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Show 204 POLITICAL AND COMMERCIAL 205 I fay, will trade even with them, provided they Frame, yet it is well known, that the Franc/z {hall find it their Interef't fo to do. might raife it at Home, if they were permitted, Why then fliould any Man fuppofe, that the fame Self- Interel't will not induce them to trade with us?-- 21:12];1:68Pirr from our 12hlizéiiizlii‘sn.:filiphogtpitarm _ of To- With us, I fay, who are to commit no Hol'tilities bacco Is one of the five great: Farms, which make up the chief Part of the Royal Revenue; agaimat them, but on the contrary, are f'till to remain, if they pleafe, their Guardians and Pro teflors? ‘ and therefore the Farmers General, for EyeEnds of their own, have hitherto had Inteicft therefore, that North-flazerica enough with the Court to prohibit the Cultiva- was to become independent of us, and we of them, the Qieflion now before us will turn on tion of it in '3": Old Frame, under the {evereit Pe- nalties. this fingle Point,-r Can the Colonifis, in ageneral triots, and particularly the Marquis de Mirabeau, Way, trade with any other European State to greater Advantage than they can with GreatBrz'taz'a ? If they can, they certainly will; but ofthe French Government to encourage the Cul- GRANTING, if they cannot, we {hall {till retain their Cultom, notwithfianding we have parted with every Claim of Authority and Jurifdiétion over them. Now, the native Commodities and Merchan- dize of North-America, which are the molt falcable at an European Market, are chiefly Lumber, ships, lron, Train-Oil, Flax-Seed, Skins, Furs, But nevertheleis the real Franc/z Pa- have fully demoriftrated, that it is the lntereit tivation of it ; and have pointed out a litre and cafy Method for colle&ing the Duties -,---which was the fole Pretence of the Farmers General for foliciting a Prohibition. So that it is appre~ bended, that the Franc/z Government will at laft open their Eyes in this Refpeét, and allow the Cultivation of it. Tobacco therefore being likely to be foon out of the Q1el'tion, the only Pitch, Tar, Turpentine, Pearl-Allies, Indigo, Tobacco, and R7ce. And I do aver, that, ex- cepting Rice and Tobacco, there is hardly one * Great @Iantities of Tobacco are permitted to he raifed of there Articles, for which an American could in szcb Flam/err, fl/jace, and all the Pats conquifes, i. e, the newly conquered Prarw'nce: ; becaufe the Inhabitants get fo good a Price any where die, as he can in Great-Britain and Ireland. Nay, I ought to thhefe Countries are indulged in many Liberties, which are denied to the Provinces 01 Old Frame. But the Farmers have excepted only Rice; for as to Tobacco, {hall be permitted to be brought into O/a' Frame, except General keep a firitt watch, that none of this Tobacco bythemfelves or their Agents. tho' great (Luantit'ies of it are re-exported into Frame, And the Penalty againlt Smuggling in this Cafe is very cruel and fevere. remaining |