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Show itA' ' - .g .. ~ , , . f;, I i I . , " , , 6811 South Meadow Drive Salt Lake City 1 Utah October 3, 1958 I Hr. Warren IL,lor £It.cutivo S.'retary, National 1130 Sixteenth Stroet Ski Association of Amer Denv.r 2, Co t:orado Doa,. Warren, As you know by my corr •• pondenoe, I have att.mpt.d to obtain ",f. 0' aotive certified instructors from all the divisions. R •• pcn,. has com. from the CUSSA. No othGr li.ta aro curront for thl. year. , wtt£ send you tho.e divi.ion li.t. th~t I havo for tate spring 1958. In the meantime I witL write the other division. reque.ting that hey compU. current liats at once and forward thGSO to your offic.. If time ia pre.sing, it is auggo.ted that you uae List. of laet year. ActuaL'y, thore witl not be mueh change. I assume that this Lfst ,I"om.wher. tn'the NSA ffLea, s inoeth fa aame th fncr waa done a year ago. There are approltimately 900 instructora who aro c.rtified in the Unitod Shet aut •e•.. a '~", L •• ~.r deafre. to .end out 400 copl.s, I .uggest that 8 a~' I • • e/ectlon of the in.tructor. that rep1.ent dlff_ront ::O:::h:::: ~::t::n:::o:::~::n:::: Hr. L .... r. No ~ubt h_ would b. saUaff.d with a .eLecHve L ht If clrcumstanc •• nocoa.ltat.. Woul. you pL.a.e reporduee and return my copl •• of the incLo •• d d.ta? f" _,' ) "' I am attempting to financ. the c.rtification committ.e through the in.tructor. a3sociations and the certification committ~ •• in the divi.ions. It i. realized that the NSA f. a "Littl. ahort." Maybe we could work out some situation that would allow us to procude a nationaL list of certified instructors at your office and aLLow us to hetp justify part of the expende obLigation. Under any circum.tances.do not pa!u th~ oPl'ortunity to ooopt)rat. with manufaoturing companies. YOlr. for 8etter Ski Instruction, Bit t Lash CH,URNIl.N, C£!:TIFICATION OF' SK I TEACHERS COn,.HTTF:£. NSA tlr. Rooe &»ser )0 .... t. Cb1Ql.&O AVelllM Chlo.,.o 10, .t.UJ.llo1. Oct.ober 0, 19)8 '! 0 beoou a Cert,Uled Sk1 lnatl'\lctoJ' 1n t.he Nat.ional Sid. 14aoo1at,1oQ, 10'& 1iWIt. b. oert.1tlecl by the lJ1vl.iOll,1n wh1ch 10U 11ye. 1 GlI Iorwa.n11ntl )"Our 1"84\.\.8t. tor 1n!omatlon t.o Hr. W11 Una 'ellow, ,u. Worth ~J.t.aheU St.reet, cacUUao, i\1oh1ian, 1dlo 18 £.x.out.1ve t)ecret.aq at the Cent.ral Un1t.ed Stat.es Lk1 AODQc.1at.1on. Mr'. Fellow wlU contr.ct 70" and ,1 •• TOll t.bo help .,w11ntomat,lon neoe:;;8U7 t.o ~ett.1Jl& a IJc11nDt.ruct.OI"a" oel't1l1aatlOD. Hr. B1U Lull, 211 Tenth Avenue Nort.h, Twin Falla, ldnbo, Cba1rnaan ot our •• atlonal. l.)k.1Inatruct,cr'. COIiQIli1tt •• , w1 U a.c<,u.aint. 10U wlt.h lnat.Notol"'. aertJ. .. tlcat,1ou Boboola t.rult. IDq b, he14 t.bia 1.100. Cord1a~, Warren TAT.l.or AuG"t.1v, ~dcr.tAf7 FAR WEST Bill Lash President, ISlA 6811 South }ieadow Dr • .salt Lake City 17, Utah Dear Hr. Lash: SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION October 7, 1958 Upon the request of President Lutz Aynedter, we herewith enclose a list of the members and officers of the F\'JSIA. Very truly yours, / ~'-, " 1..--_ " J ,. I ~;;-~:...::7' 0-::-,£ M. F. Jones Exec. Secre. ,/ / FWSIA / , / . \../ / '1/ _- /'7i'..c--..~ - Mr. Bill Lash 6811 S. Meadow Drive Salt Lake City, Utah Dear Bill, 1ttnt~ 1<~ 'ilttutlttaiH SKI ASSOCIATION October eth, 1958 Our represent3tive for your technical manual committee will be Karl Hinderman, Box 634, Whitefish, Montana. I am sure Karl will enjoy helping you with this matter and with his vast experience he Ehould be ver,y good help. In regard to a cut of our pin, we haven't a cut but I am sending you one of· our advanced pins for your use. I am ~ incer0 1,Y hopi.nF~ t.hat WE' can "junk our pins and GO alollg Hit,lI tho Lypo or p.l 1\ 1.1111 L Y"ll '"(·lloWI) IIIIVO, .l t~llUuld have been a bit more stuLborn in the first pla.ce. You will be very pleased to learn that the Northern Rocky Hountain Ski Instructors Association is now a reality and that we are financially independent of the NRMSA with the exception that we will pay club dues and head tax to the NRJ.1SA in the same respect that any other ski club in the NRJ1SA does. This also enti tles us to two votes at any NPJ'ISA meeting. Our first action was to raise yearly dues to $5.00 and examination fees to $10.00. vie are planning a clinic and meeting for the last wGek in November, to r€ held at Bridger Bowl at Bozeman, at that tiMe we will elect permanent officers and adopt our constitution and by-laws. The fellows felt that since we were completely broke that we would have to fongo bringing anyone in from another division to help us with the clinic, but Dave Hamilton thollp:ht he could persuade Bill Ashloy to como ovnr from Jackson as th3t wouldn l t be such a very long trip. From the indications nt the fall meeting and from the correspondence I've had, I t.hink we'll have near a hundred per cent turn out for this cliniC, at least we are hoping so. Thanks ver.j much for your correspondence l'or;<lrd inf~ t he Hart Ski set up, I plan to nave a list of our instructors made up by the end of this ~reek and will send a copy to you and to them. In writing to Hr. Holmberg, I will of course include only our advanced and standard ratings. It \~ll be nice to hear from Gordy Wren again, I have often wondered what his results we 1'8 in his tests of Wedeln and Arllrergj if you have his mailing address, send it along when you write again and I'll drop a line to him. Chuck ,. • I CENTRAL u. S. 5 K I ASSOCIATION INTER-ORGANIZA"IW.lN COMMUNICATION FROM Jimmy Johnston 3505 Admi~al Lane No. Minneapolis 22, Minnesota SUBJECT To Bill Lash 6g1l So. Meadow Drlve Salt Lake Clty 17, Utah Dear Bill: DATE October g, 1958 AT (OFFICE) Thank you for yours of October 2. I did not qUite understand what you mean by out of our pin. Do you want an engraving? Please let me know by return mail and I will get it to you right away. With regard to the manual oommittee, I will be most happy to serve on this committee. I feel it is one of our most important projects. I am dlsappolnted that you have not been able to get coples made of the slldes. I would appreclate them as soon as poselble. MY next door nelghbor 18 wlth a large photo oompany here, and lf you want me to get them reproduoed I can get lt done ln a week and send them rlght baok to you. I was surprlsed to learn that Junlor has left. I imaglne lt was a matter of money. Can you tell me any more about it? JHJ:gam Sk1ingly yours, ~},? ~/ cJo:nn~ -- / N .*41f . ' ~~ r4! i..i,, .',. ONAL SKI Associ MERICA Alfili,lIed u·ilh SKI UNION OF THE AMERICAS AMATEUR ATHLETIC UNION 0' THE U ••• THE U.S. OLYMPIC A8BOCIATI0!l I'EDE"ATI, 1130 SIXTEENTH STREET , DENVER 2. COLO~ \:1',' :) ; , i~ lJ.r. ~,illiam .LaSh 211 Tenth Avenue horth lwin falls, Idaho lJear Bill: uctober b, 19581 1'hank you Lor your IlroI.I,.lt reply to lIlJ' letter ':lllu Llle mailint~ lifltD from the lnt(;rmountain, l~orLherll, GonLl'al and l ' acil'ic IwrthvJest ;;ki Associations. The small note you attached to the IliiLtCl' statinG that the .,ocky 1.ountain i:.lki Instructors List is on Pat;es :22-::::5 cOlllused Ilie..lhat publication or source are these pc.ges frou'l '1'he Hart Hanui'acturing GOLll'allY will undenlrite the entire cost of mailing the adverti5il1~ pr001's to wha,t(~ver list 'tiC) !;l'(.lv.i.r.ie the!.). 1rlJ.C In(!;Jnn that tney wi]" ick up tbE: Cot:t ')f Lh(; ~nvel(J,)l~, the; ill~H~rL;loll CC.H>t, the mailing cost ;. aUcil'eS5ini~ cost. 1 t~l.ked witll 1.1' ..... e~>ser~: hart's ad agency toaay, ' he has increased ilis pl'oductioll run of 9root~: t6 <)00. 1, of course, wil,~~i be wa.i.til1f:~ for the instructors lists fro,,;J th~~t>ther divisions to rill out thia nwuoer. 'f, ~'1 Your discussion on setting Ul) a mailint:; J.ist for tile skci instructors in the National tleaul!.uc.rters is a very goou one. 1 .. !QuId like to be able to service yuur COIllr:tittee by Llaintaining a mailin:; list here. bec2use of the reciuction in forces and my Ii;. ited budget set at ... Ita, .L hove investig<.ted the feasibility of c.ioiIlG this through the services of a cOI,mercial mailin~ firlI,. 1 call obtain an .t:,lliot audress nlate at ), ¢ for each of your listed naJUes. If the address is in four line~ it will'~ost b¢ each. To' address 1,000 of these plates after tlley have been typed .. :ill cost only ;1>4.50 a thousand. uince you have <)00 l:ertified ;;:;ki In:.. tructol'S now, this would be a very inexpensive way to h';.ndle your r,I,:,ilinC for you. ~ly thought is this: since l1r. Lesser is \.,illillg to underHrite the entire cost of making a one-time mailillG to your elltiro list, it would seem a shame for hiro to s.,end a cert2.in al:iOunt of J:lOllcy for the preparation of this list and not have it apply to a f.lOre pe n,.anent type list ,"hich your l:ommittee could use. Assurnine; Lh&t we hCi.ve 900 llames at 5A each, there \'wuld by a cost of 'li'49.50. 