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Show 200 POLITICAL AND SUBJECTS, COMMERCIAL is a Cafe which would and mui‘t frequently then happen in the natural Courfe of lhings, ac- cording to our legal Confiitution. l'trtirAps it might be faid, that flmcrz‘mn JUllCS are as conicientious as Other Juries in bringing in their Verdicts according to Law; and that it is very uncharitable even to {uppofe the contrary Be it110 .But the Queftion- here runs on, W 11at wi1l be the Suggef'tions of Con- feienee in t11e Brea1't of an f'merzran on fuch an Occafion 9-.- What would be his Ideas of Law, Juitice, or Equity, when England and flmerim flood in Competition P-Certainly, if ever the Inhabitants of that Country {hould come (and 201 {311C 2631, would havejuft the fame bad Effects in the new World refpeétin g civil Government, as they 111'e formerly hadin the old,in regard to RC1igion:And therefore, either Way, whether we {hould treat thefe flinging/ts as an enflaved PeOPIe, 01 whether we [houide1ltore to them, after a Conquef't, the ran e Conftirution which we. enjoy ourielves, the Event would finally come to this,---That Eng/and would be the greatefi sufferer; and that flmerim is not to be governed againit its own inclinations. Wherefore let us now come to the FOURTH SCHEME. To con1ent that America 1‘nould become they are for the n1o111'art come already) to be the general Seat of Empire, and that Great» fully perfiiaded, that the Britiflz Parliament hath no Right to make Laws either to tax or to govern them [and the having once beaten them will not be taken as a convincing Proof that we always have either the Right or the Power to beat them] then every Attempt towards thrt 111.11g 011 this odious Yoke, would appear in then hxes as 10 m1nv noble Struggles for the Cau1e of Liber"t'y. And therefore the bafe Eng/7' l Hireling, who would dare to injure this Britain and Ireland fliould be governed by Vice-Roys fent over from the Court Refidencies facrcd Cau1e, de1erved to die a thou1and Deaths. Such undoubtedly would be the Language, and 111th the Sentiments of the great Majority 0 [imcrirang whenever fuch a Cafe Ihould happen- either atP/zz'MdeZp/iin, or New-fork, orat 10m: other American Imperial City. Now, wild as fuch a Scheme may appear, there are certainly fome flnzerimns who ferioufly embrace it: And the late prodigious Swarms of Emigrants encourage them to ftippofe, that a Time is approaching, when the Seat of Empire mu11 be changed. But whatever Events may be in the Womb of Time, or whatever Revolutions may happen in the R116: and Fall of Empires, there is not the lea11 Probability, In a Word, an erroneous Con1cience, and 8 that this Country Ihould ever becomea Province to North-America. For granting even, fal1e that |