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Show P.S.I.A. 2 3-22-71 in the last 4 years. Candidates from Park City, trained exclusiv(:ly 1,)' Phil, have had the greatest success in certification than any other Ski School. Phil hitS tcained and helped certify 38 successtul candidates in the last 4 ycars (17 Fully Certified, 21 Associate). Phil trained over 40 apprentice instructors this past sea£on who will be tuking certification ex {lIDS • Phil hilS contributed his talents and abilities to J.S.!.A. by serving on the B.O.D. for the past 4 years. He is a member o( the l.S.I.A. Executive Committee, P.S.I.A. Representative tor 2 years, and J.~.T.A. Demonstration Team Coach in 1969. Phil served as Assistant Director of the Park City Ski School for 3 years, Co-nirector this year, and will be Director next year. The Piuk City Ski School will number 75 instructors next ycar, and Phil's abilities have been recognized by the new owner& of Pdrk City by being named Ski School Director. He 1s the youngest director of a major Ski ~chool in our division. Phil's past achievements should not overshadow his contributions this year. lie has continued to cun the certification program, which is the backbone ot our organization, train instructors for certification, huld area Clinics Cit the request of our !,;ki fchoo 1 Directors, and run a Ski School with over 52 GertH ied instructors. lie has continued to 6erve on the nOiled of Directors and will playa large part in this year's Spring Clinic. He SUPP(Hts the Ctficers of I.S.I.A. and 8ctively supports their programs. He has contributed articles to the I.S.I.A. Newsletter and has allowed the instructors in his t;cl,uol to take time oit from teaching to pal·ticipate in I.S.!. 6.. activities duling Ski School time. lie &uccessfu 11y conducted this year's rxaminerfi Clinic at Park City and helped host the T.S.I.A. Demonstration Team tryouts <.it ri.lrk City. Instructors trained by Phil have become important contributors to 'J .S.T .A.: The cur rent President of 1.S.! .A., three Demonstration Team membe,:~, and two B.O.D. mellibers are members of Phil's 6chool and have been encouraged by him to partici~ate in I.S.I.A. activities. In summary, then, Phil is without question I.S.l.A.'s most outstandin~ ski instructor. His abilities, talents, and personal chal-acter have earned him ~~spect not only in our division but throughout the country. 11i5 contribution to I.S.I.A. spans several years, and his dedication to organized skiing both on a divisional elIlU national level deserves recognition by I.S.I .A. as well as P.S.I.A. CTP:ld Respectfully submitted, Clark T. Parkinson President - crS:JLjo c2S I'll/ J BURLEY REALTY & ABStRACT CD • .. GVI:RLAHO AWNU£ • P. D. aax S4II • BURLEY. lOAHO S331S PlIOME 67tI«M7 _ .. &tWllAII MESSAGE TO !Mr ... CI.r" T,,..' ..... Pr.,d_t 211tS GrtfIf_~J:po@. SUBJECT""" '.I'.:y.yOUf letter dated ~"Jt "'.~l". u:.tttlQ9. ~ DATE "'r-'J~ .• 1911 It, try'" to be .. h.f ..... JOD. t cUd c.GRtact thadtarf .. ef the c ..... ttee ffrst. FrMk 'i lIette. eMt ...... f the cClalttee, ad I spet'lt 1IUCh. tI_ try'''' to detent''''' tlla ste~vs of thJs . ~tJcy, ud the Oftt, cClffCJus'on we were .ble to c .. UP with we. tMt Jou were us1lttt" ~kl Sc:ttNl Dlrecter of t ... · year ..... that .... 11. ~ This is not a FrltAk Gillette poHey, but acc ... cl~RfJte yo&!eltt a ~CI"'k 'arklns •• Policy- It Is cnfffQth to ... _you eM acv •• ~,...lf wtth .... to }ac;k of t'_~ ~. J" the MlWstatter" a.'~.'t .. H'''9tM~Mt .... of the c ... 't~ the..,slett..-wouhf t.~ care of nt. ~ftt_. _ t ..... l~lllglt INt of the ........ ,t., aact wrlUag ... te • hatter aboutCIDty 0Mt ~tof the poll.:y--II, SCHOOL D.llma Of THE YIM. REP L Y the _t'",; and .... of the IIoaf'G ••• b .... t talked .'II.d _tt_ eDOtl9b-t of tM _tlftgS or~"mrtn or .. yow lett ...... to know whattJtestatu was. ',.rk. tht ..... to be • lot of Uftt pieJd., ....t.tt'ft9 • tIOUtluht oit of .. _I. hi' f. bu.t • _ l-t try.ng to .... good .... r. aa4 CGaIItt ... JI1Nb ........... tt ...... to .... meet.,... ami MUst _Ice .... ffer' t. keep up t. ute. Yery truly YOU". .. FormNO-R113 © The Drawing Board, inc., Box 505, Dallas, Texas ~Q .. SIGNED / .. './? J.:f."" (,/ RECIPIENT KEEP THIS COPY, RETURN WHITE COpy TO '5 DER r-' ._,-,-, ----."·'1 i n1<';"'lllfJ S1< TL\( ,HEn; I 1 ~;. I \ I L .. _~_~ .'". _'. j Mr. Lex Kunau Bux 548 INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION March 25, 1971 DJcley, Idaho H33l8 D'ear Lex: Re: Your memo 3-23-71--Awards Policy Let me bring you up to date on exactly how the Awards Policy was originated. First, on October 19, 1970, I sent to Flank Gillette a copy of my original draft of "the Awards Committee Policy" (see attached letter). Between October and December, Frank and I discussed the outline, and on the 6th of December, Frank presented to the B.O.D. his "proposal for Awards Committee," which included both "Instructor" and "Ski School Director" of the Year awards (see original proposal attached). The B.O.D. approved Frank's proposal (see B.O.D. meeting minutes published and mailed, dated December 5 and 6, 1970). At the time these minutes were mailed, members of the Executive Committee decided not to print and mail all reports submitted at the two B.O.D. meetings. In Ed Pond's cover letter, he explained this and suggested interested parties contact him for copies if desired. During a Ski School Directors Committee meeting on the morning of December 6th, prior to the B.O.D. meeting, I outlined my objectives for the year to the Ski. School Directors, including a "Ski Teacher of the Year Award" (see minutes dated December 0, 1970, attached). The fact that you missed the December 5th and 6th B.O.D. meeting and the December bth Ski School Directors meeting would explain why you did not get the original details and the fact that we did not print or mail the Awards Proposal would explain why you didn't get one until I mailed my original to you on March 17, 1971. ~o, in reply to your first question regarding the availability of information on awards, the B.O.D. minutes and Ski School Directors Committee minutes referred to it. Frank and 1 had availaLle upon request the Awards Policy, and Ed Pond indic"'ateain his ~ver ie-tiei:·~accompanyrng-tne--B~O.jf~-minutes, all Committee Chairmen reports were available. !I~. In YOUI ' ..... c()nd ,/uPfitloll l·.p,nniiIlH k".,dllp, lilp n.n.". 111(1111\>.'11; wito mineI'd the IlIt;:ctillgS and ~a<.l :;thool 011CtloLl!i /.lI1,1 gellt!L"al IIIClllbclS illlollllt'd, 1 dSI:iUmeJ must Ski School Directors were intormed, i.e., the December 6th meeting and Ill". Kunau 2 3-25-71 tite subsequent minut{s wailed and my l('i ter dated ~\arch 15th, requesting a nomination trom thtir school. As a m. tter of interest, this is not the 1irst year Garcia ha~ had a Ski Instructor of the Year award (see l,r.I.A. t:cwsletter published January 4, L971), 'lor the first year I.S.I.A. has had'\, all Instructor of the Year nomination. "be B.O.D. members who missed the --.;.,." mt'ctings have somewhat of an obligation to find out what transpires in the ) meetings, particularly, those items reL ting to the committees they are ony - I t has been my intention to wri te an art icle regarding awards for the ;' general membership, but due to lack of i imc and space in the Newsletter, \\ it hasn I t been included. ] <.10 not intend on mal, ing all of these . wards mysel f • Frank Gillette and his committee will. I've discussed the Awards Policy with him on several occasions, and 1 have not thrown out hi~ policy, because it in fact was my odginal outline which the B.O.D. appro\ed. I L you have any further questions regan ing this, please contact Frallk or myself by phone. S inct'rely, ~ Clad T. Parkinson PresJdent eTP: 1<.1 Attachments 'lJlRLEY RE/,/ "'v'!. "Mr'~" ", -::T co. L .. JNRL&Y, IDAHO 83318 Cdwin J. Pond, Sec. 466 East 5th South Salt Lake City, utah ~------.-.- .-Ff,f""P.~ :--. ----..~ -<,...._ ---II Horch 29, 1971 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Clark T. Parkinson, President SUB.IF-CT: Awurds 'Co!ml1ttef< D~or Hembell A.ttached lease find c"rr"~I'0ndence between Lex I.unau and myself concerning the Awards Pohc) w!'l'roved by the !l.O.D . on December 6, 1970. 1 would apl'reci ... te your cellding this l1Iilteridl cdrefully. 1[, us Lex con tends, tl.e AW.lrds Policy was IIOt suU iCicntly .lnd ud"quateiy xpl. lned and publicized, I 'll tdke full L1Dm • 1 would, however, ilk£: to "ncourdfie ,,11 B.O.n. member's who olr., rommittee Ch,unllen dnd comroittec memLeL5 to ma1.e .n "fLort to le"d the corr"spondence mulled, ... ttend OUl meetings, .:md m",!.." d cOllscious etfort to help the fJwgr .. lus stal't~d this year succeed. CTP :ld Attdchment& S incelely, Clark T. Parkinson Pres ident INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION TD Mr. Clark Parkinson 2245 Oneida Street L- Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 ~ DATE March 23, 1971 Dear Clark, DATE Why have you kept the "Awards C ommi t tee Policy" a secret up to t his time? When I talked to Frank Gillette he U R~A me the impre ssion you t hrew out his poli after the BOD approved it, because the communication anyone s eems to have recei on the awards policy ere your lettersof December 15, 1970 and March 1, 1971. In going thru the minutes and all of the cor respondence mailed by you, Frank a I were only able to find informat i on on award--"Ski School Director of the year". Unless you are going to make all of these awards yourself, do you not think it would be a good idea for the general membe ship----or at l east t he BOD t hat missed meeting, and even maybe t he Ski S~hO Directors to be aware of them? Lex unau REP L Y BY • Thanks for t he "Awards Commi ttee P O~i,9,tl E PS. YouNma.iJ..ed • ..me. • .i.n reply to my lett er 01' ~-f7-7,L..u."oNnoo ....... , ., 1(1;:1;" TI[~LDW COPY. iI •• "'010 W "" TI: AND "'NOC CO"'II:S W ITH ,,""'.0'" 'NTACT. I . WIll'TI: ,,"I"LY. a.OET"''''' ,YU •• "E", .. PINI( COPY, .. II:TU .... WHITI: CClPV TI;! .11:0101[101. Hr . Le> I un dU bUA 548 burley , Idaho 833111 DCilr Lex: H.lrch 25 , 1971 Re : Your memo 3-23-71-- ~ward" Policy Let m~ bring you up to date on " Bctly how the "wards Policy was uriginated. First, on ~c tobe. 19, 1970, I sent to frank Gillette a copy of In) original draLt of "the ".wards Committee 1'01lCY" (sec attached letted. J.etween October and Decenlt..er, "lan~ and I discussed the outline, and on the 6th of Decemt..el, Frank presented to the !l.o .n. his "propos"l fOl '\".lrd& :ommittee," which included Loth 1IIJ1~ttuctOL"" a.nd "Ski !"chool Dilcctot tl of tile Year award. (su, urigindl pc()posal a ttached). The B.O .n • • 1pl'rovcd "tilk ls pro posal (bee b .O. n . meetin" minutes publl&hed and m.n led, dated Fecet.lbee 5 dnd t., 1970) . \t the time these minutes were malled, members "f the rxec utiv~ Committee decided not to print and melll all reports &u!, •. ,i tted at tll" two n.".D. meetings. In Ed Pond's covet lettel, he e><pldined this and suggested interested p~lties contact him for copies if desired . During a Sid School Directors Committee meeting on the morning of December (Jtll, ptior to the B.0.D. meeting, t outlined my objectives for the year to the 5kL fchool Direc.tors, including d "~ki Te cite.: of the Year ~wdrd" (see minute. ddted Decerubu 0 , 1970, attached). The !