'i'nis gives you a 1181'IHanent address plate for this year's Illembership ami then each IuailinG would be'an additionnl -.(4.50 }llU5 enveJ.o?es and stamps. CONTRIBUTIONS ARE DEDUCTIBLE FOR FEDERAL INCOME TAX PURPOSES " ',Uk4£i1 ,. Ijilliam Lash PAGE T~"O 8, 1<)58 , The ch' e to make a one-till1e list for i'a'. Lesser is were to contrat for l!;lliot plates and charge l'ir. Lesser ;;p12 then the balance; would naturally fall upon us. This leaves mately ~37.00 of: cost for ourselves. .50. If we of that c03t with approxi- You mention that your Committee would be interested in underwriting some of this cost. I believe that this office should also assist your Committee by underwriting a portion of it too. because of lily budget restrictionfJ, I do not feel that we could GO 5()/~() OLI the cost this ye&r. l'leuse cOIlsider what you would like to have done concerning the formation of a permanent mailing list and let me know very soon. I expect to have to prepare Hr. Lesser's mailing within a week and will go ahead and. charge hilJl the one-time cost if we do not decide to set up your mailing list on a pe rmanent basis. I talked with hel yesterday in ~anta Fe and he informed me that you are writing an instructional book on ski techniques or methods of training or something like this. hr . .Lesser had indicated that one of his ski clients might be willing to underwrite an I.SA lJublication if it bad i.l. wide acceIJtance among skiers. ,this would help spread his client I s name and t~e it in with l~~A. !l'l., . \~ " ~,:11': . ,~ince {.', t hanufacturing, would like ,to see. e~c~ ski i*"I,'"J, r, uctor, us~ng Hart Skilos, lllayeliart would be lonterested lon sub~lodlozlong your:: anual lof lot were mailed to the ski instructors. ,.j ~'t. This question was posed and l·lr. Lesser stated that he would not guarantee anything but would be interested in seeing the manuscript and considering such a proposition. You might check with Hel about this since we have already discussed this idea. I thiruc the ski instructors are in a good ~osition to provide a means by which manufacturers like Hart could promote their product on an institutional advertising basis. You are not compromising your Committee Chairmanship by accepting this type of ad. \11': ch GOrji:ljY' \~aW~ 1xecutive ~ecretary , ~ \ 4$ 4= ,;g;;k NAIONAL SKI I ~ Ift". Bill Lash\hairman NSA Ski Teache~ Certification Committee 6811 South Meadow Drive' Salt Lake City 1.7, Utah. Dear Bill: A .. IlIIIC .... i "''''''TIlUII ... THL.IlTIC ,.' \ UNION 0 .. THIl U ••• '- THIl U ••• OL.Y"I'IC ..... OCI ... TION 'IHTIlIIH4TI~AL. .tCl • 'P'IlDI:II4TIOH",;; • 'i' " 'Jlt " Gustav F. Raa\1lll:; il::. 1515 Blue Rid&$'!,!~ ve Seattle 77, Wash~;!f 10/14/58 ~I I" ~ , . Thank you very much for recent correspondence. It looks like you have some dead wood on your committee, since they apparent~ do not honor your continued efforts to get organized for this Winter. The only way any committee can operate in the NSA is by extensive correspondence between committee members, exchange of ideas and information. Without active participation by your committee members, your hard work and plans will fail. If you faLl to get any response from committee mmbere on two or three letters, I suggest you list other me~l~f your chosing from the respective Divisions, men you think will put their sh9'1der to the wheel, and be of some value to you and the NSA, then we can replace the deadwood. I fail to understand that you have not heard from Joe Harlacher, he is considered conscientious am hard worldng in the PNSA, recent~ elected Sec1y-Treas of PNSA. On a letter to Joe I asked him to ,send you a few words. I have revie*y' our report to the Alt~ NSA Convention in APiU and find ~t"most complete. Yo'! ',Clear~ set forth the purpose of your COmmitt~~,'; and the fundtione. According to ," report all last years committee members( wi~1 the exception of Ed Heath) are onY'our coIlllIlijtee again this year. They are sureB aware of your objectives and also have a copy of this report. They should.iu review this report as it is full ot meat for thought. If you have a supply of iii this report on hand it may be worth while to send each member another coW. " With this reference to your Alta Report on duties and f\mctions of your committee, I Have completed the first two steps(as set forth in ~ form letter of Sept.16th) of nw function as Certification Co-ordinator. from now on your committee is on your own and my function is only to see that yoilf&ing what is expected of yourgroup , that it is active and serving skiing. Please, send me copies of cor~espondence concerning ski teacher certification so I may keep up to date on what is going on, what actions are taken, and also to see if alV work is done by the group. cc. Melville Committee members Durant ,( S:lncerely, -' , ... _--'" ) "----1...1----;:7 Gustav F. Raaurn, (.;o-ordinator NSA Certification CONTRIBUTIONS ARE DEDUCTIBLE FOR FEDERAL INCOME TAX PURPOSES .~ • ;;:;0 I M.' r. ,warren Tay~,'""r , £)tecut ive Secretary NationaL Ski A ociation of America 1130 Sixteenth ~i: treot Denv.r 2, Color 0 'it;, ! 6811 S. Meadow I"ive Salt Lake City I, Utah October 16, 19$',' ilr',' : ''', ~I , ' \,~t,',," , 1· Dea,. War,.."" J ~I ~. \ f Here are more Usts of ak i teachers for SRMSA and the F'lVSA. ,I have writ fen the US£ASA reques tin!] they ma it a lis f of names direc tty to you. When a master Hat is compiled, wouLd you pLease return these Lista to me. Incidentally, would you plea.e"ohange my addr.s, on your mailing 'hi 'rom Twin' Fal la, Idaho to the above - Sal t Lake City, Utah addr.... I have not used the Ida/lo address for five years. My idea on a moiling list was only to have available the ti.t itseLf. Thi. wouLd not incLude the service. of a commercial maiting firm. I doubt that there wouLd be enough materiat for dtstribution to justify a mailing service. A tL COIM! ittee correspondence orig inating from tl1 is off ice is .ent to the divisional chairman or representative for distribution. ror me to print up compLete distribution for 900 instructors is a project Larger than the mean. of fhi. commUf"",e. The preaent poLtcy fa to use' the Natl,fI,lin"""al Ski Association Cort fficaUon", Hfee onLy as a coordinat ing ~roup. Di~~em~nat ion of in-lormation mud: channeLed through the respective diviaf~na"'i A naHonat com;f'.d "'ailing Lht is needed, however. Man~'jacturers, .ki publication., etc,. are aLway. in demand of a tist 01 certllied ski teachera. It h my contenUon to have your office compiLe this Hat I,rom the divlaion l lata. Have thirty or forty cop Ie. dupl icated. When aome one requ •• ta a List, it Can be .ent. Lot the manufacturer pay for the actual coat of addre.sing and mailing. This committe.e wouLd be gLad to assum9 the expens. of producing the Li.t copies. I talked to AUon concerning Mr. Le ••• r'. interest in the instructor's manuaL. Unfortunately, arrangemonts have already boen made to fJave thia printed on a Limited baais. It may be too Late to oonsider their approvaL and conaequent possibl. acceptance. This must be ready lor distribution by Novembor 1. I'LL send you a lew copies when it is finished. If Mr. Lesser stiLL .eoms inter-eat. d, I wouLd b. witL ino to dfacUG' thia with him. Cooperation with Mr. Lesser and his client, the- Hart Ski Company, Ia d.sirabLe. However, I wouLd be a litttc reluctant to provide an endorsement at this tim •• One lactor that might be su~geated to Mr. Leasor lor a promotionaL and inatitut ional advert is ing program wouLd be lor 'he Hart poople to manulacture and mark.t a beUer product. Of ten pf;dr of comptementary skis given the Engen Ski SchooL Laat' .eason, nine pair ended up in ski rentals. Let mo know if the Littleton, N.II., offioo dons not send you a List in the next lew day •• SinoereLy, BLlt Dill Lash, Chairman, CSTC, NSA Mr. William R. Lash 6811 S. Meadow Drive Salt Lake 'city 17, Utah Dear Mr. Lash; October 18, 1958 Edward A. Miller Linfield College McMinnville, Or~gon Thank you 50 much for your letter of Augu5t 26 in which you included a co py of NSA Certification of Ski Teachers Committee report ~ This will be :a great help to me personnally for future teaching as well as for accumulation of material on my research project. It will be some time before I can possibly hope to complete this in view of the many changes that ax:e "'taking place " in the skiing world. In answering the que~~ions I have about ' this present uproar, many of the leading ~~str~ctors in th~ Mt. ' Hood area wili admit. they don't know what 'theY're doing for the present. I don't blame ' ~hemi By all means please send me a copy of your new manual when it is fin i shed. If we ever get one for the coming year I'll send one ~lorig to you. Yours grate ;fully, " V~--~.