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Show November 25, 1970 i·'lr.. r-Iax Lundberg % Alta Ski Lifts Alta, Via Sandy, Utah 84070 ~~: Demonstration Team adjudi~ator5 Li ted below are those wh0 will serve as adjudi~ators on the 5th for the ~ele~tion of the Demonstration Team: Andy :ihearer DC:'.1r1 ;;,,)b~:;rt:: i'la.-<. Lundbe ['9 Glen ~vans ELi ,,'(mci .-'- Ji ,i ,~ ,.uuld [1. :. j)C mad(ci;:v,,:l:'al get i r: t u u,; h ()ther P'2')P.l c with t,) fill EJiJ /bp in c.ou.;h ith ~arl. ; ,iller ~'Jh,:: indL6tt~d ht' "Jith U., but ,lpp.rc,_iat>'.:d thE;.',.all. ,. hav~_' also ~~ill tc c(:pi Sb::-igl.0C and hav"e bec'n una:)l(:: to .Jith him.. lleilse let me knc\lj if theLf.: .lre any you would like to suggest that I get in tou~h out the li~t of adjudi0ator~. Very :;incerely, .c:;mllN J. cGND SE~H2TARY I.S.I.A. cc: Clark T. Parkinson Mr. Jerry Muth, President R.M.S.LA. P. O. Box 368 Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Muth: November 25, 1970 As Credentials Committee Chairman of the Intermountain Ski Instructors Association, I would like to solicit your help in solving a problem which has developed in our Division. Namely that of foreign ski teachers who are recognized as Certified in their home countries but not in the U.S.A., who, quite naturally, feel that they have passed all of the qualifications to be transferred into our Division without being re-examined. Since our Association has no precedent to go by, I thought perhaps your Division might already have met and solved this problem and could pass your procedure for handling it on to us. I have enclosed a short questionnaire and a stamped, self-addressed envelope. If you would please take a few minutes to fill out the attached form and return it as soon as possible it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your cooperation. With best regards and wishing you a good season, I am, cc: Mr. Clark T. Parkinson, President I.S.I.A. 2245 Oneida Street Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 Very truly yours, E. Glenn Evans Credentials Committee Chairman Intermountain Ski Instructors Association P. O. Box 4253 Pocatello, Idaho 83201 I. S. I. A. QUESTIONNAIRE ~t~ / ."",. .: 1. DOES YOUR DIVISION RECOONlZE A,~D ACCEPT TRANSFERS FROM SKI INSTRUCTORS CERTIFIED IN A FOREIGN COTJNTRY WITHOUT RE-EXAMINATION BY YOUR DIVISION? nYES I I DNa 2. IF ABOVE ANS'VlliR IS YES, DOES YOUR DIVISION RE~UIRE THAT APPLICANTS FOR TRANSFER PRESENT PROPER CREDENTIALS AND PROOF OF CERTIFICATION STATUS? 00 YES DNO 3. IF ANS\-lERS TO BOTH ABOVE :~ES, PLFASE GIVE A SHORT RESUME AS TO MA11NE ~1'{~ -DIVISION USES '1'0 PROVE VALIDITY OF RETURN ENVELOPE ENCLOSED. INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION November 25, 1970 TO: 1.8.I.A. Board of Directors FROM: Clark T. ParkinsonJ President SUBJECT: B.O.D. Neeting Dcar Board Member: A meeting of the B.O.D. will be held at Park r;ity Resort Center, Park City, Utah, on Saturday, December 5, ]970, at 4:00 P.M. Please plan to attend. Attached find the agenda for th.· n.O.D. meeting, and a proposed budget is attached for your consideration. If your name appears on the agenda for a report, please submit it in writing with sufficient copies for the B.O.D. members. If you wish any additional "old" or "newt! business items added to the agenda, please nc,tify me by December 1, 1970. I am looking forward to meetine with the B.O.D. I'm sure our meeting will be very productive. The meeting wi 11 start promptly at 4:00 P.M. and adjourn no later than 6:00 r.M. Th~re will be a short Committe~ Chairmen meeting aftf!r the B.O.D. meeting. CTPdd Attachments Sincerely, ,//Lt>/A __ Clark T. Parkinson President ~;r. IllL' ; ,undb< "g .~ ,\lti' Ski Litts Alta, Vi~ Sardy, Uteh 84GJ~ : 'f . .;:..r \.::1 th LicL<d bf'J ~)\ .. ; , h f( 1 ii' i., ely .h, "n r [;(,,<1,\ ,':,o])ect:· E,' t, ')d (IX r , i u1e c' ._ ~-l tell Cluld DC" 1'" ,;j t h 'I madr' , __ J [, ., I 'll '- (' iuhc wJ. " 1 ':";E·rv~ ,l' .; (; j lldi ,:,:1. tor 5 1< :; ~-J of thE' D~mOn{ltr 1 i i .!J . cam: ha.. l,uncrl( r Glen l:.vElr 1"1 with lJ" ,iller ,,]h. 'r ~.at"d he vt "i i,r' iat C1 thE' t (~,j .co'- ,i ,lr if"; h" '1c't L c·th'"_ I r· \" 'It: ,u i1 ,;j h h~ Ill.. .l:1 '_.,). J..€'t m. k~, Ii h ,lYE' al so r ".rlbl e to 'Ire any r .. 11 t;. .1.'.1 1 'auGh < , 'hdt th 1 \' t , < ud: , i lr :erely, L ' '. r-; J. PUND /." "L,' '{ 1.!:>.I.A. EJP/bp INTERMOUNTAIN SKI tNSIRUCIUAS A&8DClAnDN TO r- Mr. Leon Dean I ( DATE 3832 Parkview Drive L Salt Lake City, Utah 84117 ~ DATE November 25, 1'970 Dear Leon: ReI B.O.O. Meeting I would like to invite you to the B.O.D. meeting on Saturday, December 5th, at 4.00 P.M. We will need you there to take pictures of the awards being presented, pictures of the new B.O.D. and new Officers, etc. Appreciate very • much if you could plan to attend. //1 /y,# / y~~ BY Clark T. Parkinson, President SIGNED NC-R73 J::/ T'" Drowtl"\!) Boord Inc, Box 505, Dollu>, Te)(o> DETACH AND FILE FOR FOLLOW-UP TO I Mr. Junior Bounous I DATE 711 East 3230 North L Provo, Utah ~ DATE November 25, 1970 Dear Junior: Re: _B.O.D. Meeting 1 would like to invite you to the B.O.D. meeting at fark City, December 5. It will be held at the Treasure Mountain Center at 4:00 P.M. I feel it is important t.hat you as Ski School Directors COIlIRittee Chairman attend our B.O.D. meetings so that we have a clear channel of cODIIlUnication between the B.O.D. and Ski School Directors. ~ BY Clark T. Parkinson, President SIGNED NO-R73 J:' Th' Druw_ng Boord Inc, Box 505, Dallas, T('~as OETAC H AN 0 FI LE FO R FO LLOW-U P TO I Mr. Albert E. Ellis I DATE 1716 East terry Street L Pocatello. Idaho 83201 ~ DATE November 25. 1970 Dear Ala Re: Historical Committee I can't thiDk of any items of business regarding your committee that need discussing at the December 5th B.O.D. meeting. However, if you have any items of bUSiness, please let me 'know. ttve instructed Leon Dean to take pictu for the Historical Committee and Newsletter at the B.O.D. meeting and Examiaars Clinic. He a1 has some pictures from the Salt Lake Winter Show. He'll get plenty of shots of the Demonstr~ion Team tryouts. I'll look forward to seeing you Park City. Let me know if you want us to make arranaements for rooms for you and Glenn. ~. BY Clark T. Parkinson, President NC·R73,t, T,(· D'0'""'''9 Boord In(, 80>< 505, 001:0>, Te!<os SIGNED DETACH AND FILE FOR FOLLOW-UP TO I Mr. Fr4J1k Gillette I DATE Route 1 L- Burley. Idaho 83318 ..J DATE November 25, 1970 Dear Frank. Rea Awards Committee At the B.O.D. meeting on December Sth, the Awards Committee Policy will be discussed under I~ew Business." I would appreciate it 1f you would be prepared to present to the B.O.D. the outline we discussed on the phone. The Awards Committee 1s a relatively new committee. and I'm sure the B.O.D. will be enthusiastic about our ideas. ~ Ctad/ BY Clark T.Park1nson. President SIGNED NO-R73 ~c T1w D'o",ing Boord In(, Bo" 505. Dollus, T<-x05 OETAC H AN 0 FI LE FO R FO LLOW-U P I TD Mr. Lex Kuna" " Box 5.48 L Burley, Idaho 83318 ~ DATE November 2S, 1970 Dear Lex: Rei Fall Seminar t would appreciate a short written report from you to'be presented to the B.O.D. under "Old Business" on tbe Fall Seminar held in Burley. 1 think a breakdQWn of income and expenses would be sufficient and your general impressions and recommendations for next year t s Seminar. Mary Ellen can provide you witb the appropriate figures. Do not incl\lde in disbursements tbe room and board expense of the B.O.D. members or the expense of the Certifi,cat COIIIIlittee ...... separate these expenses under nAnnual Meeting." 1 appreciate your help very much. ~ BY Clark T. Parkinson, President NQ·R73 '9' Tc(. DrGw:ng Boo,d Inc, Box 505, Dollus, Texo' I DATE SIGNED DETACH AND FILE FOR FOLLOW-UP I TO Mr. Max Lundberg I Alta Ski Lifts L Alta, Utah 84070 ~ DATE November 25, 1970 BY Dear Max: Ref 9th Interski I think it would be a good idea for you to bring the B.O.D. up to date on 9th Interski and the overall arrangements, etc. If it is neee for I.S.I.A. to help you with expenses, we shou present them to the B.O.D. Essentially, the B.o should have an idea of what the overall program i and how P.S .I.A. is handling it. Would you mind giving us a report in writtng on this • . ~ ~lArk T. PArkinenft_ PrA.in_"~ NO-R73 :c-' i~,.-, Druw'ng Board Inc Bo)( 505, Dallos. T,-,xos DATE • SIGNED CETAC H AN C FI LE FD R FD LLDW-U P " I TO Mr. Anely Shearer~ I 3700 Gilroy Road L ~ DATE Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 November 25, 1970 Dear Andy: Re: Technical Committee I can't think of any pertinent items of business that would require discussion at the December 5th B.O.D. meeting. However, if you can think of anything that the B.O.D. should consider, pleas. let me know • . ~ BY Clark T. Parkinson, President NO-R73 '~: The Drawing Boo'd Inc Box 505, Dollo5, T('xos DATE SIGNED DETACH AND FILE FOR FOLLOW-UP '''' .. " TO I Mr. Ed Pond I DATE 466 East 5th South ~ Salt Lake City. Utah 84111 ~ DATE November 25. 1910 Dear Ed: Re: Credentials Aftet the December 1. 1970, deadline for dues payment for 1970-71 dues, would you prepar. a list for Glenn Evans to present to the B.O.D. for action. You eould probably give it to him at the I.O.D. meeting. ~CUJ7 BY Clark T. Parkinson, President SIGNED NO-R73 :c, Th" Draw'''g Board Inc, Box 505, Dallas. T,.'xQS DETAC H AN D FI LE FD R FO LLDW-U P Mr. Otto Hollaus, President CEm'R\L SKI INSTR!](;T('lRS ASSOCI hTICN 75 North snelling ~t. Paul, Minnesota 55104 Dear Otto; November 30, 1910 On behalf of the membership and B.O.D. of the 1.S.I.A., 1 would like to invite you to our annual Examiners Clinic at the Park City Ski Resort on December b, 1970. On Saturday, the 5th, we will be picking our Demonstration Team. 1 have attached a copy of the announcement to our members which will give you full details. I must apologize for the late inVitation, but getting ready for the coming season has kept me extremely busy. 1 recently traveled to the H..H.S.I.A. Fall Semina.r and Annual Heeting in Aspen, and Lou Lor~lz, member of our B.o.r. and Certification Com.ltt •• , traveled to Mount t~od to attend the P.N.S.I.A. Examiners CUnic. Both Lou and I can attest to the value of attending other Divisions' functions. We would be more than happy to have you or your designated representative attend our CUnic. You will be our guest in Park City, and 11m sure the visit would be Leneficial for .11 of us. CTP:ld Attachment Sincerely, Clark T. Parkinson President P.s. If you can attend, please call me .0 we can make arranbements: Offie. Home cc: Ed Pond (801) 322-0364 (8tH) 48b-8023 Mary Ellen Parkinson Hr. Dick Crick, Pre.1dent i\LA~I~\ ~KI INSTRUCTOP.S ASSOCIATICN F.r. Lox 4-230 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Dear Dick, November 30, 1970 On behalf of the membership and B.O.O. of the I.S.!.'\., 1 would IH,e to invite you to our annual Examiner" Clinic at the rack City Cki. Resort on December 6. 1970. On Saturday, the 5th, we will b* picking our Demonstration Team. 1 have attached a copy of the announcement to our members which will give you full details. I must apologize for the late invitation, but getting ready for the coming season has kept me extce~ly busy. 1 recently traveled to the R.M.S.I .... Pall Seminar and \nnual Heeting 1n Aspen, and Lou Lorenz, lHIIIber of our B.O .ti. and CertU icstion Collln1ttee, traveled to Mount Hood to attend the p.r;.s.!.'.. Examiners Clinic. !loth Lou and I can attest to the value of attenGing other Divisions' functions. we would be more than happy to have you or your designated representative attend our Clinic. You will be our guest in Park City, and I'm sure the visit would be beneficial for all of us. CTt:' :ld Att.achment Sincerely, Clark T. Parkinson President P.s. If you can attend, please call me so we can make arrangementsl ctUcc cc: Ed Pond (.101) 322-0364 (801) 486-8023 Mary Ellen Parkinson Mr. Paul Valar, President EASTERN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION Franconia, New Hampshire Dear Paul z November 30, 1970 On behalf of the membership and B.O.D. of the I.S.I.A., I would like to invite you to our annual Examiners Clinic at the Park City ski Re80rt on December 6. 1970. On Saturday, the 5th, we will be picking our Demonstration Team. I have attached a copy of the announcement to our members which will give you full detail.. 1 must apologize for the late inVitation, but getting ready for the coming season has kept me extremely busy. I recently traveled to the R.M.S.I.A. Fall Seminar and Annual Meeting in Aspen, and Lou Lorenz, member of our B.O.D. and Certification Committee, traveled to Mount Hood to attend the P.N.S.I.A. Examiners Clinic. Both Lou and 1 can attest to the value of attending other DiVisions' functions. We would be more than happy to have you or your designated representative attend our Clinic. You will be our guest in Park City, and I'm sure the visit would be beneficial for all of us. CTP:ld Attachment Sincerely, Clark T. Parkinson President P.s. If you can attend, please call me so we can make arrangementsl office Home cc: Ed Pond (801) 322-0364 (801) 486-8023 Mary Ellen Parkinson November 30, 1970 Mr. till Stdckland, President FAR WrST SKI INS'l'RUCTORS _\SSOC!AT!QN P.O. Box 1674 Big Dear Lake, Californid 92315 Dear hill, On behalf ef the membership and B.D.n. ef the I.S.I.A., I would like to invite you to. Qur annual Examiners Clinic at the Park City Ski Resort en December 6, 197\). On Saturday, the 5th. we will be picking our DemonstratiQn Team. I have attached a cepy of the announcement to. our members which will give you full details. I must apologize for the late invitatiQn, but getting ready fQr the ceming seaSQn has kept me extremely busy. I recently traveled to the l{.H.S.1 .'\. Fall f;eminar and ,\nnual Meeting in ,,"spen, and Lou Lorenz, member o.f eur B .0.0. and Certificatio.n CODIDittee, traveled to. Mount acod to attend the P.N.S.!.A. Examiners Clinic. Both Lou and 1 can attest to. the value of attending o.ther Divisions' functions. 'iie would be more than happy to. have yeu or yeur designated repre$cntat1ve attend our Clinic. You will be ou-r guest in Park City, and I'm lure the visit would b. beneficial for all of us. CTPald Attachment Sincerely, Clark T. Parkinson President r.~;. 