<,lct. thdt you mi::"!ted the December Jth and 6th n.O.D. meeting Jnd the December t. t h Ski School D1rectors ceting would expl.lin why ),ou dLd 1I0 t get the orig1n<ll detdlls ,)Od the fact that we dld not print Ot m il the \wilrd. Proposal wou ld e'p In1n why you didn't ge t one until 1 m.]i led my ()li~illal to you on March 17, 1971. Go , in reply t o your first ques tion regardlng the availabi lity of information on m,urds, the B.O. n . minutes and Sk l School Dirl!c t ors Committee minutes rel crted t o it. Flank .1I1d I had available upon request the 'l.w"rds Policy, Dud rd Pond indicated in h15 cover letter accompanying the B.r.D. minu tas, all Committee Chairmen reports were available. ~s to your second ques tion regarding keeplng the B.O.D. members who missed the mectings and Ski School Directors und general members informed, I assumed most 5ki rehool Directors were informed, i.e., tlte December 6th meeting and , Ilr . Kunau 2 3-25-71 the subsequent minutes mailed and my letter dated March 15th, leque'ting a nomination LICOm their school . As d matteL of interest, this is not the first year Carcia has had a ~k i Instru(.tor 01 the Year award (see J . c.I .A. News letter puLlished January 4, 1971), nor the firs t year 1.~.J.\. has hed an lnstructol' of t he Year nomina tion. The B.O.D . members who misb"d the meetings have somewhat of an ob liga tion t o flnd out what transpi res in the mee tings , particul ucly , those items rela ting t o t he committees they arl! on. Tt has been my intention to write an article regarding awards for t he general memLership , but due to lack of time and space in the Newsletter , it h .. sn ' L been included . I do not intend on mal iog all of theb" aw.trds myself. franl GilleLte and his committee wLll. 1 've <liscussed the ·\wards Policy with 11m on severa l oCLasions , and 1 h,lve not tll.lown out his {Joliey , bec ause i t in thct Wilt; my origil1 J l outl ine whicll the B. O.D. app roved . Ii you have any further que st i ons regar<ling this, p lcase contact fr ·nk o r myself by phone . CTP dd Attachments Sincerely, Clark T. Parkinson Presiden t BURLEY REALTY & ABSTRACT CO. 1245 OVERLAND AVENUE. P. O. BOX 548 • BURLEY, IDAHO 83318 PHONE 678-8347 GLEN R. KUNAU LEX H. KUNAU M E 5 5 AGE TO IMr. Clark T. Pa~ki nson, President I SUBJECT Awards Policy, your letter dated 2245 Oneida Street March 25, 1971 • ~alt Lake City, Utah 84109 _J DATE March 26, 1971 In trying to be an informed BOD, I did contact the chariman of the committee first. Frank Gillette, chalrman of the committee, and I spent much time trying to determine the status of this pol icy, and the only conclusion we were able to come up with was that you were using the Ski School Director of the Year, and that was all. This is not a Frank Gillette policy, but according to youiit is a"Clark Parkinson"policy. It is difficult to see how you can excuse yourself with "Due to lack of time and space in the newsletter" a1;ter telling the chajrman of the committee the newsletter would take care of his committee, and then leaving it ~ut of the newsletter and writing quite a letter about only one part of the policy--SKI SCHOOL DIRECTOR OF THE YEAR. To try and be informed on the awards policy, I UI~ked to board members in attendance at REP L Y the meeting; and none of the board members I talked 1l:OI.t.ed gotten enough out of the meetings or the minutes or your letters to know what the status was. Clark, this seems to be a lot of 1 int picking and making a mountain oot of a mole hill, but I am just trying to be a good board and committee member, and sometimes have to miss meetings and must make an effort to keep up to date. Soord, inc, Box 505. Doilos, T"xo,; INSTRUCTIONS TO SENDER: INSTRUCTIONS TO RECEIVER: 1. KEEP YELLOW COPY. 2. SEND WHITE AND PINK COPIES WITH CARBON INTACT. 1. WRITE REPLY. 2. DETACH STUB, KEEP PINK COPY, RETURN WHITE COPY TO SENDER. ; ',U,TiPIED SKI TEACHER INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION , I. S. I. A-M Barch 29, 1971 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Clark T. Parkinson, President SUBJECT: Awards Committee Dear Member: Attached please find correspondence between Lex Kunau and myself concerning the Awards Policy approved by the B.O.D. on December 6, 1970. I would appreciate your reading this material carefully. If, as Lex contends, the Awards Policy was not sufficiently and adequately explained and publicized, I'll take full blame. I would, however, like to encourage all B.O.D. members who are Committee Chairmen and committee members to make an effort to read the correspondence mailed, attend our meetings, and make a conscious effort to help the programs started this year succeed. CTPIld Attachments Sincerely, Clark T. Parkinson President INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION r- 10 I Mr. Clark Parkinson 2245 Oneida street l Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 _J DATE Maroh 23, 1971 Dear Clark, DATE Why have you kept the "Awards Conunitt e Polloy" a seoret up to this time? i When I talked to Frank Gillette he gave me the impression you threw out his policy atter the BOD approved it. because the on1Y r ' oonununlcation anyone seems to have reoeive on the awards policy are your lettersot Deoember 15, 1970 and Maroh 1, 1971. In gOIng thru the minutes and allot ! the oorrespondence mailed by you, Frank andj I were only able to find information on one award~-"Ski School Director of the year". i Unless you are going to make allot these awards yourselt, do you not think it would be a good idea for the general member shl,P----or at least the BOD that missed the mee~lng. and even maybe the Ski S~hO Dlrectors to be aware of them? f~ Lex Kunau BY 'PS: Thanks tor the "Awards Committee Po YOUNruUJ.edn,mlL.1n reply to my letter ioc:r· t~"- Ef 7-7IL.RUCTIDN. TO RECEIVER: . I(C.~ YELLOW c:a",v 2. 5LNP wHlrE AND PINK CDF'lrs WI"l!! CARllON INrAe"T. ; WI./ITE I';. PLY. 2. L'~ TACH _,TUB, KE.EP PINK COPY, RETURN Wt-lITE copy TO .E:NOER. .. ;, Hr. Lex Kunau DuX 548 bulle}" Idaho 83318 N.ll'ch 25, 1971 Re: Your memo 3-23-7l--~wards Policy Let In .. L!:ing you up tu di1te OIl e,:uctly how the \wi,cds i'ulicy \<",1$ uriginated. First, un :ctuh:1. 19, 1971), I Sl,nt to fritnh Gill~ttej cu!>)' Gf rll) l>Liginal drait ot "the \w,l1:-d~; C:onuuittcL follCY" (Stl.: .... tt.".;be:u lettc!.'). ;.E-tween Octol;£1: and fJeceuiLel: J !e t anI-- :,md r discussed tll;:; out I ille, and un the 6th of DccemLel.·, !~rank ptesented to the L.O.D. his "proposal [or Aw"ll:d~, :.·(Jnunittee," wi,id. included both "InstructoL''' and "Ski f:chool Director:" ot the YCdr awards (SLt original pruposal attached). The B.O.D. approved frank's pro~ osal (LEe L.G.D. meeting minutes puLli~hed and mailed, ~ated Decev~er 5 "lid (,. 1970), At the time these minutes were mal-led, members of the }~xecutive Committee decided not to print and nl..lil all reports 5ubr.litted at the t\-lO H.O.O. meetings. In Ed Pond's cover letter, he explained this ,.tld !'uggesteci interested ?al'ties contact him (or cupies if desired. Duriug it Ski School Directol'S Committee meeting on the morning of December oth. iJL'iur to the 13.0.0. meeting, T outlined Illy objectives for the year to tlw Ski ~chool Directors, including Ii "::ki Teacher of the Year Award" (see hlinutc5 dateu December (), 197 u, attucheu). Tht; L.lct that you missed the December 5th and 6th B.o.n. meeting and the December Lth Ski Schoul Directors meeting wuuld explain why you did not .;et tlte origin .. l details :lIld the fact that we did not print or mail the .\ward~ ;'roposal would exp lain why you didn't get one until 1 OO2i led my (jLit,;ill<.11 to you on Harch 17, 1971. f,o, ill ccply to your fiest question regarding the availability of informatioq on :lwards, the 13.0.0. minutes and Ski School Directors Committee minutes < referred to it. Fcank and T had available upon request the Awards Policy, emu fc.l l'und indicated in hl.s cover lettel.- accompanying the B.O.D. minutes, 011 COI.1!llittee Chairmen reports were available. '\:i to yout: second question cegarding keeping the B.O.D. members who milled the meetings and Ski School Directors and general members informed, I assumed mo!.t Ski :chool Directors weL-C informad, i.e., the December 6th meeting and ... , t!r. Kunau 2 3-25-71 the SUD sequent millutes mailed and wI' letter dated Harc11 15th. l:equc!'till); a lIomination 1l:01l1 their school. As d llIaltci' of interest, this is not the fin:t ),C;H \'c'll:cia h.1S hdd a :ki Tm·tru-.;tol' ot the Year <lward (see J.~. I .A. ~'cw"lettd' puLlif;hcd J,llluarX 4, 1971), nOl t1w filst year 1.~'.r..\. has had .:in 1nsL~'uct0r of thE Y"ar nomination. The H.C.D. members who missed the meetings h<lve &omewhat of an obligcltioll to find out what transpires in the meetings, particularly, those items relating to the committees they arc on. It ilar. Lean my intention to write an article regarding awards for the general lacmber~hip. but due to lack of time and space in the Newsletter, it hasn't been included. 