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Show s**-^-*-,Nichols Passed Dudley in the 440UNIVERSITY OF UTAH TRACK HISTORYFew realize that Utah's track supremacy in the Rocky Mountain Conference is quite as remarkable as her supremacy at football. No other college In the conference has a record that can be compared to the outstanding history made by the Ute squads for the last few years.During the last seven years, Utah has been King of the conference by winning three straight championships and losing the fourth by only 3 points. These championships were won with nine other teams fighting for the same cause.In the last ten state meets, Utah has lost only three, one to U.A.C., and two to B.Y.U. Since 1926, Utah has participated in 20 dual meets, winning 15 and losing only five.Utah has always had excellent track teams. She has always had the kind of men with determination, ability, and fight. Ike Armstrong has consistently proved himself to be the outstanding coach of the conference. May the two remain combined for the betterment of UTAH.DICK BENNION LEE ANDERSON MAURICE WILLIAMSBesides being a brilliant tennis Lee is known about the track as This sensational freshman sprintplayer, Dick has indications of be- "the galloping ghost." He runs the flash has already chalked up a 9.6coming a consistent broad jump win- quarter-mile and has a forty-nine sec- in the century to smash a long stand-ner. His jumping form is considered ond mark to his credit which deserves ing state record and to tie the con-perfect. mention. ference mark.Two Hundred Eighty |