1£ you can attend, please call me so we can I:1~.ke CicrCinsemcntsl Office Home cc: Ed Pond (801) 322-0364 (8tH) 486-8023 Mary Ellen Parkinson November 30, 1970 l-Ir. Don Kurtz, President NORTHERN ROCKY MQurnAIN SI~l INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION 2202 'touth ){erper Cody. t"yomin~ 82414 Dear Don: On behalf of the membership and E.O.D. of the 1.5.1.A., 1 would like to invite you to our annual Examiners Clinic at the Park City ~ki Resort on December 6, 1970. ~l Saturday, the 5th, we will be picking our Demonstration Team. I have attached a copy of the announcement to our members which will give you full detaila. I must apologize for the late invitation, but getting ready for the coming season has kept me extreccly busy. . I recently traveled to the R.N.S.I.A. Fall Seminar and\nnual Heetini in Aspen, and Lou Lorenz, member of our B.O.D. and Certification Committee, traveled to Mount 'Hood to .ttoact the P.N.S.l.A. Examiners Clinic. Both Lou and 1 can ilttes' to the value of attending other Divisions· functions. We would be more than happy to have you or your designated representative attend our Clinic. You will be our luest 1n Park City, and I'm sure the visit would be beneficial for all of us- CTPsld AttacllUlent Sincerely, Clark T. Parkinson Pres1dent P.s. If you can attend, ple.s. call ~ so we can make arrangement •• OLf1ce Home cc: Ed Pond (aol) 322-0364 (801) 486-8023 Mary Ellen Parkinson November JO, 1970 Mr. Mark P. Addison, President ROCKY i'10UNT\llT SKI n;5r::,UCTOl~S .·\$SOCIATION 990 Rose Hill Drive toulder. Colorado UOJJ2 Dear liark: On behalf of the membership and B.O.D. of the 1.S.1.A., I would Uke to invite you to our annual Examiners Clinic at the Park City Ski Resort on Dec.ember 6, 1910. On !:jaturday, the 5th, we will be picking our Demonstration Team. I have attached a copy of the announcement to our members which will give you full details. 1 must apologize for the late invitation, but getting ready for the coming season has kept me extremely busy. I recently traveled to your Fall Seminar and Annual HeetLng in Aspen. and Lou Lorenz. member of our B.O.D. and Certification Committee, traveled to Hount Hood to attend the P.N.S.I.A.. Examiners Clinic. Both Lou and ! can attest to the value of attend ins other Divisions' functions. We would be more than happy to have you or your deSignated representative attend our Clinic. You wHl b. our lu.st in Park City, and I fm sure the visit would be beneficial for all of us. CTPaid A.ttachment Sincerely, Clack T. Parkinson l'reddent P.s. If you can attend, please call me so we CaR make arrangements: Office HOllie CC: Ed Pond (SOl) 322 .. 0364 (801) 486-6023 Mary Ellen Parkinson November 3D, 1970 Hr. ~all1am F. Lenihan, rrcsldent PACIFIC NCh'TUWEST SKI INSTRUCTORS \SSOCIAnON 1114 ~'orton !)u!lding Seattle, ~a&hln~ton 98104 Dear Bills On behalf of the membership and 13.0.0. of the I.S.1.A., t would like to invite you to our annual Examiners Clinic at the Park City Ski Hesort on December 6, 1970. On Saturday, the 5th, we will be picking our Demonstration Team. I have attached a copy of the announcement to our members which will give you full detail.. 1 must apologize for the late invitation, but getting ready for the coming season has kept me extremely busye I recently traveled to the R.H.S.I.A. Fall Seminar and Annual Meeting in Aspen, and Lou Lorenz, member of our B.O.D. and Certification Connittee, traveled to Hount Hood to attend your Examiners Clinic. Both Lou and 1 can attest to the value of attending other Divisions' functions. We would be more than happy to have you or your designated representative attend our Clinic. You w111 be our guest in Park City, ,me I'm sure the visit would be beneficial for all of us. CTP:ld Attacbment Sineerely, Clark T. Parkinson President P.s. If you can attend, please call me ao we can make arrangement •• Office Home cc: Ed Pond (801) 322 ... 0364 (801) 486 .. 80~ Mary Ellen Parkinson ::r. r:ave Parkinson 3623 VilL.1 :)rive Salt Lake City, Utah J4l09 Re: Clinic Committee "It the h2cel;,ber 5th i:.oard meeting, T would like to call on you I:Csarding the estiraate oi cost for a minimum of three i;;\ud a !;(aXiWUfl of four clinics, princip;llly in the ":outheastern Idaho area. 'ouIc' you please prepare d brief written report outlining your objectives as Clinic Committee Chainnan and your estimate of the expense in-volved in putting on these clinics. It is important that the' rl, a.pprove these expenses dt the beL;inning of the season. . 'ouie: yet' plei1se have enough copies of your report for each noan! uCl,dcc. CTP:ld S ilh:er~ 1 f, Clar~. "arki",o" President Novetnber 23, 1970 TO: Glenn Evans FROH: Clark T. Parkinson SUBJECT: Credentials Committee Dear Glenn: Our B.O.D. meeting will be held Saturday, December 5th, and the subject of Pepi Steigler will be brought up under "old business." If you haven't contacted the other Divisions regarding their policy on transferring foreign instructors, please do so before our meeting. T will callan you during the B.O.D. meeting for your report and your recommendation on how I.S.I.A. should handle this problem. Refer to our Bylaws regarding membership requirements, and you'll see that in order to accept these people without them taking an ex alii or transferring frau, another Division, we would have to amend our Bylaws. I would, however, like to settle this question at our meeting. I appreciate your help very much, and 11m looking forward to seeing you. r hope you will be able to help select the "Demo" Team on Saturday_ eTr :ld Sincerely, Clark T. Parkinson President P.;'. please prepare your report in writing with sufficient copies for each Board member. Hr. Lob ~\utry P.P. Box 308 Park City, Utah s4060 near nob: l\ovclnber 23, 1970 He: December 5th Boare; MCE' L in \ I would lil:e to invite yuu to the I.S.I •. '.. Board of Gircctors ;;'cctlllg at Parl: City on Saturday, r'cccraber 5th, at 4:00 P.;-!. at the Tn"l~;lln~ ;:ountain (enter. CTP:ld ~)incerely , G 1 a r-:J:. ""rkin son Presill.Cllt ;',. "reI Finlill50\1 640 fast 5900 South >1urray, Utah dt. 1\.)7 Tiear Fn.c: NoverJbcr 23, 1970 Re: Decclolber 5th Board 'eet i.n!: 1 "JOuld liLe to invite yOll to the 1.:::.1.'\. Board of Directors ;r,eeting at l'ilrk City on ;~i1turr:.ly, ;;eccmbcr 5th, at 4:00 P.:l. Clt the Tre;isure ; 'ountain r:entcl,-. CTP:ld :) incere 1y, Clark T. !'urkinson President !'fr. Leith Lange 4784 \nnabow Circle ~.)al t LaLe City, Utah ,'j'4117 rear; cith: November 23, 1970 :·:e: DcceHlber 5th Boaru ~ ee L i n,_;. I \omuld 1i1,c to invit(o you to the T.~).l.' .• Board of Director;:.. r,cE'ting at :CarL {'ity on SaturddY, ;'ecc!"ber 5th, at 4:00 P.:l. at the Tn::~d;ure I~ountain Center. CTP: ld :iincerely, Clarrr. rarkinson rresiJent ?~. rave Larsen, Treasurer 3091 [ast 7180 South Salt Lake City, Utah 34121 !lear Dave: Nove~~cr 23, 1970 Re: December 5th Hoard ;leeting \5 we discussed on the phone regarding the financial statement and the budget, we should be prepared to present to the Board the 1.:;.l.A. budget. After we finalize the budget, I will prepare copies for tIle D.U.L:., however, 1 will asl you to present it to the Loard at the Hoard liteet ing. CTP:ld S incercly, Clark T. Parkinson PresidE::nt November 23, 1970 :;r. Lou Lorenz 29 East 4th South Salt Lake City, Utah ti4111 fear Lou: Re: December 5th Loard ; ,(-;etinc~: At the I)oard meeting r'cceIrlber 5th, I would appreciate very liluch if you \'lOuh: prepare in writing brief reports on the following: 1. Pacific Korth\lcst :;11 Instructors /\ssociation--r:xan;incrs C1 inie. 2. 1'.:';.1.1'1.. The i •• 1.\. report ",auld just Le a very brief suumary of the ,"('" gr(!ss of 1'.;;.1.\. dnd ",hat 1.:;.1.\. has done. ,,'oulJ you :)1e.l:;'_ have sufficient copies of your reports for all Eoard C:cEl),crs :in attendance. CTP:1d Sincerely, clarf!? Parhinson President :<r. Dave Chap 1 in Lox 161 l' ,3rt City, Utah 04060 near fJ';1ve: NOVeIilber 23, 1970 Re: December 5th Board f'ecting .\t the J;oard ,ucetin!; at Park City, under "old business," the subject of the I.S.I.\. ~ovie will be brought up. will you please rrep~re Cl brief written report based on the discussion we had at the ~.>:ccutive C;on;mittce meetin{; regarding the decisions made on the I.S.I.".. 'iovic • . \lso under "net" business," the posters \-le discussed for distriLucion to retailers and the ski school signs should be presented to the Hoare. I think it would also be helpful if we got from the noard tentative <1pproval for an I.S. I.,". party, and .:e should have a general hie.l of the expense involved. Could you please prepare a written report for the Board encompassinr; these items and have sufficient copies for the Board ILcmbers. Sincerely, ~ Clark T. Parkinson President CTP:ld [tr. Ed Pond, Secretary 466 Last 5th South Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Dear Ed: November 23, 1970 Re: 1.S.1.\. Hailing Procedures At the December 5th Board meeting, under "old bUsiness," the subject of the problems of mailing to our membership will be brought up. ',,fould you please prepare a brief report to the il.G.D. on the steps taken to alleviate this problem. please contact tlary Ellen regarding a change of address card that DuHac is currently preparin,:;. :Jhe will fill you in on the details. please have sufficient copies of your report for the Board members in attendance. CTP:ld Sincerely, Clar~~. Carkinson Presit:ent ;lr. ,:"A Lundberg \lta ski Lifts Alta, Utah 8407U November 23, 1970 He: 'iemonstration Team ,\t the DecemLer 5th Board meeting, under "old business," the subject of the remonstration Team will be brought up. Would you pleasE' prepare in writing a brief outline of the modifications of th£' DeElOnstration Team policy from the original that Bill Haskin~; prepared, so that a motion can be presented to amend the original Loard action. In addition, I would appreciate your putting in your report the estimated cost of uniforms. Hould you please have sufficient copies of your report for each one of the Board members. CTP :ld Sincerely, C1ar~. Parkinson President ::r. Bill lIasl--ins \lta Inn Alta, Utah 84070 Dear Bill: November 23, 1970 Re: 1!inter Sports Show Appreciate very liiuch your worL on our booth at the ;linter :~ports-;how this year. I feel it \.,ras very successful and worthwhile, anG J would appreciate if you would thanl, the people who helped you for Ece. I think it would be of interest to the Board for you to give a brief report on the show at the recember Board meeting. The meeting will be held Saturday, December 5th, at 4:0(} P.il., after the :'er.lOostration Team tryouts. I would appreciate very much if you would submit to the Board in writing a brief outline of the expenses incurred and ilny comments you feel appropriate regarding the show and your recommendation for future activities of this nature. ~ould you please have sufficient copies of the report for each one of the Board members. Sincerely, ~rk T. Parkinson ~!:Sident CTP:ld Mr. William F. Lenihan, President P. N. S. LA. 1114 Norton Building Seattle, Washington 98104 Dear Mr. Lenihan: November 25, 1970 As Credentials Committee Chairman of the Intermountain Ski Instructors Association, I would like to solicit your help in solving a problem which has developed in om~ Division. Namely that of foreign ski teachers who are recognized as Certified in their home countries but not in the U.S.A., who, quite naturally, feel that they have passed all of the qualifications to be transferred into our Division without being re-examined. Since our Association has no precedent to go by, I thought perhaps your Division might already have met and solved this problem and could pass your procedure for handling it on to us. I have enclosed a short questionnaire and a stamped, self-addressed envelope. If you would please take a few minutes to fill out the attached form and return it as soon as possible it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your cooperation. With best regards and wishing you a good season, I am, cc: Mr. Clark T. Parkinson, President I.S.I.A. 2245 Oneida Street Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 Mr. Fred Nelson, President Elect P.N.S.LA. A & T Ski Company 1725 Westlake North Seattle, Washington E. Glenn Evans Credentials Committee Chairman Intermountain Ski Instructors Association P. O. Box 4253 Poca~ello, Idaho 83201 Mr. Paul Valar U.S.E.A.S.A. P.S.I.A. Eastern Representative Franconia, New Hampshire Dear Mr. Valar: November 25, 1970 As Credentials Committee Chairman of the Intermountain Ski Instructors Association, I would like to solicit your help in solving a problem which has developed in our Division. Namely that of foreign ski teachers who are recognized as Certified in their home countries but not in the U.S.A., who, quite naturally, feel that they have passed all of the qualifications to be transferred into our Division without being re--examined. Since our Association has no precedent to go by, I thought perhaps your Division might already have met and solved this problem and could pass your procedure for handling it on to us. I have enclosed a short questionnaire and a stamped, self-addressed envelope. If you would please take a fe,v minutes to fill out the attached form and return it as soon as possible it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your cooperation. With best regards and wishing you a good season, I am, cc: Mr. Clark T. Parkinson, President I.S.I.A. 2245 Oneida Street Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 // //./ /,~?:::// : ~:/:- Credentials Committee Chairman Intermountain Ski Instructors Association P. O. Box 4253 Pocatello, Idaho 83201 Mr. Otto Hollaus, President C.U.S.S.A. 75 North Snelling St. Paul, Minnesota 55104 Dear Mr. Hollaus: November 25, 1970 As Credentials Committee Chairman of the Intermountain Ski Instructors Association, I would like to solicit your help in solving a problem which has developed in our Division. Namely that of foreign ski teachers who are recognized as Certified in their home countries but not in the U.S.A., who, quite naturally, feel that they have passed all of the qualifications to be transferred into our Division without being re-examined. Since our Association has no precedent to go by, I thought perhaps your Division might already h3.ve met and solved this problem and c.('Il~ld pass your procedure for handling it on to us. I have enclosed a short questionnaire and a stamped, self-addressed envelope. If you would please take a few minutes to fill out the attached form and return it as soon as possible it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your cooperation. With best regards and wishing you a good season, I am, cc: Mr. Clark T. Parkinson, President LS.LA. 2245 Oneida Street Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 Very truly yours, / ///,- ,.". ,.' / ~:-/":/'}/ / :.:>/ /~. / .r.' /..,~' "., "," >'/' /.!, : .. ," ,7 t: V ___ .~':':, /,//~ ~.' 0,'( -://..;-- E. Glenn Evans Credentials Committee Chairman~ Intermountain Ski Instructors Association P. O. Box 4253 Pocatello, Idaho 83201 Mr. Dick Crick, President A.S.LA. P. O. Box 4-230 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Dear Mr. Crick: November 25, 1970 As Credentials Committee Chairman of the Intermountain Ski Instructors Association, I would like to solicit your help in solving a problem which has developed in our Division. Namely that of foreign ski teachers who are recognized as Certified in their home countries but not in the U.S.A., who, quite naturally, feel that they have passed all of the qualifications to be transferred into our Division without being re-examined. Since our Association has no precedent to go by, I thought perhaps your Division might already have met and solved this problem and could pass your procedure for handling it on to us. I have enclosed a short questionnaire and a stamped, self-addressed envelope. If you would please take a few minutes to fill out the attached form and return it as soon as possible it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your cooperation. With best regards and wishing you a good season, I am, cc: Mr. Clark T. Parkinson, President I.S.I.A. 2245 Oneida Street Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 Very ~iu1y yours, . t' ,/', --.....:: .. -;' / " //:,. (;, j'/, '" (/:.', ' , C- /_.