1 do not intend on mul-ing all of thest:: awards myself. Frank Gil,lette and Lis committee will. I've discuss'ed the Awards Policy with him on several occGsions, iwd I lldve not tlilown out his polic)" Lecause it in fact was my. oLigina1 outline \-Jhicl, tbe B.O.D. ~lPIH'C'v0d. I f you h.we ;:,IlY lUi'thel.' questions n~g<lnJing this, pledse cl)nL,ct ~'r;\Ilk or myself by phone. CTP,ld Att .. chments . Sincerely, Clark T. Parkinson President • ,4 b LJ t< L L... I I";: L. r··. ~. • ....,. r. W ~ i i ' ... -. L.. i w W • 1245 OVERLAND AVENUE. P. O. 80X 548 • 8URLEY, IDAHO 83318 PHONE 678-8347 GLEN R. KUNAU LEX H. KUNAU Mr. Clark T. Parkinson, President SUBJECT Awards Po Ii cy, your I etter dated 2245 Oneida Street March 25, 1971. ~alt Lake City, Utah 84109 _J DATE March 26,1971 In trying to be an informed BOD, I did contact the chariman of the committee first. Frank Gillette, chalrman of the committee, and I spent much time trying to determine the status of this pol icy, and the only conclusion we were able to come up with was that you were using the Ski School Director of the Year, and that was all. This is not a Frank Gillette policy, but according to youiit $S a"Clark Parkinson"pollcy. It is difficult to see how you can excuse yourself with IIDue to lack of time and space in the newsletterll after telling the chairman of the committee the newsletter would take care of his committee, and then leaving itol1t of the newsletter and writing quite a letter about only one part of the policy--SKI SCHOOL DIRECTOR OF THE YEAR. To try and be informed on the awards pol icy, I 1:tI.Jked to tloard members in attendanc:e~t ____ ._ the meet i ng; and none of the board members I ta I ked 1l:O\.-hed gotten enough out of ,.the meeiin9!L ___ . __ or the minutes or your letters to know what the status was. Clark, this seems to be a lot of I int picking and making a mountain out of a mole hiU~-~ __ _ but I am just trying to be a good board and committee member, and sometimes have to miss meetlng.s. INSTRUCTIONS TO RECEIVER: 1 t. t(£F:P ___ L _~'_l:ll.O w ';O"f""1 _Y. _2. Sl_r'lD _WHI_ cr- A_~~r, .P_I_N ._K C.O_ P_IE_R _W_IT_H _C .-_.lltB[J N l""l"'l~T I. WRITE REPLY. 2. D£TACH STUB. KEEP PINK COPY, RETURN WHITE COpy TO SENDt". --MI Eu,.,n 0"';';0"-::. Un;te<! Sta,,,, Sid A ... d ....... 20 ~IAIN STRJ,;U ' , • AnA CODE 60J LITTLETON, I\EW HAMI'SHIKV. 0.~56l DIAL 444·77·61 31 Mucll. 1171 1'0: SUBJJOT. ...t1n, (.) to De :&1" at Vail Loqe Week of A)tr11 12-18, 11'1l PROK. Stanle,. O. lIe1".lU'.1cla Aa tou are aware, J11la'7 Jollnston has aslee" .. to Cllair t •• Dlrt.ions S.ore"tar1es. Oo.-.1.tt.e of FSIA. ..., I .. lla)t)t7 to acee:pt t.. jo. J'--7 lu.a a •• lp. ... , tor I teel tbt ~u .1rt.lonal exeout1y. seeretarie./ella1r.en, .... uy. un,. eo.aon_)tro.le .. to •• al.ousa.', ~ ~0.sl.17 .01y ••• Uatortunat.ly, I wl11 •• URAD1. to atten' the week at~Va11 tal. .priDe - last tall I ... the ~ .. 1el.10a to .ale ot .1t"r att .... 1nc Int.r.lei or Vail. TlI.eretor., -I woula 11b to ask Ruj,1 Sclmaokell.erC ot RJ&SU to .ust1tut. tor .. a. Cha1l'1Wl at t .. .. et1aa(.) you w111 kola th1 •• )tr1D&. .... oJ' _ __ _ - Br1.fly, t .. to11owinc 1t ... ooul" •• cona1a're" tor .. 1.eu..· 10a oa t .. Ac ..... - 1'_ sure you·ll-...... .an,. .or. -to .rinc u.p ~ kiok arouna •• ) reaun.ratloa, 1.0 you a ... lyl.loa •• eretart r.t coa)t ••• at ... tor 'orT1e •• reiJAlere"f i) t .. coaUnicat10ll"'proD•• w1ta t .. OPSI, "0 you •• :t. Oli.e 1Ji your .. 1y1.101l, a:H. Aow ian 1t ••• 01y.a" 0) aua., -" ... or lLow .OOD. 1. a .... er uo)tlM' tor .oa-,.~nt, '! a1y1.1oaal ~. 1.tt.r/pa)t8r, e) !tc.~ I' •• 0r17 to •• uu.bl. to .alee tll1. tri), I know you'll uy. er.a' .ld.1Jac, FM.uot1 T. ..et1.q., anA a wona.rf'ul tu.. W1t. k~e.t re,are., I r • .a1D.. O. Hela.n,re1 .. TO: Division Presidents prof ('ssiolla/ shi illslrul'/ors .of (11111'l'i('([, il1(' , lROJ vorl .. s Ired (ir'lIuT, (, O{" IOr/() 8():!()1; (J ir' ,'{OJ _ :i:!2-()()·f I SUBJErT: Garcia Ski Instructor of tile lear Annual Numination The instructor of the year will b~~ chosen at the President! s corrunittee meeting to be held during the week of Monday, April 12 through Saturday, April 17, 1971. -.~. Nominations are linLited to Oil!! Pl'l' lLi V is.LOJl and should be ~u.u.~.~~L.I.. to this office via regj stered mail no latcr th'~llrdl) 15, 1971. Accompanying the nominaLiull s huuld be it Ie tter's1:"ating t e au standing achievement of the nominee and the basis on which he was nominated. Please keep in mind when selectjrlg the indivi dual that he must be an active member of PSIA and have matle a outstanding contri.bution to the advancement of ski teaching and to the pro f ession in general. The award will presented at the closin ~~ ceremonies on Saturday evening, April 17, 1971. Ht. Jimmy Jobl'lst<.:m. Pruident P.S.l.A.. 3~05 Admiral LllliC North H1nneuput16, M1nne8ot~ 55~29 Wit:h yuut celcl:enc.€ 1°EJgtlrd1ng the Pn."sidcnt.1> (;OhlRll.ttt;e. of ~CUl:"S4:: '1 will btc .... ery hOlii>?)' to) £~l\le 1.16 this committee ~nd do .. ll I c~n to ~UPPO[t P.S.l.A •• md wvd Q$ t111i~;;nt.ly as. I CdU I,;n thlll c<Jmmit.tee • . t\(t~r soing o"w'wr )lOUt &c.hedule for t;.,"\.:.. T .C. ;tfJd the meetings, 'T ;:m sorry to lntocrJ youo th;l.t 1 wi 11 be unable tl# Attend the f}ivhiun ~'usidt!ilts 1llE!l:tlIiB !ue:5ui1Y, o/>'prH 13, and the Pibnfling (O";Mfilitt(!C };ednesdflY, AprU 14. L-tJ1.1 LCtreu3, rhi.l Junca, and I ..i re pl;~ntlins to iinoivc at voJ.i.l Wednosony evening, April 1'., anu will ultend Thuuci~y. fAa: id.l)', ;':;"tura.?!y J an~ 5und~)l°actlvltlU~. 1 don't. l.now if you <Ire .a\olare \)( tl.is or not, but 1 lUA a part-tun" Eildo t4;!Cl\;.iI~l" and tull-ti.roe G1"uUp InsUlance ~elJ1(:sH::ntc;tive. It is lmpo~f.ible 1.H IU~ to get aWeiY for tIu.'! full. week, llnd ! will be lucky to SC!t a ... '~y ThiJnd.ty land Fllday. I hope th.:.t We will be ai)le tv visit .and th:-,t T will b; iible to "vrtt.t"1obut.~ svl:lcwlwt uut"ing my l!chl! s.t~y "t ':"d 1. l .. m i',Hoticulildy d1Stivpoint.ed ill m1.bblns the Pre$1d~wts m~ct1ns, r..i.nce 1 Will> llJl,I~lu(;.. t.H::W~L\! to mN!t.J.us th • .>sc }'cc:;'.LOt!IlLt' tl • .ut I dVll't Ktl o_'\4 .. md re· 4cqiJaiut.1ns tu)'bUU w.1.th th,)Et<e I do };n:;:;w. I will, t.hen, be loukioS lOHJ;u:d tv visiting with you on 7h\.ln;d •• )', ~.pdl 1.5, "ud if l.in~ ",f. our; reprc:£ellt<it.lVes is in V<~it on l~(:Jnd;-'jJ Tu~ad4:;' 4t\d Wt6.JUUIlIUcl:i. I will a .. k hiu. to U.t i.n tor f'JQ 011 t.hese Illeetinfi:.>' Twill ad" Ut! )'ou wbo that indiv idlJ"l will b'-~t If any. CTPald C('I Otto llo11au5 Jon Putntttll Leu Lorenz Sincerely, Clark T. ?U:b.ltUhHl President Mr. Frank Gillette, Chdirman Awards Committee 595 !:ast 5th North Logan, Utah 84321 Dear Frank: AprH 1, 1971 During a meeting of the Spring Clinic Committee, it was decided that the Instructor of the Year award would Le plcsented at the Spring Clinic . It waS fel t that s;.nce the selection had to be made and announced at N.A.S.I.C . that it would be appropriate to announce the selection at our Clinic. Would you please contact your conunittee mcmbeL"S and determine 1£ merely an announcement aL th Spring Clinic is sufficient and that a plaque or tlophy be awarded at the Fall Seminar or if the announcement at the fpring Clinic should be accompanied with the presentation of tlte plaque or trophy. If the decision is to award a plaque or trophy, you would then lIant to have your committee determine the appropriate wording, etc. and Just exactly what should be awarded. With regard to the Ski School Director of the Year, as you recall , this award will be based sulcly on ccrtificution and registration resu lts. !\pparently, certHication exams will run right up close to the Sp ring Clinic , and we would be very rushed to determine the Director of the Year with any accuracy for the Clinic. In addition, it would seem to me to be more prestigious for the Director to receive his award a t the Fal l Seminar banquet. On that basis, then , we Hill proceed with including in the Clinic program the presentation of the Ski Instructor of the Year and will award the Ski Schoo l Director of the Year at the Fall Seminar. CTPlld CCI David Chaplin David Larsen Lex Kunau Sincerely, Cl~. Parkinson President CERTIFIED SKI TEACHER I. S. I. A INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION April 1, 1971 TO: General Membership, I.S.I.A. FROM: Edwin J. Pond, Secretary SUBJECT: 20th Annual Spring Clinic Dear Member: Please find enclosed: Clinic Program Pre-Registration Application 1971-72 Dues Statement Ballot for Board of Directors Return Envelope NASIC II Program Minutes 2/19/71 BOD Meeting List of members who must attend Clinic The B.O.D. approved the following date, place and fee for the Spring Convention: Date: April 30, May 1st and 2nd, 1971 Place: Alta, Utah -- Alta Peruvian Lodge will be Headquarters Registration: Pre-registration by mail Fee: Members $10.00, Registered $10.00, Spouse n/c ----- (LATE REGISTRATION WILL BE $3.00 ADDITIONAL) All sessions will be on the hill and are mandatory unless otherwise stated on the program. Friday, the 30th, is an optional day. The registration fee will include a 3-day pass, three luncheons and a beer bust. This year we are happy to announce that there will be no fee charged for your spouse. The convention is for members, registered individuals, and spouses only. Fully certified members should be aware that try-outs for the Demonstration Team will be held Friday the 30th of April (see Program for details). Registration and Dues Your dues for the 1971-72 year are due May 1st. Please complete the enclosed registration application and ballot, enclose your clinic fee of $10.00 and dues of $15.00 and mail to us in the return envelope before April 22, 1971. If you register at the clinic, there will be a $3.00 late fee. If you do not plan to attend the clinic, enclose your dues, ballot and excuse for not attending in the return envelope and send back to us. There is also a late fine of $5.00 if your dues are not paid on time. If your dues become 60 days delinquent, you can be dropped from the Association. In the event you attend NASIC II for two days, such attendance will satisfy ISlA's clinic requirements so far as your attendance records are concerned. Headquarters for the clinic will be the Alta Peruvian Lodge. All the lodges at Alta are offering accommodations to us at a special rate. Be sure to make arrangements by calling in advance. You should plan to check in and pick up your name tag by at least 9:00 A.M., Friday morning (if you attend) or Saturday morning. The only way we can run a smooth registration and check-in, is if everyone pre-registers. PLEASE MAIL TODAY. See you at the Clinic. Sincerely, EdP~ Ed Pond, Secretary {''-' I/l '..; ....; /1 J!if!,I ,j'.' i ,'1 ,-.,1 ('II! 