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Show 40 POLITICAL AND COMMERCIAL: tho' the deareft Place in the Kingdo m to live at, is by far the cheapel't for purchalin g Houfhold Goods. AFTER fo much hath been faid on the Sub- jeft, it would be needlefs to have RecOurfe to the Branch of Metals for further lllu l'trations, Were it not that there is fomething f0 ver y {trik- ing in their Cafe, that it ought not to be omitte d. Iron Ore, for Example, is dug in Lam a/11in, and frequently fent by Sea Carriage into the County of Argyle, there to be fmelted, on Account of the great Plenty and Cheapnefs of Wood and Charcoal. Now, when it is thus brought into Pigs and Bars, the great Qielli on is, What becomes of it? Do you find that any confiderable O\uantity remains in Sco tland? Or is the far greater Part brought back aga in, in sUBJECTS. 4: Swedi/lz Government before Exportation ;~it is then burdened with Freight into England-,--it pays a heavy Duty upon being landed here ;--is then carried partly by Water, and partly by Land, into the manufaéturing Counties -,-~-is there fabricated,---re-carried again to the Sea- Side,---there {hipped off, for Steedm,»--pays a very heavy Duty, as Eng/Ml Manufaé‘tures ;--- and yet, almolt every Article of fuch Manufac- tures, as hath palfed thro' two, three, or more Stages, before it was completed, is afforded fo cheap at the Market of Stock/201m, that the Swedes have loft Money in every Attempt they have made to rival them. JUDGE‘ now, therefore, what little Caufe there is to fear that a poor Country can ever rival a rich one in the more operofe, complicated, and Order to be fent into the manufaéturin Cou g n‘ ties of England ?--The latter is indifputa bly the Cafe, notwithltanding the Expence of Recar- expenlive Branches of a Manufaéture: Judge alfo, whether a rich Country can ever lole its riage; notwitlillantiing alfo, that the Colliers in Scotland could fupply as much Coal as even quently how abfurd muf't every Projetft be for about Birmingham, or S/zcfiela', wer e Coal the not tend to' fecure, or encreafe the Diligence only Article that was wanted. and Frugality of the People. But for all that, Smut/Yield and Birmingham are in Poll‘efii on of the Trade; and will ever keep it, unlefs it be their , own Faults. THE Cafe of Sweden- is {till more ext raordinary {and furely Sweden is a Country poo r enough) for the S-wcdi/Iz Iron pays a large Dut y to the Steady/2 Trade, while it retains its Induftry; and confe- fecuring or encreafing this Trade, which doth ' A'War, whether Crowned with Vié‘tory, or branded with Defeats, can never prevent another Nation from being more induftrious than you are; and if they Are more indultrious, they wrll fell cheaper-,‘ and confequently your former Cul'tomers will forfake your Shop, and go to ' ' ‘ ‘ theirs 5 FM" {ii-.- |