//,(~): [~/~.// "/,,.; E. Glenn Evans Credentials Committee Chairman Intermountain Ski Instructors Association P. O. Box 4253 Pocatello, Idaho 83201 Mr. Bill Strickland, President F.W.S.I.A. P. O. Box 1674 Big Bear Lake, California 92315 Dear Mr. Strickland: November 25, 1970 As Credentials Committee Chairman of the Intermountain Ski Instructors Association, I would like to solicit your help in solving a problem which has developed in our Division. Namely that of foreign ski teachers who are recognized as Certified in their home countries but not in the U.S.A., who, quite naturally, feel that they have passed all of the qualifications to be transferred into our Division without being re-examined. Since our Association has no precedent to go by, I thought perhaps your Division might already have met and solved this problem and could pa~s your procedure for handling it on to us. I have enclosed a short questionnaire and a stamped, self-addressed envelope. If you would please take a few minutes to fill out the attached form and return it as soon as possible it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your cooperation. With best regards and wishing you a good season, I am, cc: Mr. Clark T. Parkinson, President I.S.I.A. 2245 Oneida Street Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 E. Glenn Evans Credentials Committee Chairman Intermountain Ski Instructors Association P. O. Box 4253 Pocatello, Idaho 83201 Mr. Don Kurtz, President N.R.M. S. LA. 2202 South Kerper Cody, Wyoming 83414 Dear Mr. Kurtz: November 25, 1970 As Credentials Committee Chairman of the Intermountain Ski Instructors Association, I would like to solicit your help in solving a problem which has developed in our Division. Namely that of foreign ski teachers v7ho are recognized as Certified in their home countries but not in the U.S.A., who, quite naturally, feel that they have passed all of the qualifications to be transferred into our Division without being re-examined. Since our Association has no precedent to go by. I thought perhaps your Division might already have met and solved this problem and could pass your procedure for handling it on to us. I have enclosed a short questionnaire and a stamped, self-addressed envelope. If you would please take a few minutes to fill out the attached form and return it as soon as possible it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your cooperation. With best regards and wishing you a good season, I am, cc: Mr. Clark T. Parkinson, President LS.LA. 2245 Oneida Street Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 E. Glenn Evans Credentials Committee Chairman Intermountain Ski Instructors Association P. O. Box 4253 Pocatello, Iciaho 83201 Mr. Jerry Muth, President R.M. S. LA. P. O. Box 368 Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Muth: November 25, 1970 As Credentials Committee Chairman of the Intermountain Ski Instructors Association, I would like to solicit your help in solving a problem which has developed in our Division. Namely that of foreign ski teachers who are recognized as Certified in their home countries but not in the U.S.A., who, quite naturally, feel that they have passed all of the qualifications to be transferred into our Division without being re-examined. Since our Association has no precedent to go by, I thought perhaps your Division might already have met and solved this problem and could pass your procedure for handling it on to us. I have enclosed a short questionnaire and a stamped, self-addressed envelope. If you would please take a few minutes to fill out the attached form and return it as soon as possible it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your cooperation. With best regards and wishing you a good season, I am, cc: Mr. Clark T. Parkinson, President 1. S. LA. 2245 Oneida Street Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 Very truly yours, / " , )' /'/'''.' , ';/;/, J' ,/' /" ""-'.(>///;' :..>-:(".,,- E. Glenn Evans Credentials Comrn:i,·ttee Chairman Intermountain Ski Instructors Association P. O. Box 4253 Pocatello, Idaho 83201 I. S. I. A. QUESTIONNAIRE 1. DOES YOUR DIVISION RECOONIZE AND ACCEPT TRANSFERS FROJ.\1 SKI INSTRUCTORS CERTIFIED IN A FOREIGN COUNTRY WITHOUT RE-EXAMINATION BY YOUR DIVISION? DYES DNO 2. IF ABOVE ANSWER IS YES, DOES YOUR DIVISION REQUIRE THAT APPLICANTS FOR TRANSFER PRESENT PROPER CREDENTIALS AND PROOF OF CERTIFICATION STATUS? DYES DNO 3. IF ANSWERS TO BOTH ABOVE QUESTIONS ARE YES, PLEASE GIVE A SHORT RESUME AS TO MANNER YOUR DIVISION USES TO PROVE VALIDITY OF CREDKN"TIALS PRESE:N"Tl'ED BY TRANSFER APPLICANT. ----------------- ID~TURN ENVELOPE ENCLOSED. --- --~------ Mary Ellen Parkinson 3823 Villa Drive Salt Lake City, Utah Dear Mary Ellen: November 25, 1970 RE: John Holt r1embership Box 633 Sun Valley, Idaho Mr. Holt called long distance and mentioned that although he paid his dues last April, he hasn't yet received his membership card. Please send him his card if the records bear out his statement. , If you've no record on it, please contact me. (He indicates he is fully certified) Thank you very much. EJP/bp Very sincerely, EDWIN J. POND SECRETARY I.S.I.A. Mr. Robert vfuipkey % Glen Evan's '-I,r.t' (,J ~J t...'lA.j /dv.. Pocatello, Idaho Dear Robert: RE: November 25, 1970~ Membership Transfer ,j ~({~" ':; t-'f ~ /I"'-'-?) z:::; I have received otification om P.N.S.I.A. that you are a fully certfied member ~n a association. They did indicate that dues had not been paid there for the last two years, but it is my understanding you have been trying for that same period to get transferred down here. Hence, we will waive the dues for the last two years. Upon the receipt of your dues of SlO.OO for 1970-1971, we will instate you as a full-y ' certified member of our association. Please mail ,;' said dues to Mary Ellen Parkinson, Executive Secretary, at 3823 Villa Drive, Salt Lake City, Utah. Let me take this opportunity to welcome you into our association and wish you much success in the coming season. EJP/bp Very sincerely, EDWIN J. POND SECRETARY I.S.I.A. i-I L . Brian D. NcEneny Box 171 Driggs, Idaho 83422 November 25, 1970 ~ .l- l~" Dear Brian: ... . ... . . _. :, r .---- /' .. .. -. We have receive~onfirmation _)f your full certification in P. N. S. I. A. and indi(;~ion that· -·you arc in good standing there. Upon receipt of your $10.00 for dues for this year, we will instate you as fully certified in our association. Please mail such dues to Mary Ellen Parkinson, Executive Secretary, 3823 Villa Drive, Salt Lake City, Utah. Let me take this opportunity to we1~o~e you into our association and wish you a lot of success for the coming year. EJP/bp VERY SINCERELY, EDWIN J. POND SECRETARY I.S~I.A. Nove~ber 29, 1970 ~,1.r. Al E. Ellis 1716 F,ast Terry Pocatello Idaho Dear AI: !lutfValle!l Paul Ramlow ~un Valley Ski School Thank you for asking me to ,i oin you as a commi tte member, hOvlevAr, 1 must decline the invitation. 1 havp made it ~ rul~ to stay out of ski politics, at least at the present time, and this would comG under this heading. ~'ilrs. Dorice Taylor, head of the 3un '/allE"Y Publici ty De:Jartment, kno'H(~ more of the history of ~un Valley, an(l the Sun \!alll?Y Ski '~chool, than any living person. ~he has been with 3un Valley from the very be~inning. She must have something in her files that you can use. Please use my name if you write to her or sneak with her. Sorry about my dccision~ If I should change my mind, I will let you know. Best regards, 6.i!J Cd. .ul-.,- Sun Valley, Idaho Telephone (208) 726-3311 Owned and opmtted by Janss Corporation INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION Mary Ellen Parkinson Executive Secretary 3823 Villa Drive Salt Lake City, utah November 30, 1970 RE: Certified pins for Milt Beens Dear Mary Ellen: We have recently completed transferring to our association the fully certified status of Milton Beens. Milt has gotten in touch with me and indicated that he turned in two associate pins to Max last March and was to receive two white pins in exchange. He further indicates that he has paid his dues during last springs clinic. After confirming those matters from our records, would you please send Mr. Beens his pins. If there is some reason why the pins cannot be sent immediately, please let me know. EJP/bp Very S.ince~y_ -t!!?'~/ /~ e c:.~k-. ~ EDWIN 0" POND SECRET RY I.S.I.A. CENTRAL SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION ROUTE 1, BOX 65, SLINGER, WISCONSIN 53086, PHONE 414/644-5517 Edwin J. Pond Secretary I.S.I.A. 9728 South 1650 West Riverton, Utah Dear Mr. Pond: Reply To: December 1, 1970 Above Address Your letter of November 6, 1970 has been reviewed and we appreciate your proceeding to set up a membership file for Mr. Charles H. Zurbuchen who is transferring from C.S.I.A. to I.S.I.A. The simplified procedure to effect a transfer is to supply information advising the instructor's status and whether or not he is a member in good standing. We do not request files on members transferring to C.S.I.A. and would find it very impractical to transfer a member's original files. We hope you have the necessary information to complete this transfer and would appreciate hearing from you if you need anything additional. Best regards. DEP:ep Very truly yours, /,-- '.~,' ~/.~ D-on E. -Phelan~ Executive Sec~etary~CSIA cc: Otto Hollaus - Information Copy Chuck Yearn - Information Copy CURTIS W CASEWIT Post Office Box 19038. Denver. Colorado 80219 2 Dec 70 Hr. I:iJl Lash Salt Lake City, Uta'l. Dear Bill: Here's another little plug for the ISlA -- one of manyt This sLory reached about 3 million readers in 245 newspapers. So you guys are famous •• Cowles sent me a copy of the newest. OFFIC IAL SKI '~ ECHNIQUE for review purposes and I'll be discussing your book at length in two big papers. Will see to it that you get tearsheets of the review. I'm writing you mainly today to let you know that I've signed a big boo~\ contract to "producell a book for th8 recreational skier. Somethinr on the order of SKI RACING (which you have and know well) but for the ~varage guy. A book that will be in many libraries lnclud1ng school libraries. The hopes are gr ea t but the budge t is small. I' V'? been asked to find top instructors who have something important to say about technique, health aspects, equipment -- any phase of these. A Byline will be given and you get the published book, of course. Question: Do you have any up-to~date leftovers fro~ the OFFICIAL T.? In manuscript form? Something not too technical or complicated? Or do you feel strongly about any phase of t~~nhlrtuo or f.!Cl'llnmont. and want to write sowethin~ about i:7 I cun use anywhere from 500 to 5000 words. AnYVlay, do consider it. Also send any publicity pix you wish. My business cards wir;_ kc~er you posted about SOME of the books I've meanwhile written ••••• Best vlishes, ~ PS story enclosed. I've mentioned PSIA efforts many times. MEMBER Colorado Authors LeBgl" ~ ~- INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSIRUCIDRS ASSOCIATION TO I Mr. Lex Kunau I DATE Box 548 L Burley, Idaho 83318 ~ DATE December 2, 1970 Dear Lex: Sorry you won't be able to make it to the Board meeting or the Examiners Clinic. Of course, we will keep you up to date and forward the Board meeting. l1ary Ellen is preparing the figures that we will need, and I will present recommendations to the Board. /J.# . I L( oJ..L; BY Clark T. Parkinson, President NO-R73 (~' n,t; D,ClW "g 'BuQrd !r", Box :,OS, Dullos, Texas SIGNED DETACH AND FILE FOR FOLLOW-UP I Burley Realty &. Abstract Co. • LEX H. KUNAU • GLEN R. KUNAU PHONE 678-8347 1245 OVERLAND AVENUE BURLEY, IDAHO November 27, 1970 Mr. Clark T. Parkinson President, Intermountain Ski Instructors Association Room 1120 136 East South Temple Street Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Dear Clark I will not be able to attend the ISlA board meeting on December 5, 1970. A conflict of which I could not settle came up. Please express my regrets to the other board members. When I accepted this job, I planned to be able to make arrangements to attend every board meeting, but it just didn't work out this time. On last year's fall seminar, Mary Ellen has all the receipts and all the bills. To save time and for you to receive it before the Board of Directors Meeting, I will ask her to send this information to you direct. My observations of the seminar were that we should have better control of K. Smith, the presentations of awards was too lengthy and repetitious, and the panels and speakers did an outstanding job. My recommendations for next year's fall seminar would be to hold it on September 18 and 19, 1971 at the Ponderosa Inn with the same format: Early bird drawings Coffee and rolls Lunch, social hour, and banquet Golf tournament and water skiing For the entertainment, I think a musical type, rather than a speaker, would be better this time, and I would like to see another gift or a memento of the occasion presented to each person attending the banquet in the evening. Associated with Cassia County Abstract Co., Ltd. Mr. Clark T. Parkinson Page 2 November 27, 1970 I recommend the $10.00 fee again. For Saturday's program, I would suggest along the following lines: Equipment displays by manufacturers in the lobby. Equipment maintenance panel with Max Lunberg and Jack Colven on flat fil ing, scraping kofix, repairing the bottom of skis, sharpening edges, shortening and lengthening ski poles, etc. Private lessons with Paul Ramlow expressing instructors point of view and Sigi Engl expressing the ski school's directors side. The racer, the racing coaches and the instructor with Bob Autry, Jim Rockford of ISA, and Jim Savaria. ISA - Earl Walters, Margo McDonald, Marv Milville. Movies and slides of 1971 spring clinic - AI Ellis. Panel an new ski_s and why they perform the way they do and on R I Span - Kneissel, Earl Mi Iler - Miller Bob Burns K2, Edward Scott - Scott Poles. '----Very truly yours Lex H. Kunau LHK: I g INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION December 3, 1970 TO: I.S.I.A. B.O.D. FRCH: Clal·k T. Parkinson, Presid~nt SUBJECT: President's Report Dear Board Nember: Since the Burley B.O.D. meeting, I traveled to the I.S.A. B.O.D. meeting in Idaho Falls. The purpose of my visit was to meet their B.O.D. and to determine if there were nny areas of their operation in which we could heJp or cooperate. The I.S.A. B.O.D. felt we could be a very biS help in rncouragine our students to join U.S.S.A. I suggested the first step would he to encourage all I.S.I.fI.. members to join I.G.A. through their ski schorl. 