'I) I .., April 1, lCJ71 FRO~1 : The I'S]/\ ()fl'i(~e ()I Ie The Enelosl'd is a T'l','.;istI'i'lti('11 ",Il'd iI"l! will 1Jl' llsrJd at VaiJ. purtion wil] I)l' k('ptily tile l'aS1Ii('r' I(}r "('('III1C'iliatilIJI purposes. other portion will IJe kr--,pt by tl](' l'~"'islL'aJ1t ,ulll will be slliJrnitted each day for two clays for vi1.1i dill i (ITl i; 1 ordeY' to l'ece.-i ve cl inj C' creel it. The registraI1 t will surrender tu (IS lli s ,lard 011 tile second day when presented fur validati un. ] nIDledi i1 L-eJ y loll OWil1'~ the close 0 f NASH: a list of all those who have sLirrr--'l1dc~d 'ill idatl'el cards will be sent to each division. Itis hoped that thjs I,vill rclic"i p S(I(:lP 'Jf thc' admillistrative burden as well as assist ~:Oll ill l'llj'Ll'l'] Lil;'~ l'IiJlic credit. '.. r ~ "'\\1'1\'€. ~1)1)1L~~ BADGE No. -, L c ,,~~ \ ~~$C!ca~ J REGISTRATION FEES: MONDAY - SUNDAY ( APR I L 1 2- 18, 1971) FRIDAY - SUNDAY (APRIL 16-18, 1971) PRICES INCLUDE LIFT PRIVILEGES S 30.00 S 15.00 r - BADGE No. , L ..J THIS PORTION MUST BE VALIDATED IF CLINIC CREDIT IS NEEDED . VALID ONLY IF OFF I C I ALL V I STAMPED Stanley c. Heidemei.ch 20 Nain Street Littleton, New Hampshire 03561 April 2, 1971 RE: Division Secretarys Committee lJear Stanley: I'm in receipt of your letter of March 31, 1971 regarding the above captioned matter. Please be advised that I regret that I will be unable to attend the meeting. I'm sure I would gain much from it, but find my time during that portion of April completely tied up at this point. Thank you for your communication. EJP/bp cc: Rudi Schnackenberg Very sincerely, EDWIN J. POND SECRETARY I.S.I.A. - Miss Vaughn Hicks General Delivery Ketchum, Idaho 83340 Dear Vaughn: ,- April 2, 1971 I am in receipt of your letter dated March 25, 1971, wherein you request information regarding clinics. Please be advised that I.S.I.A. will hold a credit' clinic on April 30, 1971, also May 1st and 2nd, at Alta, Utah. Friday the 30th is an optional day but the 1st and 2nd will be manditory for members of our association. I am in hopes this letter reaches you before clinic time .s I understand you will be modeling on the road in ski shows. In any euent, we have no other credit clinics planned for this ~eason and in the event this does not work out for you you'll have to look to next seasons clinics. If I can be of further help in this matter, please feel free to contact me. EJP/bp Very sincerely, EDWIN J. POND SECRETARY I.S.I.A. "- P.O .• · ··· .f ' WeJ!-e?n P LAS II CPR 0 0 U C T S A DIVISION OF RUDOR CORPORATION 1701 MAGNOLIA AVENUE • LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA 90813 213-435-4881 Int.e~:!iOWlttU.n Sk! lrurt.rnet.ors Aasooi%tlOll c/o Clark '1'. P~nJ Pro3ld(!'Dt. X{eZa()'lta'CX1Yn..U 6, \0/. bOO t.outh ~alt La.ke Cit.y. Utah V,JL.~ 641.01 ~ P.O .• I DATE REC'D. PRE·PAYMENT $ I DATE SHIPPED Ii SHIPPED VIA F.O.B. INVOICE DATE INVOICE NO. V1 In ~O~ . h/l S/'ll U r ~ 'i. D. tCn? Beach ~6/71 !.to 16 ['\>"~-I'1:~~';~~ " J~~"" ""! ~?'~".r·· :· "~·"'~t~~~~~"- '~r~~~~( -,.:r" '''~-''" ~~f.?i~!tt~::jJ~~'l~·~~:><''"c~.:!fT-:y'~''':'' ''''~ ~i~ ' \· ~ ~ ~,:t' .... :f>'1. ~ __ : .' '. " . _, : ~ ~ : .;.:!.~~' . _ I . .. ' ;l ~t.r l ;t -_:"'.;." .' .:'~ .. ,;,.~\. ;": : ~ .~t; ':~ '·.,;j :... . ~ .... ~ ~ .. '",~J, '. J : "t;..;}ir." ~\~,lS l " ... ," fQ§Y'4ii';:"ii;Wiiii;¥W.:{~"QlS ~~4~;1tti;.&:.1J:1AA;jii:·imSl!8i)G4!jI s;rer~,~,. i.i1,*,£i!;¥%1 '" ~~;"" ';;~ ·t~~'~:'.ii~";:;c...'i;. ·?,,.a REFER TO IDE NT. NO. 3G12-.l I.S.l.!. SPRn:G C!..t.IHC )OJ ea !la.DUe double slot ba.:ige3 )00 .56 168.00 Art Preparation 6.50 2 ~inti;)g Pla.t-os 8.00 1 Ertr-a color hlprlotlng 2.82 188.35 Packing! ~hippin, 7.18 195.53 PaCking slip encloood with badge3 TERMS: NET 30 DAYS We hereby certify that the.e good. were produced in complIance wIth all applIcable requorements of SectIons 6. "7, and 12 of the Faor labor Standards Act of 193B, as amended. and of regulations and orders of the Administrator of the Wage and Hour Division issued under Section 14 thereof. TRIPLICATE INVOICE AprU 2, 1971 Mr. John Turner (pJ.Db) '"-, 4173 .. <=t IO~ 12 Ski Co. Route 2, Box 160 Vashon Island, Washington Dear Mr. Tumer, Enclosed, please tind a rendering ot the Spring ¢J:1n1o badge whioh your your OCllftpal11' generously contributed to our Association. As you v1ll notioe, the" is no date on the permanent design so that we may use these badges again in future years. It Y'ou have &111' critioisms or corrections, will Y'ou please telephone our lssociation Presidents Clark T. Parkinson HClIfte - 80 1-1.186-80 23 Business - 801-322-0)64 Thank You, David Chaplin I.S.I.l. Cammunications Chairman Box 161 - Park CitY', Utah 814060 Intermountain Ski Instructors Association Mr. Clark T. Parkinson, President 2245 Oneida Street Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 Dear Clark: April 4, 1971 The Lodge at Vail P. O. Box 18'7 Vail, Colorado 81657 The President of PSIA, Jimmy Johnston, requested that I act as Chairman of the Divisional Presidents' Meeting at NASIC II, Vail, Colorado. It is my feeling, from personal contact, that all of the presidents will not be available for the meeting originally scheduled on Tu~sday, April 13, 1971. I would appreciate it if you would contact me at "The Lodge at Vail " , as soon as you arrive. After I have heard from all of the Division Presidents, we can then determine the best day and time for our meeting and will advise all concerned. 1 know that you have many constructive thoughts and ideas for this Congress. Please come prepared with your notes so that we may put together a meaningful agenda and meeting. OH:ep cc: Ed Pond 1 Secretary - ISlA Warm p~rsonal regards, / 2"/f/ l " ,-- /t:) Otto ollaus President - CSIA r CER TIffED SKI TEACHER I 1. :;, 1. -\. I j m ._ l _____ . ____ ..... INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION April 5, 1971 TO: Spring Clinic Committee FRON: Clark T. Parkinson, President SUBJECT: Meeting April 21, 1971 I would like to have a "dress rehearsal" type meeting Wednesday evening, 8:30 P.M., at my house. Would those on the program: Phil Jones, "Certification", "Ski School Methods"; Max Lundberg, ttK-2 GLM", "Interski"; and Keith Lange, "Fundamentals of Racingl1 have prepared an out line of their particular programs. 11m particularly interested in the "group" sessions and how they will be coordinated and run. In addition, Ed Pond can outline the registration procedure, and we can coordinate this with Marv Casey for Alta, i.e. lift tickets, lunches, etc. Those responsible for arrangements, Ken Osswald and Marv Casey, should by then be able to report on the details of the party. Please make sure that by April 21st all arrangements have been made for your particular area of responsibility. If Keith Lange or I can be of assistance, be sure and contact us. CTP: ld Sincerely, Clark T. Parkinson President April 5, 1971 TO: Spring Clinic Committee FROM: Clark T. Parkinson, President SUBJECT: Heeting April 21, 1971 I would like to have a "dress rehearsal" type meeting Hednesday evening, 8:30 P.~f., at my house. Would those on the program: Phil Jones, "Certi(ication", "Ski School Methods"; Max Lundberg, "K-2 GLM", "Interskl"; and Keith Lange, "Fundamentals of Racing" have prepared an outline of their particular programs. 11m particularly interested in the "group" sess ions and how they 'wi 11 be coordinated and run. In addition, rd Pond can outline the registration procedure, and we can coordinate this with Marv Casey for Alta, i.e. 11ft tickets, lunches, etc. Those responSible for arrangements, Ken Osswald and Marv Casey, should by then be able to report on the details of the party. Please make sure that by April 21st all your particular area of responsibility. assistance, be sure and contact us. arrangements have been made for If Keith Lange or I can be of Sincerely, CTPl1d Clark T. Parkinson President April 5, 1971 TO: Hax Lundberg FHON: . Clark T. Parkinson, President SUBJECT I Demo Team Parkas near Hax: As of today, there are members of the Demo Team who have not paid for one-half of their parkas. .\1 Ellis, who was to pay the full wholesale price, hasn't paid as yet, as far as 1 know. T t 1s my feeling that if these individuals h.lven' t paid by April 30th that they not be allowed to compete in the tryouts. If you agree with me, I would be happy to send a letter out to the teilIn, or pt:rhaps you can call those members who haven't paid. Keith Lange has the list of those who have paid. The Clinic Committee has agreed to pay the team for their work at the Clinic, but, of course, this is subject to B.O.D. approval. Please call me when convenient. When are you going to N.A.S.l.C. IT? There is a P.