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Show 92 POLITICAL SUBJECTS. AND COMMERCIAL Hot Bed; but they are chilled by the cold lan, guid Circulation of peaceful Indul'try. THIS being the Cafe, the warlike Zeal of thefe Men, and their Declamations againll all reconciliatory Meafures, are but too eafilvac- counted for; and while the dulris odor Jim is the governing Principle of Trade, what other Con. duel; are you to expect? BUT what if the Men of landed Property, 93 "throughout thofe immenfe Northen Regions " as would make ample Satisfaction for all our "Expences." Well, Canada is taken, and is now all our Own : But what is the Conlequence after a Trial of fome Years' Pofl‘eflion? Let, thofe declare who can, and as they were before lolavifh in their l'i'oriiiles, let them at lalt prove their Affertions, by appealing to Fat} and Experience. Alas! they cannot do it: Nay, fo Doubt, the great Body of the Kingdom, and farfrom it, that Beaver, and Furs, are dearer than ever: And all the which have been confumed in {hole by the Native Inhabitants, do hardly wholereal Interel'ts mull; be on the Side Of i‘eace; a greater ,uantity than thofe very Soldiers and and the numerous Band of Eng/{fl} Artificers and Maniifaéltii‘el‘s, who confiitute, beyond all what if they fhould not be fo military in their Difpofitions as thele Gentlemen V iould will] they were? Why then all Art's mull be rated, and indefatigable Pains be taken to perfunde them, that this particular Z170," is calc ulated for their Benefit; and that the Conquef‘ tofl'uch, or luch a Place would infallibly red ound both to the Advantage of the landed lntcrefis , and the Im- provement and Extenhon of l‘vlanufac‘tures. "Should (for Example) the Eng/{fl} once he" come the Mailers of Canada, the Importation " " " " " of Skins and Beavers, and the Manufacture of fine Hats, would exte nd prodigioufly: livery Man might afibrd tO wear 21 Beaver l-lat if he‘pleafed, and every Woman be deCOrated in the richelt Furs; in return for which " our coarfe Woollens would find fuch a Vent f‘ throughout and Hats VVoollens, Countries, amount to Sailors would have worn and confumed, who were loft in the taking, defending, and garril‘on: ing of thofe Countries. "HOWEVER, if Cmmda did not anfwer our " fanguine Expeétations, lure we are, that " " " " the Sugar Countries would make Amends for all: And, therefore, ifthe important Illands of Guadafazrpc and Afarz‘irzz'ro were to be fubdued, then Sugars and Coffee, and Chocolate, " and Indigo, and Cotton, 69%. £374". would be" come as cheap as we could wilh; and borh the " Country Gentleman and the Manufaéturer " would find their Account in fuch Conquel'ts " as thefe." Vell, Guada/ozrpe and fixflzrtiniro are both taken, and many other Illands belides are mhllmfi‘ .o |