1 also traveled to Aspen to attend the R.N.S.I.A. Fall Seminar and Annual Neetins_ Th~ I.S.I.A.. Executive Committee approved expenses for this trip, and thro r~.}'.s. 1: .t\. ptd:ed up my room and board expense in Aspen. The trip was very worthwhile. They are big, efficient, and they are doing many things now that we're just beginning to think «.hout.. It was benefj cial from my standpoint to meet their Officers, Ski School Directors, and B.0.D., and I'm ~ure by personally visiting 1d.th t.hese people, I.S.I.A. can be identified on a pe.rsonnl basis o"er thl?r.e now. It WdS Also helpful to discnss with P.S.I .. t\. B.O.D. members who are members 0f R.N.S.I.;,\. the proh1err·s of P.S.I.A. and ratification of P.S.1 .A. Bylaws lT~' our Division. I wa~ tceat0d cordially and enjoyed the trip. I would strongly recor'l'TIend ttat our Officers, whenever possible, attend the fllnctions of the other Divisions and exten0. to these same Divisions invitations to our funrtinns. On the hom~ front:, Committee Chairmen have been selected, and Cormnittee Policif's hClve been ~,rritten for the NevJsletter, A(-Jards, Publicity, and Technical Committeef-:.. An T':xecutive r.omnittee meeting vlas held to plan overall poUey, and meetings and telephone discussions have been held uith the variolls C:oITnl;jttee Gh<'lirmen. The Certification Committee hilS met three times to prepare the Certification Policy for the year. The budget has been revised to pr:ojer.t income, a'1d the disbursements have bf'en brok0n down in n10re detail. The Publicity Committee has been revitalized and I.S.I.A. B.O.D. 2 12-3-70 reorganized to incorporate the Newsletter. A Newsletter was mailed, thanks to the efforts of Ed Pond and Mary Ellen. As to the coming season, I am planning on the Certification Committee examing at least 120 candidates, which will result in approximately 45 to 50 new members and around 90 new registered instructors. Hopefully, three to foursrnall area clinics can be held by the Clinic Committee. Four to five more Newsletters will be printed on a regular basis, and an I.S.I.A. party sometime in midseason will be held. I would like to implement a Ski Instructor and Ski School Director of the Year award and print and distribute a promotional poster advertising I.S.I.A. I would like to hold a Spring Clinic, wherein, we study the techniques and methods of the other Divisions by inviting selected guests from the Divisions. In conjunction with this, Max Lundberg can enlighten us with the use of our Demonstration Team on the National and International ski techniques and methods. I will attempt through our Publicity Committee to get the I.S.I.A., its members, and functions and purposes before the publiC by inviting members of the news media to our functions and providing information on I.S.I.A. to them on a regular and continuing basis. I will attempt to establish study groups on I.S.I.A. reorganization, a registered apprentice program, certification back-up program, market- . ing research, and an I.S.I.A. promotional movie. For the time being, the next six months will determine if my leadership and effort is effective enough to get I.S.I.A. moving. I'm willing to dedicate myself to working for the Association and hope that each member of the B.O.D. and the Committee Chairmen will make an equal effort. Respectfully submitted, -tf/J;? I IL¥,.Lb' Clar~T. Parkinson President GTP:ld INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION December 3, 1.970 TO: I.S.1.A. B.O.D. FROt-:!: Dave Parkinsori, Chairtnan--Clinic Committee SUBJECT: Clinic Committee Budget Dear Board Member: It will be the Clinic Committee's intention this year to conduct a minimum of ~ and a maximum of ~1.S.1.A. sponsored Clinics this season. These Clinics will be held in the smaller outlying areas to help those schools who cannot al;;ys get certified or qu"aiified help in their instructor training. We will be available to help train the candidates in preparation for an examination or just generally help in their teaching. The individual ~i school will have the privilege of r~guesting wh~ th~y would like to hav; conduct the Clinic and also at their convenience and place of business. The main difference this year in the Clinic program is that there will be no charge for these Clinics. We would like to give the general membership something for their money other than a Newsletter and annual convention. I would like to request of the B.O.D. an appropriation of $500 for the season to conduct these Clinics and estimate a cost of $100 for each Clinic. This would cover the individual or individuals' actual expenses plus $35 compensation. We will strive for at least four Clinics, but in the event only one or two are held, naturally, the monies will not be spent. This money will be the best spent by offering our membership a free service for a change, and I'm sure we as an Association will benefit greatly by offering this program. Thank you. DP:ld Sincerely, ~g/77~~~A?p~~} Dave Parkinson Clinic Chairman j--.------...... ·"~·-----I ; I '1 U;: , 1 l.A u'n:i', I I. " I INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION ~ December 3, 1970 TO: I.S.I.A. B.O.D. FROM: Dave Parkinson, Chairman--Clinic Committee SUBJECT: Clinic Committee Budget Dear Board Member: It will be the Clinic Committee's intention this year to conduct a minimum of three and a maximum of four I.S.I.A. sponsored Clinics this season. These Clinics will be held in the smaller outlying areas to help those schools who cannot always get certified or qualified help in their instructor training. We will be available to help train the candidates in preparation for an examination or just generally help in their teaching. The individual ski school will have the privilege of requesting who they would like to have conduct the Clinic and also at their convenience and place of business. The main difference this year in the Clinic program is that there will be no charge for these Clinics. We would like to give the general membership something for their money other than a Newsletter and annual convention. I would like to request of the B.O.D. an appropriation of $500 for the season to conduct these Clinics and estimate a cost of $100 for each Clinic. This would cover the individual or individuals' actual expenses plus $35 compensation. We will strive for at least four Clinics, but in the event only one or two are held, naturally, the monies will not be spent. This money will be the best spent by offering our membership a free service for a change, and I'm sure we as an Association will benefit greatly by offering this program. Thank you. DP:ld Sincerely, /9;?tfi?z'2~~1 Dave Parkinson Clinic Chairman r-- !i L"' ::r.:j"., '~t ' I f' -J...,".' '"I \'.I, 1'1:·", i-~;,' 1;~;l',: i 1 ,~ I .1\ i_ ___t_t~;,l_! ,_;._~ _- 1I INTE!N~OUNTA JN SKI l~sr~UCrOI'!S ASSOC::fA !FON DCCf:'lllbcr 3, 1070 TO: I.S.I.A. B.O.D. FROH: Clark T. Parkinson, President SUBJECT: Presidentts Report Dear Board Bember: Since the Burley B.O.D. meeting, I traveled to the I.S.A. B.O.D. meeting in Idaho Falls. The purpose of my visit was to meet their B.O.D. and to determine if there "!ere any areas of their operation in which we could help or cooperate. The 1.S.A. B.O.D. felt we could be a very big help in encouraging our students to join U.S.S.A. I suggested the first step would be to encourege all I.S.I.A. members to join l.S.A. through their ski school. ! also traveled to Aspen to attend the R.~;.S.I.A. Fall Seminar and Annual Heeting. The I.S.1.A. Executive Com.r::tittee approved expenses for this trip, and the R.t-l.S.I.A. picked up my room and board expense in Aspen. The trip was very worthwhile. Tney are big, efficient, and they are doing many things now that we're just beginning to think about. It was beneficial from my standpoint to meet their Officers s Ski School Directors, and E.C.D., and 11m sure by personally visiting with these people, I.S.I.A. c~n be identified on a personal besis over there now. It .,'a5 also helpful to discuss with P.S.l.A. B.O.D. members who are members of R.M.S.I.A. the problems of P.S.I.A. and ratification of F.S.1.A. Byi8T;!S by our Division. I was treated cordially and enjoyed the trip. I waule strongly recommend that our Officers, whenever possible, attend the functions of the other Divisions and e~tend to these same Divisions invitations to our functions. On the home fro~t, Committee Chairmer. h~ve been selected, and Committee Policies have been written for the 1~e"'Tsletter, Awards, Publicity, and Technical Cormnittees. An Executive Committee meeting was held to plan overall policy, and meetings and telephone ~iscussions have been held with the various Committee Chairmen. The Certification Committee haS met three times to prepare the Certification Pelicy for the year. The budget has been revised to project incone, and the disbursements have been broken down in more detail. The Publicity Comnlittee has been revitalizeG and I.S.I.A. B.O.D. 2 12-3-70 reorganized to inco7"porate the Newsletter. A Newsletter was mailed, thanks to the efforts of Ed Pond and Nary Ellen. As to the coming season: 1 am planning on the Certification Committee examing at least 120 candidates~ which will result in approximately 45 to 50 new IT,embers and around 90 new registered instructors. Hopefully, three to four small area clinics can be held by the Clinic Committee. Four to five more Newsletters ~:ill be printed on a regular bbSis, and an I.S.I.A. party sometime in midseason will be held. I \.;ould like to implement a Ski Instructor and Ski School Director of the Year award and print and distribut.e a promotional poster advertising I.S.I.A. I would like to hold a Spring Clinic, wherein, we study the techniques and methods of the other Divisions by inviting selected guests from t.he Divisions. In conjunction with this, t1a}: Lundberg can enlighten us with t.he usc of our Demonstration Team on the National and International ski techniques and methods. I ""ill attempt through our Publicity Committee to get the I.S.I.A., its members, and functions and purposes before the public by inviting membe~s of the news media to our functions and providing information on I.S.I.A. to them on a regular and continuing basis. I will attempt to establish study groups on I.S.I.A. reorganization, a registered apprentice program, certification back-up program, marketing research, and an I.S.I.A. promotional movie. For the time being, the next six months will determine if my leadership and effort is effective enough to get I.S.I.A. moving. I'm willing to dedicate myself to working for the Association and hepe that each member of the B.C.D. and the Committee Chairmen will make an equal effort. CTP: ld Respectfully submitted, _(1/~/d' Clar~T. Parkinson President L ALTA SKI LIFTS UU LAD ctrf .,,,"0 IPOIII'8 .uIOClAflOlf AL TAo UTAH ..a7G .... ONI: 1 • .... ..,., DeC2mper 4, 19'10 To: Boara uf Directors From: Max Lunuberg Subject: C)emot:strati or 'e8m On Apr~1 30, 1~/O, a propos~l was maDe to the board of dir8ctors dealin:] wittl the selecl.iorl of &1 1.5.1 .A. LlemOf",stratior1 tlJam. It W 5 proposed that: 1: Ir. the feill of 197' d tel rnemLE::r taB'r: will ue Lhosen. The highest scoring flVr..: m';" LIS wL,l hoI, two yLtT terms. The lowest scoring rive will hal a ter, u~til Spring Clinic of 19~1. 2: T,ereafter, at e2ch sprin,~ ,linit:., startIng il 1971, a cOII'uliment of flVl ,,8am mem't:l' will be chOSE!n !,o relace the mLmLers whose term has ~xpired. "letirinq memLef', will lle eliglblL' to com~Ete for reins"att,r,ent. 3: Recoros shall be kept b'.,he comittee chairman and in the event a team memb'=.f resigns, i,he chair;nan will select. ;,he "ext parson un the CDrtpetitlve list,to replCJce hi tCjf thp, ramilinder of his term. Method of SelectiLn: " 1: C;ubmit a1 of car,uidates [j\i ski school oirectors. 2: To be selected c mputilively from eligitle canLli~ate~ by the following committee: e: Technical coor i C1Linl,J chairr.li'm ancj C~r ificatiol' Lharirllo:n. b: Aoaro of six 581 cor: cho::.en Uy ;,h.Jbaue and 5uLject to the approv~l of ~he pre~iuent. l t '?~JI'1f~ EllOi.liltyt 1: Mu.t be B fully certifiad member in good standing or I.S.t.A. 2: Must be technically knowledgeable and able loO perform all phases of demonstrations both in ski school form and advanced stages of skiing. a: Should be capable of conducting seminars and on-the-hill cl inics. b: Should have knowledge of other ~echniques and teaching approaches anG be able to correlate them technically with our own frlethods. c: Should exhibit exceptlonal free skiing ability under .11 conc.J1 tions (off -trai 1, ice, steep and 'llogulled terrain, etc.). No substantial changes have beerl maue if' the abol/e-mentioneu selec~ tion proceDures. Items one anu two ue9cribinn the number to ba chosaa ano the term LheV Will sp8nd on the ,eam have been changed. A nine man teum wi 11 be selected in the fall of 19'/0 and thereafter at each spring clinic starting in 1971. Retiring members will be eligible to compete for re-instatement. It is mv suggestion that the term of new demonstration team members begin ir' the fall Dr the ~1 seaeon fo lowing tHeir selection. Uniforms for ttle I.S.I.A. demonstration team will cost a49.25 per member: Parka: $30.00 Sweater: $16.50 Matching Hat:$2.J5 There will be a slight additional cost to cover shipping and tax. The colors available are: rnidniC]ht; black; brass; cdbon; mallard; pOLLJder; silvtor; siren; s"ruce; yellow. The lioard should budge* $550.00 to cover uni form CDS t for Lhe nine clan team 81 eJ its coach. The selectors fur iohe demulstnticn tellrn luill be: Max lundberg, .". n d V She 8 ff::., f - Po rid, 80 b /..\ u t r v, ' ~ 0 r k '! f O!.U J c.O r, tj rue e " [J r r i son , an~ ~eDi Stui ler. I~nv suggestions reg rOir,q he der'lonstration tf:alli from the board of directors are boLn LLklcc,'8 dnu olici teo. ~espectfulJV submitted, ,?:,::;~ ~!,LI v A "1 .... qJ~:J f4-~~ tL~ '7 ALTA 8KI LIFTS ..... ___ .... .v uu LAU CI!'Y "Dn'1'JI IPOI!'I ~AnoN ALTA. UTAH MO'70 ,.HOIU 1 ...... .,., December 4, 1970 To: I.S.I.A. B.O.D. From: Bill Haskins Gentlemen: Attaohed please find the oost breakdown tor the I.S.I.A.Booth at the Salt Lake Ski Show. It is my reeling that the ski servioiAI an4 waxing demonstrations put on by our membera at the show were well received b, the skiing publio and made a contribution to I.S.I.A. I think a1.0 that the c11n10 committee should consider similar presentations at the spring olinio and any other ollnl~1 held this year. By presenting this intormation to our teachers and th~ public, I teel we oan reduce the ti .. it take. to make a good parallel turn tor all of the •• I '~ar t, to expres3 thanks to all \~ho helped me It. th" dem)rJHt.