~.l.A. B.0.D. meeting on rotonday the 12th and a Presidents meeting on Tuesday the 13th, which ·Lou and I will have to miss. Also has K-2 sent the skis yet? CTP:ld Sincerely, Clark T. Parkins~n President April 5, 1971 TO, Newsletter Staff FROH: Clark T. Parkinson, President SUBJECT: Newsletter, Vol. III, No.2 We have received several compliments on our recent New61ettttr. In my e&timation, it is the best one ever. Dave Chaplin should be congrcltulated and thanked for his effort in mak~ng this issue attractive and readable. Dave and I would like to thank you for your articles. Our Newsletter is only as good as the "cont.ributors", and all of the articles showed c.onsiderable thought and eUort. Special thanks to Bill Lash Cor his article on "How I.R.I.A. Began" are in order. Bill obviously hQs put a great deal into I.S.I.A., and we appreciate him sharing with us the history of our organization. As Pre&ident, 11m particularly grateful to each one of you for your efforts, not only on this NewsleLter, but the first two this year. I was told by our former Newsletter Editor thdt a paper couldn't be done by having sevel:al contributors, because members just wouldn't help. Well, it has been done. Of course, without Leon Dean and,his trusty camera and darkroom, we'd be out of business. CTPlld Thanks again, C1Mrk t. Parkinson President April G, 1971 TO: Committee Chairmen FRCH: Clark T. Parkinson, President SUBJr.CT: Spring Clinic "Meetings" De,,!: Chairman: On Friday,. April 30th, an optional attendance day, the only function scheduled will be the Demonstration Team tryouts and movies in the evening •. Thcl:c will then be sufficient time to schedule any committee meetings you wish to hold. I have not scheduled any meetings other than d B.O.D. meet.ing on Sunday, May 2nd. Jf you wish to have your connnittce meet on Friday, April 30, 1971, please advise by I:eturn mail no later than April 21st, the last Clinic Conunittee meeting date, and I will schedule a convenient time and place for your committee meeting. CTP,ld SinceI:ely, Clar~. Parkinson President Hr. Raymond F. DuGuay General Mana&er YE~TP.RN PLASTIC PRODUCTS 1701 Malnol,. Avenue Lona Beach,· California 90813 April 6, 1971 D.itr Mr. DuGuay. Re. Intermountain Ski lnstruetors A.sociation Badges Plea,. find enclosed .,' work Cor badge. tor our Spring Clinic. Ve have al.o eDcloa~ •• c~le oravina .hovina the colora required. We vould like to o~der the follOWing. Qu~n'1tYI 300 Slot She. '18ft over S/sn Pinl Beavy jeweler ptn Number.. None Ship to I Intermountain Ski Ifl5tlucto1"S Auociat1oll 3823 Vllla Drive Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 H8i11na' Ship air paccel po.t nate N.eQed. The •• badses mu.t be in our hands by DO later Ulan Ftiday, April 23, 1971. It 11 .., undentaneUna that tbe ch.uge, will be as follows. Mini..... Art Pr~aration Color Extra Color TOTAL (One time aat-up charse) t 6.S0 8.00 5.85 t 20.35 Mr. OuGuay 2 U 1C)u haw. allY que.tiona resax-dina our art work or the .buve specifications, pl •••• contact ae by phone. CTP,ld Encloaure. cel D.vid Ch4plin jc.e1c.h LanS-J OM 1\&co. r Sincerely, clArk T. Parkin.on Preddent P.s. Send invoice witb tbe badg •• , and we "Ul £ol"Vard it on to K2 Ski Company, who 1. sponsorinl the expen •• of tbe b_da ••• "~e,\,;t, ----------------~~ OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN DIVISION OF THE UNITED STATES SKI ASSOCIATION P. O. :i3ox 4- Ed Pond, Secretary I.S.I.A. 9728 South 1650 West Riverton, Utha 84065 iJear Ed, Steamboat Springs, Colo. 80~77 April 8, 1971 Division Secretari e:-; Co:::::: 5 "c:'J::C' East Central Far West Inter ~; o. !')oc 1-:y Pac. N. W. stan ~e~denre1ch - ~halr~~~ DOi, Phelan \~ i c hard r~un Ed ?ond ./ J oa!1 D1mrud. .Joy Lucas ~ince it is we nave received r.ctices from r;everal divisional secreta-cie:; ')i:V~ ,';r:': difficult :.'or them to attend. NASIC by 'I'lednesclay, April :!.1Hh, it was su~gested. tnat perhaps we could have our ~lvlsional Secretaries Com~l~tee ~eeting later in the week • . r'or this reason, .I am asking you to check in with :ny wife, Dottie, O~ :r~'ysel:.'" at .",i\V,:;'..i-.'.,"; ":T:e~Q". ,.tquar, t.ers (a+" L-~' on • s ""ea d) w.n ere we W'l1 1 -De .t :e lp'l! 1G. W"l1h., ~:'' A'-~)-.L''"~ rE.:;istratio!1. That way, we can set up a time agreeable to all in attenda!'1ce. If you or your representative do not plan to arrive url-':il ':'hursday or later, I woulj appreciate your dropping me a no+.e, care of 'fail V~ lla::;e :::nr:, 'hi 1, ~oloradc :'1657, where I will be stayir.::-:; for the entire wee',: 0: ~;A:;:::8, ar1v~:'iir:" me w:-.er; yOl~ p2.a!". to arrive. copy tOI Jim:ny Johnston, Pres.-P.S.l.A. '?':..i.I.A. (~inccrely , f:udi Schnac~enbe:q;, Actinr.; Chairrca!'! Divisional Secretaries Co:::mittee LEARN HOW TO SKI THE SAFE AND RIGHT WAY - WITH YOUR CERTIFIED SKI INSTRUCTOR - CERTIFIED SKI TEACHER I. S. I. A. INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION April 13, 1971 TO: DIVISION PRESIDENTS FROM: EDWIN J. POND, SECRETARY I.S.I.A. RE: I.S.I.A. ANNUAL SPRING CLINIC Dear President: On behalf of the membership and the Board of Directors of the I.S.I.A., I would like to invite you to attend our Annual Spring Clinic at Alta, Utah on April 30, and May 1st and 2nd, 1971. I have enclosed a program which should give you an idea of our curriculum. I apologize for the late invitation, but getting ready for the clinic has kept me extremely busy. I'm confident your visit would be beneficial for all of us. In the event you can attend and we can help you with further particulars, please feel free to contact me. /' Y~i /~// . C/' ~ '1 ~.' EDWIN J OND SECRET R I.S.I.A. EJP /bp 'j INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION April 13, 1971 TO: DIVISION PRESIDENTS FROM: EDWIN J. POND, SECRETARY I.S.I.A. RE: I.S.I.A. ANNUAL SPRING CLINIC Dear President: On behalf of the membership and the Board of Directors of the I.S.I.A., I would like to invite you to attend our Annual Spring Clinic at Alta, utah on April 30, and May 1st and 2nd, 1971. I have enclosed a program which should give you an idea of our curriculum. I apologize for the late invitation, but getting ready for the clinic has kept me extremely busy. I'm confident your visit would be beneficial for all of us. In the event you can attend and we can help you with further particulars, please feel free to contact me. VerYSinCerel~ ~rf· ~9------ EDWIN J OND SECRET R I.S.I.A. EJP/bp April 14, 1971 TOI Ed Pond, Secretary FROH: Clark T. Parkinson, President, SUBJECT: Spring Election--Ceneral Meeting Dear Ed. 1 have had a number of questions regarding the petition that was presented to the B.O.D. at last year's Spring Clinic regarding moving the Ceneral Meeting and election back to the Spring. As you recall, in our B.O.D. Meeting on May 3, 1970, a motion was passed to move the election of officers back to the "Annual Spring Clinic Association Meeting".--See B.O.D. Meeting minutes 5-3-70, page 3. tn our SUbsequent B.O.D. Heeting in Burley on September 20th, a motion was passed that "the motion made at the Uay 3rd B.O.D. Meeting, page 3, regarding election of officers and directors of the corporation be rescinded". I would appreciate very much if you would prepare and document a report of both B.O.D. Heetings, the general discussion that was held, and the reasons the B.O.D. moved to have a mail election in the Spring and a Fan Heeting with tlle Ceneral Meeting. I am certain that at our Saturday luncheon and all during the Clinic, we will be under pressure to answer why the original petition regarding a General Meeting in the Spring be held. Perhaps ,you could have a draft for the Wednesday, April 21st, meeting. CTPlld CCI B.O.D. Sincerely, Clark T. Parkinson President CERTIFIED SKI TEACHER I. S. I. A. INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION April 14, 1971 TO: Ed Pond, Secretary FROM: Clark T. Parkinson, President SUBJECT: Spring Election--General Meeting Dear Ed: I have had a number of questions regarding the petition that was presented to the B.O.D. at last year's Spring Clinic regarding moving the General Meeting and election back to the Spring. As you recall, in our B.O.D. Meeting on May 3, 1970, a motion was passed to move the election of officers back to the tfAnnual Spring Clinic Association Meeting".--See B.O.D. Meeting minutes 5-3-70, page 3. In our subsequent B.O.D. Meeting in Burley on September 20th, a motion was passed that "the motion made at the May 3rd B.O.D. Meeting, page 3, regarding election of officers and directors of the corporation be rescinded". I would appreciate very much if you would prepare and document a report of both B.O.D. Meetings, the general discussion that was held, and the reasons the B.O.D. moved to have a mail election in the Spring and a Fall Meeting with the General Meeting. I am certain that at our Saturday luncheon and all during the Clinic, we will be under pressure to answer why the original petition regarding a General Neeting in the Spring be held. Perhaps you could have a draft for the Wednesday, April 21st, meeting. CTP:ld cc: B.O.D. Sincerely, J , 1cJ ,~{( c Clark T. Parkinson President INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION August 19, 1971 TO: General Membership, I.S.I.A. FROM: Fred Fin1inson, Secretary SUBJECT: B.O.D. Minutes, Membership Roster and Progress Report Enclosed please find the minutes of the May 2, 1971 B.O.D. meeting held at Alta, Utah. Also enclosed find the 1971-72 membership roster. It should be noted that only those who have paid their dues by July 31, 1971 have been included in the above mentioned roster. If dues have been paid and your name has not been included on the roster, please contact Mary Ellen Parkinson, 3823 Villa Drive, Salt Lake City, Utah 84109. Those who have not paid their dues will be dropped from the Association at the next Board of Directors Meeting. As indicated in the minutes, the new Officers and members of the Executive Committee are: Clark Parkinson, President Fred Finlinson, Secretary Phil Jones, Exec. Comm. Max Lundberg, Exec. Comm. Ed Pond, Vice President Dave Larsen, Treasurer Lou Lorenz, Exec. Comm. New B.O.D. Members elected for a 3-year term are: Lou Lorenz Clark Parkinson Bob Parker Bill Haskins Ed Pond This summer a special study group has been meeting and drafting a reorganization plan for our Association. This plan will be submitted to the B.O.D. at their fall meeting for approval. The Executive Committee is planning a September business meeting of the B.O.D. and various committees. A voluntary clinic for the members of the Association will be conducted late this fall in connection with the Examiners Clinic. This on-the-hi11 session will be held in lieu of the Fall Seminar for the general membership. More detailed information will be in our Newsletter which will be printed around the first of October. The I.D. card expiration sticker for 1971-72 will be mailed separately on or about the first of September. FF:mep Enclosures Sincerely, :4JuJ y~ t rr- Fred Finlinson, Secretary 1. S. 1. A. ,- ------ ---- --~ I,' , !;\ I I!.h r r .') r ! ~. !! I INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION 1 _ _ _ __ _ ---- _____ _ April 19, 197t TO: Ski ~choo l Directors FRCI1: Clack T. Parkinson, President SUBJECT: Ski Instcuctor of the Year The purpose of this letter is to report to you regarding the nominations tram the Ski School Directors tor thi s award. I.S.1 .A. I 5 Awards Conmlittee based on nominations from the Ski School Directors selected Pllii Jones as our Ski Instructor of the Year. Based on this selection, L submitted Phil as our nomination at the Divisional President s t meeting ill Vail at ~ . A . S .r .C. II. Each Division pl aced in nomination their c,J.ndidate, and these selections were then given to the officials of tl.e Garcia Ski Corpo.ration, who helped sponsor N.A.