~)(? /JJ;??U-'1~ Edward A. miller £ 2 YOSEMITE PARK AND CURRY CO. r~r. VI ill j BIT: 1a s h fAll South Meqdcw Dr. Salt lAve City, Utqh DP.'l r Bill: YOSEMITE NATIONAL PARK. CALIFORNIA ' .. ~ ...... 'f'~' • I hnve re~e~ved ~ letter fro~ Je~ry Sr50~qr. fro~ Fravo, Utqh , nrrlyin~ for a job here in Yosemit.e "'s <1 sid. inE"lru~t0r. T w(,ll1d Q~rreci'3te <)ny in.f'ormotion you CRn e)ve me rel':r>rdinr.: hie teRchinE ('xrerience <1nri of c"llrse I wOllld "lso like to know what vind of Q rerson he is. Incidently wh11e 11m on the sllh~ect of ski1nr- Bill. T '1eed two r-oC'd teAC~\er8 for this cominQ' wint.er se'.'s('n, if YO'.! l.-now of pnvone 1'11,,1 8 inte ... es'lSed in!' rood ['!yinc job, r1e'lse let \'im h'lve write to me reg:'1rdinf'" oe+9i18, w'3::-es find etc., lim waiting for Alex to shrew ur here eny df'V nOI-:. Poe nh·"ys f'tlll'f1 in Yosemit.e on his W'ly to AHn. N"lturnlly. ycu t!lOW '?bnut ,Tl1ni"r :rin~- to Su[nr B-:nd. I think itls n reA] brnte f0r Boncusse, And I vnow he l 11 do y terrific ~ob. neBoe convey my reC'irds to hi~ if YI)U he rren to seA bin. I should )qfe t.c th:'nk ~!I~'l vp.ry rruJh, .flml Ton 1]rIP +!I!i+ tl:1R will nllt inconvenil'lnco you. A[n In thl nk yn\l. THE AHWAHNEE· CAMP rtJRRY • '10S[MlTE:- LOl'GE • HOUC;EKFEf'ING CAMPS· TlJl'LlIf'.1NI ,..1rA()lW.. s Il1h;! • (;LA.('lrR POINT HOTEL BJG TREFS LODGE· HIGH SI~_RRA CAMPS· WAWONA HOTfL· SKI lODGFS· MOT(JF, T()URS, SMi[)lf TRIPS. WINTf.R SrOf?TS FIRST AMONG CALIIORNIA VACATIONLANDS· f ASILY Rf Aefll I' I VI IlY DAY IN TH[ YEAR •• ,. FAR WEST SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION ~ SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION h. F. Jones &x 538 Carnelian Jay, Calif. M:r. Bill Lo.sh President I.N.S.I.A. 811 South Meadow Dr. Salt Lake City 17, Utah, U.S.A. Dear Hr. Lash: October 22, 1958 On behalf of 1-11". Lutz Aynedter, president of F. W.S.I.A. you o,re cordially invited to attened the first fo,ll clinic for certified ski instY".1ctiors in the f2,r west. To be held at Ha.mmoth Le.lces, C2.1ifornia ~rovember 18-19-20. We have reserved [" tl'lO bed room cott2ce for the meeting,· and should you be able to make this meetinG your ~ccomadations will be talcen co.re of. lie have scheduled a board of directors meetin€j for the eveninr; of the 17th whl Cll is n. Hondn.y, and for Which aCCOlDlldo.tlono have been trlD.u.e for your uae if you ao desire. I will be sharing the cottaGe with Lutz and my wife, and will be looking forward to meeting you then if you can come. I vlould a:rmreciate it if you 1tlould be l::ind enou:::.h to drop me a line letine me J-:now if He can exnect you. I kn01tl there are some very importBnt issues Lutz would lil~e to take up with you on an informnl bases durrtnG the clinic. Should there not be enoush snow on the above mentioned d~tes notice will be ~ailed November 13th ond the drte of the clinic will be set ahe~d for Dec. 9-10-11. qd ____ Very ....- /1 ~-~~ ---~ "- exec. ,. TO BETTER SERVE THE SKIING PUBLIC -• Sp4, Samo S. LeBjak, RAl0812551 (782205) USAG SAS APO 154 us Force_, New lork Deal" JIr." teejak I , 1735 Bellaire Street Denver, Oolorado Ootober 23, 1958 The Nat.ional 81d Patrol Sllt8111 haa very, tew contaots tbl\t would b. ot un 111 assisting tou to obtain a position as & ski instruotor. For.t.his reason we are turning tour let.t.er ot September 5th' over to Mr. Will1Arn Lalh.woo is the ,Ohairman ot the Nat.ional Conn1tt.ee on Oertitied Ski Instruotion. ' lam sure t. wUl be: able to 8iv.loU some .. leade as to the ,possibllities tor'posit.ions along .;this ll~e., ' To ,iv lu\owledge loner. ere no Govemllent' jobs as ski instruotors, with t.he possible exception ot a tew civiliBIl cold weather experts now"stationed at Fort Oreelel, Alaaka with the Mountain and Artie Wartare unit ot the Unit.ed· St.ate. Arqy., It lOU think you would be intereeted in Fort Greeley, I BUgp,OSt. that tau di~otll ~ontnot the Commanding General at tho United State. A~, AlBSka, APO'949, Seat.tle, Wnshington., Also as oiroum.et.Bnoo8 arisa that you deaire to reKlew lour enli~tntent, it would be very possible that a transter, . could be~etfected to the Fort Greeley COJlllMnd. If you are intor8sted in such a transfer please let U8 know and till out thf; enoloseri fonns and we 'w111 , ", ,initiate the aotionon it. Incidentally I suoh tnu'Isters Are not. available to MUital"T personnel who have l •• s t.hM 12, months service remaining before the oompletion ot, thl"ir current en11atm.nt~ ','. . . .' ". " . . . .: ~ . , ,', .~ I,aJl 8Or17'I, can :giT8 tOU no turther help 1n this regard. I sinoerely hope that'Jou can tin4 a Po sit. ion in' the United State~. As o~e r1Ml suggestion, you might contl.tot Hr. t.eleon ~ennett, ~un Valley, Idaho. '~l['. Bennet.t is recreation manager tor Sun V&lleJ,andm1ght be interested in your qualifications &S thll have a aummer,8w1ma1ng pro,1'AIIl 1n ~dit1on to, the~r w1nter skiing program. . :,,' ~. :t '. wKJagc , / ~CI . Mr.' W. Laab V Analolure " . Sincerely fours, \:ILLIAM R. JUDD, Direotor National Ski Patrol Sfats. Mr. William Lash 6811 South Meadow ilrive Salt Lake City, Utah Dear Bill, Certif;eJ Ski !Instructors ~ssn. of thn ~olltl""n ROfky MOlln'etl" 5kl Aun, October 29th, 1958 Sorry that I didn't have a chance to talk further with you before leaving Alta. I have had such 0. busy summer that I really haven't given too much thought to this meeting since I got home. I do remember that I had mixed feelings about the whole thing as I rode home On the train. I think it is very important to have, on the slopes, and in the closed room, meetings every year to bring us all closer on teaching methods, so that the student will not be confused in every new school he attends. I instructed Ernie to send you a check, which he did, Bnd he will send you an up to date list of instructors very shortly. Are you sending a copy to Hart, or do you want us to? You have a copy of our only manual, which pertains to the eXll1llination. No-one in our group has the guts to write a teflching manual, including me, and I think it lrill be R long time before we wi 11 agree on a unified system. I will ask Kurt to send you the reaul ts of our last eXluninld,ion at our next board meeting, Uecember 3rd. You mention sending a representative to the International Ski School Congresa. Who is to pay for this? And who is to choose a representative? I'd say, if we could get one of our committee to go on his own, that we Elhould join and pay the fee, but I don't see how we can afford to send someone and pay his expanses. It's probably too late to do any joint advertising this yellr, but I think that the ideo. of a ,joint au of all ussociatiolls is very good, and we should follow up Oil this for next year. I think. the magazines will give us a good del~l on space, if approached right. I would be very happy to set up our next years meeting for Arapahoe Basin. I am sure John Bailey, the manager, would cooperate whole-heartedly. The only problem being just when to have it. Things get 0. little AOUPY over there in ~.I8.y, l.I,n(i I run tryirlg to Ret up our AXllm for ApI'i 1 ltith t,hrolll!,h ihfl 19th at Arapahoe, and our annual convention at Taos the 25th and 26th. We could work it in Apri I 20th through the 23rd. I lrould like to say the first week in May, but thats usually the !:>an r'rancisco Trade .show week, anti we have to do our buying for the next yeRr at that time. Inviting all the ski school directors is a good move. After all, the directors are the ones who set up teaching metho~ds policy, so the more of the~e men \fe can get together, tLlld the oftener, the sooner Ire will get everyone to agree ou a Busic tCl.lching method. 