~dti:)ns successful. 3inoere'ly I .. ~ ALTA SKI LIFT. ILIU I.Al:I arr W'tIn'D ~ II~I'JC* AL. TA, UTAH ...,.", ARUBOOTH ARU BOOTH ACCESSORIES MOD:lRN DISPLAY S TIVINS &. BRo.m $120.00 35.02 - stools, T*bl •• Ooat Rack 8.52 - B~nt1n8 • 11nlr paper 11'6* - ~.xes ~ .". tlle ,115: S1nol the aboYI .xpenses are llss than thl .250.00 budglted, I would 11ke to have the Board ooaplna.'. Uary1n Osse, tor the use ot hi. Iqu1p .. nt, r.pl ••••• nt ot the t1l •• used. and the 35 plus .. nhour ... r.t 1n OD the booth. A ta1r sum would be 1n ., e.t .. tion .40 ,00. ALTA SKI L,,.T. -- -...... u.c.r £AD' an ...... .aIfI, co'''' ALTA. UTAH NG'PG ......... 1. 1· ....... , Deoember 4, 1970 To: I.S.I.A. B.O.D. from: Bill Haskins Gentlemen: Attached please rind the COlt breakdown tor the I.S.l.A.Booth at the Salt Lake Ski Sho-. It is my reeling that the ski slrTi.1Ag and waxing demonstrations put on by our ... berl at the show were well receiTld by the skiiAK publio and made a contribution to I.S.I.A. I think alia that the clinic committee sho~ld consider 8iailar presentations at the spring clinio and any other oliniol held this year. By presenting this inrormation to our teaohers and the public, I reel we oan reduoe the time it takes to make a good parall.l turn for all of them. I want to express thanks to all who helped meke the demonstrations successful. Sinoerely, 1(\ / ~.~~ - _.. ~ \--L ~- .--- _/ ! ""Bill Raskins • "" ," ,..---~r. l. : • .:.,....:, ALTA SKI LIF"T8 --- . ., ARU BOOTH *120.00 ARU BOOTH ACCES30RIES )40DERN DlSF.l...AY STlVXNS &. BROdN 35.02 - stools, Table, Ooat Raok 8.52 - Bunting & liner paper ll.~* - Naxee ~ edge file 1175. Sino. the aboT. expenses are less than tbe $250.00 budgeted, I would like to have the Board oompensate Marvin Oasey for the use of his equip •• nt, replaoement of the files used, 8nd the 35 plus manhours he put in on the booth. A fair sum would be 1n .Y estimation $40.00. AL.TA SKI LIFTS SALT LACE CITY W',"EIf IPOIft'I ASIIOCIAf1OlIl AL'tA. UT"H a4D?O To: EDer.:! .Jf :,i Tt::c:.urs SubJect; ')::;'i.o::~trdtl (jC . eern c;~ Apr~l. JO, EliOt a proposi:.:l WdS ii180e to the board of directors aealing with the selection of ~n I.S.I.A. demonstration team. It ws proposed that: 1: In the fall of 197L: tater, memDer teaT! will be chosen. The highest sco:;:ing fiVe rn~il;. l!'S will hole two V8c.r terms. The lowest scoring T ive will hol_ 8 t.ar: ur,I.11 Spring Clinic of I':;'!. 2: T ereafter, at eeeh 5;:Jrini1 L1ini:: startlng if 1971, a Ln8 mLmL8rs whc-;se ter!i1 hss E!x;::;irea. ;':;'2tirinq memLer':o will L·8 eliolbL· tu corr.:JE:!te fer I'cirls:'at .r,Bnt. 3: Recoros snaIl be kE~t G .~e com itteB chairmen and in the event a teanl ~,E:m:b:.."'- r:::si:j"S, :.ne chailTia;-, wlll seltocL ;.he neAt per 5Ln un the CC"'peii:. 1 VB Ii s~. ',0 reoL::ce hi· ! ,. r ,h:~ rem;::;i nder of his term. Methou of Selee ~ Ln: 1: :u~rT:i: Gl or ca'.~iUati:;:5 L' ::;K~ school ....:irec:,urs. fc.~ lowirc; eomlili t. tee: TLChr,ic~l LuC: i L: . . ::.lX ::;t:;'!' '- or .~Di1e i:Jnc,u! jeet to ;< ••• ~ , . - / E.ligibility: 1: Muat be a fully certified member 1n good standing of I.S.I.A. 2: Must be technically knowleogeable and abl e -,0 perform all phases of demonstrations boo n ir. ski school form Cjnd advanced stages of skiing. a: Should be capable of conducting seminars and on-the-hill clinics. b: Should have knowledge of other techniques end teaching approaches an~ be able to correlate them technically with our own methods. c: Should exhibit exceptlonal free skiing ability under all conditione (off-trail, ice, steep end mogulled terrain, stc.). No aubstantial changes have been maDe in the above-mentioned selection proceDures. Items one ana two describinq the number to be chossn end the term they will speno on the team have been changed. A nine man team will be selected in the fall of 19/0 and thereafter at each spring clinic starting in 1971. Retiring members will be eligible to compete for re-instatement. It is my suggestion that the term of new Demonstration team members begin ir; the fall of the ski Easson fo.lowing teeir selection. Uniforms for the ;.S.I.A. demonstration team will cost ... 49.25 per member: P5war!k:!a8:te ri: 301.;1060. 50 4, 0(,,( ()) 60 f I 7J !.!, Matching Hat:~2.·i5 There will be a sliont ad~i:ion5] cost to cov~r shipping and tax. The colors dvail~ble BTe: ~idnight; black; brass; c~rbon; mallard; silv~r; siren; Sfuce; yellow. The ucar~ shoulu budnet .0 COVE:;f uniform cus:. f~Jr ~he nine "3rl team ar~ its coach. 1he selectors fur the l..lernf'f,S· fciticn te,jm will be: Max L.unuberg, ~ndy Shean::. '" PoriLJ, ~;,ob ;..utry, :c.:rkv 'O!uLf, t:ruce .. [lrrison, ana ~e~i Stei 1er. uny suggestions reg. rcir,y hE oe:lonst I'8tian tl-am fram the board of' airectors ore bo::.n wclc,-"e '3fH .. ··oliciteo. 0espsctfullV submitted, J,/) I"VV ",,-I,A' 1-1. ,../Il~"tt? INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION December 5, 1970 TO: I.S.I.A. Board of Directors FROM: Edwin J. Pond, Secretary SUBJECT: I.S.I.A. mailing system report Dear Board Member: As you may be aware, from time to time, we have members of our association complain that they are not receiving the regular mailings of the association. Hence, as Secretary of the Association, I have undertaken to determine what can be done with regard to this and other related problems. First of all, all of our mailings go out third class and are thus not subject to being forwarded unless the party who has moved has guaranteed postage. I believe the economics justify a third class mailing considering how numerous our mailings are. Further, on each mailing we type the words "Address Correction Requested" which induces the post office to provide us with a new mailing address at a cost to us of 10<t per correction. Hence, in this fashion we often obtain a new address for a moving member who has failed to notify us. Each Dumac and sent out. change his per plate. member of the association has a name plate made for him at it is from these plates that our roster or mailings are Hopefully, when a member moves he'll notify us and we'll plate. The cost of a name plate change at Dumac is 10<t To help keep us up to date with address changes, we have just printed up what we will call a problem card. This card is postage card size and will have the I.S.I.A. address on one side with a place for the postage stamp. On the reverse side, there will be a place for the individuals name and beneath that several boxes he can check indicating his not receiving mailings, not receiving an expiration sticker, needs an I.D. card, or "other". It is our view that we will pass these cards out to Ski School Directors and Officers and others desiring them. Upon receiving a complaint, said Officer, Ski School Director or Board Member may pass out a card to said complaining member. From there on the member will be able to communicate his problem by a simple mailing to the Executive Secretary. You'll be provided with these cards and your cooperation in using them is requested. Thank you. EJP/bp &Y, Sin!!1 ~ ~'POND --- SEC~~Y I.S.I.A. Bob Knowlton General Chairman Jim Riley President NORTH AMERICAN SKI INSTRUCTORS CONGRESS Mr. Clark T. Parkinson 2245 Oenida Street Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 Dear Mr. Parkinson: December 7, 1970 Enclosed is the current issue of the Colorado magazine which has an excellent write-up on page 67 of our first North American Ski Instructors Congress. we will be looking forward to seeing you next April. RDK/pc encl - Very truly yours, • CERTIFIED SKI TEACHER I. S. I. A INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION Mr. Hank Emery 33 Pearl Street Apt. 206 Denver, Colorado December 9, 1970 RE: Attendance at I.S.I.A. Board Meeting Dear Hank.: On behalf of our association and its Board of Directors, let me express to you our appreciation for your attendance at our Board Meeting on December 5, 1970. Your willingness to answer questions and discuss the present and future of P.S.I.A. will be a large factor in helping us decide the question of ratification of the P.S.I.A. By-Laws here in our association. Thank you for your interest and attendance. Very SECRE1ARY I.S.I.A. EJP/bp cc: Copies to P.S.I.A. Board of Directors. Mr. Hank Emery 33 Pearl ,c;treet Apt. 206 Denver, Colorado December 9, 1970 EE: Attendance at I.S.I.A. Board l\;c",ring Dear Hank: On behalf of our association and its Board of Directors, let me express to you our appreciation for your attendance at our Board Meeting or Uecember 5, 1970. Your willingness to answer questions and discuss the present and future of P.S.l.A. will be a large factor in helping us decide tlY?-:luestion of ratification of the P.S.l.A. By-Laws hEre in our association. Thank you for your interest and attendanc0. EJP/bp cc: Copies to P.S.I.A. BOi3-rd of j)ireciors. Mary Ellep Parkinson 3823 Vill~ Drive Sal t Lak.e :.Ci ty, Ut ah ;' " Dear r1ary Ellen: December 9, 1970 Please find enclosed a letter from Robert, Neumann requestin'g transfer. \vould you please take care of that matter. Also find enclosed a bill I have prepared f~r $22.12, and I think it is self-explanatory. r1ari Ellen would you please also send a copy of our Ski . S~hool Directors list to Bob Parker ,U.S.U., Box 1262 Lo~~n, Utah 84321. Th~ :following people should receive 530.00 compensationfor sellectors fees for the demonstrat~~n team: Corky F'owler G OK 7;1. I) 5'1'" U.I /Ir') ./.£~t.-v Bruce Morse •••••••• Box 523, Park City, Utah f1ax Lundberg Andy Shearer Bob Autry Ed Pond . Pepi Steigler •••• % Teton Village, Jackson Hole, Wyoming I believe you know the addresses of tho~e I haven't listed,' ' ~nd of cours~ Corky and Pepi should each receive $30.00 . traveling expenses in addition to their sellectors fee. Thank you very much, Mary Ellen. EJP/bp Very sincerely, EDWIN J. POND SECRETARY I.S.I.A. NORTH AMERICAN SKI INSTRUCTORS CONGRESS Bob Knowlton General Chairman Jim Riley President Mr. Clark T. Parkinson Intermountain Ski Instructors Association 2245 Oenida Street Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 Dear Clark: December 11, 1970 I have just been informed by Peter Frisch of Frisch Films, that there are only six copies left 6f the film of the North American Ski Instructors Congress at Vail. There were only a limited number produced which films are presently in short supply in light of the demand. This film is probably the most outstanding technical film of the year. Because of the support given by the ski instructors divisions and associations to the Congress, Mr. Frisch advised me that he is offering the remaining films to these organizations until such supply is exhausted. The cost of the film is $125.00 and may be ordered directly by the following address: Mr. Peter Frisch Frisch Films 1365 South Dover Way Denver, Colorado Phone: 303-985-7423 ;:-;-, v 'I • . \! i r: Most sincerely, C\_'. ~. ~ ',*, Jim Riley President • CERTIFIED SKI TEACHER I. S. I, A INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION TO: Area Certification Representatives 2956 Mountain View Drive Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 December 11, 1970 FROM: Phil Jones, Certification Committee Chairman SUBJECT: Certification Supplies for 1970-71 Season Please find enclosed: Certification Policy for the current season. registration applications, certification examination applications and change of address forms. We would appreciate very much your registering all of your non-member apprentice instructors as soon as possible and returning the completed registration application to our Executive Secretary. The change of address card should be used for those instructors who are not receiving general mailings or who have moved since the last roster was printed. Any other comments regarding pins, expiration stickers, ID cards, etc., can be written on the card and forwarded to Executive Secretary. 3823 Villa Drive, SLC, Utah. We appreciate your help this season and are looking forward to a good year of certification exams. Please encourage the instructors in your area to prepare for certification'and try and schedule exams early in the season. Sincerely, Certification Chairman I. S. I. A. PJ:mep Enclosures: 4 i."U .. 1U1L.:dPUJ..1..b, .'11..lu1. J--,~ .. To: From: Board of Directors Judge Jimmy Johriston Gentlemen: 1801 York Street Denver, Colorado 80206 ., \J Your expression of faith and confidence in electing me President is a very personal and wonderful thing. I've done a lot of work in this organization for many years as have so many other people, but never did I allow myself to hope and aspire to the fact that I would one day be your chief executive officer. I will accept the presidency on the basis that you are willing to commit yourselves to work as a team. More and more of our membership must be asked and given "the opportunity and responsibility to serve our profession. ' .. I am very enthusiastic about the future. It is an exciting challenge. I must confess there isa difference .. when you are the president of an organization (something about the adrenalin glands).' I.i.am not going to be satisfied to do just the simple or ordinary;;,.: L .... ~: 5l;: things. I want us to search our minds and use our ingenuity. The opportunities are limitless and much can be accomplished if we use our time, resources and talents as wisely as possible without it being a burden on any of us. Certain things should take priorities, but this letter is being'sent to respond to your action in electing me President. I would like a response from each of you indicating: 1. Whether the "Report to the Membership" met with your approval. How have others reacted to it? 2. Using Jerry Huth's Rocky Hountain PSIA review, what subjects and areas do you think we should address ourselves to? 3. What are you willing to work on? • Board of Directors -2- December 11, 1970 I have done the following things after being given a review of the last board meeting: 1. 2. On last Monday, December 7th, I prevailed upon Bill Lash and Louis Tannenbaum, accountant in Salt Lake City, agreed and began to make an accounting for July 1st to October 1st. It should be completed in two weeks • I have asked the office to mail the "Report to the Membership" regardless of whether or not payment of dues for this year have been paid. It should be obvious that the report will have its greatest effect if'received as soon::as possible and may well help overcome any misgivings about the present pos ture of PSIA~ ~ :': ~>~:.. ' . .' • ! 3. I have arranged for a press release essentially to explain that Willy announced to the Board that his duties as Head Coach of the USSA Ski Team precluded his continuing as president so that there can be no unfavorable speculation as to his decision. 