~.T .C. II, for their selection. Phi l Jones was selected as Garcia I 5 Sk i Jnstructor o t the Year, and I am sure you join me in congratulating Phil . Our Division is exti'emely proud to have had Phil receive this award, and 1 would 1 ike to thdnk the Directors for their participdtion in the nomin.:Jtion process. I lope tha t next year ea 1 i Schoo W1 nomina te a can i date and that we can make thi s award an annu a l aftair. CTP:l d '/- F.incerely , /" /,/ ;' ~" '(.fcuj) Cl ark T. Parkinson Pre s ident L.-. .'f. - --___. ......... ,,-..-..~ ___ ~. __4 . ,,~ ~.. .................... . ....... ______ ..-- ___________________ -- April 19, 1971 T0: Awards Committee FROM: Clark T. Parkinson, President Dear Conuni ttec Hember! I am sure you will be pleased to hear that Phil Jones was selected as the Ski Instructor o( the Year by Cal eia Ski and Tennis Corporation a t Vail, ColoE.do , during !1.A.S.l.C. II. I would l ike to thank the committee for their efforts in selecting Phil, and your good judgement was obviously proven at Vail. CTP: ld Sincerely, Clark T. Parkinson Pres ide.Ht - '< '. :.~. f '~'',t'''";,'i K"",.'.':(_~ --_. ..... ,.• ". . .!! INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION Mr. Clark Parkinson President I.S.I.A. 2245 Oneida Street Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 Dear Clark: April 20, 1971 Re: Opinion Letter You have requested in your letter dated April 14, 1971, that the Secretary prepare a letter indicating how we in I.S.I.A. determined to have a mail election and further how we determined that the annual meeting would be continued to be held in conjunction with the fall seminar. The facts as I understand them are as follows: 1. For some years prior to and including the 1970- 71 ski season, the I.S.I.A. held an annual meeting in accordance with the by-laws section IX in the fall of the year in conjunction with the fall seminar. The association also held an annual clinic in the spring of the year. 2. The Board of Directors meeting held on May 3, 1970, at Alta, Utah considered a Petition to elect officers (and Directors) and to hold the annual meeting in the spring of the year; further to eliminate the fall meeting. The Board of Directors passed a motion to that effect. (See page 3 of the minutes of said board meeting as printed.) However, the Board of Directors felt study was necessary and President Lundberg appointed a committee to give the matter further consideration and study. 3. The Annual Meeting of I.S.I.A. held at Burley, September 20, 1970, heard a "Proposed Change in Methods of Electing Directors of I.S.I.A." from the above-referred to study committee (election committee) and a discussion of the same was held. A poll of the membership present indicated that 65 were in favor of said proposal and 5 were against. 4. The Board of Directors Meeting held September 20, 1970, at Burley following the annual meeting, adopted -2- the proposal of the election committee. Prior to doing so, the Board of Directors rescinded the motion passed at Alta and referred to in paragraph No. 2 above. 5. The proposal adopted by the Board of Directors specified a vote to be conducted so that Directors would be elected by mail ballot and the results announced at spring clinic. The proposal stated "This ballot properly marked and identified will then be returned along with a check for the following years dues~" (See proposal attached to the minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting of 9-20-70.) It seems obvious to me from a review of the association records that the result of the above Board of Directors action indicates that the annual meeting is to be held in the fall but that the election of Directors will take place via the mail with the results announced at the spring clinic. The reason for the above decisions were well discussed by the Board of Directors prior to the action and some of those reasons were as follows: 1. We should elect Board of Directors in the spring to enable the new Officers and Directors to get acquainted with their jobs and to allow them time to prepare for the corning season. 2. Themail election results in elimination of proxy voting. 3. The spring clinic doesn't provide sufficient time for the many "on the hill" activities members would like participate in, and certainly does not allow time for all of the in-door meetings members need to attend. Hence the need for either an additional meeting or extending the number of days that the clinic should be held. There may well be just as many good reasons to do things differently in the association, and such changes must needs corne through the Board of Directors or a properly called meeting of the members. There is one other question I have been asked and would like to mention, i.e., is the current and new policy of re- • -3- quiring that 1971-72 dues be paid by April 22, 1971, as a pre-requisite to voting for Directors to take office for the coming year of 1971-72 a valid policy1 Since the Board of Directors has taken this action, the question resolves itself as to whether or not the Board may require dues payment prior to voting. The Articles of Incorporation of our association under the Membership Article (VI) sub-paragraph (b) provides that the board may from time to time prescribe annual dues and also provides that collection may be made " ••• under such conditions as the board may designate •••• " Section 10 of our by-laws also includes the provision that dues, fees and fines will be fixed by the governing board as the need arises. The references mentioned in the preceeding paragraph seem very broad and it is the view of your Secretary that the board action taken is authorized by the Articles and by-laws of our association. The theory for this board decision was and is that since the Directors to be elected will serve in the 71-72 season it makes sense that only members who have paid dues for that time period are able to elect said Directors. If you have any further questions concerning this matter, please feel free to get in touch with me. EJP/bp CERTIFIED SKI TEACHER I. S. I. A. INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION Mr. Clark Parkinson President I.S.I.A. 2245 Oneida Street Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 Dear Clark: April 20, 1971 Re: Opinion Letter You have requested in your letter dated April 14, 1971, that the Secretary prepare a letter indicating how we in I.S.I.A. determined to have a mail election and further how we determined that the annual meeting would be continued to be held in conjunction with the fall seminar. The facts as I understand them are as follows: 1. For some years prior to and including the 1970- 71 ski season, the I.S.I.A. held an annual meeting in accordance with the by-laws section IX in the fall of the year in conjunction with the fall seminar. The association also held an annual clinic in the spring of the year. 2. The Board of Directors meeting held on May 3, 1970, at Alta, Utah considered a Petition to elect officers (and Directors) and to hold the annual meeting in the spring of the year; further to eliminate the fall meeting. The Board of Directors passed a motion to that effect. (See page 3 of the minutes of said board meeting as printed.) However, the Board of Directors felt study was necessary and President Lundberg appointed a committee to give the matter further consideration and study. 3. The Annual Meeting of I.S.I.A. held at Burley, September 20, 1970, heard a "Proposed Change in Methods of Electing Directors of I.S.I.A." from the above-referred to study committee (election committee) and a discussion of the same was held. A poll of the membership present indicated that 65 were in favor of said proposal and 5 were against. 4. The Board of Directors Meeting held September 20, 1970, at Burley following the annual meeting, adopted -2- the proposal of the election committee. Prior to doing so, the Board of Directors rescinded the motion passed at Alta and referred to in paragraph No. 2 above. 5. The proposal adopted by the Board of Directors specified a vote to be conducted so that Directors would be elected by mail ballot and the results announced at spring clinic. The proposal stated "This ballot properly marked and identified will then be returned along with a check for the following years dues." (See proposal attached to the minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting of 9-20-70.) It seems obvious to me from a review of the association records that the result of the above Board of Directors action indicates that the annual meeting is to be held in the fall but that the election of Directors will take place via the mail with the results announced at the spring clinic. The reason for the above decisions were well discussed by the Board of Directors prior to the action and some of those reasons were as follows: 1. We should elect Board of Directors in the spring to enable the new Officers and Directors to get acquainted with their jobs and to allow them time to prepare for the coming season. 2. Themail election results in elimination of proxy voting. 