'F"PN HOW TO C;,..., THF C;AFF AND RIGHT WAY. WITH YOllR CFRTIFlrn <;1(1 INSTPlI(T(. Certif;eJ Ski !Jnstructors ~ssn. of the Southern Rocky Mountain Ski Assn. page two You mentioned that you are writing a manual for con~ideration. Is this a teaching manual, or an exrunination manual? If this is a teaching manual, my advice to you is to forget it. I don't think anyone is ready for this yet, and you are opening yourself to a lot of needless grief. Your resume of the May conuuittee meeting was very good, but I feel that you set forth, more or less, your viewpoints on teaching, and not necessarily those of the rest of the committee. This report has aireully drawn criticism from .. people here that I have shown it to, so just think what a manual would do. Bill, I'm not trying to drunpen your enthusiasm, but I thil~ this manuel should be a joint effort after all the furor ha.s died down about Wedeln. I am enclosing a letter Hoy Reid sent me regarding Insurance. All of the larger schools in the SI~fSA are participating in this. In another letter just received from Hoy, he states that this policy ouly applio. if th. instructor is injured while teaching. If you are interested and want further information, why don't you write to Hoy, or contact the agent for this company in Salt Lake City • • We are leaving on a promotion trip for a couple of weeks and hope that Gus Itaam lfTote and try to be more prompt. we will have enough snow to open when we get hack. cussed me out for not helping you more, and I will SincerelY.1°urlJ , 1 '&C'YJ"-- Geor@e G. Engel, Jr. GGE/nr LEARN HOW TO SKI THE SAFE AND RIGHT WAY. WITH YOUR CERTIFIED SKI INSTRUCTOR CENTRAL U.S. :: K I ASSOCIATION . INTER-ORGANIZATI.UN COMMUNICATION FROM Jimmy Johnston 3505 Admiral Lane No_ Minneapolis 22, Minnesota SUBJECT . To Bill Lash Chairman, NSASTC 6~11 So. Meadow Drive Salt Lake City 17, Utah Dear Bill: DATE October 29, 1955 AT (OFFICd . Please find enclosed a certified instructors pin for this division. It's a little scratched up but I hope that it will serve your purpose. I have been waiting for a new one that I had sent for fl'om our secretary, but evidently he's too busy. I am enclosing a copy of a letter that I have recently sent to my examiner8 regarding the activity of our committee here in the Central, toR all I am proposing a 5 day plan in which as an example Wednesday and Thursday would be pre-course for all applicants, Friday would be examining, and Saturday and.Sunday would be clinic for certified instructors. The 5 day plan would be operated one week in Wisconsin, one week in Michigan and possibly eventually one week near Chicago, but we'll be lucky if we can have just the certified instructors clinic near Chicago this year. Believe me it's difficult to set up this progra.m to be held either the early part of December or in the SprinK, because we have such a short sesson and also becuase of the uncertainity of snow conditions. Our dues of $50.00 will be in shortly. MY wife and I saw Engan's movie in Minneapolis a week ago. It was very good. Please let me know what more I can do to help. JHJ: gam enc. S_~l~ngly yours, .~ .... ~ -' -~ton P. S. I would like to order 100 copies of the manual you are preparing, if that is possible. When will it be done? Are there any good instructional films to show to instructors which are available. As far as I know the instructor from Salt Lake that was coming to the Midwest has not contacted me. We have several openings for full time instructors. ! I j I j j I I Dear Jimmy: 6/J11 South NQildow Drive 51! L t I..r1./<0 Ci ty 17, Utah Novembl~r 3, 1958 Thn mf,lnuaL is boi,.,!] sent to you under seperatecover. I hato to admit to the amount of Hme thClt I hClve spent with tllis project. I hopo thtlt· it witl .serve soml':" purpose. Sorne of tile committ<?8 m('>mbars fo('>t that this sort of thind ohouLd boa Joint effort-not th~ effort of one man. Thi3 is a good irica, but I don't Imow how pr(vtiicct it is to assumo tlw.t ,neopLe wouLd !Jprnd the time tomC"('·tLong enough to produce this type of ol'fort. Tile only way for a. mClnuot to bo acc(Jpted i3 for ona /;llln to do till"' worl( tlfld th"n ask for th0 othors to revise the finuL outcomo. The manual /letS not bOl'n done' witll eommittr',., (>xpc.'nao, flor is it an effort or production of thp IntcNIlCJltntain SId Inl'ltrueto/~tJ. This has l)nen don" at my c'lm expense 011 my own t inlet rho mnnulrL s/'1o{)td not be cOrlsidcored an officiaL orgGn of tllfl NSA or ti1(' 151", l1aybCt tIlls witt hQLp the situcltion tIled wILt crop up Over tilt"! critioism. G('oorge EngoL doosn't Li.'<o the idoo. of Cl filonual of any for·m. /-1(' hrt3n't C'Vl'n $N~n tlu':! m'lnurlt yot, but hG fr.oots that W() $houldr'vmit (t few ypctrs" tlllt i l tfl('t '1II'or ovor wodeLn dios down. Goorgo sa'ys tll:d no O"'Q in th(' co ntry ha.':! the gllts to \'Iri te a m'lOu(''.t aLJout sId Cn.'ltruction. I wilL no doubt /:1('0 o.n unpo[luL(~r Donofabitch with a tot of pool'le. 0;')0 sltro way to (~void thi:; tyP(' of cl"'iticismis not to dQ (~nytlling. I.hato to admit tilt? (lxpl'n.qe tfl':lt Ins [.;on(' into this manudl. I wiLt probabLy never get rid of tflf/ til ings. I 'lITl C;(lllnt inU on you FCOP Lo to texl:c a few off of my h'.Jnds. 11y pricCt to oodifind in::;tructor::J is $.1.25. 10 othf'!r peopLe, oandid(lt(~S, etc., tllco "riGo i!.:; $3.00. I wish Hwt they oouLd b~ soLd cheaper, but it con't be done on.o Limited brt::;is. Lot me (mow if you wan't till' 100 copios. I'Ll [Jeo/,;d H)(l/,1 ''''i[}ht off. Give me your cri tical COrimon ts a/:iout til is project. :; incoro ty, Oi if. ~. .; .' ", G811 South Meadow Drlv. Salt Lake City 11, Utah November 5, 1958 ,i ~.~1 . ~ :.;~~~ y , , . -i(.,', ; ' . .'. .' . .~. a )! 't ;c ,. . .~ . 14"..\ ,NIck Flore She Schoo' Dlrecto". ;~'t..': "",.~1!~~f\~Clt "~""CQ ~t ",' DetU" Nlcl(,,~, j'" ,,' ',' ; '\ 1 ... _ :. ~', ': li"-r ,'" Thor. f. nothing on a Jorry Srfogan In this division. a Terry Grogan, howeve".. There f. no doubt in my mind sam. person. Hr. Oregan Lives in Provo, Utah. There h "ated fhat thh .. the' I i, , i It is diffiouLt for me to give you muoh informuUon on th(:t per.o~,.ino. I have not had any persona t exporlenoe oonoorn ing h is teach ing ab,r" ty. He attended the spring cL in(os in 1957 and 1958. He took tl,e CertffioaHo~ £Namfnatlon in December 1957. Hie aoore she.t and written t.st fe eno'os.d. Hie average soore was 8.~. An avo rage soore of 10 points is required for a.eooiate instruotor. Mr. o 1"0£1 ran did not work in any of tile Certified Ski Sohoo'.. "e did toach f~r ALf Engen fn the De3er.t ~ sohoo'. I might suggest that you reque~t a personal interview with Mr. Grogan,before you decide to hi,... My apo'ogi •• for not sending thh information aooner. You might have reaLizod that my time has been occupied with the manuaL sent to you under •• p.rate oov.,.. This book witt make the most unpopular ski instruotor In the United state., BUt L.ash. I .inoer.'y feol thut tile ski teaoher. of thie count,..y nofid aome aid - in tll(J form of a manual. AU the ekf schooh are in the .ame .Ituation that you are in-Looking for qualified peopl.. It is going to be ou,.. reep08stbfLCty to trafn these peopL.. You know how tough a Job It is to 80rt out p.op'~ by maCL appLication. W.L', what the he", one way to avoid c,..UCciem h not to do any tiling. I did my best. I have put a ,o' of time Qnd money into this proJeot. Go only knows if I'" oet this baok. No one is obLigated to back this manual aince it is a private .ffort and doo. not refleo. the att itude of the NationaL Ski Aasoci'ltion or the Intermountain Ski Instruotor.. The 008t to oertified instructors is 52.25. T'le oo.t to oandid.]'e. and other intf'rosted people is ~3.00. If tile sid schooh or the , . ,.. FWS IA can mark the thing up for a prof it, aL L th~ bIJU.,.. for them. I wouLd appreolate your criffcaL com/~'ents on tho 0HHine. ALL I ask is that the instructors read this and come up wit" aome suggo!Jtions for a bette,.. pre •• ntation. I know of no oth.r way that it will ever be accomplished. a Do you plan to come to Alta this faLL? \'Ie ar~ having out C&rtifioatfonE.' NaminaUon on DeoomUor 6, 7. 1958. \VouLd U b. possibLe for you to be here at this time. W. wouLd tiko to use you and Lutz for examiners. ALL we "an pay is '15 per day-and we wi L L a.!llUmO your OKpftnliOS for tho •• two days. Let me know what you can work out. Nick. wouLd you please roturn tile score aheots? Dest of Luck. 5incoro'y, • a a •• f.'r. 11. F". "Dud" JonQS e.ecutlve Seoretary, ~\S'A Carnp t fan /'Jay ~ahe Tahoe, Ca"forn'~ Dear Bud: 6811 S. Meadow O,.(ve !)a t t '.c/ro C Uy 17, Utah flov~fI" 6, 1958 I p(Q.I1 '0 aUond tlto F".~'SIA CUnlc, NOYfttrtJe,. 18-19-20, 1958. My plan. aro to arrive ill f.i~th t.r:zkfHl, (!ttU'or"fa, on NovNTlbor 17, 1958. Thb wi" dopend upon your notice of .now ava"abf.'fy, of cour ••• Your invitation fs appreoiated. S •• t of tuck fo,. anow oondi'(on •• OL/lt Sincerely, 8ftt ~aah, ChainMan C.rUficatfon of Ski Toaolle,.. Comm It 14,., fI$A. . \ III • ." T R A l U. s. SKI ASS. 0 CIA T'I 0 N I I. n c . Divi~ion of National Ski Association of America Mr. Bill Lash NSA*CS'rC 6911 South Mead6w Drive Salf Lake. C1ty 17, Utah Dear Bill: November II, 1959 Jimmy Johnston Seoond·-Vice -PreSident 3505 Admiral Lane N. 