to the real problem and let the PSIA fight in private, and on second thought, PSIA should pull the shades. RAD:amd cc: Brad Briggs Doug Pfeiffer Jimmy Johnston Bill Lash Willi Schoeffler Sincerely, =~p~~ Doc Des Roches RE: Hr. _-Brian D. McEneny (No. 1369) Box 171' . Driggs, Idaho 83422 Joy Lucas Executive Secretary P.O. 6228 Seattle~ ~ Washington Dear Joy: ~ .. November 18, 1970 \ve have:>received a request from the above captioned individual who has recently moved to Driggs, · Idaho and will be teaching at the Grand Targhee Ski School, to transfer his full 'certification status to this association. Could you please fill out a uniform transfer application along with the file ·and send it down to us so that we may instate him in our association. Thank you very much. EJP/bp cc: Mary Ellen Parkinson Very sincerely, EDWIN J. POND SECRETARY I.S.I.A. November 18, 1970 Mr. George Baird l654 East Palmcroft Tempe, Arizona 85281 RE: I.S.I.A. MEMBERSHIP Dear George: Sor~y to hear you moved out of our association, but extend .to you all of the success in your new area. I'm in receipt of your letter addressed to Dave Parkinson and who has referred your letter to me as the new secretary of I.s;I~A. Regarding your request in the letterJ George, I believe you are now living in the Far West Ski Instructors Association and I suggest you get in touch with Dick Kun, Executive Secretary at P. O. Box 1571 Big Bear Lake, California 92315. However, George I'm not real sure it's possible you do belong to Rocky Mountain now, and in that case you should get a hold of Rudi Schnakenberg, Executive Secretary. He lives at 1070 Crawford, P. O. Box 4 Steamboat Springs, Colorado. I am not sure what either divisions policy is in terms of transferring associate ratings into each division, but that would be up to the ·division you are now living in. I dO 'know that I.s.I.A. doesn't accept associate transfers into this division. Only fully certifeed. In any event George, if and when you've contacted the member of your new association and would like .a transfer or any information we could help you with, please contact me. EJP/bp Warmest regards, EDWIN J. POND -SECRETARY I.S.I.A. Nr. Tad Lathrop LTJG USN 808 Ariola Drive Pensacola Beach, Florida 32561 Dear Tad: November 18, 1970 I appreciate receiving the letter you .~ sent on November 11, 1970. Apparently the letter you had wr itten prior to this time explaining that you are on active duty in the Navy was not tagged on your file in the association. However, the explanation given to you by Curt Chase applies to this association also. Let me apologize for the mistake we have made and indicate that you will· remain in good standing in this associa-tion while you are on active duty. . Have a good tour of duty and realize that we'll be making some turns for you here. Drop us a line when you return to the ski instruction business. EJP/bp cc: Mary· Ellen Parkinson Very sincerely, Em'IIN J. POND SECRETARY I. S'. I.A. DEAR CLARK, f{)VEtv'BER 19, 1970 OGDEN, UTAH liVE REALLY nOUGHr A GREAT DEAL ABOUT REQUESTING A RETURN TO THE EDITORSHIP OF THE I.S.I.A. NEWSlETTER. ~ME OF r:W THJUGHTS ARE: -YC"XJ, THE ASSN. PRESIDENT, AND I AGREE AbC'UT WHAT THE ASS~. IS Ai·JD WhAT IT SI-()ULD BE. -THAT YOU ARE OONCERNED ABOUT AND ARE ABLE TO COM\ilUN I CATE EFFECT I VEL Y • ·THAT YOU AHi IIHEREST£D IN HK) WAY OOU ... r,'UNICATION BETWEEN THE LEADERSHIP AND THE MEMBERSHIP. ·THAT I FEEL THAT fdi'( BEST OONTRIBUTION TO THE AS9'J. I S NOT I N THE TVP I CAL PUBLI C RELATIONS 11.1A0E BUT RATHER IN A BEHWD THE