3. The spring clinic doesn't provide sufficient time for the many "on the hill" activities members would like participate in, and certainly does not allow time for all of the in-door meetings members need to attend. Hence the need for either an additional meeting or extending the number of days that the clinic should be held. There may well be just as many good reasons to do things differently in the association, and such changes must needs come through the Board of Directors or a properly called meeting of the members. There is one other question I have been asked and would like to mention, i.e., is the current and new policy of re- -3- quiring that 1971-72 dues be paid by April 22, 1971, as a pre-requisite to voting for Directors to take office for the coming year of 1971-72 a valid policy'? Since the Board of Directors has taken this action, the question resolves itself as to whether or not the Board may require dues payment prior to voting. The Articles of Incorporation of our association under the Membership Article (VI) sub-paragraph (b) provides that the board may from time to time prescribe annual dues and also provides that collection may be made " ••• under such conditions as the board may designate •••• " Section 10 of our by-laws also includes the provision that dues, fees and fines will be fixed by the governing board as the need arises. The references mentioned in the preceeding paragraph seem very broad and it is the view of your Secretary that the board action taken is authorized by the Articles and by-laws of our association. The theory for this board decision was and is that since the Directors to be elected will serve in the 71-72 season it makes sense that only members who have paid dues for that time period are able to elect said Directors. If you have any further questions concerning this matter, please feel free to get in touch with me. Very ci etc> '---- EDW N • POND SECkE1ARY I.S.I.A. EJP/bp ",,- . r"----- .-------, 1 U:'H', :1:1U) SKI TEACHER I S. 1. A. INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION Mr. Clark Parkinson President I.S.I.A. 2245 Oneida Street Salt Lake City, utah 84109 Dear Clark: April 20, 1971 Re: Opinion Letter You have requested in your letter dated April 14, 1971, that the Secretary prepare a letter indicating how we in I.S.I.A. determined to have a mail election and further how we determined that the annual meeting would be continued to be held in conjunction with the fall seminar. The facts as I understand them are as follows: 1. For some years prior to and including the 1970- 71 ski season, the I.S.I.A. held an annual meeting in accordance with the by-laws section IX in the fall of the year in conjunction with the fall seminar. The association also held an annual clinic in the spring of the year. 2. The Board of Directors meeting held on May 3, 1970, at Alta, Utah considered a Petition to elect officers (and Directors) and to hold the annual meeting in the spring of the year; further to eliminate the fall meeting. The Board of Directors passed a motion to that effect. (See page 3 of the minutes of said board meeting as printed.) However, the Board of Directors felt study was necessary and President Lundberg appointed a committee to give the matter further consideration and study. 3. The Annual Meeting of I.S.I.A. held at Burley, September 20, 1970, heard a "Proposed Change in Methods of Electing Directors of I.S.I.A." from the above-referred to study committee (election committee) and a discussion of the same was held. A poll of the membership present indicated that 65 were in favor of said proposal and 5 were against. 4. The Board of Directors Meeting held September 20, 1970, at Burley following the annual meeting, adopted ----------.-- -2- the proposal of the election committee. Prior to doing so, the Board of Directors rescinded the motion passed at Alta and referred to in paragraph No. 2 above. 5. The proposal adopted by the Board of Directors specified a vote to be conducted so that Directors would be elected by mail ballot and the results announced at spring clinic. The proposal stated "This ballot properly marked and identified will then be returned along with a check for the following years dues." (See proposal attached to the minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting of 9-20-70.) It seems obvious to me from a review of the association records that the result of the above Board of Directors action indicates that the annual meeting is to be held in the fall but that the election of Directors will take place via the mail with the results announced at the spring clinic. The reason for the above decisions were well discussed by the Board of Directors prior to the action and some of those reasons were as follows: 1. We should elect Board of Directors in the spring to enable the new Officers and Directors to get acquainted with their jobs and to allow them time to prepare for the coming season. 2. Themail election results in elimination of proxy voting. 3. The spring clinic doesn't provide sufficient time for the many "on the hill" activities members would like participate in, and certainly does not allow time for all of the in-door meetings members need to attend. Hence the need for either an additional meeting or extending the number of days that the clinic should be held. There may well be just as many good reasons to do things differently in the association, and such changes must needs come through the Board of Directors or a properly called meeting of the members. There is one other question I have been asked and would like to mention, i.e., is the current and new policy of re- ----------------------~~~.---- -3- quiring that 1971-72 dues be paid by April 22, 1971, as a pre-requisite to voting for Directors to take office for the coming year of 1971-72 a valid policy1 Since the Board of Directors has taken this action, the question resolves itself as to whether or not the Board may require dues payment prior to voting. The Articles of Incorporation of our association under the Membership Article (VI) sub-paragraph (b) provides that the board may from time to time prescribe annual dues and also provides that collection may be made " ••• under such conditions as the board may designate •••• " Section 10 of our by-laws also includes the provision that dues, fees and fines will be fixed by the governing board as the need arises. The references mentioned in the preceeding paragraph seem very broad and it is the view of your Secretary that the board action taken is authorized by the Articles and by-laws of our association. The theory for this board decision was and is that since the Directors to be elected will serve in the 71-72 season it makes sense that only members who have paid dues for that time period are able to elect said Directors. If you have any further questions concerning this matter, please feel free to get in touch with me. EJP/bp --- .-- ; C2RT;PIL) SKI TEACHER i I J. S. 1. A. L __ .~~--1 INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION Mr. Clark Parkinson President I.S.I.A. 2245 Oneida Street Salt Lake City, utah 84109 Dear Clark: April 20, 1971 Re: Opinion Letter You have requested in your letter dated April 14, 1971, that the Secretary prepare a letter indicating how we in I.S.I.A. determined to have a mail election and further how we determined that the annual meeting would be continued to be held in conjunction with the fall seminar. The facts as I understand them are as follows: 1. For some years prior to and including the 1970- 71 ski season, the I.S.I.A. held an annual meeting in accordance with the by-laws section IX in the fall of the year in conjunction with the fall seminar. The association also held an annual clinic in the spring of the year. 2. The Board of Directors meeting held on May 3, 1970, at Alta, Utah considered a Petition to elect officers (and Directors) and to hold the annual meeting in the spring of the year; further to eliminate the fall meeting. The Board of Directors passed a motion to that effect. (See page 3 of the minutes.of said board meeting as printed.) However, the Board of Directors felt study was necessary and President Lundberg appointed a committee to give the matter further consideration and study. 3. The Annual Meeting of I.S.I.A. held at Burley, September 20, 1970, heard a "Proposed Change in Methods of Electing Directors of I.S.I.A." from the above-referred to study committee (election committee) and a discussion of the same was held. A poll of the membership present indicated that 65 were in favor of said proposal and 5 were against. 4. The Board of Directors Meeting held September 20, 1970, at Burley following the annual meeting, adopted ------------------~---------------~ -2- the proposal of the election committee. Prior to doing so, the Board of Directors rescinded the motion passed at Alta and referred to in paragraph No.2 above. 5. The proposal adopted by the Board of Directors specified a vote to be conducted so that Directors would be elected by mail ballot and the results announced at spring clinic. The proposal stated "This ballot properly marked and identified will then be returned along with a check for the following years dues." (See proposal attached to the minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting of 9-20-70.) It seems obvious to me from a review of the association records that the result of the above Board of Directors action indicates that the annual meeting is to be held in the fall but that the election of Directors will take place via the mail with the results announced at the spring clinic. The reason for the above decisions were well discussed by the Board of Directors prior to the action and some of those reasons were as follows: 1. We should elect Board of Directors in the spring to enable the new Officers and Directors to get acquainted with their jobs and to allow them time to prepare for the coming season. 2. Themail election results in elimination of proxy voting. 3. The spring clinic doesn't provide sufficient time for the many "on the hill" activities members would like participate in, and certainly does not allow time for all of the in-door meetings members need to attend. Hence the need for either an additional meeting or extending the number of days that the clinic should be held. There may well be just as many good reasons to do things differently in the association, and such changes must needs come through the Board of Directors or a properly called meeting of the members. There is one other question I have been asked and would like to mention, i.e., is the current and new policy of re- -~----- ---------------- .