'Minneapolis 22, Mlnriesota Congratulations! I was honestly thrilled with your manual. I almost called you the.nite I received it to tell you the.t. I thought you hRd done P. lo1'onderful. job. I know the rest of my committee will feel as I do, '80 that'we can possibly adopt it as our official manual. Then we could make up an insert giving the history of the Central ~nd the ·requ1rements of our exam. I hove the same feeling you do \<1i th regards to the· amount of time I am putting into skiing activities .. The reason I do it is because I enjoy it and because I honeotly feel we are making great progress with this program in the Central. I don't know what the present reputation of our instructors is, but I do not hesitate to say. that I will put a group of our instructors up ae;ainst a gl'OUp from any other part of the country. I do not feel that we are taking a back seat 1n any sense of the word, and I know that this will be confirmed through the showing of our delag~tion at our Spring meeting. The Spring meeting of our National Committee and the program that we hope to present as a clinic for ski school directors and certified instructors' (will a~i certified instructor be welcome?) is something that we are pushing for very hard here in the Central. In other words I would like to invite all of our certified instructors to ski with each other out West in the Spr1ng as our Spring activity in attending the National meeting •. Please confirm this if I am thinking in the r1ght 9J.rectlon. " Our schedule for this fall is· as follows: l-ft. Telernark, Cable, ''riscolls!.n December 3rd througp December 7th; Boyne 1-1tn., Boyne Falls, Hichigan December lOth through December 14th. life are f.I.dopt1ng whr.t we call the 5. day plan which I hope we can follow every yeal' hereafter which will consist· of any where from 2 to 4- da.ys of pre-course for applicant 8·, (lepending on the number apply1ng, 1 day of examination and 2 days, S~t. and Sun., of c11nic and workshop for the. certified instructors. SlIPPORT tOUn SPORT ..,111 Lash Nov. 11, 1955 ~'le are going ·to have a' special meoting for our' Southern District. at . 1'1ilmot Hille, t'lilmot ,1Visconsin on December 13th' and 14:th,. open to .'all certified and·non-certified. inst~lctors ,for the. purpose of the certified instructor fulfilling the requireinent. of attending at least once every' 2 years and for the purpose of giving some training to the non-certifiecl instructor with the hope that out of the' meeting will Dome the desire on the part of the instructors in the Southern district to institute the pre-course 'and examination pos'sibly this coming Spring or at least by .next fall. The Chicago area hus been giving us trouble, since the teachers there.want to be certified, but the don't want to take off time from their regular job .to . attend. a "Vleek day pre-course and also at, the present time w~ have no certified instructors "rho we would care to appoint examiners which l'lould mean ·ourbringing some ,examiners down from ,the North. Regardless of how little a qualified' teacher instructs or the Elhort lengtll of the season, I assure you ~nd the National Committee t~at we will not sacrifice either time or high 'standards simply to have instructors certified. I personally feelthnt the desire in the South is going to in~ crease to the point 't'lhere they will meke the sacr'if ice necessary to try to be certified. With regards to the manuals, I would like 10 immediately for which I will guarantee payment within 2 weeks. ltTe could certainly use 90 more (.50 at a minimum) for sale to our .instructors Since the com!ni ttee is suggesting the manual be e.dopted for our division. t:1e d,o not have any money to send you in payment for these until we are able to sell them. Are you willlng to send the manuals to us on this basis? If so, I think I can assure you thnt since our meetings are in December that we will be able to send you the money for the majority of the b.ooks you let us have on consignment. I do feel it should be a one price item. In other words why not set the price at $3.00 and either give it to us at ~2.50 or $2.75, so that we can have a ,quarter or half-dollar for handling and mailing. IVhile: I think of it I would like to suggest that to increase the funds of the National Committee that 'tie look into the possibility of publishing an instructional book forpublio consumption, including ~dds from National manufacturers, if necessary. The book or man'Jal could be sold by ski schools. throughout the country and the proceeds used by us for our Nntiol1[d. program. Perhaps we would even invite 2 :>r 3 European instructors to attend our National clinic, probably not this year, but in years to come (ho,"lever, I suppose t'le have a great many instructors lITho are ahHlys fresh from Europe here in the United States that \'1e could calIon.) Println~ H common examination form, common examination requirements, etc. should be another of our acti vi ties and last! but not least and something th?.t ,·.re should do thiA year ''lith what little money we have is to h~ve n fe~.T NRti011n ~.dvertlsement 'pieces. By the way, you will receive' our f:;50.00 shortly. ·There are a few questions I would like to ask you. They deal 1-l1th pl'oble;:lt: that have come up here in the Central. 1. lThat stand 'should be t::>,:<::en h'1 th regards to allowing other than professional instructors to take the precourse' and. examination, for in'stance, ski clubs in our division \-!ould like -.~ ..... to . send a skier fi"om their club (~)nd. let s say that he ·is oualified) to become certified to give free leosons to club members which they ·usc ~R8 a selling gimmick to get new membGrs. (At the present.time we' are saying that an iIItructor must be actively teaching professionaly .for e. mo"ney fee.) This is not simply a te.&.t that a skier may ·take to see if he could be certified as though he were racing for an· Asp1n Leaf. or Sun Valley.') i.,.' ,'" medal.' 2. Do YQu reguire that a applicant have taught for a year or for any 1entth of tiine. {~<J'e have no requil.'ement on this at the present· tim'e, but·feel that the stiffness'of our exam would rule Qut·the p09sibiltty of eu'ch an appllcent getting through. 3. Supposing a cel'tlfleo instructor no .longer·teaches but does attend a clinic once every 2 years and does pRy his dues. ShoUld. he continue to be certified or not 1 if not how should one go about taking. his certification a'ft.lay? Take away his· pin (l"h~ch he has paid for), tell him he can no longer wear it,. buy it bnck from him, omit his name from the published list;' '4. There are pos'sibly a fetl instructors who 1<,ere certifi p-d' before I took oval', 1<lho should not have been. In a·way this keeps hurtIng us all. Our approach hn.::; bcen that through the required clinic we tiill increa£:e such an in structo.l'fl a.bility so that he does meet the' standarcls. Should a. stronger stand be taken ano_ ask the instructol''( to tHke the test to keep his eta.nding, 1'£1- ccr'tlfy all certified instructors who were certified before 'we took over or continue to ~o on as we are feeling that such an instructor will go by the 't-H.l.y-cide when he does not attend. 8. clinic once every 2 yeil.rs, or pay' his yee.rly dues. This first aid requirement is troubleoome. Regardless of what other divisions Rre saying I knol ", what they do 2nd lole would like to overcome this problem by instituting our own First Aid course for instructors as a fulfillment of. that requirement. I know Sout.hern Rocky feels the same ""lay. Do you feel this ·ls. compatible? I am sorry to burden you with these questions, but they are reallptic problem.s that we are fEtcing. I would like to help in working on the details for our Srring meeting. I would be happy to correspond with George Engl in this respect. Sklingly yours, \ . .) ~,.t ..' O' r.' //,.-. I ;::.;; Johnston I."". (/. . '/ / (/ .. _. .~7' .'.- """.J' '-:,. JHJ: ge.m / FAR WEST Hr. 3ill Lo.sh 6811 S. Meadow Drive Sal t L2.ke City 17, Utah Dee,r Bill: SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION Nov8~ber 13, 1950 Office of tho E::ecuti ve Secretary Carneli2.n Br.y, C<llifornia Our luck has not beon r00d we~ther wise in C21ifornia and ['.s you knoVT l~~ve hr'd to c211 off thn l;ovi"!nber clinic. I suppose th~t Lu-tz h~,s c'iven Y0 1l t}~0 :1.e-.. ; dr',tes, but just for the record they are Dec<~mbcr 9-10-11. I s;p:lreciate ynvr letter [',no. the !J1o,nu!"ll th~',t o,rriveo. this mornin~. Haven't had a chance to read it but ~now that I "ril1 enjoy and benefit by the o~n('rtuni ty. 'i'iil1 be hap')Y to write my comme~1ts at tho.t time. As I undsrst2.nd it you will be holdin~ certific8.tion CJ~ams the first po,rt of Dec. [mel I sunpose -this Dro;-,ram v.Till prevent your comin(~ to 1,1Ecmmoth. Would Ii 1:e to 81:1 Alta in Dec. as ,!;Te did last yeo.r, and \'/0111d apnreciate it if you c0uld send ]11e a sno\l renr)rt the first we(1: or tll0 of ney.t month. If pOGoiblr; to 'nr'l,:(~ it l1ill Plor,t C(~1'1"llnl~r 'j",ll: :lrl11 up pna rerh['.~Js Get [" run or two in together. Be l(loldnr forward to meeting you. o J. F. " n 11 , 1" • T (\) 1'" ~1 Ji::,~cc. Sccrr;. F. '.I.S.I.A. TO BETTER SERVE THE SKIING PUBLIC ,.. .. F ~ R WE~T SKI INSTRUCTORS ~SSOCI~TION Mr. Bill Lash, Co-ChAirm~n National Certificntion Committee NSA Salt Lake City, Utah Dear Btll . Box 918 Bip: Bear Lake, Cal if. DecemQer 13, 19Sa It's been n lon~ tiJr.e since I've rad. Rn OT'!'oJ"t.llrity to write a letter to RJmost Anyone. I have heen more than busy res~lving the prohlems of puhlishin~ and producing my ski book. At last the bu/!s have heen nrett", \"ell OVf:rcome. I can no'.'