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Show 146 POLITICAL AND COMMERCIAL Troops to proteé‘t you againfi the Incurfions of the much injured and exafperated Savages; moreover, in Cafe of Difference with Other Powers, you will have none to complain to, none intrigue and cabal againf't Faction; and Anarchy to alfift you: For afliire yourfelf, that Holland, their Engines to work, to make Fools become Frame, and Spain, will look upon you with an evil Eye; and will bee particularly on their Guard againl‘t you, left fuch an Example fhould the Dupes of Knaves, to bring to Maturity their half-formed Schemes and lurking Defigns, infect their own Colonies 3 not to mention that the twolatter will not care to have fuch a Nelt which was checked and refirained before. of profelTed Smugglers fo very near them. And after all, and in Spite of any thing you can expected, and who are promifed Mountains of Treafures upon throwing oil", what was called, the Yoke of the Mother Country, will meet do, we in Britain fliall 1'till retain the greatefi Part of your European Trade ; becaufe we flmll give a better Price for many of your Commodities than you can have any where elle; and we lhall fell to you feveral of our Manufactures, elpecially in the Woollen, Stufi", and Metal Way, 0n cheaper Terms. In fhort you will do then, what you only do now; that is, you will trade with us, as far as your Interelt will lead you, and no farther. TAKE now a Picture of your internal State. When the great Power, which combined the fcattered Provinces together, and formed them into one Empire, is once thrown oh"; and when there will be no common Head to govern and SUBJECTS. and Confufion will every where prevail, I47 The Leaders of your Parties will then be letting all and to give a Scope :0 that towering Ambition In the mean Time, the Mafs of your PeOple, who with nothing-but fore Difappointments: Dilap- ‘pointments indeed! For inl'tead of an imaginary Yoke, they will be obliged to bear a real, a heavy, and a galling one : Infiead of being freed from the Payment of IO0,000l. (which is the utmof't that is now expected from them) they will find themfelves loaded with Taxes to the Amount of at lealt 400,0001: Infiead of an Increafe of Trade, they will feela palpable Devcreafe; and inl‘tead of having Troops to defendthei‘n, and thofe Troops paid by Great-BriMl'fiatlley mull defend themfelvegand pay :hem- felves. Nay, the Number of the Troops to be paid, will be more than doubled; for lone :null: protect, all your ill Humours will break forth be llationed in the back Settlements to protect like a Torrent: Colony will enter into Bicker- .them againl't the lei/am, whom they have to lugs and Difputes againl't Colony 5 Faciion will often injured and exalperated, and Others 3110 on each Frontier to prevent the Encroachments intriguc K 2 01' |