SCENES ROLE. ·THAT I AM BETTER AWARE OF THE VI SUAL ASPECT OF COi~1i·,'lJNICATION THAN OF THE VERBAL/PERSONAL ASPECTS. ·THAT UW SKillS IN PUBliCATIONS ARE OOT PRESENTLY BEING TAi<EN BEST ADVANTAGE OF BY THE ASSN. WITH HE ABOVE TAKEN INTO CONSIDERATION, I ~K>ULD LIf<E TO IMI<E THE FOLLOW I NG Pf()POSIT ION. I FIT IS POSSIBLE FOR THE CONDITIOi~S LISTED BELOW TO BE ACooMIDATED THAJUGH YOUR OFFICES AND WITH THE APPf()VAL OF THE EXECUTI VE OOI\;f:f.ITTEE AND/OR THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF I.S.I.A., AS WELL AS THE DIRECTORS OF THE PARK CITY SKI SCHX>L, I WOULD RESPECTFULLY REQUEST A RETURN TO THE EDI TORSHI P OF THE NEWSLETTER. THE ooND IT I CX'-JS: 1. THAT f~'r'( RESPONSIBILITIES AS CHAI~,W~ OF THE PUBLI CI TV OOMMITTEE BE RE-WRITTBl TO INCLUDE THE N8~SLETTER EDITORSHIP A~m THAT THEY BE RE-WRITTEN TO DELEGATE OTHER DUll £S OF THE C·JMMITTEE. 2. THAT AN OPP£RATING BUDGET (NOT TO INCLUDE PRIl'~T tr'~G C:)STS) BE \:IORKE9 OUT. 2. 3. THAT TRAVEL OPPORTUNllY BE i'.'IADE AVAILAblE IN ORDEH TO DEVELOP DIRECT G)i~~','UN I CATIONS WITH THE SKI SCmOlS AND INSTRUCTCRS OF THE 01'11 SI eN. (2 OR 3 WEEKEND DAYS EACH i'iONTH) 4. THAT THE OOURIERSHIP OF MATERIALS FROM OTHt:R SOURCES NJD TO THE PRINTER BE ~NDL~D GY i,jEANS OTHER T HAN THE EDITOR. 5. THAT SPECIFIC PURLICATIOf'J DATES BE SCi-lEDUlE!) FiRCllGH JUNE, 1971. 60 THAT AN OFFICIAL PK>TOGRAP~£R BE DESIGNATED FOR THE NE'fJSLETTER. 7. THAT A 3-YEAR TERlI..l 0.\1 THE BeARD OF DIRECTORS BE HEQUI SITE TO THE EDITCRSHIP OF THE NEWSLETTER. flf.( REOOLlECTI or ~ I S THAT WE'VE D I SCLSSED r.'OST OF ThESE PO I fiTS BEFORE M~ D !,,'Y I-oPE 1ST HAT NONE OF T:"iEM IS OUTS I DE RcAS':JN FOR THE ROLE Wi!1 CH IS EXPECTt::D OF' A NEl'iSLETTER EDI TCtR. I F Y(IJ WOOlD CAriE TO HA 'JE AN ElABORA T I m~ OR DEFENCE OF ANY OF THESE IDEAS I AM AT YOUR DI SPOSAL. THJ«<YOU VERY MUCH Fon nE CONFIDENCE ~iHICH YOU EXPRESS ,IN M'I EFFORT. CCsDIRECTORS, Nr. ivlilt Beans South Lake Irving Bemidji, Minnisota 56601 Dear Hilt: November 20, 1970 RE: MEt1BERSHIP TRANSFER We have this day received a uniform transfer application from the Northern Rocky Mountain Ski Instructors Association. Hence, upon the receipt from you of $10.00 as dues for thi5 season, you will be a fully certified member 1n good standing in l.S.I.A. Please send said dues to Mary Ellen Parkinson, e xecutiye secretary, 3823 Villa Drive, Salt Lake City, Utah. Good to have you back in the association. EJP/bp cc: Mary Ellen Parkinson Very sincerely, Em'IIN J. POND SECRETARY I.S.I.A. November 22, 1970 dr. Clark Parkinson President - ISlA 2245 Oneida Street Salt Lake City Utah 84109 Dear Clark: 75 N. Snelli.ng St. Paul lHnn. 55104 I want to thank you for your prompt attention to my letter asking for names and addresses and phone numbers. Just in case my thanks should go to Ed Pc.nd and not to you , I am mailing eepy to him. It would not surprise me if I will have to follow up on my roquest t(l some of the other Divisions as I d~ not expect tohear from all of them. So far I have only heard from ISlA. Believe me, I think your association is terrific! You certainly have a crew that you can be proud of. Recently I received copies of Andy Sbearer's two papers. Excellent. Also. I just received one of your membership mailings and "Newsletter", and it makes me envious. You must have a member who is in the printing bu~iness. On top of Andy and this printer you've got Lou Lorenz, Phil Jones Max Lundberg Junios Bonous and great guys that I have not yet met. ISlA is doing a great job! Olk cc: Ed Pond Cordially. Otto