! ~ettle down 11f'(1 Ji17~ fl T"1ore normal life. Up until t~is time I·r3ve hnn to practically Jive out of my CAr. AI] my mail, PRpers, fiJp~, etc. hove been ~t\lffed, not !:10 nPAtJy, if' cnrcl1)onr(1 l)oxell nn(l '\'1rnrn trAveled witr me fl.9 best tr(m cOllIe. 1 Am 1'10'1' teRrinp: into the stuff, rpplyin~ to correspn~dence, some of wrich is more than two -ontra past due. I had hoped to be able to send. you n comnJimentnry copy of my book hefore tris time. I had hoped to hnve been able 1,0 srip a cOt'ple dozen in time for your' Fall Instructors Clinic. But orJ:~ now Am I far enotlP:h ahcHei t.o do tJ'is, but your clinic is all o1rerl1 Would it he possible to obtnin a Mailinp: list of all your instructors. I would like to offer trem, AS I Rm doinp to A]] Certifi0d Ski Instructors in the U. :., copi0:1 at t};e w}lolesa'e pricf~ or 1t3.50 plu~ 25( handlinp chRrpes. If by RDy chRncA vou ~nv~ mRiJirp lists for ir-stru~toY's in HII of the NSA eHvisions i would certainly apT're~i8tc the use of tbem. I am writirv to the other instructor's lissociations for 8ucb lists ,1ust in case you do not hnv~ thAm. He~ardin~ offic4al instructor's husiness: no~hif'g rew or important to renort Ht tr'is tiMe. I1owever, I aM ~alling a board meet:i nr: for direr tors in this aren. I\.M RWR i tinrr directions fnom Prexy Lutz. More or this matter after the meeting. Per}laps you rCMeMbAr my virl fT'i~nd, \firrririn ::;turges'~, who was with me at ~t18 2 yenrs 8rrO ChT'istm~s. She is now my wife. TO BETTER SERVE THE SKIIN--G- --P-U-BLIC over a • I We WAre for~unate Ht Snow Summit to ~ave one weekend of skiinl7, about:) month ago. The snow, ro",pver, is ] onp-' ~one. Sure rope we *et a Christmas thi~ year. If we don't ~et it then sure hone Mammoth does. I am once a~Hin en~a~ed as H coach for th~ Alpine Trainin~ Camp to be held at Mammoth the nine days following Christmas. Drop a li~e ••• send SOMe bulletins whe~ever you feel inclined. Best Doup; personal re~ards ~ // vl1'~ ./,', Pfeif~r to you and your family. .. ' . \ Mr. H. F.. "Bud" Jone'l £xeo. Seoretary, FWSIA Cornetian Bay, CaLifornia Dear Bud: 6811 Sout~ Meadow Drive SaLt Lake City 17, Utah November 17, 1958 Thank you for y~ur interest in the manual and for 'being considerate enough to 'oorre'pond with me concerning the FWSIA oLinio. We pLan to hold a certification-examination on December 6,7, 1958, at Alta. , ' plan to leave earLy on the 8th to attend your cLinio. I hope my invitation .t( U hold •• The .now .iluation here has not be.n foo good. UntiL Friduy, there was no fJnow. .4, ' to",,' hit here over t h. weekend and La id down 30 inche.. W. oan akf but ne.d more to cover the rough farraln at ALta. One more good .to~ ~I" pui ~. ,~ bu.in.a. property. WouLd it .be po.si.'. for you to be here at the time · of the examinatioh? You , might liratl thl. int~reating. Let me know if I can be of any heLp to' you when you oome to Atta. Writ. me when you pten to oome and I will plan on . • pending .ome .f Ime' w Uh you. .S incereLy, BiU Lash, PreaCdent, I.SIA BLI't n". Jimmy JoMaton NS4, Cortificatfon of Ski Toaohers Comm. 3505 ,Admiral ~a~e N. l1innoopolis 22, Minnosofa Dear J'mmy: .~uLt LalcD City 17, Ut(l'~ 6J 11·S. flt)ad(w,' Or (ve Novembor' '18, 1!JS8 It was good fotaUf to youtonfOht. This was deeply appreolated. It h' not o"iHcism tllat bothore me as much ae apathy_, Sorno people shCNI f/u,,'r resent-ment by nof even oolenowledginl1 recoipt of the'manual. It Ie unfortunato tl1at there has to be 'poopte who are so amaH they cannet ",ven admit thoro ar~ variance in feclmique. Of ,course, we both (mow that tr,lDis one of "'fJ faotorlJ wrflng with sle' teaching today. Dot 'eve me,' your enoouragement has hetpod tile proC"om. I hop. you didn't 'eo' offendod by the 'acle of historica' background in~hQ manua' of the certffioaUon prog,.Q/U In the Central. I didn't hewn much on' tl)is to WO,./f from. Tho Hhtory section was th" tllat on. I wroto. O,.iginaLty thfa was not In the outt (no, so I didn't hewn time to contact you on til is. ThfJro Ca' nothing wrong \YUh the Cent"at program In my mind. But' foo' t/lO". waDn't muoh of a program ,there untiL you took cv~r. Thore is no rooson why your 'n.eructc,.. cannot be Included in fllo Ma.y cUnic. I dono' want to open this up to a g~norrll InenH"o of ",u t~llchers, how~v(?r. This might oreat. t'oo big a probtem. But the teachers <1"'" we'oomo to athmd and contribut.. "we gee all the sf" 801l0u' dlrector~ trlere, it wi U b$ a big Job 0' organization. It wou'd be good" you could orO(.lni;:o Domo sort of demonstration team from the Centrat. You,. problem en the south (Chicago) seams to b. solving UsoU. As 'ong an you ho'd to the theory that you are not (Jofna to sacrh" co stanciards, thortt witL be no probtl'Jm. Tile •• teaohers wiU have to bri.ng tfrofr o/dingup to your atandaf'da. " they can't makothe gra':lt! or don't detsfro to bt!cc:.m(!f CQrUfted, thflt ill tco bad. I..et the skUng public dooido Vllu.tthor thoy vilfnt corti flod teachers or not. W/lon t/Je demand from tllet pub' fc bocomos groat enouGh. tho boys wll' malee an elfort to oortify. I' L l try to an.'Iw.,r your othor quost ions in th"ir ardor. What shouLd bo "10 potior with allowing othe,. than profes.fonat tsochors to tcii(O tho' pr~.:ooUr:;-e and exam--r,:;a"tlonl Thfa wiLt ;;;;p;;nd probab'y uPon tllo t'Jumbo-;::07 P;;pt. you hnve mako appHoatfon. It is hard to rOlJtriot t/,is typo of af'alr. 'Ire nUO',., "nyono to t(lho tho procourse (ot Inle) WllO wants to and pays the fee. I~·. foo' that thle oncoura!Jos petOP'o to becomo teilohorsl It may be C! !.'roat holp to poople w/)o d::m't de:Ji,.o to bo profess (ana ts but can do some aood in tho f,.oo aohooh. It. is, franlely, a souroe of Inooma to our organizc.Hon. If M.9 bocome restriotlve in th Is, aorno peoplo mi{;ht cons idor tho corti' (cation program aa a c'olled a/,op. In CaU'ornfa ttlO Dituatfon h different. They have as many a.s 200 appUcatfona for tho oUnic and (utamfnaf'lon. This 18 ~oro than thoy can handt". They atleviate this by pro-qualifying oandidatos_ Thoy roqu(ro that the c(lndfdate ha3 taught ono yea,. under appront (oos/, (p of a c~"ti'fed sk' school. f1r •. Jimmy Johnoton Pq[j~ Two Nov('m.'JrJr 111, , ..... /\ c!nrt if fctltion-01tonination 1~<1$ mony probLC!r./fJ. . Frun!cLy, ·it Is not m)"ccs~ sarHy our pot'Oaativo to boso the outccr;,o of til(' ex(Un on w/lotlmr or 'not tho r.)CItl io a profoliJfJi<mcL.· It ia urr porooutivo ·to orGanizo' the nClture of tIle': o)(am to /:;0 cor.'PLc~o .onouSJIl to woed poo~·;·te out who (Ire not profosoional" ty quaLified. l~'c don't rf)quiro that a mnn has'tuuabt for a year':' l'ut it is dO/nn /'('t,rd (or a man to pa.'is tllo' toat 'wllo 'Iuu] not ·tauGht. 1'·0 require .our toachers to teaoh a m'inimum 01 50'hours a ·yoar. '. So, i£ a man can. pa!:;G tIle t(l~t and t(l(1choB 50 hours, hV'can" remain c.ortifio.cJ ovon thouah he in not aprofofJ:Ji(maL In tho sen.-::e \"Ie Imow.a l)rClfesslonaL. Till;; l~ C1 . difficult question.· 1t·~'I€11. d{1[Joncl upon tllo LOO':11. situation. R~momb(jr ·wo ",lust<lO cur bo:;t fa t)ncour'!f.,'o·.,)c.oplo.to ~;ot into tC"Clching. My suggosfiCln i!J to got your 8tcmf:Jal~,JG' 1', ,!:,. t~t,otJ!l/J to ~.t iMinl/t.e tho pr.oplr.:- wflo only W~Jf)t th.) gL.o.ryof t"~~ rin. nnd: ttll~ fr,"!o.· Uft!:>. . . . Your llccondClue.'ltic)fl rcforfJ to !l1r., j'f'(lr'S a[l/,,.~()nticoshCp. It is ans\vorecl. abovo. Your c;uo~tlo" on tho tCilc/J(lr\·,llo no lonr;or tOo.C/)03 but pays his duos and attend.!l tilo clinics is tho ono fhnt \'If) nrC! all facod with. Tllo r.1cthoc/ wo use for tIlls is to pLaco thrJoo' poopLe 011 an "inC'.ctive L bt." . For aU intonts and F:urpOIJOf., tlloy oro out of tho progr(~'7J. Thny. oon, however, l-cGain their cort if Ccato upon tile af'l'rovoL 01 tho board. Tllh h an easy way out for tIS but. it works. lIis nor.JO is, of cC,ltlrso.omi~t/')d from tho pubLi!lhod List. "Tbere is no WCly you cnn nnforce tho t(l/~ in[,' of Cl r.ort if (cafo away. from a men - you miaht do somo LO\.., role-ronce on tlli9. nut it appoar:s tllct unt i L tho state isnuea the cC'!rtificnto - as thoy do ",itll scilo{)l tt.?achC'r3, f/IN"O is no logaL way of onfol--cOl'l1cnt.·· rllis ill SOf,10th ina WCl ncr d to invo:..t i!Jato. It is ~ sorious prolJl.om in othor parts of tllo OCluntry. Tilia is why we nood a Dtrongor N~tionaL orsa.nization. It has intorc:.:;ting implicqt{(Jn:..· I:.'hat "(.~r.pc:ns to a I.awyor who prc!.cticoD witl)(jut n l innnso? Or wl1:lt cJo('}s th~ st('!to do to a pLumbor w/10 operC!.tee wi thout a 'icemJo? . i'rrv fouD Lx cortif fad tnt; true tors '!!!2!!.. ~ Iwrtip11. Y.!.£. eroarcr.f)l is another prc-!J lom wo aro att facod with. )'ou Crtn attt:lr::pt to ""("(')(/ th£'r.: Qvt by r()fjl.d.,.ing that t/H~Y: 1. Toach a orrt!:t in numbor of hClurs. 2. /It f.c:nd al L the c l in ies. 3. Keop their duos and first aid current. If tlmy f.":!it to r.mr>t theso -- aUT. It is hard to a!i/~ a cortifiod toachor to /::0 re-oxrm:inod, unle:3s you aslt Cltt tcacherD to do tho $\1mo.