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Show xiv P R E F A C E. refpond with the Premifes, I have add- ed a fourth Tract, wherein I attempt to thew what is the true Interef't of Great-Britain in regard to the Colonies ; and to explain the only Means of living with them on Terms of mutual Satisfaction and Friendfhip. Referring therefore the Reader to the Tract it~ felf, I {hall only fay at prefent, that the more we familiarize ourfelves to the Idea of a Separation, the lefs fur- prized, and the more prepared we {hall be whenever that Event {hall happen; for that it will and mutt happen one Day or other, is the Opinion of almoft every Man,--unlefs indeed We eXCept the extraordinary Notion of the cele- brated Dr. FRANKLIN, and of a few other exotic Patriots and Politicians, who are pleafed to think, that the Seat of Government ought to be tranf- ferred from hence to America; in Con- fequence little Spot of which Tranflation, will neceffarily this become a Province of that vaf'c and mighty Em- pire. Surely every home-born Ezzg/z'flz- mm P R E F‘ A C E. xv man will readily prefer 3. Separation, even a fpeedy Separation, to fuch an Unionas this; and yet, alas! the Time is ap» proaching, when there can be no other Alternative. |