- -3- quiring that 1971-72 dues be paid by April 22, 1971, as a pre-requisite to voting for Directors to take office for the corning year of 1971-72 a valid policy2 Since the Board of Directors has taken this action, the question resolves itself as to whether or not the Board may require dues payment prior to voting. The Articles of Incorporation of our association under the Membership Article (VI) sub-paragraph (b) provides that the board may from time to time prescribe annual dues and also provides that collection may be made " ••• under such conditions as the board may designate •••• " Section 10 of our by-laws also includes the provision that dues, fees and fines will be fixed by the governing board as the need arises. The references mentioned in the preceeding paragraph seem very broad and it is the view of your Secretary that the board action taken is authorized by the Articles and by-laws of our association. The theory for this board decision was and is that since the Directors to be elected will serve in the 71-72 season it makes sense that only members who have paid dues for that time period are able to elect said Directors. If you have any further questions concerning this matter, please feel free to get in touch with me. EJP/bp Hr. Dave Kad1eck Sports Writer 34 Bast 1st South Salt Lake City, Utah Dear llr. Kadleck: April 21, 1971 RE: I.S.I.A. Spring Clinic On behalf of the membership of the Board of Directors of the 1.S.I.A., 1 would like to invite you to attend our annual Spring Clinic at Alta, Utah on ,'.pril 30th, and hay 1st and 2nd, 1971. .J have enclosed a program which should give you an idea of our curriculum. I'm confident your visit would be beneficial icr all of us. In the event you can attend and we can help you with further particulars, please feel free to contact me. EJP/bp Very ~>ince.cely, Em-lIN J. PC)ND SECR~TARY I.S.I.A. 1...- hr.-. Grant hesserly Sports Jepartment 143 South ilain ~treet Salt Lake City, utah April 21, 1971 Re: I.S.I.A. Spring Clinic Dear Lr. Hesserly; On the behalf of the membership of the board of Directors of the I.S.I.A., I would like to invite you to attend our annual Spring Clinic at Alta, Dtah on April 30, and hay 1st and 2nd, 1971. I have enclosEcd a program which should g1 ve you an idea of GUL' curriculum. I'm confident your visit would be beneficial for all of us. In the event you can attend and we can help you with further particulars, please feel free to contact me. EJP/bp cc: Clark Parkinson, President i.S.l.A. Very sincerely, ED'dIN J. POND SECRETARY I.S.I.A. Mr. Dave Kadleck Sports Writer 34 East 1st South Salt Lake City, utah Dear Mr. Kadleck: April 21, 1971 REI I.S.I.A. Spring Clinic On behalf of the membership of the Board of Directors of the I.S.I.A., I would like to invite you to attend our annual Spring Clinic at Alta, Utah on April 30th, and May 1st and 2nd, 1971. I have enclosed a program which should give you an idea of our curriculum. I'm confident your visit would be beneficial for all of us. In the event you can attend and we can help you with further particulars, please feel free to contact me. EJP/bp Very sincerely, EDWIN J. POND SECRETARY I.S.I.A. l"ir. Grant Nesserly Sports Departm·ent 143 South Main street Salt Lake City, utah Dear Hr. Messerly: April 21, 1971 Re: I.S.I.A. Spring Clinic On the behalf of the membership of the Board of Directors of the I.S.I.A., I would like to invite you to attend our annual Spring Clinic at Alta, Utah·on April 30, and May 1st and 2nd, 1971. I have enclosed a program which should give you an idea of our curriculum. I'm confident your visit would be beneficial for all of us. In the event you can attend and we can help you with further particulars, please feel free to contact me. EJP/bp Very s~ncerely, EDWIN J. POND SECRETARY I.S.I.A. BURLEY REALTY & ABSTRACT CO. 1245 OVERLAND AVENUE. P. O. BOX 548 • BURLEY, IDAHO 83318 PHONE 678-8347 GLEN R. KUNAU LEX H. KUNAU TO I M E S SAG E rvIr. Clark T. Parkinson, Pres I 2245 Oneida Street Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 _J Dear Clark, SUBJECT DATE Ski Instructor of the Year April 22, 1971 Your letter of March 25 1971 states that this is not the First year ISIA has had an Instructor of the year nomination. What other year or years has ISlA had tlhis nomination? In a letter dated March 11, 1971 from Lou Lorenz nominating Phil Jones as SKI INSTRUCTOR OF 'liRE YEAR he states tfSihce t.his year is the first time a formal nominating process has been establishedtt • Any help you can give the Awards Committee will be appreciated. DATE BURLEY REALTY & ABSTRACT CO~ 124& OVERLAND AVENUE. P. D. BDX 548 • BURLEY, IDAHO B331S PHONE 6?&8347 GLEN R. KUHAII LEX H. KUNAU TO I L MESSAGE Mr. Clark T. 'Parkinson. I'res I 2245 Oneida street Salt Lake City. Utah 84109 ~ Dear Clark. SUBJECT Ski Instructor of 'the Year DATE AprIl 22. 1971 Tour letter of March 25 1971 states that this is not the Yirst year ISlA has had an Instructor ot the year nomination. What other year or years has ISlA had whis nomination? In a letter dated Maroh 11. 1971 trom Lou Lorenz nominating Phil Jones as SKI INSTRUCTOR OF THE YEAR he states "Slnoe this year 1s the first tim. a formal nominating prooess bas b0en established". Any help you oan give the s Committee will be appreoiated. DATE SIGNED FormNO-R113 © The Drawing Board, Inc., Box 505, Danas, Texas DETACH AND F"ILE F"DR F"DLLDW-UP - --.. _._---- -- -- -. -----, i ~ :. l".. ! ;:, UC.1W~·!'J INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION April 19, 197t TO: Ski School Directors FROH: Clark T. Pa.rkinson, President SUBJECT: Ski Instructor of the Year The purpose of this letter is to report to you regarding the nominations from the Ski School Directors tor this award. I.S.I .A.' s Awards Conmlittee based on nominations from the Ski School Directors selected Pbil Jones as our Ski Instructor of the Year. Based on this selection, L submitted Phil as our nomination at the Divisional Presidents' meeting in Vail at N.A.S.I.C. IT. Each Division placed in nomination their candidate, and these selectiuns were then given to the officials of the Garcia Ski Corpo,ration, who helped sponsor N.A.'2.I.C. II, for their selection. Phil Jones was selected as Garcia's Ski Instructor ot the Year, and I am sure you join me in congratulating Phil. Our Division is exti-emely proud to have had Phil receive this award, and I would like to thank the Directors for their participation in the nominution proc~ I lope that next year sri SchoOl Wl IT nominate a candidate and that we can make aft air. CTP:ld '/- Sincerely, if;; '// -- ,-f eL{ /) Clark T. Parkinson Pres ident • I CERTIFIED SKI TEACHER I. S. I. A. INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION (/:z0/ IJ~~ C/~I -/~~~~~~~~~ # ?'r~@ ~ ~, #:d:/ ~ ,/~t/C1~--f)~...:J A(;.7 ~ ~/'d'-lu~~ :M~ /,fi /--- , ft ~~'~ " :f~~. - 4,'<y ~/ ~ ~~ j.;-tA. fA-- April 23, 1971 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Clark T. Parkinson, President SUBJECT: B.O.D. Meeting, Sunday, May 2, 1971 There will be a B.O.D. meeting on the above date at the Alta Peruvian Lodge at 3:30 P.M. An agenda will be distributed at the meeting. Would all Committee Chairmen be prepared to give a lfbrief oral" report on the past season's activities. In addition, ~ld the following persons submit in writing reports to the B.O.D.: Secretary--Association census Treasurer--Financial status Certification Chairman--I.S.I.A. Certification results Report: N.A.S.I.C. II P.S.I.A. Representative--Report: N.A.S.I.C. II Hopefully, our meeting will be short. Since election of officers will be held, I would encourage all B.O.D. members to attend. GTP: ld Sincerely, ./r('( tt Clark T. Parkinson President P.S. If those submitting written repor"ts have questions on the content ot their reports, please feel free to contact me. April 23, 1971 TO: Awards Committee FROMs Clark T. Parkinson, 'President SUBJECT, Committee Meeting Frank Gillette has requested that a meeting of the Awards Committee be held on Friday, April 30th, at 8:30 P.N., at the Alta Peruvian Lodge. 1 would appreCiate it if all committee members make an effort to attend. CTPlld Sincerely. Clark T. Parkinson President l\pril 23, 1971 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Clark T. Parkinson, President SUBJF.CT I· B.O.O. lfeeting, Sunday, Nay 2, 1971 There will be a B.O.O. meeting on the above date at the Alta Peruvian Lodge at 3:30 P.~f. An agenda will be distributed at the meeting. l~ould all Committee Chairmen be prepared to give .a "brief .2!!l" report on the past· season's activities. tn addition, would the following persons submit in writing reports to the I3.0.D. I Secretary--Assoclation census Trea6urer--Financiul statu& Ccrti fication Cha1 nnan-· I.~ .1. '\. CertH ication resul ts Report: . N.A.S.I.C. 11 P.S.I.A. Rel'l'esentati\!e--I~eport: t\.A.S.I.C. II Hopefully, our meeting will be short. Since election of officers will be held, 1 would encourage all B.O.D. members to attend. CTP:ld Sincerely, Clark T. Parkinson President P.s. If those suhmittins written reports have questions on the content of their reports, please feel free to contact me. ~1r. John Turner K2 Sf: I COHPA~7Y Route 2, Box 100 Vashon Island, Washington Dear Mr. Turner: April 20, 1971 Enclosed is the invoice from the Western Plastic Products Company for the Clinic. identification budges which you nre sponsoring. \Je helve also enclosed a sample badge and a Clinic Program. I would like to tuke thi~ op!'ortunity to thanl, you and K2 Ski Company for picking up the tab on these badges. He intend on using them not only this year but next. CTP:1d Enclosures Sincerely, Clark T. Parkinson President Hr. Herlin Berg, Manager Alta Peruvian Lodge Alta, Utah 84070 Dear Merlin l April 26, 1971 Re& I.S.I.A. Clinic Film This letter will confirm our telephone conversation regarding our Clinic and the film that you will be doing. Please use 16 millimeter film. In addition, attempt to get a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 15 minute film. Our thinking regarding content would be that we would like to have faces and people and how we are skiing today. We will be selecting a Demonstration Team, which should be recorded. Our demonstrations on the hill and our Saturday noon announcement of new 13.0.0. members and the announcement of the Ski Instructor of the Year award, I should think should also be recorded. Beyond thiS, 1 will leave it up to you as to content. ~e appreciate very much your helping us with this film. CTPzld Sincerely, Clark T. Parkinson President |