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Show 86 POLITICAL AND COMMERCIAL " fure be at all regarded; for another Cams by frequent Trials difcovers the Pan where the " paign will undoubtedly bring the Enemy to Minii‘try are molt vulnerable. " {ubmit to our own Terms, and it is impoffible he never fails to put the Mob in Mind, of what " that they {houltl i'tand out any longer." Well, another Campaign is foughtr-vand another,- indeed they believed before, that Politics is a Subjeét which every one underftands,» except and ano:her,---and another, and yet the Enemy holds out ; nor is the Carts Mam/26 making any bringthe King of France to fue for Peace on his Progrefs in its journey into Britain. A Peace at laf't is made: the Terms of it are unpopular. Schemes of exceifive (Economy are called for by a new Set of Patriots; and the fame Arts are played of? to dethrone the reigning Minifter, which he had praétifed to dethrone his Predecefibr. And thus the patriotic Farce goes round and round 3 but generally ends in a real and bloody Tragedy to our Country and to Mankind. 2. THE next in this Lift is the hungry Pamphleteer, who writes for Bread. The Minifiry will not retain him on their Side, therefore he But above all, the Minii'try; and that nothing is to eafy as to Knees at the Bar of a Britzflz Houfe of Com- mons, were fuch -- and fuch -- at the Helm, as honef't and uncorrupt as they ought to be. " But alas l What {hall we fay ! Frau/2 Gold " will find an Admiflion every where; and what " can we expecl, when the very l'ei'lbns, who " ought to have faved us, have fold their "Country?" This is delightful; and this, with the old Stories of flgimam‘t and my}, regales, nay intoxicates, the Mob, and inlpires them with an Ethufiafm bordering upon Madnefs. The fame ldeas return; the former Bat- tles are fought over again; and we have already taken Pollefiion of the Gates of Paris in the mull. write againf't them, and do as much Milchief as he can in order to be bought of? At Warmth of a frantic Imagination: Though it the WOI‘li‘, a Pillory, or a Profiecution is a never- IS certain, that even were this Cireumflance ever failing Remedy againl't a political Author's to happen, we ourlblves {hould be the greatelt Lofers -, for the Conquef't of France by Eng/(zed, in the Event of Things, would come to the fame flarving; nay, perhaps it may get hima Penfion or a Place at ialt: In the Interim, the Pmr Vince of this Creature is to be a Kind of Jackall Point as the Conquefl of England by Frmrre ; to the Patriot~Lion -, for he beats the Forcll, becaufe the Seat of Empire would be trans- and lirll {larts the Game; he explores the reign- ferred to the greater Kingdom, and the lefi‘er ing Humours and Whim of the Populace, and bv would be made a Province to it. ~--- [The phi- F 4 lofophic murmur |