Hollaus President - CSlA November 23, 1970 TO: Jack Colven FRat-I: Clark T. Parkinson SUBJECT: Ethics Coullllittee--r:. Smith Dear Jack: Our B.O.D. meeting will be held Saturday, December 5th. The subject of 1:. Smith must be considered under !told business." Since Burley, a nuri/ber of Board members have tall.eo to me about I. Smith aml that they felt we should not officially do anything. Since a motion was made at Burley, we must consider the problem, and I would reCOllJll1Cnd that we prepare a resolution of the n.0.r. criticizing 1 • for h h, actions and conduct. It is doubtful if a resolution will pass our H.C.D., but T do have an obligation to bring it to the floor. J recommend we present the following: R;':SCLUTICli: "Be it hereby resolved that the B.O.D. of I.~).I.\. rCl'rirn,md I,. Smith for his discourteous conduct at the Fall Seminar at Burley, Idaho. Be it further resolved that his conduct during the :.:eminar was considered by the 8.0.D. to be unacceptable unci that if he continues to disrupt our meetings and social functions that he will be asked not to attend future gatherings of the I.:!.1 0;\' II Board of Directors I. S • 1.,\. I have asked Ed Pond to draft a resolution for presentation to the B.O.D. However, as the Ethics Committee Chairman, I will call on you at the E.O.D. meeting to maLe your recommendation as to the ~,. Smith question. I indicated earlier that I would draft a suggested resolution for you. Feel free to write your own or do whatever you feel appropriate. r1r. Colven 2 11-23-70 I personally do not \vant to have a "battle" with K. Smith. I have plenty of problems. However, there are those on the Board \-Jho vant a very strong response, so it is our obligation to make a recommendation to the B.O.D. and have them vote on it. please prepare your recowmendation in writing. 1 appreciate your help on this, and I'm looking forward to seeing you. Let me know if you need reservations in Park City. The Certification CommitteE is meeting Friday night, Decenlher 4th, at the Treasure t-lountain Inn, No. l6--my place. You can stay with me if you like--let me know. eTr: ld "1. ...".) . Sincerely, r:lark T. Parkinson President please have sufficient copies of your recommendation for each Board member. CERTIFIEd SKI TEACHER I. S. I. A. INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION 466 East 5th South Salt Lake City, Utah November 23, 1970 TO: Fully Certified Members and Ski School Directors FROM: Secretary, I.S.I.A. SUBJECT: Demonstration Team Tryouts and Examiners Clinic. PLEASE NOTE THE DATE CHANGES FROM THOSE ANNOUNCED IN THE NEWSLETTER. All Fully Certified members of I.S.I.A. in good standing are invited to tryout for the I.S.I.A. Demonstration Team on Saturday, the 5th of December at Park City, Utah. Candidates for the team will meet in the Activity Center at 8:00 A.M. At 4:00 P.M. Saturday, a Board ot Directors Meeting will be held and from 6:00 to 7:30 P.M. on the same day an attitude adjustment period is scheduled. On Sunday, the 6th ot December, 1970, all members who have previously served as certification examiners or back-up examiners and all Ski School Directors or their representatives are invited to attend a Certification Clinic. The Clinic will commence at 9:00 A.M. in the Activity Center. A Ski School Directors Meeting will be held from 8:00 to 9:00 A.M. that same morning. There will be no charge for attendance. EJP:mep See you there, c5/~~c9'~ Edwin J. Pond, Secretary 1. S. 1. A. INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION 466 East 5th