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Show 174. SUBJECTS. POLITICAL AND COMMERCIAL 17:7 confifient with the Unity of the Britiflz Govern; ment, yet as he has obviated the Principal Dif. ficulties, it would be both ill-natured and unjufi to fpy out every fmall Fault, or to magnify Objeétions. BUT when he came to give us the Form, the Extent, and the Limitation of thefe Commiflions; nay, when he propofes to circumfcribe the Authority and Jurifdic‘tion of the Briliflz ‘v them to fit and vote. in the Brig, '72 Home of "Commons, and coniult ugh If}: Km, and . ‘ {*9 "the great Men or the Kingdom, am? 'he " Commons of the fitme in g.lu.»]}31~,;.‘.ntuf‘. n n bled, upon the grmt .,. ,‘ {1' V ,. ‘ AM": i,.. of_‘ th- ihztion, " and to CONSENT on the Selim t-i't‘ie l )..,,' " A "'Vlllifl, "for which they were (‘lla‘n"). ttr 1 1 .‘ i , I ' " 23 inc. 1 be 4"lLl.".,lll'3(l m P, T "r" '-»A how his [4mm 1 ,'\3\‘$.51. c :1}. "Eng tn‘ii-‘ives at Home, whwe : Parliament itfelf, even after it hath been firengthened by the Accefiion of thefe Colony- cc "1;.;:,1liy' on the VVnzch r Reprefentatives; there, I humbly apprehend, real or imaginary: But i. the Importance of the Subject lhould prepon- hill-i, and chic-Emily nn A derate over mere Del‘erence and Complnifance. ,r LV-hinii La ‘3, and the Colonies, infiead of proving a Means the Cafe 1: wniely (in? ten. , ‘ ' ' t. wvdl Known that their xix/Its are perpetunlfl at work to avail themfelves even of the Shzniow of an Argument to onpoie the Right and .."~.ut.'iority of the Mother-Country. Therefore .hey will imme- diately feize on the Words [mpowrring and Cam ofReconciliation, and a Center of Union, the fem‘, and reafon after the following fallacious Gentleman himfelf, I am fully per-funded, would be among the firft in rcjeé‘ting his own l'lan. Let us therefore now defcend into Particulars. Manner: " The AllErnblies who elefled the " Commiflioners, have a Right to inllruc‘t Nay I will go {till further, and add, that if the Meafures propofed thould be fhewn to have a Tendency to beget endlefs Jealoufies, (barrels, and Divifions, between the MothenCountry AND til, it is propoled, Page 1 I, That they (the Commiflioncrs) lhould receive a Commif- from in Writing from their Eleétors (viz. the *AHEmblies in each Province) " IMPOWERING , " them theft: Commillioners? 0r both Houfes joint ly? If the former, then the Colany Governments woul d become llill more dmm'atit-althnn they now are, tho' already fo, to luch an exceflitre Degree, as to i, enlmolt incompatib le with anyldea 0f Monarchy: But if each Home is to vote {6parately, what Ins and Faction , and reciprocal RePmaches, Would. this occaflon! And how would they be . ‘ 251:", \Vhether it is intended that the [weer Iloufi‘fl §bleito agree .P In (hon, either Way, the Profp cét is alarmlng _ t C E " them; m each Allembly {hould have the {ole Right of mungh fi' |