4. I have spoken to Alex Katz (Chicago) and Ed Hunter (Denver) regarding a press and public relations program. . .. Please show me that you are willing to be a director not only in name but in deeds. The office is doing a tremendous job under great handicaps in handling our more than routine business (and more). You and I must give continuing and steady service if we are truly to turn the tide and reach reasonable goals for this season. I will appreciate your prompt reply. JJ:rs ,',' ___ --.. -sk~nglY yours:_ . . ~- 4~./)<4,j;;::' /./ .!,UdgepJ~;~JOhn~ton ./ / /// / cc: Division Presidents // LICENSING COr';:;>0IL\TIO;'-i 01' .AHEi~rC.·. 909 THIRD AVEN"G:E • ~-EW YOl~r~, K. Y. 10022 • (212) 752-8007 December 14, 19/0 Hiss Gladys Carr Cmvles Communications 488 Nadison Avenue New York, New York Dear Gladys: You have se~t me a lot o~ publicity on the new book) and I just thought that you might have missed this one. Best regards. AL/pf Enc: Cordially, Arnold LeHis Vice President cc: Messrs: Johnson Lenihan Lash/ Weisbond A Subuid,,,ry of Kinn ... y N"lionoi S .. rvicd Inc. r: Mary Ellen Parkinson 3823 Villa Drive Salt Lake City, utm Dear Mary Ellen: December 14, 1970 Please find enc losed an original and one copy of a letter I've written to Pepi Steigler. The copy i s for your file and would you take the or~ginal along with the pin and card and s end it to p2pi. Also Mary Ellen, would you please send a copy to Glen Evans ' of the list of delinquent instruc tors whose membership was dropped by the Board at our last meeting and ask that Glen send each of them a letter informing them that the pin is the property of I.S.I.A. and request that they send it back and that their membership has been dropped. Also mention to Glen that a copy of such letter should also go to P.S.I.A. with respect to each fully c ertified member. By way of reminder, we should also take care of the money 3ack Colvin sent down for some of the Sun Valley instructors who are not members of the association. I believe we were going to mail that back were we not. Also find enclosed the minutes I took at the c ertification meeting which I've transcribed roughly and which need to go out to the Board r1embers and Ski School Directors when you can do that. Towards the end of the month we need to have general mailings for the Newsletter, the roster, and the minutes of our last Board of Directors meeting. Hence, we should be preparing for those matters. 2Vr .l r 'V K E C Ll.A ' n .l VH 8 -: ) : , -2- So that there will be no duplication, please be aware that I have written thank you letters to Hank Emery and to the appr.opriate managerial people at Park City concernin~ ~ur recent clinic. Thank ~ou very much, Mary Ellen. EJP/bp Very sincerely, EmVIN J. POND SECRETARY I.S.I.A. Mr. Pepi Steigler % Teton Village Jackson Hole, Wyoming Dear Pepi: December 14, 1970 I am pleased to inform you that the Board of Directors of I.S~I.A. have voted by resolution, based upon your credentials to instate you as a fully certified member of the Intermountain Ski Instructors Association. Please find enclosed a card indicating your membership and our associations pin. Please send us $10.00 for your 1970-71 dues. We are also pleased with your interest in our association and thank you for your past contributions of your time and talent to us. If ever we can be of any help to you or your area, please feel free to contact us. EJP/bp VilE,.. CODE BOI no - :s~", 2Vrl. rVI<E CI.lA' nl.VH 8'fJJJ anliE ..,01 EXECn~JI\E snJrOJ>ic: VllOHJ,1EA VJ. r"M 1EI:H~)' ,,- 8.li:5VV1D Very sincerely, EDWIN J. POND SECRETARY I.S.I.A. I. s. L A. INTI.MOUNTAIN SI(I~T.UCTO.S ASSOCIATION ..... . December 14, 1970 To: From: ~ J Woody Anderson, Manager ~ .. . Roger Huran, Assistan t Manag~ Ken Oswald, Arrangeme n t Chai~ Bob Button, Food Servic e Secretary, I.S.I.A. ttl ~' . ... , \1 ,:', " " ~ " Subject: I.S.I.A. Clinic and relat e d a c tivities I.S.I.A. wishes to exp ress t~·.c appreciation for your hospitality e x tended to us ov e~ the week-end of December 5th and 6th. It i s a gretat benefit to our association to receive you r help and support and we know Our tlinics and meetings would not be s uccessful without it. If I.S.I.A. c an be of a ss i s tance to you, please feei free to c onta c t us . EJP/bp Very Since~'~ '?':I ~'"l /.Z { / / < ~ EDWI • POND SECRETARY I.S.I.A. CERTIFIED SKI TEACHER I. S. 1. A. INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION 2245 Oneida Street Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 Decemb~15, 1970 TO: Ski School Directors FROM: Clark T. Parkinson, President SUBJECT: Ski School Director of the Year Award - Clinic Program Dear Director: In an effort to promote certification, recognize outstanding achievement in the area of certification by a ski school director and promote competition among the various ski schools in registering and certifying ski teachers, a "Ski School Director of the Year Award" has been established by the BOD. This award will be presented at the Fall Seminar and will be based on the number of ski school members who are not certified who register, as a percentage of the total non-member teachers in the particular school. Also the number of candidates taking a certification exam and passing for full or associate as a percentage of the total number of candidates from your school taking exams. The purpose is then to encourage directors to register their non member teachers and prepare them for certification. This will result in new members who will be better qualified to teach skiing and will of course expand the membership of ISlA. To implement this Awards Program, please complete the attached form which will be used at the end of the season to determine the results. The self-addressed, stamped envelope enclosed should be used to return your questionnaire. Also enclosed is a supply of "change of address" cards. Please put these on your ski school builetin board or make them available to the members of your school. We are hoping to have at least 15 certification exams with about 120 candidates this season. Your cooperation and support of the certification program is needed to accomplish this. This year's certification policy, registration and applications for certification will be mailed to your certification area representative on December 11. The BOD also approved "Free" small area clinics to be conducted by the Clinic Committee Chairman. The clinics can be anything you want them to be - certification oriented, skiing, teaching methods and will be conducted by individuals you preferpeople who are constantly examining, demonstration team members, etc. In order to have a clinic, just fill in the bottom portion of the questionnaire. Have you ever asked yourself what the Association does for your ski school? Well, it could hold a free clinic in your area. In order to implement our programs this year, we need the cooperation and support of the Ski School Directors. PLEASE! Register your teachers, prepare them for certification, use the Clinic Committee, have exams and help us keep track of your people. The officers of ISlA are more than willing to work for you, but it must be reciprocal to be effective. 1. S. 1. A. SKI S C H 0 0 L QUE S T ION N A IRE Ski School Director (s) Assistant Director(s) PRESENT NUMBER OF INSTRUCTORS: ESTIMATES FOR 1970-71 SEASON Full Certified Estimated: Associate Certified 1. Number of certification exams Registered 2. Number of candidates for Full Non-Registered 3. Number of candidates for Associate ---- 4. Total number of candidates 5. Number of new Registered Approximate Dates: 1. 2. ______ 3. _____ _ QUESTION Will there be any instructors who are not members and who will not be registered with the Association? DYES o NO If "Yes", how many? Signed ________________________________ ___ CLINIC 1970-71 [J I would like an I.S.I.A. sponsored clinic in my area on _______ ~--__ --____ ------- (Date) a. b. c. Approximate number participating ____________ _ The clinic should be on: [] Certification Teaching Methods o Skiing [] Demonstrations The Clinic should be conducted by: Q o Other ____________________ __ o Certification Committee Members 0 Ski School Directors c=J Other __________________________________________________ _ [J I would NOT like an I.S,I.A. sponsored clinic in my area. CERTIFIED SKI TEACHER I. S. I. A. INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION 2245 Oneida Street Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 Decemb~15, 1970 TO: Ski School Directors FROM: Clark T. Parkinson, President SUBJECT: Ski School Director of the Year Award - Clinic Program Dear Director: In an effort to promote certification, recognize outstanding achievement in the area of certification by a ski school director and promote competition among the various ski schools in registering and certifying ski teachers, a "Ski School Director of the Year Award" has been established by the BOD. This award will be presented at the Fall Seminar and will be based on the number of ski school members who are not certified who register, as a percentage of the total non-member teachers in the particular school. Also the number of candidates taking a certification exam and passing for full or associate as a percentage of the total number of candidates from your school taking exams. The purpose is then to encourage directors to register their non member teachers and prepare them for certification. This will result in new members who will be better qualified to teach skiing and will of course expand the membership of ISlA. To implement this Awards Program, please complete the attached form which will be used at the end of the season to determine the results. The self-addressed, stamped envelope enclosed should be used to return your questionnaire. Also enclosed is a supply of "change of address" cards. Please put these on your ski school builetin board or make them available to the members of your school. We are hoping to have at least 15 certification exams with about 120 candidates this season. Your cooperation and support of the certification program is needed to accomplish this. This year's certification policy, registration and applications for certification will be mailed to your certification area representative on December 11. The BOD also approved "Free" small area clinics to be conducted by the Clinic Committee Chairman. The clinics can be anything you want them to be - certification oriented, skiing, teaching methods and will be conducted by individuals you preferpeople who are constantly examining, demonstration team members, etc. In order to have a clinic, just fill in the bottom portion of the questionnaire. Have you ever asked yourself what the Association does for your ski school? Well, it could hold a free clinic in your area. In order to implement our programs this year, we need the cooperation and support of the Ski School Directors. PLEASE! Register your teachers, prepare them for certification, use the Clinic Committee, have exams and help us keep track of your people. The officers of ISlA are more than willing to work for you, but it must be reciprocal to be effective. ------- I. S. I. A. SKI S C H 0 0 L QUE S T ION N A IRE Ski School Director (s) Assistant Director(s) PRESENT NUMBER OF INSTRUCTORS: ESTIMATES FOR 1970-71 SEASON Full Certified Estimated: Associate Certified 1. Number of certification exams Registered 2. Number of candidates for Full Non-Registered 3. Number of candidates for Associate ---- 4. Total number of candidates 5. Number of new Registered Approximate Dates: 1. 2. _____ _ 3. _____ _ QUESTION Will there be any instructors who are not members and who will not be registered with the Association? DYES o NO If "Yes", how many? Signed __________________________________ __ CLINIC 1970-71 [] I would like an I.S.I.A. sponsored clinic in my area on ________________________ _ (Date) a. Approximate number participating ___________ _ b. The clinic should be on: Teaching Methods Cl Skiing Other [] Certification [] Demonstrations The Clinic should be conducted by: Q o ----------------------- c. [J Certification Committee Members Cl Ski School Directors c=J Other ______________________________________________ _ [J I would NOT like an I.S.I.A. sponsored clinic in my area. INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION Ski School Directors Committee Meeting Minutes Ponderosa Inn - Burley, Idaho September 20, 1970 Junior Bounous, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 8:45 A.M. A motion was made by Lex Kunau, seconded by Dan Roberts, that former minutes be approved as mailed to membership. All were in favor except K. Smith. Motion was passed. The progress made at the last meetings were discussed. Phil Jones mentioned that the Certification Committee would have a clinic and work with the Ski School Directors, and that Junior Bounous would probably be on the Certification Committee as liason member for the S.S.D. K. Smith wanted a discussion on Certification as Sigi Engl talked about it the day before with 3 years training and the exam being a mere formality. K. Smith wanted to talk about his letter and Andy Shearer's letter of last year. K. Smith recommended that the S. S. D. be an operating body. The last minutes and old business and unfinished business was completed, and Junior opened the meeting for New Business. Junior discussed the United Airlines film that he figures by-passed Utah skiing. He feels that United is not supporting Intermountain skiing the way they should. Bob Autry said it is not very difficult to put a good film and pronlotion together. He talked about a project he had just completed back east on pushing Park City West and Utah. K. Smith wanted to know about Bob Autry's culinary water, which Bob tried to explain to K. Max Lundberg explained what Bob Autry tried to say about promoting skiing and ski lessons in Utah. Max said he is going to propose to ISlA BOD that ISlA do a promotional film on many areas in ISlA so that when asked for material for television or personal appearance or promotional material for local or national coverage we will have something. Lou Lorenz moved that a committee be appointed to get more information and costs on a promotional project. No second. K. Smith moved that Autry-Bounous-Lorenz make a study of Bob Autry's talk in time for action to be taken by December 1, 1970, in regard to the film. Seconded by Gene Palmer. All in favor. Frank Gillette wanted to know how outlying areas would be able to participate equally in this promotion. Bob Autry wanted some action from S.S.D. on Ski Masters Program. K. Smith told about the Ski Proficiency Test in the Northwest. Bob Parker explained the Masters Program at NASIC. Bob Autry wanted to know about the ISlA Demonstration Team. Georg Hartlmaier wanted a rate schedule sent to Junior Bounous from each ski school. Bob Autry wanted a rate schedule sent to Junior Bounous from each ski school. K. Smith wanted the S.S.D. to recommend to the ISlA BOD that the S.S.D. Chairman be Junior Bounous. Seconded by Lou Lorenz. Passed. The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 a.m. DecedJeA 17, 1970. ;1/1t. /Ji..ll LaM. - f.O. Box 762 9ftl t? Salt We CUJ;, Utah. '80201 - /J ~~/,-X_ I\'e:"~ ~ __ If , ~' "' ( .' "" \ , i 1, i! I i ,:. j' ! " , i" I I I '1,-l-- :."