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Show 148 POLITICAL AND COMMERCIAL necelTarily increafed; and that a Fleet, more or SUBJECTS. I49 litical Trance, and become a reafonable Man at laf't. And afi'ure yourfelf, that whenever lefs, mufi' belong to each Province for guard- you can be cured of your prefent Delirium, ing their Coal‘ts, enfuring the Payment of Du- and {hall betray no Symptoms of aRelapfe, you will be received with Affection by of each Sifter Colony. Not to mention, that the Expences of your Civil Governments will be ties and the like. UNDER all thefe PrelTures and Calamities, Your old Una/e, your deluded Countrymen will certainly Open their Eyes at laft. For Difappointments and Dillrefies will eficeé‘tuate that Cure, which Rea- fon and Argument, Lenity and Moderation, could not perform. In fluort, having been fe- Your true Friend, And faithful Monitor, A. B. verely fcourged and difciplined by their own Rod, they will curfe their ambitious Leaders and detef‘t'thofe Mock-Patriots, who involved them in f0 many Miferies. And having been furfeited with the bitter Fruits of American Republicifm, they will heartily wifh, and petition to be again united to the Mother Country. Then they will experience the Difi‘crence between a rational Plan of Confiitutional Dependence, and the wild, romantic, and defirtlclive Schemes of popular Independence. AND you allb, after you have played the Hero, and fpoke all your fine Speeches; after you have been a Guflavus V52/22, and every other brave Delivererof his Country; after you have formed a thoufand Utopian Schemes, and been a thoufand Times difappointed ; perhaps even you may awake out of your prefent p0litical ‘ \ |