· 7"horo is not much \·,c can do -- we aro just stuck with this s i tuat ion. Knep your, oyeD o[>on - tll()y' L t foul. up soonor or lc~ter. The first nic! c!uN,ticn ,·,as not clec.r to mo. Do ,yOtl r.:oo.n thc:t )'C>tI wc:nt to rut on your own cour:loi' It impti(!t; to m("t that you oro tflkina ovor a function of tile I1mElrican Rod CroDs. I am !Juro thnt the cor.rnittoo wi Lt sf icle to its 1"0- quirol71cnt that tllo corHfiod slti trJachor continUe) to hoLd a vL1Lid atoncr..rd-advc. ncod fir::st aid card. Tho foro:Jt sorvleo wouLd n~w('}r Let us got nwoy fr"m this roquiremont. I ta/~o a courno ever:/ yo-:r.r. I ulm:YD hato thifJ l>tJt I novar f (l it to L~'.u·1l SOW'lth inO. Usn tilt) fir3t aid roquiromont CtfJCl l"'vor~!!)',~ tC' ~ot r-Cd of your de::.d \'Icod. 1"0 bounc~o <1 cJOtlpLd of boys Of!C/1 yOI"!r ovor flis.Thoso wilo' oro v'/Ort/l}' (!nd wllo t.:ro intorc3tod wiLL find a wety out. It scom.s to rom tr,at tho boys aro (1 littlo lazy. MC!ybe' r.linrmdor:Jtood you on t/li3. Dut I toole tlJi:! tv r.u·Jcn t!v,t you \Val"" go ino to put on YOllr own courso \·,i tllClu{; U10 SC1IlCt fon of tho RC'd Cros!J. 111" • . JimmJl "ohnston "(lgo Two flovc-mbor '18, 1958 If you uso Amorican R.ed Cross /·n8 tructora from ycurovm group' thi!re . h no prob'em. You had best check witll tho 'ngat ramifi'cations of tbb situation. This woutd envo'vo Hab it.( ty wilen somoone fa hurt and a man admin is ters f inst a fdincorroctty. ' I think you wi " find· that a mcm who Ilo.'da a card and h foUowing tile pro·soribed method of the ARC, fa not Hab 'e. Tile answer h to cct some of your cortif fed peop 'e to got ARC Instrucfor's' curds • . I am always .happy to attempt to answer any quost ions / can,. "itrWny. The manuals have boen aent. Thant(s aga in. Since,...'y, Di lL Lasll, C/lairman, csrc. N5A SL.I' , p.S. Sorry tills teHor is dutayed. f~ecoived your chock and tetter yesterday •. Than/cs so much.' I: ::lent tho other 50 manuah a day or ·two 4ettor so you sllould h(lVG them by now. You dun't know ~fmuch /, apprc'ciate your oooperat 'on on tills manua' busineDs. rot I-V 8it ,. f I , ffr. Jimmy John.ton NSA. Certification of sid 3505 Admiral Lan. N. f.1 inn&apo U. 22, Mi.nneaota Dea,. Ji.mmy: Teache,.. Comll'lo SaLt Lake City 17, Utoh 6811 S. "'eadowD,.ive Novomb~,. 18, 1958 It was good to fa,tlr tel you «tonight. Tllh was deepLy app,..elated. It is not C,.U (0 bm that bothe,.. me as much as apathy_ Some peop Le show their ,.eaentment by not even aoknowt*dg Ing reoe ip t of the manual. It hunfortunate that the,.. hal to b. poopL. who are .0 amaH they oannot even admit the,.e aro va,.'anoot. in technique. 01 oou".e, we both know that tf,(a fa om!' of the laotor, wrong with 41/« teaching today. Bot ieve me, your encouragement hal'll heLped the prog,.am. I hope you didn't fee' offended by tile tack of hht"rloa' backg,.ound in the manuaL of tho ce,.tiffoatlon p"og,.am in the Cont,.at. I didn't have much on this to work f,.om. Tho Hi.to,.y 'oot(on was the Last one I wrot.. Originally thi. wa. not in the outtine, .0 I didn't have time to contact you on thi •• The,.. is nothing wrong with the Central prog"o.m in my mind. But I feeL there wasn't much of a program there untit you took over. The,.. Is no reason why your instructors cannot ba inctud.d in the May cUnic. I do not want to open this up to a general meeting of all teachers, however. Thi.s might ol"eate too big a probLem. But tha teache,.. are welcome to attend and oontribute. "we get ott the ski 801'100' di,.ector. there, it wilt be a big Job of 9,.ganiza.ion. It wouLd be good if yeu could organi~. some sort of demonstration team from the CentraL. Your probLem in the south (Chicago) seems to be aolving (ta.Lf. Aa tong aa you hold to the fheory that you are not going to sacrifi08 .fanda,.ds, there witt be no problem. The.a teache,.. wit' have to bring th.ir .kiing up to your tJfanda,.ds. If they can't malee the grade or don't desire to bocome certified, that is too bad. Let the skiing pubLic decide whether they want carti fled teachers or not. When the demand ,,.om the pub lio becomes great enough, the boy. witt make an .ffo,.t to ce,.tify. I' t L try to answer your other quest ions in their order. What should be the pol (cy with al towing othe,. than professionaL teach.,.s to f'Cii<'G the pre:COu;:::;e and eJtam'"TriCit lon~ Th is wi tt -;;P;nd probab ty upon the ·"u"Mb.;:-O; P;;p ta you have ;;;ke application. It is ha,.d to re!Jtriot this type of affa(". We attow anyone to take the precourse (c t in Ic) wllo want. to and pays the fee. W. fe.t that this encourages people to become teachersl it may be a great hetp to people who dontt desire to be professionah but can c/o some good in the free schooh. It h, fran/dy, a source of income to our organization. If we become res t,. io five in tfl is, some peop te might cons ider the ce,.ti f ic_tion program Q$ a oLosed shop. In Catffo,.nfa the situation fa different. They have as many as 200 ap,pHcutiona for the cLinic and oJtamination. This is morn than they oan handLe. They aLteviate thi~ by pre-quaLifying candidate •• They roquire that tile candidate has taught one year under QPprent icesh ip of a certified ak( school. . Ur. Jimmy John. ton Pn[JoTwo 'Nov(\mbor 18, 195t A certiftcation-ft~~lination ha$ many probLems. FrankLy, it is not necessariLy o.ur perogativo to base the ol'tcome of t/lP GKam on whothcr or not tho man is a profess ional. I( (8 ou/'" perogat ivo to orfian ize the nature of tlu:') e~am to be compLete enough to weed peopLe out who ora not profes~ donatly quaLified. We don't require ,that a man has taught for a year .. but it is damn hard for a mr.ln to pa:~s tile 'lost who has not taught. F!e require our teachers to teach a minimum of 50 hours a year. So, iF a man can pass the test and teaches 50 hours, he can r~main certified even though he is /lot a profoas i cna t in tlu" sense we lcnow ·,a profess ional. Th is is a difficuLt question. It wilt depone upon tile tooaL Idtllation. Remember we must do our best to enoourage people to !;'ot into toclching. My suggestion is to got your standard,s high enough to oLiminnto the people who onLy wunt the gLory of tile, pin and tho free Lifts. Your second cluestion "fdora to illPo Yl'ar's apprentioeship. It is answored above. Your question on th. teaohnr who no Longor teaohos but paya hh dues and at tonda tho 0' in ic. is the on. that we are aL L faoed wi tho Tho method we use for th h is top taco theDe peop L. on an "inco t ive tis t. " ror a tt intent, and purpoae&, tlloy are out of the "rogrr:r.m. They can, 110wever, regain their cort if icate upon the approvaL of the board. This is an oasy Via)' out for us but it works. IIh name is, of course, omittod from tile published List. There is no way you can onforce the taldng of a cert if iocto away from a man - you mi!Jht do somo Law reft:!rence on th h. But it appears t/lat unt i L the Stat. issues tile certificate - as they do with schooL teaohers, thoro is no LegaL way of enforcement. This is semething we nct!cd to investioate. It is a se.riou. problem in othor parts of t/~e country. This is why we need a stronge,. NationaL organization. It has interesting implications. What happens to a lawye,. who practices without a license? Or what doos the state do to a pLumber who operates without a license? Prev (oua Lx. certif (ed ins'true tors '!:!..!:!2.. E!!:.!!. hurt ina !.J2!. program is another prob Lom we are att faced with. You can attempt to weed them out by requirin,g that they: 1. Teacll a oertcdn number of hours. 2. Attend all the c tin ios. 3. Keep their dues and firat aid current. If tl1ey fait to moet these -- OUT. It is hard to ask a cert if ied teucher to be ro-e~(!mined, unLoss you ask aL t teachers to do tho some. Ther(J is not much we can do -- we are just stuck with this situation. Kr:ep your eyes open - they'LL fouL up soonor or Later. The fi,.st aid question was not oLear to mo. Do youmocn that you want to put on your own course? It impLies to mo that you aro taking ovor a function of the Amerioan Red Cross. I am sure tho. t tho commi Hee wi L L st ie/< to it s requirement that the certified ski teacher continue to hoLd a vaLid otandard-advanced first aid oard. Tho forost tlorvicf) wouLd novel" Let us get (1)Nay from this requirement. I take a oourse every yoar. 'ah'/c:tYs hate tlds but I novel" fail to Learn somothing. Use the first c::tid requiremont as a tovornge to get rid of yuur dead wood. We bounce a ooupLe of boys Poach YSllr ovor flia. T/JOSO who are wortl.y and who are intore.otod witL find a way out. It seems to me that tho boys are a little Lazy. Maybe' misunderstood you 0/1 this. But I too/~ this to merln tllat you were go Ing to put 011 your own COUNJO wi thaut tile sanet ion of the Red Cross. Page. Two November 18, 1958 /1 you uae Amerioan Red Cro •• Instruotors from your own group there is no probt.m. You had best oheok with Hit) t6gat ramification.