./I Bart. G. Droke h3 U/I\.~C PJllnt Resellrch l~boM1tory !<ichit!an ~;tate University fUlst lansing, t-lichignn 49"2:3 P.O. Box 4 s te~mboo.t ::>pri1\:r;s, Colo. 6()1~71 Dac~ber 17. 1970 Thllnk you for your letter of condolencos regarding r;ry brother's recent death, an0 advis~ of your change of address. \\'e havo corrected your address on our rocords accordingly. Upon chocking our records, I find that 'too have nevar received the letter fron I.$ .I.!\'. ver1fYi~ your attendance at their spri~~ clinic. (neither 1969 or 1970) Perhaps you can chock \-lith th~. l'C!!::lrdin(! this. Hope all i9 r.o1~ well and I wish you a very Horry Christr..as and Q. Happy tJSt-t Yellr. P'.3:rh'!!s c/e }<al'k Addison, Pres.-RHSIA Joan Dunrue. !>E)Cy.-ISIA Sincerely, Rudi Schna.ckenbe~, Executive ;;ecy.-Rl,iS IA 21 December 1970 Phil Jones Certification Committee Chairman Treasure Mountain Ski Resort Park City, Utah Dear Phil Sid Jenson 2720 Louise Ave Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 Max has indicated to me that I did not make my point clear to you or to him when I spoke about short swing to you on the hill at the examiners clinic. My point was two fold. First, that short swing, done as you prefer it done, is becoming a thing of the past. Because classic, American short swing is best done on a steep, flat slope, we seldom do it anymore; and this is simply because almost all steep slopes are covered with moguls. And further, classic short swing is not an effective way of skiing moguled slopes. Therefore, to insist that a candidate do classic short swing when he seldom skis it and hardly ever teachs it, is not only unfair but something close to ridiculous. MV second point is that I feel that you are advancing an authoritarian program under a liberal flag. While you were ad\l(]catinQ thnt. a cunlJir.JEltu may present any sequence, as long as it is logical and continuous, I could hear a steady, persi stant voice saying, lIyou I-lad bet Ler not deviate too far from what I have proven at Park City to be correct." Park City is only one area, and I think that you need to travel (under ISlA financing) to places where you are not the authority. You need to go to Brian Head, Sun Valley, Beaver Mountain, Sundance, Alta, and so on, and there you will find out that the sequence aoproved for Park City is not used everywhere. My basic sequence is quite unlike that advocated at your area, and mine works. I have proven it in four years of full time teaching and five years of part time teaching. But do you know what, I would be hesistant to send candidates to your exams skiing and teaching as they dO--You would shoot them out of their saddles. Marv Casey is the only person I know of who actually taught and skied as he actually daBS-- and hH ron into trouble IJJi th his examj nation board on those \lory point.s. 'P,(it: b 111~'!1 Ih t:f,~, t,~, ~1i':) lord I I If,hr, II" tit,' r ":I~~I tlr:: I"l-> 11/ hhrl !,,/ttl rill I,i, ~ ~, I. U uJ t Ii L III it I j I J U 'lb IJHd 1 I I,; i J J I II /1. L' I II (JI:. u j L • Included are the suggestions for the exam procedure. 1 hope you may find this helpful in some small way at least. SUGGESTIONS FOR EXAM PROCEDURE I. Orientation A. Quickly done in fifteen minutes ~. Written examination on technique and on material previously included in written report II. Teaching Session A. Candidate may teach anything he would like B. Other candidates may free ski III. Demonstrations--Free Skiing A. Candidates asked to ski whatever demonstrations they would like 8S the group moves from the top to the bottom. As the terrain changes, candidate will be expected to alter his maneuvers to fi t the t 8 rrai n • 8. Candidates will be asked to free ski as much as time allows IV. Lunch V. Demonstrations--Free Skiing A. Repeat of III 8. Candidates may be asked to "free" ski certain types of snow or certain types of turns VI. Teaching Session A. Candidate may be asked to teach anything the examiners would like B. Other candiates may free ski or warm themselves, etc. vII. Oral lxamination A. For those whom the examiners wish to speak ~. Also for those who request an oral examination VIII. Critique--my suggestions for this section are omitted since they se8m to be in disfavor with almost everyone except the candidates with whom I am working. Written Report--this should be done away with and a written exam be administered to test the candidate on the information which was previously copied into the paper by his girl friend. Mary Ellen Parkinson 3823 Villa Drive Salt Lake City, Utah Dear Hary Ellen: ,,-, December 23, 1970 , We received a phone call prom Richard W. Bungay who, indicates that we sent him a sticker for his I. D. card but that he needs a new I. D. card~ Would you please ch~ck and see if his dues are ~aidup? If they are, ' make said delivery to him. Als6 find enclosed a bill we need to take care of • . . ', One other matter we need to check, ~ Mary Ellen. Marv Cc.sey at Alta tells me he has neve,r: received any blue pins upon being certified associat~ nor any white pins upon being fully certified, nor ev~r received an I. D. card. Would you please check and ,'if that is the case, send him out his I. D. card and white pins? Let me know what you find out on this matter~ Thank 'you very much. EJP/bp Very sincerely, EDWIN J. POND SECRETARY I.S.I.A. .. ',; .,' .... ... . '~r. I. Smith "ki 5cho< .. 1 JirectQr 3414 DI.·ocl;hanL lh-i\I () ':alt Lake Cit:;', lJtaL ;34117 Re: 1':111 :'cminar, l:udcy, Td'lho, \\'hll'ds nan..J.uet Tn ·;JUr recent L. ).~. mcetinb at ?.;;d. City "n !iecemb(;r 5, 1')7~, t:.l ':o",rd of ;,irectors illstn.lct,-,J nlC to TNl.· ite you a lette .. L~gdn': iIl~: your conduct a.t LilC ,\wclnls ;.t LIlli: Pall ~eminiJr in flu.cley. 1t waf.. felt by Inost of the of the DOdl.:d that ) Qu ... · comlucL Wd.~; disl:Uptivc and el;,L<lcl:dSb.l.l1i:; to till:; LCLlccs who WCl:C Jttf.:.l.1,itlll t,) C011duct tLL L.:il1<.iuet .. HId ['1(;lll1.<.: .. :5 who \";C1:(;: particili1tif!.>, in tlti! n,;ards cenmK)llies. Thi!] ree lIng .. ..;as rei lected by other nl<:lute c S till' \,,:':oci ,ti',n w;t.) are llVt Eo .. u-ti mernLc.;s. ~hc J:)OHU (if DiLcctors felt tliat .:1 lette.: u[ constructi'-c ccitici[.ln to YOll f n.n:; lile ,..;ould be suf (icicnt to let yOi..! ldl,)W tidt : ,j'S in <lttendance felt that your conduct Jid n,jt add tv t;-a:: cvcnin;>. eTr: Itl cc: I.S.I.A. D.O.C. nary Z11en Pa,dduson Sincerely, CLid. T. p ... d,inson President December 28, 1970 Dr. Loyal Secho1zer, President Intermountain Area Opcrators Association 342 East ' 8th North Logan, Utah 84321 Dear Doctor: Re: I.S.I.A. Representative to I.A.O.A. Cur Board of Directors has approved the selection of David Parkinson, Manager, ~oiitude Ski Area, as our representative to the~ I.A.O.A. For a number of years, our organization has designated ,3 ski instructor to repres'eilt 'us at :your meetings. I am afraid, however~ : 'in the last couple of years, we have not had a designated representative actively participating in your organization. With Dave Parldnson's new position at Solitude, we feel that our interests will be represent'cd, since Dave has been on our Board of Directors for the last 12 years, ' and he i~ fully aw~re ' ~f the instructor's point of view. It is our- hope that by appointing ' Dave to actively participate in your 'organization that the relationshi~ between the instructors and area operators ~ill be enhanced and a channel of communication will be opened and maintained. ' CTP:ld cc: I.S~I.A. B.O.D. Hary -Ellen Parkinson Sincerely, Clark T. Parkinson President INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION Mr. K. Smith Ski School Director 3414 Brockbank Drive Salt Lake City, Utah 84117 Dear K: December 28, 1970 Re: Fall Senlinar, Burley, Idaho, Awards Banquet In our recent B.O.D. meeting at Park City on December 5, 1970, the Board of Directors instructed me to write you a letter regarding your conduct at the Awards Banquet at our Fall Seminar in Burley. It was felt by most of the members of the Board that your conduct was disruptive and embarrassing to the members who were attempting to conduct the banquet and the members who were participating in the awards ceremonies. This feeling was reflected by other members of the Association who are not Board members. The Board of Directors felt that a letter of constructive criticism to you from me would be sufficient to let you know that some members in attendance felt that your conduct did not add to the evening. eTP: 1d cc: I.S.I.A. B.O.O. Mary Ellen Parkin50n Sincerely, _1~/~,~4' Clark T. Parkinson President INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION Mr. Wes Deist, President I.S.A. 154 East 24th Street Idaho Falls, Idaho 83401 Dear Wes: December 28, 1970 Re: I.S.I.A. Representative to I.S.A. At our B.O.D. meeting on December 5, 1970, our Board of Directors moved that our representative on your Board would, for the present and future, be the President of our organization. It was unanimously felt that the President of our organization would be best equipped to reflect our views to your Board, and in this way, we could avoid any problems of appointing our representative. I will attempt to attend all of your Board meetings and will try to present the views of the ski instructor to your Board. erp: ld ee: I.S.I.A. B.O.D. Hike Wilson 11argo \Jal ters Clark T. Parkinson President INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION December 28, 1970 Dr. Loyal Sceholzer, President Intermountain Area Operators Association 342 East 8th North Logan, Utah 84321 Dear Doctor: Re: I.S.I.A. Representative to I.A.O.A. Our Board of Directors has approved the selection of David Parkinson, Manager, Solitude Ski Area, as our representative to the I.A.O.A. For a number of years, our organization has designated a ski instructor to represent us at your meetings. 1 am afraid, however, in the last couple of years, we have not had a designated representative actively participating in your organization. "lith Dave Parkinson's new pesition at Solitude, we feel that our interests will be represented, since Dave has been on our Board of Directors for the last 12 years, and he is fully aware of the instructor's point of view. It is our hope that by appointing Dave to actively participate in your organization that the relationship between the instructors and area operators will be enhanced and a channel of communication will be opened and maintained. CTP:ld cc: I.S.I.A. B.O.D. Mary Ellen Parkinson Sincerely, Clark T. Parkinson President INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION December 28, 1970 TO: T.S.I.A. Board of Directors FROM: Clark T. Parkinson, President Dear Board Member: Attached are copies of correspondence to the other ski organizations, of which, we designate I.S.I.A. representatives. Also enclosed is the letter to K. Smith, which you directed that I write personally to him. CTr:ld Sincerely, " 1/' L ' . {, {t"{;,{4..]/ Clark T. Parkinson President INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION Mr. Jl.lumy Johnston, President P.S.LA. 3503 Ailiniral Lane North Minneapolis, Minnesota 55429 Dear Jinmly: December 28, 1970 A belated congratulation on your election as President. I can appreciate your feelings, at thib point, and would like to wish you success in your tenure as President. One of your major cons1derations, I am sure, is the matter of I.S.I.A. ratification of P.S.I.A. Bylaws. To bring you up to date, briefly, we entertained Hank Emery at our Examiners Clinic, and he graciously answered many questions from our noard of Directors. We will by the Spring of 1971 make a decibion on ratification. We have designated Lou Lorenz to fill the Board position that the P.S.I.A. Board allowed us to fill at the Vail meeting. If we have an Interski delegate, I would like to appoint Ha~: Lundberg, who is on the Demonstration Team, as our delegate. If we do not have a delegate, there would then be no problem. I would like to e:xtend to you our division's cooperatio.-, in your new position, and we will ce willing to coope(ate with your Denver office with respect to P.S.I.A. dues payments or other matters where we can be of assistance. We will l.eep you advised of any relevant action regarding ratification of your Bylaws by our Foard of Directors. CTP: Id cc: I.S.I.A. B.O.D. P.S.I.A. B.O.D. Mary Ellen Parkinson Clark T. Parkinson President ---_._--_._--- CENTRAL SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION ROUTE 1, SOX 65, StiNGER, WISCO~S:N 53086, PHONE 414/644-5517 December 28. 19 -'0 TO: ALL EXECUTIVE SECRETARIES FRCI1: OTTO HOLLAUS - PRESIDENT - CSIA Reply To: 75 N. Snelling St. Paul, Minn. 55104 On November 1, 1970 I mailed to you and all Divisi.on Presidents a list of our new officers, Board members, Executive Secretary, Executive Advisory Committee, PSIA Representative, and Committee chairmen complete with addresses and phone numbers. I then explained that I would 1 ike to be able to furnish our Certification Vice President, our Technical Vice President and other s with the names, addresses and phone numbers of their counterparts in the other seven Divisions. Therefore, I asked if you would kindly mail to me and to our Executive Secretary a list Similar to the one I enclosed. To date I have only received lists from the Intermountain and the Northern Rocky Mountain Divisions. Please comply with my request. I made a further suggestion, namely that each Division place the Presidents and Secretaries of the other seven Divisions on their mailing list. I receive mailings from PNSIA, ISlA, RMSIA and NRMSIA; but not from Far West, Alask and the Eastern Divisions. Both our Executive Secretary and I wouldbe grateful if we could receive mailings from all Divi.sions. With best regards and all good wishes for the coming new year Sincerely, O/k .... ! \., I CERi/!·IED ;;KI ·l.L:ACHER I L; l. S. I. A. I '@ii,) I INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION December 30, 1970 TO: Demenstration Team FROMs Clark T. Parkinson, President SUBJECT: Team Parka Max Lundberg has asked me to notify you that your parkas are in. Keith Lange has them and will be distributing the parkas te the team. The B.O.D. felt that for economic reasons, the ASloeiation couldn't purchase the pArkas for the team. However, one balf of the cost will be born by the Association. Please contact Keith. Upon receipt of your money for ene half the cost, Keith will give you your parka. All team members must contact Keith and pick up their parkas by DG later than January 1.5, 1971. Contact Keith at 4784 Annabow Circle, Salt Lake City, Utah 84117, 278-0256. During Max's stay in Europe, Keith will be in charge ef the team. We will notify you as soon as the Ilolidays are over en what your Ichedule will be for the season. CTPtld cc: Ed Pond Mary Ellen Parkinson Sincerely, ,{'l!