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Show [ 214 ] • Mounts with light bound_, and graceful, as lhe bends, Whirls the long lafh, the flexile rein extends On whifperi~g wheels the filver axle ilides, Climbs into air, and cleaves the cryftal tides Burtt from its pearly chains, her amber hair Streams o'er her ivory fhoulders, buoy' d in air ;. Swells her white veil, with ruby clafp confined Round her fair brow, and undulates behind ; The leffening courfers rife in fpiral rings, Pierce the flow-failing clouds, and ftretch their lhadowy w1ngs. [ 215 ] CONTENTS OF THE NOTES. CANTO L ROSICRUCIAN m1chinery 73 All bodies are immerfed in the matter of heat. Particles of bodies do not touch each other 97 Gradual progrefs of the formation of the earth, and of plants and animals. Mon-firous births 101 Fixed fiars approach towards each other, they were projected from chaos by explo- Cion, and the planets proje.;ted from them 105 An.atmofphere of inflammable air above the common atmofphere principally about the poles UJ Twilight fifty miles high. Wants fur-ther obfervations I 1.6 Immediate caufe of volcanos from fleam and other vapours. They prevent greater earthquakes 152 Condut1ors of heat. Cold on the tops of mountains q6 Phofphorefcent light in the evening from all bodies 177 Phofphoric light from calcined lhells. Bologman ll:one. Experiments of Beccari and Wilfon tSz Ignis fatuus doubtful 189 Electric Eel. Its electric organs. Com-pared to the elechic Leyden phial 202 DifcMet·y of fire. Tools of fl:eel. Fo-refis fubduecl. Ql:antity of food increafed by cookery 212 Meduf<t originally an hieroglyphic of di-vine wifdom 218 Ctufe of ex plofions from combined heat. Heat given out from air in ref pi ration. Oxygene loofcs lefs heat when converted into nitrous acid than in any other of its com-binations 226 S_pat·ks froln the collifion of flints are electric. From the collition of fiint and flee! are from the combufiion of the fi:rc.:l :::29 Gunpowder defcribed by Bacon. Its power. Should be lighted in the centre. A new kind of it. Levels the weak and firong 242 Steam-engine invented by Savery. Improved by Newcomen. PerfeUed by Watt and Boulton 254 Divine benevolence. The parts of na-ture not of equal excellence 278 Mr. Boulton's ll:eam-engine for the purpofe of coining would fave many lives from the executioner 2 8 1 Labours of Hercules of great antiquity. Pillars of Hercules. Surface of the Mediterranean lower than the Atlantic. Abyla and Calpe. Flood of Deucalion 297 Accumulation of electricity not from friction 335 Mr. Bennet's fenfible electrometer 345 Halo of faints is pictorial language 35S We have a fenfe adapted to perceive heat but not eledricity 365 Paralytic limbs move by electric influence 367 Death of Profelfor Richman by electricity 37 3 Lightning drawn from the clouds. How to be fafe in thunder fi:orms 383 Animal heat from air in refpiration. Perpetual necellity of rcfpiration. Spit·it of animation perpetually renewed 40 r Cupid rifes from the egg of night. Mrs. Cofway's painting of thi> fubjed 413 Wefiern-winds. Their origin. Warmer than !outh-winds. Prorh:ce a thaw 430 Water expands in freezing. Deftroys fucculent plants, not rdinous ones. Trees in valleys more liable to injury. Fig-trees bent to the g round in winter +39 Buds and bulb ~ are the winter crarlle of the pbnt. Dd~ nd u! from fn•ft and from infe cts. J"ulip p rudu res one ll uwcr-bulb ;lJld fevrr.lllt' J l -l> uJb,, and r erifl.es 4(, ' |