South Salt Lake City, Utah November 23, 1970 TO: Fully Certified Members and Ski School Directors FROM: Secretary, I.S.I.A. SUBJECT: Demonstration Team Tryouts and Examiners Clinic. PLEASE NOTE THE DATE CHANGES FROM THOSE ANNOUNCED IN THE NEWSLETTER. All Fully Certified members of I.S.I.A. in good standing are invited to tryout for the I.S.I.A. Demonstration Team on Saturday, the 5th of December at Park City, Utah. Candidates for the team will meet in the Activity Center at 8:00 A.M. At 4:00 P.M. Saturday, a Board ot Directors Meeting will be held and from 6:00 to 7:30 P.M. on the same day an attitude adjustment period is scheduled. On Sunday, the 6th ot December, 1970, all members who have previously served as certification examiners or back-up examiners and all Ski School Directors or their representatives are invited to attend a Certification Clinic. The Clinic will commence at 9:00 A.M. in the Activity Center. A Ski School Directors Meeting will be held from 8:00 to 9:00 A.M. that same morning. There will be no charge for attendance. EJP:mep See you there, ~,vj) .. ~ Edwin J. Pond, Secretary 1. S. 1. A. "" . Mr. Jim Reynolds Secrist 5326 Box # So. Lake Tahoe, California 95705 November 23, 1970 RE: I.S.I.A. l1embership Dear Jim: I have this day received confirmation from F.W.S.I.A. of your ~ully certified status in said association • . Upon receipt of your $15.00 dues for this season, we will instate you in good standing in cur association. Please send said dues to Mary Ellen Parkinson, Executive Secretary 3823 Villa Drive, Salt Lake City, Utah. I appreciate your help in straightening this matter out. Thank you. If I can be of further help to you, pleasefecl free to contact me. EJP/bp cc: Mary Ellen Parkinson Very sincerely, EDWIN J. POND XXK«MXXXX;: SECRETARY I.S.I.A. INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION Mr. Ed Pond, Secretary 466 East 5th South Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Dear Ed: November 23, 1970 Re: I.S.I.A. Mailing Procedures At the December 5th Board meeting, under "old business," the subject of the problems of mailing to our membership will be brought up. Would you please prepare a brief report to the B.O.D. on the steps taken to alleviate this problem. Please contact Mary Ellen regarding a change of address card that DuMac is currently preparing. She will fill you in on the details. Please have sufficient copies of your report for the Board members in attendance. CTP:ld Sincerely, ~'/! j/ ~<-.(fl Clark T. Parkinson President CERTIFIED SKI TEACHER I. S. I. A INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION November 25, 1970 TO: I.S.I.A. Board of Directors FROM: Clark T. Parkinson, President SUBJECT: B.O.D. Meeting Dear Board Member: A meeting of the B.O.D. will be held at Park City Resort Center, Park City, Utah, on Saturday, December 5, 1970, at 4:00 P.M. Please plan to attend. Attached find the agenda for the B.O.D. meeting, and a proposed budget is attached for your consideration. If your name appears on the agenda for a report, please submit it in writing with sufficient copies for the B.O.D. members. If you wish any additional "old" or "new" business items added to the agenda, please notify me by December 1, 1970. I am looking forward to meeting with the B.O.D. I'm sure our meeting will be very productive. The meeting will start promptly at 4:00 P.M. and adjourn no later than 6:00 P.M. There will be a short Committee Chairmen meeting after the B.O.D. meeting. CTP:ld Attachments Sincerely, .L~ Clark T. Parkinson President |