{l/tlu (lark T. Parkinson President "!. .,;, , .J ~ .'~ '·.v,' 'J ,i .,. ·Ii T~' Demcnbtration Team ilcl,. Lundbc.Lg ha~ M.ked me tu nutity YOLl thJ.t your paJ:;l,us drc 111. l,eith Lange; has thera aud will be distributing the pal.Ll' to t •• t,; team. The B.G.D. telt that {or ccont}mic reasons, the\s:,ocl.ati'JIl couldn' t pl..\I:cha~ c tht:. padds to!.' the team. ilQwevcl:', vne hal f of the c·')st will te born Ly t;,(: A::.~;ociath'n. rlease contclct :<elt:l. Upon receipt of your m',ney 101' one heltE the cu;~t, l:eit:l will give yOLi yvur j).jrka. All team m~mbers must contdct heith and pick up theil- parka& liy HO later than January IS, 1971. Contact leith at 4784 Annabow C~Lclc, Sdlt Lake City, Utah b4117, 27H-0256. ;:;uring May's stay in !"urope, J<eith will be in charge of the team. He will notify you as 1:000 a~, the Holidap, £Ire over 01. '",b:it your schedule wi l1 be for the seaqm. CTP :Id cc: Fd Pond ~ary ~11en ;arkin~ou Sincerely, r18lk T. Parkinson 1"resiJcnt December 30 , 1970 In ~n effort to !leL our Ncw~lettcr to local newspapcr~ and sports departments of T.V. and/or radio, we are asking you to s end directly tu DU!'dC , Inc. , u5 WeH [uurth Gou th, S lt Lake City, Utah 84101, the ""me, mailing address , and Sports Editor or Broadcas t er of the new~pn~er, radio, or T.V. stat10ns in your area . Our Newsletter w11l be IUa led next week, and if necessary, please call DuMac, Inc. wuh thiS informati"n . The telephone number is (801) 328-8748. We f~el it is very important tbo t your local news media be aware of what vur organization is dolH!>, and we will make every £!fort to include news 01 your Ski School and developments in skiin" in your ICE:a. CTP Ild cc: Hary Ellen Park.inson David Chap lin Ed Pond Rincerely, LtaJ' Clark T. arkinson President fd' Lundbel.:a!. h,',!>. a~J~(td me to nuti ty you that your p.u:l'ib ,j.ce in. Leltl) L:lflij,€ h:H, t~'u~n} aurl will Lc u.l.stributing the Ihl.di~ to tht tedffl. Tilt; I' OJ.n. itilt that hI.£" ccon.)llUC reuson50. the\.-::'0c.L.tl~a couhin't ,Ii.ll.ch ... c the purl-cdS tuX: the team. i.lowi!ver,.)a~ halt ot the cost will be l;oen b, the ".';;>,ocL"ltLm. ';"l",i~(' c()nt<~ct !<eith. t;P(}El i'f,;Clitlpt ;)f youe lIlt-Hey fer one- b,,'.1f th: cUbe, ; e.l.th will give you 'y"ur .",.lfti'!. All CD.llt! 'llt:'ITlCC (!~ (ft<Jst c\mt ... u;,\:: i;~lth and p icl; up thelr ,J.nLis by". iilt.er til.1lI JHOi.l;H.')' 15t 1971. <',.Htt;,act leith at 4784 Annibow f'i.cc:l('~ 5 ... 1t L"ke City. Ut;,h 84117, 271.:1-\)25t. D<J'i.E<.~ /,F',:.;,.L1Y in la .. ;'Jc, ;t'it;l wilt b(.! r.f' \/ill Hotify ),.'\.1 ,u, i·Q·JH d, the :101.1.1.};,I.Y: scheuule will be fot the S~iH(m. .l.n ch,Hge ;:Ii. the te;i;;,. ,:;r,:! ;;Il",r ,)Il wh<lt Y_I;';). ~lnceI'ely, cc.: fd r'cni..! 'I d:~ • U,<:o ;' .. tr:I.Hl!:iOn December 30, 1970 TOa Committee Chairmen FROB: Clark T. Parkinson, President Prior to our B.O.D. meeting in Park City, J forwarded to you a list of your conunittee members with a request that you add to the ligt if you desired and designate an Assistant Chairman. At tllc1t time, we were to have a Committee Ch~irmen's meeting, which in the rush of things at the Examiners Clinic was cancelled. t,ow that the Holidays are over, I would appreciate if you would forward to me the names and addresses of the members of your committee and your i\ ssistant Chairman. I would appreciate very much a re&ponse from you by January 15, 1971, and if I have not h~ard from you by then, I will designate your assistant. In addition, our Newsletter will be printed and mailed this week, and our next Newsletter will probably Le mailed in late February. \l c will cApect an article from mOf.t of the committees and will contact you personally on this, but please be prepared to submit in article form the activities of your committee. It you have any questions as to who you should designate as your a~sistant or who you should include on your committee, please feel free to contact me. I feel the Assistant Chairman's position is extremely important, .and I will insist that each committee have one. CTP:ld Sincerely, Clark T. Pad: inson President Ski Services Sales of American S~i Technique New and Revis(>d D70 [Jilio" P. O. nox 7(;1 Salt L(]ke Cit", Ufoll 8·1110 THE 1970 NEW AND REVISED EDITION, THE OFFICIAL AMERICAN SKI TECHNIQUE, is off the press. It is the most complete text on Ski Theory, Methods and Technique ever written. THE OFFICIAL AMERICAN SKI TECHNIQUE is issued by The Professional Ski Instructors of America, Inc. Written by an Editorial Staff of the country's leading Ski Professionals, this book far exceeds other technique texts now available. It is published by Cowles Book Co. The book has 180 illustrations with over 190 pages of text. The attached sheet shows how complete and instructive this book is. It is useful for the Professional Instructor, Apprentice, Amateur Teacher, and the Serious Minded Skier. The book was written as a joint-professional contribution by nation's leading Ski Technicians. Backed by the reputation of the 2,000 members of the Professional Ski Instructors of America, Inc. the OFFICIAL AMERICAN SKI TECHNIQUE is the only current, available English language Ski Text Book fot' uSpll'fll~1 .,U ((',leltel's. The book retails for $8.95 hard bound library edition. For quanti ty orders for Ski Shops and r~ember Ski Schools the following discount is offered (F.O.B. New York City): 5 or more copies - 40%. Shops will want to take advantage of the No.1 prestige Ski Book. It will sell and bring new customers into your store. Mail the enclosed card to order your copies of the NEW AND REVISED 1970 EDITION, of the OrrICIAL AMERICAN SKI TECHNIQUE, published by Cowles Rook Company. Bill Lash TO: BOD ISlA FROM: Dave Parkinson, Secretary RE: Sec. Report As most of you are aware, I assumed the responsibility of Secretary after the resignation of Mr. Ray Van Dongen last fall. Max asked me to help out as there was not a permanent appointee due to the s~ort notice given by Ray. The appointment was to be a temporary one and it is my intention at this time to resign the position of Secretary so that the new President can appoint a permanent individual. I've always enjoyed working for the association and appreciate the opportunity of serving for one year in this capacity. I wi 11 look forward to serving as a committee chairman or in any other capacity as needed. The office of Secretary ,1nd ExC'cuLivc Secretary during the year processed the following: Certification Exam Applications Registered Applications Membership Processed New Members Processed Compensation The Association census is: Full Certified Associate Certi fied Retired Honorary Total Members Registered Total 1969-70 72 111 401 35 $656 1969-70 173 239 7 4 423 159 582 1968-69 114 107 433 40 $768 1968-69 167 213 7 2 389 74 463 I would like to take this opportunity to thank our executive secretary, Mary Ellen. She has put in many hours and has done us all favors without any regard to her own time or compensation. Her 2- affiliation with DuMac is extremely beneficial. I wold like to recommend to the board that in the future anyone who becomes executive secretary should be very familiar with our members if possible and know how the association functions. There are so many small problems that she contends with that only a skier or someone familiar with us could handle. The office of Secretary has been very well set up, and with most of the work being done by the executive secretary, does not require much time anymore. The new secretary shouldn't have any problem assumming his duties. Respectfully submitted, Dave Parkinson, Secretary Intermounta in Ski Instructors Assoc. By ••••• Dr. Charles D. Greenidge University of Colorado WHA T is haP1ning to the ski industry as we move into thel9l~, s? Many people are asking this question for a variety of reasons. ~~ther you are a large conglomerate or a sporting goods store, the ski indusfy appears to be very active and a new potential for investment. Some old:~timers in the industry are not quite sure if what is happening makes them happy, but others who have been in the industry for many years are finally realizing what they have predicted or at least hoped for, for many yea~s. To answer the question, "what is happening to the ski industry?, " it is necessary to look at all facets. To analyze the changes a look will be taken at the skier or consumer, retail outlets, wholesaling, manufacturing and last, but very important, the ski area. The consumer in the past few years has started to become very aware of products and is acquiring a considerable amount of product opinion. This trend will continue; the consumer in the 70's will become extremely product conscious and the general level of ability of the average skier will increase. Fashion will dominate the consumers buying decisions. The demand for the latest in fashin will be most predominate at the specialty shops in the hard goods, skis,"oots, etc.. Clothing will be the most domin~te fashion article in the middle 'to low end equipment outlets. This difference ~n emphasis on fashion will be dictated by economics. With the amount of dtscretionary income in the economy increasing, there will develop several distinct ski markets. These will need to be approached in totally different- ways, hence the arrival of new types of retail outlets. The retail ski shop will feel the effects of the tremendous increase in the number of consumers. The most significant development in shops at this time appears to be the expansion of vertical marketing efforts. Major department stores such as Sears and Penny's have gained a tremendous amount of knowledge in the last half of the 60' s. In the 70' s they will stabilize their market position and more clearly define their consumer. Franchised small specialty shops will start to appear in great number throughout the country. Also it appears that the rental shop boom has just started. More operations such as the one rental chain in the Rock Mountain Area will appear throughout the United States. Indications are that cooperative buying groups will be attempted but will not be too succe ssful for the high end specialty shop. The retailer's entire buying habits will be shifted during the 70's. The changes which will take place in the sources of supply will allow them to carry far less inventory. The 1970's will see the virtual end of the six month business period. Competitive conditions will force retailers to actively pursue an off-season market. The specialty shop will gain a large number of customers, but they will not be as broad-based as they were in the past. Retailers will be selective in choosing what segment of the ski market they will aim at. (OVER) -2- At the wholesale and m ~ition and entrance into the stry by large corporati faster pace than at prese ir succes s will depend upon two very critical factors. One will be the nsion of the indust to the nt where the small factions which have historically existed are broken down. Larger retail operations will cilitate,i this change. ~~condly, they will need to understand the skier'iet.t~r in the 70's than they hav~~m the 60' s. If these two events take place, ,:),~,,: Skl mdustry in the 70's witt have greater potential and growth than expe'~~nced in the 60' s. Companies now in the ski business will go the other directiOJ: particularly at the manufacturing level, and they will be moving into othel .. product areas and broadening their line, both in and out of the ski industry. The most significant result of the entry into the ski industry ~y a variety of firms will be product proliferations. In the early 70's the market will be flooded with consumer goods. An over-supply problem will exist in the industry in general. Production will far outstrip demand. However, because the consumer will become more brand conscious, some suppliers will be unable to meet demand. The result of the over-production will be that many companies that entered the industry in the early 70' s will be out of it in a very short time, and stable companies will experience a very exciting and growing market in the 701 s. Ski area development will be a key to the succes s of skiing in the 701 s. Anyone who has been to an area lately realizes that the demand is rapidly outstripping ~e supply. Skiers in the 70's will go skiing more often during a winter and skli far more years, and the total number skiing,w,ill tremendously increase. Re~~rt area investment will be a prime target for,~arge corporations in the 70's. The success of planned resort developments in 'the 60's has createq tremendous interest. The major problem of area operator s in the near future will be stabilizing their traffic. Many areas are full two days a week and barren for five. For resort areas drawing trade from outside, the increase in vacation time will help; but for operations drawing from local areas, the shortened or staggered work week appears to be their answer. The weakest link in the entire industry going into the 70's is ski instruction. Frankly there does not appear that any great improvement will be made. Ski areas have used schools to sell lift tickets giving tremendous discounts on lessons and hiring anyone to teach who can ski. The large number of good instructors will have to over-come the uncertainty the average skier has about taking a les son. The 70' 15 in the ski industry look very promising. The growth that has been experienced in the 60's will continue into the 70's. The forseen increase in the number of skiers will be dependent upon twofactors: one, the amount of leisure time and discretionary income increa!'le, and two, the busine88 community's excitement and continued investment in the industry. HOTEL & CONVENTION CENTER Drawer L - 1256 Empire Avenue Park City, Utah 84060 p~ 177~ SL Sd.-,L /'17cJ- 7/ ' J.~1~ :/-3 ~,~ 1 ~ ~~ .3, ~ .-1 ~L. t tI ~ 'I /,-L:J~ 1/ PHONES: PARK CITY 649-9651 SALT LAKE 322-5508 td~ I 'nu~ 1 Ju~ ~ -o/~ IS (&.) 7'U,/~u f~~ .. 1$ ~azt /3_ ~; ~ 1 ~k L~~~~ -' ~ .. (dJ 7lA~~ f~ I~ r~ 1- /97/- 7~ J.'t~;~ La..) ~~ cd?&.. It-. -1~ ~ F (i., iLr J ----1/ _ J. ~ l ' ~d 111aM-<-<-'d ~ 1- ~~-fl~- /1p,d;- J:~ .. PUBLI CITY OOMt'.iITTEE SYNOPSI S PURPOSE: TO PR:lL()TE CERTIFIED SKI LESSONS TO THE GENERAL PUBL I C Arm TO PROJECT T HE I. S. I • A. I S I MAGE AND FUNCTION. ACT I VITI ES: AL~, TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ENTERTAINh1ENT ACT I VIT I ES OF THE AS&)CI AT ION. I. II. PROI,()T ION ... A• NEws MEDIA ....-. £,-,20 'N B. SKI SHOWS C. DEMONST~ATIONS Ot SKI TECHNIQUE D. OTHEI'\ ENTERTAINMENT _ A. 2 PA~TIES EACH YEA'" I \A-t AV L~"'~02 , - ... ~C>V .sti;~7ft B. ENTEI'\TAINMENT (AT CLINICS, tALL SEMIWAI'\ S, EXAM CLINIC, ETC.) C. OTHER -' I I. PUBLI C RELA 1'1 QN~ _ A. PI'\ESS OONFERENCES B. HoSTING GUESTS C. INVITATIONS TO OU~ FUNCTIONS (TO THOSE OUTSIDE THE ASSN.) D. OTHEI'\ ! V. I fljlf8!>JAl QOMMUN I CAT IONS A. NEWSLETTEI'\ B. ANNOUNCEMENTS TO rliEMBEMH IP C. OTHE'" |