· 01 thia .. Uuation.· This woutd envolve liability when someone is hurt and· a man administers firat a td inoorreotly. I think you wit l find thdt a man w/)O ho'ds a card and Is foHowing the prescribed method of the ARC, h not Hable. The anawerh to get some of youroerHfted peop'. to get ARC Instructor's card •• . . . I am otway. happy to attempt to answer any questions·' can, "ttmty. The manual. have been .ent. Thanh. again. Bt./' t P.s. Sincerely, Sorry thh 'eUe". h de'ayed. Reoeived you". oheck and teUer yesterday. Thank. so much. ., sen. 'he' othe". 50 manuat. a day or two. tater so you .hou'd have them by now. You don't know ~muoh I appreciate your cooperaf fon on 'hh manua' bus {n.... J (,!(.N 81 H. SCOTT OSBORN HAL KIHLMAN OLAV ULLAND SKIING GOLF' MOUNTAINEERING TENNIS F"l5HINI3 TACKLE ATHLETICS SKIN DIVIND HUNTING 1123 SECOND AVENUE SEATTLE 1, WASHINGTON November 1R, 1958 ~lr. Bill I.~ ell, Chcd rP13D Cert.:i fication of SId 'T'E";:chers r:opunHt8'C', NSA 681] South Meadow Drive S,']lt Lake City 17, Utah De3.r Bill: T/.A(:ei ved ~rour ~d.tpr concerrd ng the '1'echni (:111 Coorriinati.ng Group and will be very happy to serve on YOll1' cOl'llIdt.t.el'. Insofar as we do not ha.ve a teclmJcal (:oorr:l:Ln~tinf, group aE' they do in the USEASl'. o.nl] the FHSIA, plp3.se advise if YOll suegeGt the.t such a committee be set up in this area. Also please advi se ''lhether I am to function snd ar;'oint c. committee in this aree::. 2.:1('1 report directly to you, or if I should go through our Fac:i fic rlorthw8st Ski Certification Chairm2.l1, J ou Harlc:cher. I have read y01Jr manual and feel that this ls th8 firet CCJ13trllctlve step 'Ie have had jn gat.l-)ering together t.he r~(!ct?S::;,lry :inr(\rmat:\o~1 to mal,e a National };;:mllal feasible. J would like to mCll<e use of th:l.s \ ~ m:mual for my own teachers and would apprec:io.te it if 21 copies can be \ ,1? \ sent to me, c/o Osborn p, lIlland, 1123 Ser.ond !',V8., Seattle 1. Please \ \ tl bjll these to: The i!Jreatnr 3eottle Ski Sc\-]ool, ('/0 nnn Cotlp.:hl:tn, \ 5308 - 6th N. E., Seuttle 5. These books 1dll 011 ~o to rertified instruct0r s on ~y stnff. Sincerely yours, Q~~ }!al Yihlman COMPLETE MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR SERVICE ~t~ ~~ ?1{(J«Htailt SKI ASSOCIA liON Dear nUl, AlthouGh it is rather a late date, I certainly VTClnt to add my congratlialtlons on the heautiful manual '''(lich you published. I trust til:lt you have received a check from our secretary-treasurer, LeRoy Aserlind, for the mamwlE which you shipped so promptly to Bozeman. I have some other co ':mcnts on t.lw malltwl, but first I WrulttO bring you up to date on thinGS in the NRMSIA. Our r,;roup held a. v'ry Hell rece i \'\:;d three day clinic and oxamina tion at BridGer E01-11 on the weekend 'of Thanksf~ivinrr,. The Enm. wa~ a little thin but the weather was Good and the turnout H<lG r:c ttt~r than our ('xpet:tC1.t~i (>ns -- .1~; ;t l'C~',\llt He accomplir.twd a [,:rcat deal. At our association meetin:~ He ndopted a constit.ution and by-laws patterned after your own. Another i!11port::nt item of busineu: Fas the ado£~tinn of your manual as Ollr official manual until its revision or until the Ncltional Ec:mwl is presented. You ,,!ill be pleased to YJlOW that He also voted to drop our a"Tl,:"tuer classification, presently rated mnatucrs have a year in 1r.hich to retake the eX~lrrlination to better their rating. Some ,p;round l .. ork was laid toward adoptinG a ne..r pin ;,lmilar to yours but any action was postponed for the time beinr" I i;hink the'! matter ",illt.ake C[lre of.' itself next year. After quite a lonp; discu~;f'i,on it. T-J::l,-' 8:~rf'('d t.o [,pnrl .,:";.nn I,() I.ltp n:ll.inf]:11 c()[ll1nit.t,pc rnl.i1· them the :$50.00 that ',-Jas at3rCeu upon ;It l,il(~ n:1LiOlP\ n1!!('LIlli', :teLtl'lll:: .l l'c-1L pr'ld,Ly f'::)od about this as our finance!"· ::tre extremely 101-1 as you can "lel1 ima;'ine from our number and newness of orf,anization. In our examination there were nine candidat.es, tv-TO of these ,-Jere amatuers trying for the standard rating; three candidates passed 1.nth a rating of standard: Capt. Holand T. Carrier of Butte Hontcma, a fonner army and SPJ.iSA instructor; Hal Erickson of Helena, }1ontana; and Georp;e Hontrosc of Bozeman, 110ntana. You may be acquclinted with Georee Hontrose, I understand he has worked some in the Salt Lake Area. Getting back to your manuC'll, it certainly Has received "lith enthusiasm here. Karl Hinderman stated it is f,~oinF, Lo be a must reading for his instructors. Curt Chase's lett( .73.10 !) hit of a shocker and IE rhap~; he reads differently thnn I, but I 1~::1thered from your introduction that the manual "TaG a presentation and nnalysis of the major technir~Uef3 now being taUGht in the United St8 tJes and hras not suppo~;ed to represent a p:iven technique to l'e adopted as an official United States J·~cthod. Also,. I thouf;ht your letter naminr, the technical coordinatinp; f~roup c.l();)rly stat.ed tho reason for IlaJ1tLnr; the memLers that you did and I feel sure the Inc'mh'l':; .\'(iH nppoillL('(i do l'(~prpf,f'llt. Lllo nnt.lollnl cnl1t1nitt,e(l~ vinwf>. To me it would be undislr;3ble \"0 over ;:,;cL uP..J!. LechlllqUr~ Lo be :viopLcd by t.1I(' tl!1Liotllll committee. Competition bet"leen the various schools prevents this and of course competitic is what keeps t.he thin.£': healthy. Personal;, I feel that YOilr section on the explanation of skiing technique not conf'lJsing but verJ revealin::: in pointing out the tnree major differences in sld. techniques teinE; taUGht in the United St2.tes today. • I 1to'tt~'Ue i<oc~'I ?1toulttatlt SKI ASSOCIATION It may have been more ap9arent to me because of my attendance at the national meeting last spring, and therein I believe lies the answer to the national problem -- if we can ~et the heads of the various slrJ. schools to attend the clinic as was suggested, I believe that we can and will have a national manual similar to t,rte one YO'l have written. It win have to be similar bccau~;c it Hill never be possible to F:et all the directors to agree to one technique, Valaar and- Schaefler for examples, Clnd I frankly think they would be foolish to agree on a [~iven teclmique. 'rtwt .'1bout cov(~n; ~. thouChtD on the subject, such as they are, and I haven't prepared copies to mail to the other certification members as suggested by Chase, howeverJ Bill, if you ~. .l Ould like for me to "\>1Tite such a letter I'd be Gbd to do so for what it would be lflOrth; perhaps Karl Hinderman w0uld be willing to do likewise. His word would certainly carry more wei~ht than mine. Gettinr, back to NHHSIA business, I forrot to JnF'ntion t!Vlt we '11so voted to help a representative at tend tne clinic at Arapahoe next spring. ~-] e c ouldn' t give much help, but at least it will be a start. Karl Hinderman is I':oin~ to try to make the trip and Bob Beck thinks that the coLlege ,,.rill proba bly send him. That about covers things in the NRHSIA. , ~) , :?c.: '-r -,,( Chuck •• Mr. Bill Lash 68ll Ueado71 Drive't Salt LaIc City, Utah; :.;;;~ rt;n v' :-. ·,l:.i;l.!ltl Fq.~; 111 ~'ro . :.~~d f1' Or! va 3e:lttl'l; '':''d~., .: 4/1j·/~'~' Dear Bill:.". .' ., As you knoN, you are chainnan of the NSA Ski T~,fl-c~,r~ (;OIllIIU.ttee~. I~)have written all yoWl committee members the fpl:J;.ovang letter.::'·~' ~ ~ll,~, . .' "~i"~ ~>\,;(r :" ',~.' ',I :'. " 'r~!,~ i<l~~en ·t}yj 'T/orklo',)j'of tm J'r~f ~.de!1tcf thi.;~{::;"a~~n:':l Ski ... A~5dd:lticin t.li\ !3Qani"of Dlrect,or~ t6okth~ .. f ol.l(mingnc ticU\,htttheir' IT.eIJ t. ins :.~;(;Alt,~ . Cotord:1n.:itars/. aU','of' WllOO, ·;u·~;·~ISI:. Bo3jJ.ml! ... nb~:t:~f "',J!re ~~p.?ointe'dr'd~\ the ~~.i ~h~' m!lj or: ~Of~nitV;:.'.are:ltJ~·.IrlJioJ.rii~tr.).t.i.on, C?rHjlic;~t iOn;COi:lpe~J ~~9fi(Alp~', 1~~!~t.i,tion(1jordjc);r'und,:lt~I3:t.ng,!-"lh)j.c ~tclL i.JO:1p,i(eCr~ ~tion,: '" .. :-!-'..::.,' 1 '.'!.trc .. ~~'~jb>··· '. ...... ". ':. '.' '::'.. '. ">;"~';~;'i'" .' '.< . Trqc~Boa:rd ;:'1ppointed',.:In i';~oNin \to~.for .. :t!t.~ljXc·.~t.ion rihir;;l br:l~::icr.: '" ,. '. Alpiriff Off,lcia18 .. ..;o":ld·L,~': ........ };or'Ylic' Officl,1.1o :' GOi;~.'.tt~"f_·r? Sld. . 'fc ;'.eMl" 8 . GOI;:i.1..i. t t,·n . . '. sh~ic:\).l,y thu:i'IJJlctiona of .tht~ ·!~o-O!'d:G1Tt orG:u'u: The'\~;(lrk of ',~J~ !;~)). "i:~''';''l~'''\:':. (ill ~'I ,,'.,. . !.rit. ~J-: J',in t.l1-· .. \.!I)r J; :,;.," :~J·~:~t . yea.r", ~\"!r., r c)~· "'~ h 1'\ ;",.: ".:.i ~ '~l' ~!<':. "~ .":~~.t ~.:. {. l.t:'J!. 3 '; .. ~:.' . ~j to;: i.: ~ o"'~\ Ii'! ~(~n"~ ~i': :!;Ol1r·'j:(~0.in n~)··:..: .I:~)';~:< ;~·Tlcl· ';0,:,:\,,:: . t:{' ~'r:-:',,;~ '.~hr,i.t'?\·Ult ;;. itll,:r! ~ c\.~ .' ." ..... ".'.:',~'. ~ . !.,.: ... ~ f;:~r~: '/." :.')~ , "'~ ... ~, i :~" ~ ·~.n "_I()~' ,': "'j.~" . ..... .. |